Ed Noor: I don't know if this document is real. The internet cannot be trusted when it comes to hoaxes; after reading this document, I find it to be almost too silly, too in-your-face provocative and vile in intent to be valid. But, when you look at the dark force of these Bolshevik groups (ISIS, Antifa, etc) it is all right there in their actions. Much as the Protocols of Zion are claimed to be a hoax, they are still very descriptive of current events. The same holds for this blatantly racist document.
Personally, I find this to be incredibly hateful material which is why I doubt its validity, but then one sees the attitudes expressed therein everywhere. The history of Communism vs Fascism is not new and has now been taken to a new level of hatred ~ almost a civil war. Who profits?
The same people who set the stage for this situation are the ones who profit. Many of these rioters are first and second daycare generations ~ a mistake created by my older generation when we were suckered by feminism into sending our children into state-funded and -regulated institutions while we slaved to pay for the privilege of being working women as our children were mollycoddled by "safe spaces" from very young, always a goal of communism and cultural Marxism. The problem is, as we have seen with Antifa violence, often the perpetrators are the very teachers and professors, our own children, those who never outgrew their fascination with communism and pass on the poison to our grandchildren.
The only thing that makes me think this could be a hoax is the ludicrous terminology used at times. But that could just be me, a conservative older woman stuck in the past. Or it could just be dumbed down data.
You be the judge. Meanwhile, before getting to the manifesto itself, here are a few quotes from famous Communists on the education of our children. Anitifa is the result. Meanwhile the JMSM softens the image of these terrorists. They hate Trump THAT MUCH.
Aug 19, 2017
This copy of
the Antifa Manual, that is used by the George
Soros funded, violent, anti-American, anti free-speech radical group, was
allegedly found on the Evergreen College campus. The content of this manual is
disturbing and should be read by every American, so we understand what we are up
against. It helps to explain why these groups call our President and his
supporters “Hitler” or “racists” or “homophobes.” It’s not that Trump or his
supporters are any of these things, it’s just part of a campaign
to humiliate and shut down any opposition to radicals
whose ultimate goal is a one world order and the destruction of capitalism
in America.
This manual
gives every day Americans a look into the mind of a leftist radical who hates
America and everything Americans stand for. They clearly have no regard for
free-speech and are willing to use any means necessary, including deceit,
outright lies and of course, violence to achieve their ultimate goals of a New
World Order.
This page
explains how Antifa members are to use name-calling as a means to create a
culture of tolerance. “When all else fails, compare someone to Hitler.” Next
they discuss how to use ones minority status, and to remember that you are
“Black first” and “American second.” or “Gay/Lesbian first” and “American
third” and so on.
It’s important to gain control of the media through any means necessary. Some major media conglomerates are swinging to our side, but they have not gone far enough.
It’s no
coincidence that CNN just published a fluff piece on Antifa today: Unmasking the leftist Antifa movement
piece was clearly written to shed a sympathetic light on the violent group
that’s been caught attacking and harming so many innocent Americans, many of
them were harmed by Antifa for defending free speech and/or our President
Donald J. Trump.
Look for the
leftist media to kick it into high gear when it comes to defending the violence
perpetrated on innocent Americans by the violent Antifa group. More of these
soft pieces on the radical Antifa group are sure to be popping up over the next
several months.
If you are seeking positions of power in the media, be sure to obfuscate and hide your true intentions on the various social media platforms.Use social media as a baton to slap down anyone who hold fascist viewpoints. Call them racist, homophobic, misogynistic. Create an echo chamber around you.
The next
step is to threaten the livelihood of anyone who dares speak out against our agenda.
pro-abortion page: This page talks about how white people are able to afford to
have their “fetuses” aborted, while “people of color” have little choice but to
keep a baby to term.
And finally,
the ultimate goal is a New World Order and a New World Government where hatred
and bigotry no longer exist. Imagine, if Antifa could figure out a way through
George Soros funded activity, to shut down the rights of every American by using
violence and hatred as tools, their dream might just be possible… until they
wake up and realize of course, that most Americans don’t hate this country and
aren’t interested in Antifa’s special brand of violence and chaos.
Letter from an Antifa complainer/activist:

What a load of shotgun labeling on what is likely written by the likes of Sean Hannity ~ i can't imagine anyone reading all of this comic book / Hollywood script/// Yes, this Antifa stuff is making some waves, however you don't even bother to count the instances of breeches or ID specifics just a lot of garrulous anti-tripe Tripe. ~ Breath ~ i doubt you can get a decent answer out of any Antifa personnel as to what Fascism is or was... Seems whoever wrote this 'review' with disclaimers here and there should at least be sensible in analysis...seems the author heaved a load of screeds and hope that something sticks. Throwing in the Soros name and the attributing the so called tactics to him... The Russians are Coming the Russians are Coming ~ breath ~ It could just as well be a book planted by the FBI or the DNC ~
ReplyDeleteI really agree with your scepticism you noted at the beginning. Intuition is a good guide too.
The coffee stain was a nice touch.
I think now of the X-Files: Trust No One...unless I know they are truthful. Thank you for this.
The "Jewish" narrative is a hoax...
ReplyDeletehow many delusional {{{PSYCHOPATHS}}}} believing
LIES does it take to change true...?
the swirling whirlpool of "Jew poo"... is HELL.
knowing the truth is the exit strategy