Please accept my apologies for missing yet another Wednesday post. As a result, today I offer far too many images and memes for a sitting; there is even a lot of material in storage. Until my right arm is strong again, things are sometimes dicey by the end of the day and it is just not good for me to keep clicking and using it. Those small movements of my forearm are the bane of my existence; until I can play with my Grandson, do the dishes, brush my hair, wave in the air without pain, getting fully operational again is my top priority. Anyhow, start scrolling and enjoying.
When this woman speaks to Trudeau, the truth, politely but strongly, he sneers and responds in French despite the fact she questions him in English. A purely dick move.
If you are familiar with the program Shameless, you will get this.
You have to watch this to believe it!
Personally I don't believe in buying water. It is a necessity and should be available to all. There is no real reason this is not a reality for every person on the planet. But then I grew up in a world with more fresh water than we knew what to do with! It was just a bucket haul away, a full lake of it.
I do not like what I am seeing here. Israel is being elevated yet again, people being zealous about the criminal state; suddenly it is "fashionable" to consider fighting in Israel's wars again? Trump is kowtowing to Chabad/Israeli interests and anyone speaking against Israel is "anti semitic".
Omar is trashing Israel in America and, as much as I despise her, she states some truths that the Right just does not want to hear yet I fully appreciate her effort to destroy the Democratic party!
Sister St. Gilbert was much fiercer looking than this fine example of the cloister. One of my brothers got rapped on the knuckles more often than almost any in the school.
PLEASE tell me this is a joke!
April 1, 2019. A joke? On whom? Not a very funny April Fool's Day Prank, is it? Problem is, TIME runs mad praising this actress.
Good luck with that!
You don't need a Hubbell telescope to notice she's growing into her real father's bottom lip...
In essence, an anti-Israeli protester accused Chelsea's tweet (in which
she suggested that a Congresswoman's blatant anti-semitism wasn't a good
thing) of triggering the Islamaphobic massacre in New Zealand. This immediately opens several important questions:
• Are tweets really that frigging important? To anyone?
• Does the radical left really think that anti-semitism is a winning play going into 2020 elections?
• Why the hell is a 39 year old woman hanging around vigils on a college campus instead of staying home caring for her kids, her private servers, and her secret bank accounts?
Frankly, we enjoy watching the Left devour its own, so really have no problem with this stupid story.
• Are tweets really that frigging important? To anyone?
• Does the radical left really think that anti-semitism is a winning play going into 2020 elections?
• Why the hell is a 39 year old woman hanging around vigils on a college campus instead of staying home caring for her kids, her private servers, and her secret bank accounts?
Frankly, we enjoy watching the Left devour its own, so really have no problem with this stupid story.
I believe this was originally a shot of Michael Jackson. But this photoshop of Mooch works, too.
Yes, they waste tax payers' money on this absolute foolishness.
Ahem! This artist gets it. Just watch Trudeau accept them into Canada.
For this weekend, Macron has instructed troops to use live rounds on the Yellow Vest protestors, now into their 19th straight week.
Not all protestors are of noble intent.
While the world has been mourning the murder of 50 Muslims in New Zealand, not a peep of attention was given to this attack by a Senegalese Muslim against 51 Italian children just outside Milan. He hijacked their bus, traumatized them, then set the vehicle on fire with them locked in. Fortunately injuries were minimal but some children were seriously burned. Not a PEEP in Western media about this atrocity. Media reported him as a "Senegalese Italian"; as IF he were Italian!
There is a common theme of love, tolerance, acceptance of all contained in the tweets below from some of (((the finest people))). These tweets are never removed but you speak out against something they like and they will you have YOU banned in a nanosecond.
BOSTON, MA~ A local library has found itself embroiled in controversy
after hosting a controversial "Straight Male Story Hour," an event at
which a heterosexual, married, white, cisgender male reads a story to
The man, Bob Smith, was scheduled to come and read Where the Wild Things Are to the kids, a move that's said to endanger the progressive values this nation holds dear.
Parents protested the library in an attempt to cancel the event.
a town, a nation of values, and for this guy to come in here not
dressed up in women's clothes or a demon costume and try to read to our
children---well, we won't stand for it, I tell you what," said Zed
Manners, a concerned parent. "What has this country become when a white
guy can simply come into our library and spread his dangerous ideas
about whiteness and heterosexuality to our nation's youth? What do we do
when people start thinking it's OK not to grow up to be a drag queen?"
"This isn't the America I grew up in, I'll tell you that much," Zed concluded.
publishing time, the library had apologized for the event and scheduled
an "Occult Transgender Satan Worshiper Story Hour" in order to make up
for its indiscretion.
And Davy Crockett Raccoontail caps!
Last week my daughter was down in the midwest on business. She took a day to do a little hiking. Normally I show her photos from Europe but that woman just loves to hike.
I remember after Operation Cast Lead reading about how the Israelis insisted on clearing every report that was sent out around the world. They insisted on writing the pieces themselves and had, according to John Pilger, at least six versions of every story depending upon the audience.
I am wondering if AOC is gracing TIME Magazine covers around the globe or just in America; we know how they cosset the American market with feel good articles while putting out other material elsewhere. TIME has hopped on the bandwagon to push the Communist agenda, but that was not much of a leap.
In these 3 photos, Donna does not look like the same woman. Looks as if there have been surgical procedures done.
The Judge spoke common sense truth only!
SO MUCH of this idiocy everywhere.
Hate. Hate. Hate. Who is spewing it? Who is behind all of it? We know full well (((the instigators))) because we are told how dangerous it is to ask who rules.
This Leftist cartoonist often irks me. THIS one ticked me off hugely. Let us discuss traitor to his own kind.
is just so ... coincidental... that the (((third religion))) of Abraham is
never included in this equation of wars. Gosh, who came up with this clash of
civilizations agenda anyhow? One guess, dear readers!
now the situation in New Zealand falls apart as the country falls over itself
to compensate to the International Umma for the perceived behaviour of those horrific
Nazi "White nationalists”. Include the blue Star of David if you want to
get to the truth of it all, not completely ignore it and the not-so-hidden
hands it represents.
you have seen from the images presented here, all the blame is being laid at
the feet of White folks. (((We know there is more to it than that, don't we?)))
This Aussie artist almost gets it. He also has egg cartons of radical Muslims but, so far, not one for (((terrorists))).
My kid's Grade School where I also worked for many years. Tour buses did drive by and point us out!
Those very particularly focused California fires did not seem to like the taste of trees very much.
McCain was no hero. It is graceless to pick on him now that he is gone, but pointing out the evils he performed is perfectly valid. But he was NO HERO.
By being loose on these things, Trump weakens himself in the eyes of so many. Choose your battles carefully has always been a good motto to follow
Well! you got to the end! Congratulations. Have a great weekend and be well. Enjoy spring!
ReplyDeleteHillel Neuer is a Jew. He is not criticizing Islamic Iran because he cares about individual rights. Who runs the US? Judeo-Masonic elites. Who let Iran in there knowing fully well they are under Sharia? The Judeo-Masonic elites. They do this on purpose, as a big F. you to the rest of the world. They can do whatever they want and you can't do shit about it is the message. Then they have some lower level shyster on their sayanim payroll like this Hillel douche machine pretend to be some kind of faggot libertarian. lol Jews are there to hijack libertarianism, so that it can never become propertarianism which considers the culture of a country the collective property of those who created it and prosecutes those who deliberately try to vandalize and destroy it by de-storying it, changing the story of who did the creating and building and who was lucky to be there while that progress, in the true Chestertonian sense of the word: leaving things inside us.
~ Negentropic
You seem to be both very wise to them and rather easily fooled by their obvious and disgusting little power games. How come?
Thanks in particular for that نوروز مبارك greeting card, Noor. I confess I had forgotten about Naw Ruz, but you jogged my memory. I copied the card and sent it to some Baha'is I know, to wish them a happy and prosperous Naw Ruz. It was a couple of days late, but I think they appreciated it.
ReplyDeleteLovely clear sky this morning, with the full moon and Venus on display. A fine sight. Hope that arm is improving. Bon dimanche !