Oh, dear Lord, what a week it has been! There is not a single emotion I have not experienced but for once there has been humour and hope tossed in for good measure, not to mention relief that this world will keep on spinning for a little longer than it would have should Hillary have won. I slept almost a solid 24 hours the day after the election, so relieved was I at the outcome. I had not realized how deeply this had effected me until I woke with a smile. Watching History take place is a tiring business. Where does Trump get that energy from?
I have tried to spare us all images of Hillary Clinton but it was impossible to avoid considering the headlines and events of the past week. Instead I focus on international reaction to Trump's win and the democratic reaction to events, fueled by the despicable Soros.
More proof that the news is skewed around the world is the true hatred shown to Trump in almost all mediums and nations. This will be shown further down the page yet I omitted the very crude and disgusting ones involving orifices. There are many of Trump violating America in the most base of manners. Cartoonists from all corners of the globe are attacking him. The result is that the two or three I find that I will use here are the results of hours and hours of sifting through unsuitable material. This week I posted a few to serve as examples of the mood out there.
War has been declared on common sense ~ a media war against those who disagree with the plod of the Communist JWO/NWO. It is up to everyone to continue struggling against this dark wave of hatred threatening to engulf America, courtesy of the infernal Jew in the form of George Soros.
Donald has done well so far. He might still be a disappointment. But I prefer to hope that if he can pull off even a small part of his promises, we are ahead simply because he is not ... her. And he will still certainly need our support in the face of the battles ahead because the Status Quo people have declared full war on him and will contest his every action from now on. This is not a President wanted by the elite and they will do all in their power to pass this message on in every way they possibly can.
The gloves are already off.
Hat tip to BB9
International cartoonists are being absolutely horrible to Donald Trump. Remember how the world was encouraged to greet Obama with open arms and he was greeted as a pop star? Well, The Donald is being treated as the anti Christ almost. Every innuendo is upheld by artists around the world, a sure result of the media being owned by the same group who detests his success here. The above was, of course, intended to highlight that Russia is celebrating a win for Trump with a vested interest. My comment to the artist was that he missed the point and that the reason the Russians were celebrating was because they were fully aware that ~ simply by being elected ~ Trump pushed back chances for WW3 in the next few months.
Higher ups in Russia, including the Christian King Putin, had stated before the election that electing the most foul black witch was assuring WWIII. After the election, these same folks celebrated, because they stated explicitly that electing Trump has probably prevented WWIII.
You want something to really cry about? How about being one of the survivors after a full scale thermonuclear confrontation between US and Russia. Massive starvation and rampant cannibalism, slow death from radiation poisoning, every day another journey through Hell just to survive.
Higher ups in Russia, including the Christian King Putin, had stated before the election that electing the most foul black witch was assuring WWIII. After the election, these same folks celebrated, because they stated explicitly that electing Trump has probably prevented WWIII.
You want something to really cry about? How about being one of the survivors after a full scale thermonuclear confrontation between US and Russia. Massive starvation and rampant cannibalism, slow death from radiation poisoning, every day another journey through Hell just to survive.
As we speak this creature is fostering race war in America. He wants civil war and riots to break out. Just a little background: this has been going on since the midst of
the campaign when actors were hired on Craigslist and trained to disrupt
rallies. For example, one Craigslist ad was answered by Paul Horner, who
admitted he was paid $3,500 to cause a scene at a Trump event in
Fountain Hills, Arizona. It is Soros money that helped pay for the crimes of the DNC during the election.
At the rate Liberals are viciously attacking White folks and any Trump supporters, this is looking less and less likely.
The British really don't like Trump much at all as will be seen further down in this post.
France views the US after the elections.
Ding Dong the witch is dead....
Actually she is likely helping direct these riots....
Better yet... a Chicken-fil-A!
Can you imagine an EDUCATOR sending this drudge around? The reason these libbies are so miserable is because they have been taught to fear and be "sensitive" to (imagined) threats. Meanwhile below, you see just how sensitive they really are.
Lady Gaga rabble rousing for Hillary in front of Trump Towers after the election results. And to think of the fuss made over Trump's response to accepting the election results awhile back!
Soros supplies those signs and pays for copying of such warning notes as below... Those signs had to be prepared ahead of time to be used in riots within hours. Proof below of organizing...

The cartoon above is exactly replicated in this video of a Trump voter being violently attacked then his car jacked. No animal would behave as these neanderthals did.
The media, no joke, described the above demonstration as "peaceful". If I had not stumbled across this photo showing otherwise, I might have almost believed them. Not.
DeLaria, who prides herself on passing as an imitation male, suddenly gets proud of her female parts? Is anyone surprised this creature voted Hillary. I read the word "mangina" in reference to her. These libtards must be corked.
Brain dead Libtard humour?
The only ones hurting are those who cannot accept defeat graciously.
"Suck at my teat"... I immediately thought of the Communist nanny state...
But isn't that just the cutest little poem? Snorts...
I fear the taste of liberal tears has made me bloodthirsty...
Ooops, another American "moran". I think he is talking about "fascism"?
This is SO how Canadians were for months about Trump. On the day of the election I mentioned to at least 15 people during the day that Trump would take it in a breeze. Their responses were, to a one, absolute horror and, of course, denial that it would ever happen. I never bothered to argue, just suggested they watch the news and be prepared for change.
My heretofore non-political (but liberal) daughter called me the day after the elections to make some arrangements and asked me how I was feeling. All I said was, "Oh I am SO happy." to which she responded, "Stop gloating!". Pretty funny how my normally quiet girl was so aggressive so swiftly. SO cute. The thing is, she is LIVING a decent very conservative life, happily wed, house, babies, the works so I won't fault her naive politics. She said, "I will call you back when you stop gloating." An hour later she did and we just carried on, but the incident has caused me much chortling since then.
The point to make with this little piece of hypocrisy is this. On these first visits between the families, the couples usually pose for the press all as a group. The Bushes, the Obamas, the Clintons, and as far back as it goes, that has been custom: photo ops for the media. This year the Obamas refused to even consider such a photo session. Just sayin'. And don't tell me Obama was not aware of the plans Soros had set in motion for later in the day to begin rioting... This really is a war going on in America.
Ah, yes, liberal Canucks just don't know what to make of anything but you can be sure, as a satellite of Israel the responses with be kosher. The visual of little Justin facing a real manly type like Trump.... should be priceless. After all Trudeau once said he was ready to give Mr. Putin "a piece of my mind".
I did think these boys were so cute! A rainbow of Hillaries. I hope they survived the riots. They don't look like riot type girls...
Great Britain
Libya, victim of "Clinton's War", the one she hoped to ride into the presidential seat on. Thank you Libya.
I had to post it... I had to! I knew that Mellania had a reason to be so jealous of Rosie.
Ain't this the truth? Another British cartoon.
Donald Trump is the first person the unworldly rural Amish have ever gotten together to vote for. They are among the hidden Americans who were not happy with the way the United States was going so they organized and their turnout was huge.
Some more nasty international anti Trump cartoons. Some of them are physically disgusting so I stuck with a few of the better drawn. A lot of feces in them, indicating, imho, the Jewish mindset of the artist.
To each of the above cartoons, all British, my comment was the same: "learn your facts before you waste your time passing on lies and misconceptions about the man who saved you from the fires of WW3 just by being elected."
I am not joking but when I saw this clip of Putin saying these words, I wept for quite awhile, just slowly absorbing the almost overwhelming relief replacing the visceral fear of the past year. Delicious and deep. Then, sanity returned and I realized it would not do to be TOO complacent considering the Samson Option mindset of our enemies. They have declared war on the streets in American cities
Raise a toast to Julian Assange and offer him a pardon, why don'tcha?
And Edward Snowden.
And Edward Snowden.
And the Europeans who hate Angela and her policies so deeply do not understand what is going on; they hate Trump with a passion, just as their owners dictate. Their cartoons, as with those of the Americans, support the lies.
Now for the pathetic headline from Mother Jones, the day after the election:
How about this cartoonist who thinks Hillary should have won because she is a woman?
Tribal artist. No surprises here. I have pointed out Greenberg's work often.
And just look where that "everyone" has landed us all. No holds barred, gates open to all. This, the President who, last week, disgraced the office by begging and offering citizenship to anyone who would vote Democrat. "Everyone." Once again I prefer to decipher a cartoon in my own manner, knowing full well that the artist had entirely different concept to share.
Sigh. I did hear about some upcoming KKK rally to celebrate alas. Probably organized by someone in the Tribe as has been done so many times before to inflame things.
Then there is this disgusting headline from the Huff Post the morning after the election.
Oh, but the media has lost so much credibility.
But Branco always tells the truth about Hillary and Donald.
Some cartoons were posted too quickly then pulled at the last moment.
This one portrayed Hillary's carnage as she won the White House... she lost.

And another....
Angry liberal cartoonists insult the voters as well.
This artist posted the Hillary win below too quickly and had to swiftly correct it with one of Trump winning. I just noticed, his sword is bloodless.
Gilad Atzmon has been sending this one around. At first I thought it good until I realized, what Trump is doing has NOTHING to do with the Russian revolution that culminated in the murder of easily a hundred million Christians. Trump is far from Communist.
ReplyDeleteMost people are rather selfish. But apparently not liberals. They have proven they are willing to sacrifice their lives for Hillary's goals like starting a war with Russia. Preferring low wage jobs and bad health care. All for Hillary Clinton and their principles which are admittedly elusive. It is no longer clear what liberals are, or what they believe in except apparently Hillary Clinton and various entertainers embody them. Their motto has been Vote Your Emotions.
ReplyDeleteVery much enjoyed this collage. LOL! Yes I enjoyed it very much.
ReplyDeleteThank you!!
Dont think all Brits hate the Donald. Most of us love him