Tuesday 11 October 2022


Well, mes amis, I do owe you all an apology. On Friday night, half way through preparing the post, I simply petered out. Lost interest. Just stopped. i was on overload. Sometimes, the preparation of material just seems a tad onerous and I hit a wall. Sometimes it just seems the same crap over and over again. 
So most of tonight's is what was meant for that post. By Friday things will be caught up. As for last Wednesday's post, I have no clue what happened. I posted it but somehow it just disappeared. I can only surmise my fingers shook or something and I might have accidentally removed it, that is the only thing I can imagine. There was nothing warranting the post being removed by whoever handles such things. Anyhow, here we go, I do apologize and now... enjoy!

Affordability was not really an issue back in the day but you simply ate the delicious meals Mom cooked for the family. She prepared breakfast, lunches, snacks, dinners. You ate what she put on our plate because it was good and no one ever argued over such things. My kids were not offered options either because they were the same.

This sturgeon. Death by hurricane.

Ooops. This is NOT a Hurricane Ian beastie. This is from a flood in Australia a year or so ago but it seems to being posted as from Florida.

America's forgotten architecture and classical heritage. Not an accident.

The cure.

No nannies for this movie star. He gave it up for his children. Role model.

A bit of a rough read. Not only because of the script but also the content. This letter is from some of the prisoners from the Storming hoax.

God dammit. When will we get a PM candidate who can be trusted with our nation?
Canadians, consider what this is saying about censorship and what we will be allowed to watch.

Media is lauding the legalization of prostitution as a great step forward. Of course they also highly laud gender dysphoria and everything else that our current corrupt government is busily changing to the globalist agenda.

Beautiful, beautiful charas. I have not had the privilege of enjoying charas for decades but remember it so clearly. The history. The textures. We used to have it shipped from India, clay dolls baked around the stuff. The sweet dank odor. The almost opium-like dreams... Oh my.

This post was once here in the blog but seems to have been removed. It is an old piece by Dr. Livergood on the truth behind what is happening to the American (Western) education system. I highly recommend giving it a look and read if you want to know the true attitude of the elite towards us common people "indulging in the fetish of learning to read" when that time is wasted; the person could be WORKING.
The Link is HERE.

In China they now allot only so long to use your money. No saving up. If you have not spent your monies within a certain period of time, it reverts back to state.

Yet it is all clear in my mind as I go along....

I thank Him for everything so perhaps my bases are covered.

I know it is cruel, but this one never grows old.

Both sides go overboard.

I received this meme about the same time I was perusing this site for a new swimsuit. Not now!

Hippopotamus and Human skulls

America has waged war on the world for decades. The chickens are coming home to roost. Payment is being extracted from the people of the US.

Mme. Meloni is not quite as she seems.

An old friend who is currently visiting Liverpool with his wife posted this. He founded his own very successful music career emulating John's work back in the 1960's.

Every. Single. Time.

The warmth of Italian painting. Autumn winds and swirling leaves.


Antediluvian art by Thomas Cole, American artist. This is the expulsion from the Garden of Eden.
Step back if you cannot see it. Then all will come clear.
THIS makes it all so very clear.


Absolutely terrifying! Fortunately the child was saved by the mom. This happened in St. Petersburgh and prompted a great deal of attention in Russia. Nice the person helped instead of standing by and recording it on her phone.....

Totally useless person with these things on! Reminds me of the nail shields worn by wealthy Chinese people to show the world they did not need to work.

Hungry Hoopoe.

More HERE.

The other day I saw a proud Grandmother parading through Fan Tan Alley in Chinatown with her 7 year old grandson in tow. He had on a lovely ground length sparkly turquoise dress. No. No. No. Meanwhile check out the schnoz on this groomer.


HAHAHA. David and Alec. The gun hater and the killer actor. Two loose cannons.

Mr. Ford did NOT believe in planned obsolescence. That is why he kept it simple and did not even offer a variety of colours for his vehicles. It was later on that other American car manufacturers got into the game of planned obsolescence.

Consider the high tech and communications business, all those fools wanting the latest version of one annually updated gadget or another.

The lizard lost

Has she never visited a blues club? Blues? Folk?


  1. Welcome back, Noor!!! So happy to be reading your great posts again!
    Moi in Quebec

  2. Love your posts ❤️
    Keep them coming. Thanks 🙏🏼

    (From India)

  3. "Tar & Feather The Bastards" Here Noor (with page telling me I can't log in to post - the browser is wonkie apparently !! - whatever)

    Anyway, good to see you back - we were getting worried . . . . Thought you may have been 'Gonzalo Lira'd' Canadian style

    Cheers Chris in Ch-Ch

  4. I see that the woke author of No. 342 informs us that "employing people based on their ability to perform a job ostracizes those with little or no skill and has no place in an inclusive society." I dunno, I'll take a dentist who is skilled in his profession any day, myself, in preference to one with "little or no skill". Shudder!

  5. I was a little worried that you had either quit or moved on to Valhalla. i've always liked ole H. Ford. He has made a lot of pithy comments. And I really like his attitude to cars and trucks... simplicity and economy. Most people sell their soul to the company store and can't wait to go into debt for the latest and greatest.
    And speaking of "over extended" fingernails to prove you're above working with your hands, I remember being at a lake a few years back. There was this "babe" standing near a boat she wanted moved. There were 3 other guys there. I went over to help push and motioned to the woman to push beside me... She said, "my family doesn't do physical." I was absolutely stunned, but after a few moments of thought said back, "Now that i think of it, neither do I" and walked away... don't know whether the boat got moved or not.

  6. Glad your back Noor and well, got a little worried for a while and had withdrawal symptoms. Great group of posts. Love the gun takers hypocricy posts. Could not make out post 275 until it was smaller then it jumped out, brilliant..
    Keep well.


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