UPDATE #5, JANUARY 15, 2020
Happy Roaring 2020's! I wonder if, before the decade is over, the truth is finally acknowledged by the world.
Happy Roaring 2020's! I wonder if, before the decade is over, the truth is finally acknowledged by the world.
Already Prince Andrew, a member of the Royal family, has been stripped of his duties for his involvement in the Epstein affair, NOT a small thing! He should never take up a career where truth matters; his television interview sank him. There is so much covered up in the death of this intelligence asset that we will probably learn little.
Ghislaine is a protected species of criminal, hiding away in Israel, bearer of the inside truths of that blackmail operation. And, tbh, for all we know, Epstein could be sipping drinks with her on a patio somewhere in Tel Aviv!
Anyhow, here are about 50 more images for the collection bringing the total up to 455 images regarding this meme. Please help yourself and share everything!

Meanwhile, to no one's surprise, Gislaine Maxwell is hiding out in, of all places, who'da thunk it, ISRAEL!
Graphic imagery of a dead Epstein. On a more serious note, the following photos are taken from an article recently posted that was complete with images. The article has many more photos and excellent analysis worth reading. EPSTEIN DIDN'T KILL HIMSELF
This just in from Greg Bacon's magnificent little blog The Goon Squad. I visit it daily for a dose of common sense and political insight.
I am not alone in the Tel Aviv theory. I do believe JE and GM are yucking it up in that (((haven))) known as Israel, especially considering both are Mossad assets. Nice there since sex slavery is not illegal as it is in the West.

Update #4, December 14, 2019
One day you are in,
The next day you are out.
Many more than 12, Billy boy.
Also in this fully photo-shopped image, Gary Glitter, rock star, brought down and jailed long term for pedophile activities involving female fans/mothers. Below, the original photo of Andy with a young lass and the missing Maxwell. Andy claims the original photo is fake. Uhm, yeah.
Here we have yet another update of this week's Epstein memes. Now they are becoming Christmas gifts which, personally, I find rather tasteless, but then that is just me and this whole situation is beyond tasteless!

Welcome to the ultimate "Epstein didn't kill himself" collection, up-dated frequently.
Once I began gathering material for YOUR SATURDAY CARTOONS, this week I found a plethora of Epstein images. To be honest I thought we were done with Epstein as a centre feature but I was quite wrong. This week his story was thrust again into the spotlight by both Project Veritas and also by Nick Ritland, Navy SEAL, in this general interview about Conan the Wonder Dog.
I will now proceed on to the regular cartoons. This has to be the ultimate collection of current Epstein memes. Enjoy.
This is so very true
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