Dear Reader, this is a bit of a celebration for yours truly. My first post using a brand new Mac. It was an unexpected gift from my daughter because my old desktop was on the way out. I don't have any images at my disposal, I don't even know how to save things. It is all very new, so please be patient. I am actually thrilled that I have figured out the few skills needed to make this important post below. This could threaten my cartoon pages for the next little while as I start from scratch almost. I apologize that I am unable to illustrate the following as I would wish but, the words are of the essence.
George Soros and the Clinton group, aka the Democrats/Liberals, have declared war on America ~ a war that Soros has been fomenting and pouring millions into over the past few years as he coddled the race wars by funding various Communist groups such as BLM. After creating and destroying nations via his successful colour revolutions around the world, Soros has designated America worthy of a royal revolution ~ purple.
Hence the purple and black attire worn by the Clintons a few days ago as she "conceded" and did not exactly slide into the shadows from whence she came. Immediately the riots began, spurred on by this vindictive hateful excuse of a woman and her owner who bankrolls these groups and actions. And you thought Hillary just wanted a change of wardrobe? This is a satanic practitioner: such things are not left to chance,
Another major part of the blame can go towards domestic policies shoved down the throats of basic Americans, political correctness. They are tired of being dictated to by the "intellectual elite" who deemed them only animals ready to change their breeding habits, their everything, as dictated to. All those gender wars helped result in this gigantic failure. But it would be doubly hurtful to the snowflakes to dive into that conundrum!
Another major part of the blame can go towards domestic policies shoved down the throats of basic Americans, political correctness. They are tired of being dictated to by the "intellectual elite" who deemed them only animals ready to change their breeding habits, their everything, as dictated to. All those gender wars helped result in this gigantic failure. But it would be doubly hurtful to the snowflakes to dive into that conundrum!
By David Penner
November 10, 2016
Poor liberals ~ for years you have toiled in vain for the betterment of humanity. Martyring yourselves for the greater good, you have attained a new level of sophistication and moral superiority, the likes of which we may never see again. It makes me weep such tears of bitterest woe, seeing your saintly queen of benevolence, fail to be anointed Queen Mass Murderer of The Earth.
Every four years you come out of hibernation, and run about the country like so many chickens with their heads cut off, ranting and raving about how we all have to vote for the Democratic presidential candidate, or else the world will come to an end. We will be enslaved to a redneck, who dropped out of high school and works in a gas station, or a KKK guy ~ or worse!
In actuality, the real problem is that when you look in the mirror, you see an educated person, a literate person, an articulate person. You see someone who is wise, cultured, unequivocally left wing, logical, and above all rational. This person you are looking at does not exist. This person does not exist, any more than if I were to look in the mirror, and believe I was looking at a hippopotamus or a water buffalo.
In certain circles, this is often referred to as insanity.
You might want to talk to your therapist about that.
ED Noor: Of course a snowflake would be telling you to "check your privilege"! Wikipedia offers a most accurate description of Generation Snowflake.

ED Noor: I was one of those anti-war children of the sixties. Somehow my generation helped to create the belief system which causes these younger folks to gaze inwards rather than outwards. The term is "sexual identity politics" ~ all terribly self-centred, focussing on self rather than community. This is also the result of decades under an onslaught of cultural Marxism thanks to our Judaicized climate. Anti-war organizations were infiltrated resulting in this energy being diverted towards feminism and black power. While both causes were relevant at the time, both were twisted into an increasingly compromised narrative that we have fought against since ~ in terms of degenerative liberalism. I refer to political correctness as a weapon.
And just how potent is that Marxism? Silly articles like "I am a Gay Jew in Trumps America and I am Afraid for my Life". (OMG. Really!) are popping up everywhere by members of the Tribe invoking the Holocaust theme.
And just how potent is that Marxism? Silly articles like "I am a Gay Jew in Trumps America and I am Afraid for my Life". (OMG. Really!) are popping up everywhere by members of the Tribe invoking the Holocaust theme.
Let’s take a brief look at some of the wondrous things American liberals, led by Hillary and Obama, these two magnificent whoring knaves of oligarchy, have accomplished over the past eight years.
You bombed Libya off the face of the earth, thereby destroying not only a country which boasted the highest standard of living in Africa, but which also led to the destabilization of the entire region, when your beloved freedom fighter barbarians raided the government military stockpiles.
You overthrew the democratically elected government of Viktor Yanukovych, putting a gang of Banderite ultranationalists and Neo-Nazis in power, who immediately moved to strip the Russian language of its official status, and who let loose a horrific orgy of violence against the people of the Donbass. Victoria Nuland, a neocon gal pal of Saint Hillary, and one of the principal architects of this monstrous illegal coup, is known to all Russians, yet you probably never heard of her. (Perhaps this is because the only thing that matters to you is getting a Democrat into the Oval Office. What they actually do, once they get there, is apparently of no interest to you whatsoever.)
You sent thousands of troops to Afghanistan, and are no closer to defeating the Taliban, than you were at the beginning of Obama’s first term in office.
You sent thousands of troops to Afghanistan, and are no closer to defeating the Taliban, than you were at the beginning of Obama’s first term in office.
And just a few months ago, Saints Obama and Hillary signed off on an arms deal worth more than 115 billion dollars with Saudi Arabia, one of the most authoritarian and reactionary regimes on earth. Undoubtedly, they will use these weapons to arm jihadist barbarians in other countries, as well as genocide the people of Yemen ~ yet another liberal slaughterhouse you have insouciantly and mindlessly slept through. Undoubtedly, women’s rights have improved dramatically there, as you can’t marry an underage girl after her village was relentlessly bombed with American weapons, and she is presently dead.
And then there are the countless drone massacres in Afghanistan, Pakistan, Somalia, and Yemen. Perhaps blowing up soccer games and wedding parties has helped these people to embrace the wonders of multiculturalism and diversity? And let’s not forget the fascist coup in Honduras, and a far right coup in Brazil: these acts of barbarism also bear the mark of the liberal, the Imaginary Leftist, the most incorrigible knave in human history.
And this brings us to perhaps your most glorious humanitarian intervention of all: arming and funding bloodthirsty jihadi criminal gangs, assigned with the task of overthrowing the Assad regime. And with the blessing of the American liberal, they have embarked on a crusade to also exterminate Syrian civilization in the process. Please, liberals, do not make me vomit onto my computer, by talking about all the suffering children in Aleppo. The real barbarians who have made these children suffer, have been running the White House for the past eight years, and it was you who put them there in the first place.
Poor liberals ~ you have done nothing in thirty years, except burn all your own books, outsource and offshore jobs, while supporting all the most reactionary possible foreign policies. I’m sure you must be in tears, now that Hillary won’t be imposing a no-fly zone over Syria any time soon; but there are actually billions of people in the world that would greatly appreciate it, if the ICBMs stay just right where they are.
Poor liberals ~ you have done nothing in thirty years, except burn all your own books, outsource and offshore jobs, while supporting all the most reactionary possible foreign policies. I’m sure you must be in tears, now that Hillary won’t be imposing a no-fly zone over Syria any time soon; but there are actually billions of people in the world that would greatly appreciate it, if the ICBMs stay just right where they are.
And is it not indubitable and ironic, that while you support these barbaric and insane wars of aggression ~ which cost trillions and trillions of dollars ~ your own kids increasingly graduate from college and cannot find jobs?
You are so divorced from reality, so drugged with the narcotic of identity politics, and indifferent to the sufferings of your fellow Americans, as well as the sufferings of those whose countries are destroyed by your wars of aggression, that you are simply no longer living in the reality based world; and sadly, haven’t been for a very long time.
ED Noor: This Yazidi woman, being raped by a member of ISIS, is a victim of actions forced upon her people by those peaceful politicians who state that the protection of their own gender rights are paramount upon the planet and her situation less worthy of note.
ED Noor: This Yazidi woman, being raped by a member of ISIS, is a victim of actions forced upon her people by those peaceful politicians who state that the protection of their own gender rights are paramount upon the planet and her situation less worthy of note.
Perhaps there is a place where American liberals fight racism, sexism, and carry out humanitarian interventions, which bring an end to genocide, persecution of minorities, and authoritarian regimes: in your mind.
Where are your patronizing airs now?
Your smugness?
Your smugness?
You will blame this ignominious defeat on the evil white guys, the racists, the Russians, the perverts, the sexists, and those wishing to restore patriarchy, but alas, dear liberals:
You have nobody to blame
but yourselves.
but yourselves.
ED Noor: And you respond with THIS? How "liberal" is that? Please read this and let's shut it down by spreading this information, take it viral. SOROS'S "PURPLE REVOLUTION" BREWING FOR TRUMP PRESIDENCY
Open Letter to American Liberals by Thomas S. Harrington
Somebody is going to need their safe room!
An American 'Color Revolution,' using the color purple, usually reserved for royalty, like the Killer Queen.
Yes and meanwhile the followers are spouting that blue and red makes purple so she is asking for peace and ... yada yada yada.
DeleteThe moment I saw the purple and the change of fashion from Chairman Mao to business black .. my first impression was the old Monseigneurs of the RC Church but I knew it was more than that. I immediately harked back to my historical knowledge of the significance of purple and ancient royalty from pre Roman days. I also notice a few signs with purple lettering..... Not your usual protest colour.
And George has been working for this for several years ... a decade around the globe at least. I knew that EVERY word she said was opposite of her message, that is how they operate.
Beware of labels: the RW - LW coalition fooling us again. Hegelian Dialectic being employed in every article I read trying to pin blame on ONE side or the other. BOTH sides must take the hit. BOTH wings cooperated to produce this horror show. Fake liberalism, like fake Jews & Christian Zionists are the fly in the soup. The Right PLANS the operation, the left carries it out. The REICH WING hide behind the skirts of a Hitlery all the time. PNAC was the blueprint for the current mess we're in, and that launched the Bush (RW)administration's war to rearrange the Mid East map to make way for pipelines & the Yinon Plan.
ReplyDeleteSoros is NO liberal, but a very resourceful & clever puppet master with no core values & beliefs except in the cause of money-power that drives him. He's a multi-headed monster lighting fires for the banking cabal.
Real Christian Liberalism would, had it been able to, put down this beast but was not watchful enough early enough to do so. It had been infiltrated & suppressed before it could utter a bleat in protest. Putin has emerged and one can only hope & pray that his intentions are to REALLY oppose the cabal. He has taken a stand against it, but that could all be part of the illusion, the "show." No way to really know until this all plays out.
The poor young Millenials, Gen X'ers & Z'ers have no where to turn since all the adults are completely in a partisan fog over what is real and what is not real. They couldn't find their way out of this mess if they tried to, so their children are bereft of "adult" guidance. They've been left to raise themselves almost. Shame.
Kevin Boyle wrote the perfect article about what Trump REALLY represents in this little shell game. Here's the link:
Don't just blame the liberals PLEASE. It takes 2 to tango, and BOTH wings to carry out the Master Plan being unveiled before our very eyes.
Everyone wins and loses in this game. My children are millennials and we just agreed to disagree and not discuss this stuff. They are living successful conservative lifestyles although they think they are very edgy, and by West Coast standards, we do live in a bit of a bubble. We just put our relationships over politics simply because .. nothing is worth love and harmony in a family. And... I take responsibility because I brought them up liberal by the standards I knew and have since changed once it began to go too far.
DeleteEveryone and their emotions are being weaponized currently. I take blame for my personal contributions to the liberal mindset in the past. And for my kids. My kids got prizes for just showing up once or twice too, but they also learned responsibility and pride in accomplishment. Maybe it is also just a tad different in Canada.
Years ago the late Joe Bageant wrote a Book called"Deer Hunting with Jesus"it's about Southern Culture because he's originally from Virgina.It was written to Liberals to get them to understand the Culture.And years I remember this clip from"The Kingdom of Survival" of him explaining what that book meant.
"And this person might have existed in 1963. But that person, who had ideals, who may have genuinely stood against imperialism and militarism, and who may have once cared about education and unions, is no more. For you have degenerated into such a mindless piece of degenerate insouciant flotsam, that I cannot help but look upon thy face with horror."
ReplyDeleteMae Brussel expressed the same years ago! She told her listeners straight up.