After the Pillsbury Dough Boy there is the Michelin Man!.....
I bet she knew how to use it, too!
These flyers were dropped on German soldiers near the end of WW2. Due to their belief in these promises, millions surrendered only to be dumped into Eisenhouser's camps ~ left to die of starvation, disease and exposure in the open air camps of "the Swedish Jew" (as Dwight was called in university.)
Antifa speaks. And, just what do they create? Nada. They can only destroy the work of others.
Time to start planning and starting those seedlings...
Who is paying for all this paraphernalia?
Is that a puppy or a pussy?
Dems are furious that this photo has been released. It would be a shame if you shared it with all your friends, wouldn't it? Almost.... criminal.
Spring melt on Vancouver Island. Snow doesn't last long.
(((Jerry Nadler)))
A Montreal IGA Grocers now grows produce on their roof to assure top freshness.
What a pathetic clown show.
This is such a sick cult attracting some of the most twisted creatures.
I fact checked this one. It is true. Barn owls bring home blind snakes to their nests. No one is sure why. To give the young a toy? Not to eat. The snake often clears the nest of pests as it weaves through the layers of the nest; eventually the owls leave and frequently the snake dies.
Interior of an underground Australian cave home in the desert.
Rare photo of (((Baby Baal Gates))) and the "Messiah" Rabbi Schneerson of Chabad. He was also a great hater of the goyim and promoted his views heavily amongst his followers. Bill is servicing his masters well although rumor is that Satan thinks he is drawing too much attention to the cause.
Not MY house!
This is a Suess cartoon I have often considered to be highly prophetic considering the situation the world is in today. What struck me when I first saw it was the fact that if you dared draw a cartoon even back then when it was drawn, you would have been censored long ago. That other older, more established (((fifth column))) is well ensconced in every nation on the planet; just as China is striving to become; China is an uncontrollable golem; however so long as their mutual goals can keep them together the rest of us have problems.
Who knew how diverse SPAM products are!? I have not eaten it since the 1950's but it might be a good time to stock up on some since it has a great shelf life and various military groups have credited the stuff with their survival.
Eating with chopsticks is racist? Or pointing Chinese folk using them is racists? Of course then you have the hat,the pigtail and the raised shoes all part of historic Chinese culture therefore verboten in the Communist eternal now mindset of modern China .
Taken by a young woman I have known for some time.
The reptilian feet of the Ostrich.
To be fair, this has been a problem for Black parents for a very long time although great inroads have been made over the past few decades. This image is overkill; normally when I see dolls, they are of varied races.
The African Michelin Man?
This grieving widow had her likeness carved from marble to place upon her husband's tomb.
Tel Aviv
I don't have much to say. Just thank you for your comments and hope that you all are doing as well as you possibly can.
Thank you to everyone whose work I post. Every artist and curator whose work I come across.
Next week, same time, same station. Blessings and warmth to you all. Like I posted above, be open, kind, loving, blah blah, blah, but have boundaries you protect with necessary force in need be. Dang I feel like posting a Blake Shelton song right now. But don't worry, I won't.
Just a word of encouragement , my Friend, (Yes , I know we have never met, but I recognize a Kindred Soul ) you are reaching more than you know. We can't see how far the ripples we produce spread , that is not ours to know . I have followed your work for years now , and I want to say Thank You for all you do . I am , and will continue to be what some refer to as a "lurker" , I seldom comment anywhere . For reasons unknown to me , God seems to desire that I maintain a somewhat lower "presence" , for what reason? Time will tell. Keep up the good work , and try to remember , as I do , that every time we "twig" just ONE of the ""sleep-walkers" we have formed a new ripple and we don't know how far it will travel.... As the saying goes , "once you SEE it , you can't UNSEE it". Regards , and BEST WISHES ! Todd
ReplyDelete"This grieving widow had her likeness carved from marble to place upon her husband's tomb."
ReplyDeleteWith the perfect body of a model? It looks like a replica of Cheryl Ladd from Charlie's Angels. lol I think her "likeness" might have been carved more from a playboy centerfold to commemorate her fantasies rather than the real woman. The real woman might have been more interesting if the sculptor was talented.
~ Negentropic MK I
The Arabic text in the welcome to Kenya birthplace of Barack Obama sign means nothing. It's just a bunch of letters. It's not a translation of the English text. Thank you.
ReplyDeleteIt's printed backwards—Arabic is read from right to left—but if you read it left to right, you will see that it's actually perfectly intelligible Arabic. I can't make much sense of the top line (it seems to say "urine has been buried"), but in the centre it says "Kenya, Hawaii", and the final line reads, "is not the birthplace of Barack Obama."
DeleteSorry, the central Arabic inscription says simply "Hawaii", not "Kenya, Hawaii".
DeleteIn No. 345, that's a Highland calf with its dam. It will grow up to have horns 65 cm long! But despite appearances, Highlands are the mildest, most sweet-tempered beasts imaginable. A good many of the local people in that part of Scotland have hair the same colour as their cattle.
ReplyDeleteThere's a bloke in Marshlands on the Northern outskirts of Christchurch, N.Z. who had a small herd of them. Used to stop with the Grandson (3-4 at the time)- he loved them & you are right - they ARE a gentle animal. We'd 'moo' at the fence & most (15-20) would wander over, stopping occasionally for a munch, stick their heads over the fence for a 'pat'. Used to have a big handful of the back of his pants or overalls for a quick retreat but never needed to !
DeleteI don't know where they went. He may have moved to a bigger place or sold them. I had got the feeling he was trying to establish a bigger herd. Anyway, only ones I've seen around Christchurch.
Thank you for your service. I look forward to your saturday post every week. On another note, can you believe how many people, are so stupid that they believe this covid bs?!? Guess why the flu disappeared people... They renamed it covid...
ReplyDeleteHi Noor Another "essential" viewing, though it has taken 'til Monday evening NZ time to finish, tick the box & start this. Been posting your stuff at GAB in the meme group. I've added a note about you on some of them. I don't know if you've been reinstated at Twatter - I bailed on Jan 7th (here). Sent a tweet out saying "sayonara" & explaining why I thought Twatter was & acts like shit!!
ReplyDeleteAnd of course Thank you for your weekly efforts. Until next time, Cheers
My gf is from Romania, she grew up under communism. The father, an engineer scientist, was sent to a factory about 3 hours away where he was only allowed to return home about every 2 weeks. The mom was given a job at a local factory where she was forced to work double shifts. My gf, the oldest of 4 kids was obligated to raise the kids. Standing in daily bread lines for hours. Co33unism works only for the owners.