The Guardian's Steve Bell has had this cartoon pulled
amid accusations of anti-semitism. So it is only fitting it be top of the page for my Readers.

In fact, the women "will no longer be judged on outward physical appearance" at all...
Clearly this is a huge step forward for those who hate attractive
women (and who doesn't?) and also represents a huge door-opening
opportunity for the many women who've been unable to peddle their wares
onstage since sideshows were outlawed.
The event (which is not to be called a "pageant" ever again) will now feature women, or people who want to be women, or people who are becoming women being judged (wait, can we still say "judged?" Shouldn't it be "honored?") while wearing the evening garb of their choice and "discussing how they will advance their social impact initiatives." Wow, talk about HOT!
The Miss America event is at least keeping the talent competition, so we can still judge ~ oops, honor! ~ women who can twirl batons, play "Lady of Spain" on the accordion, solve a Rubik's cube, read self-written poems celebrating abortion, or devour a 72-ounce steak in under 5 minutes without using her hands.
We are also given to understand that the "Miss Congeniality" award will now be replaced by a "Miss Congenital Defect" award ~ we think it's high time!
The event will be televised on ABC on September 9th. If you're like us, you're already marking your calendar to make sure that your television (just like males all over America) won't get turned on.
The event (which is not to be called a "pageant" ever again) will now feature women, or people who want to be women, or people who are becoming women being judged (wait, can we still say "judged?" Shouldn't it be "honored?") while wearing the evening garb of their choice and "discussing how they will advance their social impact initiatives." Wow, talk about HOT!
The Miss America event is at least keeping the talent competition, so we can still judge ~ oops, honor! ~ women who can twirl batons, play "Lady of Spain" on the accordion, solve a Rubik's cube, read self-written poems celebrating abortion, or devour a 72-ounce steak in under 5 minutes without using her hands.
We are also given to understand that the "Miss Congeniality" award will now be replaced by a "Miss Congenital Defect" award ~ we think it's high time!
The event will be televised on ABC on September 9th. If you're like us, you're already marking your calendar to make sure that your television (just like males all over America) won't get turned on.
Funniest of the day IMHO.
Presented without comment. (Chortles)
Former President Barack
Obama and Michelle Obama will produce films and TV shows for Netflix as part of
a multi-year agreement, the streaming giant announced Monday. The deal will
potentially include scripted series, unscripted series, docu-series, documentaries
and features under their Higher Ground Productions banner.
A search for Higher Ground Productions has led us on a wild
goose chase, similar to when we tried to verify a Nigerian email about Abacha
Tunde, the first African in space who flew to the secret Soviet military space
station Salyut 8T in 1989, but was stranded there when the USSR was dissolved,
and needed money to return home.
Nevertheless, since the
Netflix-Obama deal has hit the news yesterday, the pre-orgasmic anticipation
among media organs of the O-shaped eye candy is registering 11 on our
state-approved radar. And while no one yet has a slightest clue about the
content, let us be the first to announce the list of potential titles.
- So You Think You Can Keep Your Doctor
- The spy who loved himself
- No country for Anatomic Males
- At Some Point You’ve Made Enough Money... Except For Me.
- Yes We Can-Can
- The Beta Bunch
- The spy who loved himself
- You Didn't Build That: a documentary series. In each episode, Obama instructs individual business owners as to how they did not build their businesses.
- Snakes on a Plane: The Loretta Lynch and Bill Clinton Story
- I Killed Osama Bin Laden: office comedy where incompetent executive is constantly causing disasters and doing illegal things, but always gets let off the hook when he says 'Remember, I killed Osama Bin Laden!'
- Step Brothers sequel: The Great Rotondo. Plot: A 30-year-old stay-at-home son heroically fights for the tenancy rights of other adult children.
- Shovel Ready: a DIY show about companies that get huge government tax grants and then go bankrupt.
- Take A Bow: a travel show where Obama visits foreign countries and spends hours bowing to anyone in power.
- It's Always Sunny in Guantanamo Bay
- How I Met Your Mullah
- Guess Who's Coming to Jail...
- Who Wants to Win a Pallet of Cash?
- I Married a Wookie.
- Are You Smarter Than the Ayatollah?
- Bath House Diaries.
- I Spy
- How I Droned Your Mother...& Grandmother.
- Fast & Furious: Narcos
- Misery...loves company.
- Epstein's Island
- Barry and Michael: The Early Years
- Happy Gays
- Honey, I Shrunk the Middle Class
- An Idiot Abroad
- 13 Treasons Why
- Some like it acid washed
- The Birth of a Police State...
- Barry and the Legion of Choom
- Pretty Little Lies
- The Amazing Race Card
- And She Still Couldn't Win!
- How the Middle East Was not Won
- It's America’s Fault
- Cooking the Family Dog.
- Tiny Dancer: The Rahm Emanuel Story, starring Peter Dinklage.
- Dont Trust the B at 1600 P
- Rev. Jeremiah Wright's "White Devil" lecture series.
- Dealing Real Estate with Tony Rezko
- Dude where’s Hillary’s email server?
- Eternal Sunshine of the Keystone Pipeline
- The Blunder Years
- Saving Private Servers
- 13 Reasons Why I Became A Marxist
- Obama the Economic Growth Slayer
- The Voting Dead
- You've got Mail (and I'm reading it)
- A Series of Unfortunate Scams
- The Big Bong Theory
- Suddenly Susan Rice
- Un-American Horror Story
- How I Met Your Mom Jeans

Ocean Day ~ Plastic Pollution
Thoughts of home.
In fairness, this is a traditional way for Canadians to keep warm.
Stilton says: As the G7 Summit begins in Quebec, trade war tensions are crackling in
the air. In part because prissy Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau
recently asked how his country could possibly be a "national security issue" for the United States, after which political historian Donald Trump accused Canada of burning down the White House during the War of 1812..
Which they pretty much did, depending on how you want to parse the semantics: the White House pyromaniacs were technically British
citizens at the time, but many of the torch-bearers were born Canucks
as we know from their well-remembered battle cry: "So let's burn this
place down, eh?"

I saw a short video. There were maximum 40 in attendance, all yawning and looking like they wanted to be elsewhere or eating the free food.

In a hilarious appearance on NBC's "Today Show" to tout a novel he allegedly co-wrote, Bill Clinton was unexpectedly grilled
on how he views the Monica Lewinsky scandal in light of progressive
America's sudden realization that sexually abusing young women and
destroying their reputations might not be the good-natured fun the Left always assumed it to be.
Willy) was clearly annoyed by the host's repeated questions, denied any
real wrongdoing, repeatedly claimed he'd apologized to Lewinsky before
admitting that he hasn't (and won't), and also whined that he
"didn't get out free" because he left the White House with $16 million
in legal bills. None of which, as we recall, were actually related to
his degradation of a woman 27 years his junior, but were rather a
byproduct of his repeatedly lying under oath.
Bill's not going to break his lifelong habits of lying and sexual
predation just to please the transitory #MeToo movement. Especially
since he sees all women as #MeatToo.
It was shoddy of those men to not help her but to blame them, not the attacker, is just plain ludicrous. And we all know "Asian" means anything but Korean.

I watched it in the mid to late 1970's then moved on.
Refinement, refinement! I notice it every week Snappits. Your choices get choicer. Keep puffin' that Arizer to keep that imagination purring in high gear. The Frump vs the Dems and the rest of the political puppet shows I could give a dingleberry about, none of these sides, least of all Rump and Putin (who should be surprised at this points that even their names should be so suggestive? After all O-BAM-A and O-SAM-A, bam, as in an exploding bommb against uncle sam, the both of them together flips side of the same coin and then their T-rump card, the guy that will bait with more 'jobs' and hook with holohoax denial laws and other thought crime legislation, Putin style) will give the common people anything but jewbait, but the rest of this week's stuff you hit straight out of the park. My favorite was the flags and the doggies.
worry is war-ry and war-ry is worry
It's always good to use hollywood's own symbols against them by changing their associations. They're in a Catch 22. They can't call copyright on all images because then they won't get any free promotion from people sharing images. But then the images become carriers of interpretation. Body language speaks much louder than words and an image is worth a thousand words and can seed a thousand-&-one interpretaions. Tyranny is the removal of such complex subtleties from life and reducing things to black-&-white, left and right, blah, blah, blah.
~ Negentropic MK II