What a week this has been! That is all I have to say at the moment. It will be a miracle if I manage to complete this post tonight. Computer problems proliferate. Every time I type a word the screen flashes white. The techie just came and went (at 10 pm.!) and has temporarily fixed my pc so I can get this out. For awhile I thought the Hard Drive was gone. Anyhow, I will just comment as I go along here. This is rather harsh on the eyes.
Artist Comment: Our World!
Thank you, Blackbird9! Blackbird's Wednesday evening broadcast is among the best modern cultural de-programming you can find. Not only that but the accompanying chat room is always busy and a lot of fun. Good supportive companionship, much banter, the sharing of a lot of excellent links, and information exchanged from some fairly insightful controversial regulars. The room motto is "Everyone is a newbie so be kind" prevails but does not dampen the wit of the room in the least. This chat is never dull, always amusing and respectful, people share. Highly recommended.
Artist Comment: In the wake of yet another Islamist terror attack, more must be done
by moderate Islam to combat the radicalization of Muslim youth in
Europe. Likewise, when jihadists return from middle east battlefields there
needs to be consultation with authorities on the best way to manage and
rehabilitate those people back into society. You moderate Imams. Stop with your mixed messages. You MUST intervene
when evidence suggests that hardline teaching is taking place in
mosques around Europe. For the sake of the future of your religion...it's time to eradicate this stain on Islam.
Stilton nails it again! Please enjoy this short Stilton Rant. His rants, often scotch-inspired, are as bittersweet as his cartoons.
We only WISH there were glasses which could filter out the blinding,
glaring stupidity which radiates constantly from mainstream "news"
sources. But sadly, such filters are exclusively internal and,
rather than shaded pieces of plastic, are composed of actual functioning
brains. In other words, they're inaccessible to virtually everyone on
the Left.
An aside: we've had a busy and sporadically frustrating day, and now find ourselves in the position of writing this blog post under the (very welcome) influence of our 3rd scotch. And not our usual sleazy-ass scotch: this is a pretty tasty single malt aged in an old Sherry cask.
And we earned it fair and square. Not just from the home construction stuff, which is frustrating but going smoothly enough. But from the brain-frying level of insanity galloping through our news media and popular culture at the moment. We're referring specifically to the total meltdown related to Donald Trump saying that all violent, racist hate groups are bad, and the President's apparently unforgivable assertion that he likes to have facts before making broad pronouncements.
As if that wasn't bad enough, various "business" advisors to President Trump have very publicly dumped him and their positions giving counsel on creating jobs in America, because they don't want to run the risk of being branded Nazi-sympathizers.
In other words, the Left has managed to create a ridiculous fantasy which now makes it less likely that Donald Trump can energize our economy and create jobs to the degree we'd all hoped. And how does Wall Street feel about that? Predictably, it's running around in headless chicken fashion. Seriously, every day that the media accuses Trump of Nazi sympathies - or suggests that he's now ripe for impeachment - we personally lose thousands of dollars from our retirement account, and it pisses us the hell off.
Mind you, we're not among the "evil rich" who can laugh (no doubt haughtily) upon losing a few grand here or there. No, we're members of the "unlikable upper middle class" (white privilege division) and when that kind of cash is lost just because liars have bullhorns, it tends to rankle.
(We pause briefly to stare at the page and ask ourselves two questions: 1) are we getting away with this commentary, and 2) should we go for that 4th scotch...?)
As if the news wasn't bad enough, we had the horrific ISIS terror attack in Barcelona today in which dozens were mowed down by a speeding van, hostages were taken, and more. About which, CNN had the unbelievable gall to ask "was this a copycat attack modeled after Charlottesville?"
THAT, my dear friends, is the sort of asinine question that sends good men back to their scotch bottles. And yes, that means we just poured a 4th glass.
We're not going to get deeper into the Trump foolishness: he's right, they're wrong, he's said and done the appropriate things, and we fully support him. Okay, his tweet about General Pershing's anti-Muslim pork-tainted bullets was a bit over the top, but we're going to let it go because A) his comment was amusing, and B) we should really be doing that.
An aside: we've had a busy and sporadically frustrating day, and now find ourselves in the position of writing this blog post under the (very welcome) influence of our 3rd scotch. And not our usual sleazy-ass scotch: this is a pretty tasty single malt aged in an old Sherry cask.
And we earned it fair and square. Not just from the home construction stuff, which is frustrating but going smoothly enough. But from the brain-frying level of insanity galloping through our news media and popular culture at the moment. We're referring specifically to the total meltdown related to Donald Trump saying that all violent, racist hate groups are bad, and the President's apparently unforgivable assertion that he likes to have facts before making broad pronouncements.
As if that wasn't bad enough, various "business" advisors to President Trump have very publicly dumped him and their positions giving counsel on creating jobs in America, because they don't want to run the risk of being branded Nazi-sympathizers.
In other words, the Left has managed to create a ridiculous fantasy which now makes it less likely that Donald Trump can energize our economy and create jobs to the degree we'd all hoped. And how does Wall Street feel about that? Predictably, it's running around in headless chicken fashion. Seriously, every day that the media accuses Trump of Nazi sympathies - or suggests that he's now ripe for impeachment - we personally lose thousands of dollars from our retirement account, and it pisses us the hell off.
Mind you, we're not among the "evil rich" who can laugh (no doubt haughtily) upon losing a few grand here or there. No, we're members of the "unlikable upper middle class" (white privilege division) and when that kind of cash is lost just because liars have bullhorns, it tends to rankle.
(We pause briefly to stare at the page and ask ourselves two questions: 1) are we getting away with this commentary, and 2) should we go for that 4th scotch...?)
As if the news wasn't bad enough, we had the horrific ISIS terror attack in Barcelona today in which dozens were mowed down by a speeding van, hostages were taken, and more. About which, CNN had the unbelievable gall to ask "was this a copycat attack modeled after Charlottesville?"
THAT, my dear friends, is the sort of asinine question that sends good men back to their scotch bottles. And yes, that means we just poured a 4th glass.
We're not going to get deeper into the Trump foolishness: he's right, they're wrong, he's said and done the appropriate things, and we fully support him. Okay, his tweet about General Pershing's anti-Muslim pork-tainted bullets was a bit over the top, but we're going to let it go because A) his comment was amusing, and B) we should really be doing that.
This is what happens when you forget your history?
There is more truth to this cartoon than meets the eye.
Artist Comment: Under the pretense of filtering "fake news", Google is actively working
to suppress Leftist and Progressive news and opinion sites on the
Treason from the inside.
May he weather these storms.
The tragedy in Barcelona injured people from 34 nations. Memorial cartoons from around the world are different from the usual
commemoratives which proliferate after a terrorist attack. These
tributes are far more artistic, inspired by Spain's cultural contribution to the arts of a robust European tradition. This act was more than an attack
on the people of Spain, it is an attack on the soul of their very culture.
Artist Comment: Boots of Spanish Leather: Eyewitnesses have spoken of the eerie sight of empty shoes littered
across Barcelona's La Ramblas promenade after Thursday's Islamist
car-ramming attack which left at least 13 dead and more than 100
Artist Comment: Attack in Barcelona: The Islamic State (ISIS) struck the
heart of Barcelona yesterday and left at least 13 dead and more than 100
injured in the most serious attack on Spain since 11 March and the
first jihadist since. A van was launched against the hundreds of people
who were in La Rambla. The Mossos confirmed that this is a coordinated
Young terrorists in Barcelona. The new generation.
This is my favourite of the week. Just too silly. Down in the hood perhaps?
This is one reason that everyone who they disagree with is called a Nazi. Tradition.
And then there is ISIS.
Please enlarge.
Bussing in the troops. Who pays for all this?
Antifa lite.
No comment.
Good catch, Mr. Garrison
One of the best shots from Charlottesville.
Artist Comment: I Just Got Banned From Facebook for Thirty Days: ... for this cartoon "AmeriKKKa" which I posted on Facebook a couple of days ago. They said I'm banned for 30 days for "violating Community Standards". It's my second 30-day ban this year. It makes me think I'm being targeted when I look at some other
cartoonists work which has the same theme but which HAVEN'T been banned.I've sent them a request asking why, and I explained that it's an ANTI - Ku Klux Klan cartoon. Will they reply to my question? Probably not, as usual. I'm fucking ANGRY.
But, but... Trump already laid blame at the feet of all concerned! Media ignores that simple fact.
Don't forget: this is the daycare generation come to physical maturity. Rockefeller really was on to something when he financed feminism and had child care of the increasingly young handed over for State conditioning paid by the parents.
Don't hold your breath!
This young man patiently, politely, quietly endured foul and aggressive abuse from that woman and a chanting crowd. This week, I have just learned, His Pensacola Christian college booted him out. Allen Armentrout says: "I have been released from my school and will be unable to return to
college to finish my senior year. I'm
processing this and making adjustments to my life to compensate for this
This, people, is what the fuss is really all about. We are being presented with a social justice issue but in reality, it is the removal of history, who people really are. The racist shyte is shaking around in Pandora's box of evils by those who wish to ultimately rule us and our planet. MORE divide and conquer.
Wouldn't this be nice?
Some people wonder at this madness to destroy our culture. They "get it".
Do you remember several years ago when they began to put forth the concept that the Founding Fathers were traitors and vile to the core? Now we see the results of such conditioning and liberal "education".
In South Afrika...
It is horrible what happened to this woman. But to make her a martyr is rather misleading to say the least. A martyr is one who puts him/herself in jeopardy for a cause they believe in strongly enough to give their life. Heather Heyer was simply in the wrong place at the wrong time. However, to be fair, we must remember that Rachel Corrie, too, was raised to martyr status in Palestine and used by some as a political tool. (I know that might anger some, but it is a fact.)
Very Misleading. Very misleading. There is no comparison between boxes 1 and 2 with 3. Comparing apples and oranges.
They did not even care that Robert E. Lee was a democrat!
Misleading.The way they have portrayed Trump and his response as hypocritical and irresponsible. The end goal is to make anyone who thinks for themselves or supports Trump cannot be taken seriously because they are "Nazis". This they intend to use cumulatively against him in 2020.
Why would he blame the Right?
He wanted the facts first. But that was not good enough. NOTHING is good enough with these people. (((Where have we seen that before?)))
The hatred for Trump in the media is unbelievable. I have shown only some of the better quality misleading cartoons. There are thousands of them! The Nazi references are just the usual Bolshevik garbage but sadly, it seems to be working with the hoi polloi.
Totally ignored by the JMSM.
MISLEADING, blaming Trump yet again, and insulting all of his base.
Makes me scratch my head and go "Hmmmm?"
Backstabbing in its lowest form. Sour grapes?
Immediate results of the Charlottesville madness:
I may have little use for The Daily Stormer and its founder but I see this action as part of that slippery slope to totalitarianism . I think along the lines that I might powerfully disagree with what they say and think on so many levels, it is necessary to defend their right to say these things ~ just as it is my right to ignore them with full awareness of their foul content.
Trump is responsible! They are all Donald.
The ultimate goal of all this muss, fuss, betrayal and backstabbing.
A penny for your thoughts.
I heard that belly laugh!
Artist Comment: Train Accident in Egypt
Elizabeth dreams of Brexit.
This is totally fascinating. Hard to wrap your mind around the concepts, let alone pronounce.
Do it and try not to be too shocked by what you find. Or rather what you DON'T FIND.
Artist Comment: Stray dogs turn BLUE after drinking and washing in water from Indian river used to dump industrial waste. Read more: http://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-4791764/Stray-dogs-turn-BLUE-swimming-Indian-river.html#ixzz4q733QdHB
I wonder if I could wear that lovely shirt and get away with it. This college professor can.
A real Obama legacy. Meanwhile the sanctimonious ex president is praised for having big Twitter ratings for hypocritical comments regarding events in Charlottesville.
Somewhere in Brazil.
Artist Comment: Qatar vs the Siege Countries
Hat tip to James Perloff.
Palestinian children in jail.
Israel tears down Palestinian homes and the dreams of children.
As a Canadian in liberal lalaland, I pay for it with every discussion involving politics if I even whisper his name.
One particular blogger posted this photo of her very overweight hedgehog Beans. She happens to be sort of controversial according to some so her work is under the watch of TPTB. Her account was taken down for "fat shaming" because of this image! It was up again fairly quickly, but that is an example of just how silly nasty petty things have become.
Erdogan is bringing Coca Cola into Turkey and the Muslim population is furious.
Happy Celestial events to you Queen Noor !
May the rains sweep gentle across your fields,
May the sun warm the land,
May every good seed you have planted bear fruit,
And late summer find you standing in fields of plenty.
No malicious abortion comments or anti abortion cartoons this week...u r losing ur magic self righteous touch ☻