Someone asked me to give my ideas on 911 so I have kept that in mind. While researching the writing of last week's 4 part series on the Jesuits, I came across great material, new ideas and opinions on this horrendous event. Please refer to my articles on the Jesuits for reference and illustrations. You will find many images backing up some of my allegations. I am very generous with links. These are all part of learning about these events and worth exploring and/or saving for future use. Please read the Jesuit Oath in Pt. 4 and you will understand better the mindset behind such atrocities.
"The Jesuits are a military organization, not a religious order.Their chief is a General of an ARMY, not the mere father abbot of a monastery. The aim of this organization is POWER. Power in its most despotic exercise. Absolute power, universal power, power to control the world by the volition of a single man.The General of the Jesuits insists on being master, sovereign, over the sovereign. Wherever the Jesuits are admitted they will be masters, cost what it may. Every act, every crime, however atrocious,is meritorious work, if committed for the interest of the Society of the Jesuits, or by the order of the general." ~ Napoleon
Make no mistake about it, Kolvenbach’s present day plans are deadly; his evil knows no bounds. According to Vatican expert, author Eric Phelps, he is the missing “evil link” when it comes to fully understanding how and why America is turning into a fascist state and being used as a second Nazi Germany
Collusion among Freemasons is rampant in society, government, and religion of all faiths. Muslims, Jewish, Catholics and others cooperate when it is to their advantage to do so and will even finance each other when it is profitable or serves Masonic goals. At this point there is one major aspect to Freemasonry that must be pointed out. There is a secret oath in Freemasonry that binds a brother to assist another brother whenever necessary, to lie when necessary, to protect a brother even if he has committed a great criminal act.
MASONIC JUDGES ARE BOUND TO SET THEIR BROTHERS FREE should it be at all possible or to at least give them the minimal sentence for the crimes committed. The higher the rank in civil government , police agencies or the military, the more likely he is a Freemason. Government leaders are bound to pardon or otherwise free Freemasons, including war criminals when deemed opportune.
“Remember that he is the master of Pope John Paul II, Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan of New York, and President "elect" George W. Bush of the Bush crime family descending from England's House of Stuart, as well as the petty military dictators of Communist Russia and China.” ~ Eric Jon Phelps
Why would the Vatican want to do such a thing? Because the appointed time has arrived for the Jesuit General to destroy both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem, secretly using his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Zionist Mossad in conjunction with his CIA/Nazi-trained, Masonic Islamic Intelligence Agencies, including Osama bin Laden’s MAK and Pakistan’s ISI, while shrouded in the confusion of a huge aerial war yet to come.
This will enable the General’s crusading Knights Templars, the present day Shriner Freemasons, to rebuild Solomon’s Temple ~ to be home to the Papal Caesar of Rome’s Vatican. But how can the Black Pope destroy these Muslim mosques? These mosques are the third most important Islamic religious sites in the world after Mecca and Medina. To commit such an abomination will create an uncontrollable Muslim holy war resulting in the destruction of Pope Pius XII’s creation of Zionist Israel, already despised, some say rightfully so, throughout the Middle East.
That is the goal of the Vatican ~ getting East and West
to the point where they happily blow each other to smithereens.
To succeed in this complicated and diabolic mission, the Black Pope must cause a war using a country he also wishes to further destroy. Enter the “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Jesuit Empire created in 1868 on the ruins of George Washington’s Calvinist Republic, the last political stronghold of the Protestant Reformation with freedom of conscience, freedom of speech and freedom of the press. Such freedoms are anathema to the goals of the Vatican.
This is the Father General’s plan. In synchronizing his worldwide overt and covert factions to work the Jesuit’s diabolical ends of the Vatican’s counter-reformation in restoring the Papal Caesar as absolute Universal Monarch of the World, the Black Pope used his Masonically-controlled, fanatically anti-Jewish Race ~ Islamic Intelligence operatives under the domestic control of the CIA. Osama bin Laden, for one, had been directed, financed and trained by the CIA for at least ten years. The operation went according to plan just as it did with Jesuit-trained and CIA-financed Fidel Castro before he, like bin Laden, became a false enemy of the CFR-controlled American government to be openly and notoriously instructed.
In order for Archbishop Egan’s controlled American Press to spread the prepared news release that the doomed airliners were hijacked by Arab terrorists, to the horror of the American pilots, the airliners were taken over and guided to their targets, remotely controlled by American Military Intelligence operatives overseen by the Black Pope’s CIA/NSA.

Freemason Shimon Peres, educated by Jesuits as a youth in Poland and as Minister of Foreign Affairs of Zionist Israel, also papal conspirator in the assassination of Israel’s Masonic Prime Minister, Yitzak Rabin, was welcomed to the Jesuit General’s CFR, based in New York’s Harold Pratt House, by its Masonic Chairman of the Board, Peter G. Peterson, and by one of its Directors, Leslie H. Gelb, on September 29, 1993.
Peres holds significant stock shares in the PLO's public phone company, Paltel, in conjunction with the Bin Laden Royal Family of Saudi Arabia and Yasser Arafat! There is an obvious Bush/Bin Laden business connection through the CFR’s Carlyle Group headed by Cardinal Egan's Knight of Malta Frank C. Carlucci, so why should not there be a similar connection between Peres, Bin Laden and Arafat? They are all in the same Masonic Brotherhood's "Invisible Empire" overseen by the sovereign Grand Master and Commander of all ~ the Black Pope.
Former Papal mass murderer of Jewish People, Chairman of the PLO and professional agitator, Freemason Yasser Arafat was also welcomed by the Archbishop of New York’s Council on Foreign Relations in the person of one of its “Presiders”, Lee H. Hamilton, January 20, 2000.
Ongoing and unfair international negotiations, like the historic Treaty of Versailles, promote more intense resultant agitations, furthering the agenda of Rome’s Papal Caesar who intends to rule the world from a Third Temple in Jerusalem.
Indeed, this unceasing agitation is necessary
if the Pope is to be the Universal Monarch of the World!
The natural buoyancy and ingenuity of the human race
has tried Vatican patience for centuries,
but Peter Hans-Kolvenback,
Father General of the International Military
Order of the Society of Jesus,
has painstakingly arranged
between two people he wants to destroy.
These peoples, the white and black Protestants and Baptists along with the Jewish Race of North America, and the Semitic Muslims of the Middle East, are condemned by the Jesuits’ FOUL Council of Trent. These races are considered to be historically the greatest enemies of the Jesuit Order’s infallible Pope, who, since the days of Innocent III in 1215, has claimed to be the one true God on earth.
According to Motley’s The Dutch Republic, it was America’s white Anglo-Saxon Protestant- Calvinist Dutch reformed forefathers, known as the “Wild Beggars of the Sea”, who gave religious liberty to Bible-based Western Civilization. These godly and fearless sailors, in strongly resisting Papal tyranny, wore an Islamic Crescent ~ not a Cross ~ on their caps with the immemorial inscription: RATHER TURKISH THAN POPISH.
The specific institutions marked for destruction on September 11, 2001 were the Banking and Military centers of “the Great Satan” ~ the Pope’s World Trade Center and the Pentagon overseen by his Knights of Malta ~ supporting and protecting the Pope’s Zionist government of Israel.
The Jewish People, the Lord’s beloved Jewish Race, “the holy seed” with Biblical promises to inherit the fulfilling of the Abrahamic and Davidic Covenants under their returning Messiah, the Lord Jesus Christ, have been set up to be ultimately betrayed. They do not know that they are unknowingly living under the secret government of the Black Pope, publicly overseen by his Masonic Jewish Zionists in conjunction with certain of his Masonic Talmudic Rabbis. These are the same creatures who betrayed their own Jewish People, both racially and religiously, into Hitler’s Death Camps during World War II!
Its subterranean storehouse of gold quite possibly having been previously removed to the New York Federal Reserve Bank, the WTC was sacrificed, INTERNALLY IMPLODED, using surgically placed Composition C5 charges detonated by the New York Archbishop, Edward Cardinal Egan, through his unified American Intelligence Community.
Cardinal Egan’s American Intelligence Network includes the CIA, the National Security Agency, the Secret Service, Military Intelligence, the FBI, and the Mafia Commission. Years ago these agencies and criminals all unified to carry out the Kennedy assassination and cover-up under the control of their former master, Francis Cardinal Spellman.
Joachim and Boaz, the WTC’s Masonic Twin Towers, were sacrificed in exchange for the future destruction of the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque in Jerusalem. As calculated, this mass murder ignited American blind patriotic rage, that rage now directed by the Black Pope’s CFR-controlled Press, including his CFR-controlled Masonic Jewish Zionists, against the Islamic Middle East Peoples ~ among whom reside the Masonic Moslem branch of the Jesuit General’s International Terrorist Network.
This act of secret Papal terrorism has been used to justify a massive foreign war, a secret Papal Crusade, while the tools of the Jesuit Order have tyrannically implemented domestic martial law by means of the “USA PATRIOT Act” , written in great part by a Jesuit professor, in America and the “Bomb Bill C-36 Act” in Canada. Sadly, cooler and more informed, truly patriotic heads have not prevailed. May Allah have mercy upon us all!
This attack was an act of war carried out by the slaves of the Black Pope, both domestic and foreign, thereby enabling the White Pope’s American fascist puppet, George W. Bush, to declare a “war on Islamic terrorism” to the exclusion of Roman Catholic terrorism led by secret Jesuits such as Fidel Castro of Communist Cuba and Gerry Adams of the IRA ~ with no specific enemy nation in sight.

The truth of the matter is that Washington, D.C. is secretly ruled by Edward Cardinal Egan from St. Patrick’s Cathedral in New York. As the country’s “Military Vicar” and most powerful American Archbishop, Egan is aided by Georgetown University and Fordham University Jesuits including the learned and seasoned, Avery Cardinal Dulles.
This massive retaliation, to last between four to ten years being another Papal Crusade against the Islamic Peoples in rivaling those of the Dark Ages, has now been declared.
It will be waged by Cardinal Egan’s CFR-controlled Commander-in-Chief, George W. Bush, having been advised of his role to play during his most recent visit with the Baal-worshiping, cannibalistic believing the unbiblical doctrine of transubstantiation, absolute dictator in the Vatican, ex Nazi, Ratzinger.
New York’s Edward Cardinal Egan, being the “Archbishop of the political Capital of the World”, the master of the CFR and thus controlling all the agencies comprising his unified American Intelligence Network, has used six primary tools in igniting this secret Papal Crusade. They are President George W. Bush, ex-President George H. W. Bush, Vice President Dick Cheney, National Security Advisor to the President Condoleezza Rice, Federal Reserve Board Chairman Alan Greenspan, and CIA Director George Tenet, all being members of the Archbishop’s CFR.
1. The terrorist attacks were predicted and exposed well in advance of September 11, 2001. Award winning author Dr. Leonard Horowitz made a concerted effort to alert the government, but to no avail. Dr. Garth Nicholson, Ph.D., noted researcher of the Gulf War Syndrome, reported to Pentagon officials that he had confirmed intelligence indicating that a “terrorist” strike against the Pentagon would be made on Sept. 11, 2001. Their sources included individuals in key intelligence positions, the Mafia, and one high-level African diplomat. Warnings were passed on to Condoleezza Rice of the National Security Council but were ignored.
2. On Friday, September 7, Florida Governor Jeb Bush, issued an Executive Order in which members of the Florida National Guard were activated, “for the purpose of training to support law-enforcement personnel and emergency management personnel in the event of civil disturbances or natural disaster.” The Bush Dynasty, including Shriner George H. W. Bush, former Director of the CIA and business partner of fellow Freemason Saddam Hussein, not only knew the attacks were coming but actively participated in them.
3. On Sunday night, September 17, 2001, “60 Minutes” on CBS revealed that President Bush’s close associates had suddenly, and inexplicably, sold all their airline stock only a few days before the attacks of 911. The story was immediately buried by the CFR-controlled Press, which includes CBS. Again, the CFR/CIA-controlled Bush Dynasty had a foreknowledge of the coming mass murder and thus stands indicted of high treason being the agents of Edward Cardinal Egan.
4. President and Papal Agent George W. Bush, controlling FEMA sent the Urban Search and Rescue Team to New York City the night before the attacks occurred! One FEMA official, Mr. Tom Kennedy, told Press icon, Dan Rather, CFR member on September 11, 2001, “We’re currently one of the first teams that was deployed to support the City of New York in this disaster. We arrived on late Monday night ~ that is on September 10, the night before, and went right into action on Tuesday morning.”
5. Osama bin Laden and his band of terrorists could not have pulled off the sophisticated operation of four simultaneous air hijackings, and precision directed attacks, without the support of one or more intelligence organizations which includes the CIA and its Director, CFR member George Tenet. This was the expert testimony provided by past CIA Afghanistan operations director and bin Laden’s intelligence advisor, Milt Bearden, on September 12, 2001, when pressed by Dan Rather to endorse the theory of bin Laden’s culpability.
Mr. Bearden stated,
“If they didn’t have an Osma bin Laden,
they would invent one.”
6. On October 31, 2001, the French daily “Le Figaro” reported that bin Laden had met with a high-level CIA official in July 2000. Bin Laden was already being sought for trial regarding two U.S. Embassy bombings and the U.S.S. Cole attack. The meeting was held in bin Laden’s private suite in the Dubai Hospital built by American construction companies for the care of the Order’s Masonic royal Moslem families running Islam’s unified Middle East Intelligence Community and Terrorist Network on behalf of the CIA.
Though he could have been killed ~ like the CIA’s Castro ~ according to Clinton's intelligence findings, on July 14th, bin Laden was released and left Dubai on his private jet. Osama bin Laden is a creature of the Black Pope’s CIA and has remained so to this day.
7. Osama bin Laden took direction and money from the CIA for ten years. During this time, approximately five (5) billion dollars was funneled to his organization through black op budgets financed by the Black Pope’s International Drug Trade into a CIA operation known as Maktab al-Khidamar ~ MAK. As MAK mercenary army leader, bin Laden’s fortune vastly increased during that time. Since, like the Mafia, “Once in the CIA, always in the CIA”, bin Laden’s MAK is an extension of the Black Pope’s international intelligence community and terrorist network.

If the CIA controls the intelligence network of Afghanistan, then it controls the Intelligence agencies of Pakistan, Iraq, Iran, Jordan, Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Libya and Turkey. Taliban leader Mullah Mohammed Omar was correct when he said in an interview in Free American, “America controls the governments of the Islamic countries. It should stop trying to impose its empire on the rest of the world, especially on Islamic countries."
8. Aaron Swirsksi, one of the architects of the World Trade Center, said they designed the towers to withstand airplane collisions. “I designed it for a 707 hit,” he said. The collapse of the buildings came as a complete “shock” to him and his colleagues.
Van Romero, a demolition expert, former director of the Energetic Materials Research and Testing Center, and current Vice President for research at New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology, said that the manner in which the Twin Towers collapsed resembled those of controlled implosions used in planned demolition.
“My opinion is, based on the videotapes, that after the airplanes hit the World Trade Center,there were some explosive devices inside the buildings that caused the towers to collapse,” Romero said.
NBC News interviewed people who had escaped "ground zero" on September 11, 2001. One unidentified man said "We were stuck on the stairs for a while. I came down from the 85th floor. When we were just about to leave the building, there was a blast."
A woman testified, “I got stuck on the stairs. When we got to the lobby there was a blast.”
9. The demolition of the North Tower of the WTC, floors 22, 23, and 24, destroyed massive FBI evidence against CFR member James Giffen, the CEO of the CFR’s Mobile Corporation, for illegal oil swaps between Iran and Kazakhstan. There was also evidence against CFR member and Shriner Freemason Alan Greenspan ~ the Jewish Chairman of the Board of Governors of the Jesuit General’s Federal Reserve Banking System ~ involving gold price fixing. Greenspan’s Masonic Jewish Zionist partners in crime included the CFR’s Morgan Stanley & Company and the CFR’s Goldman Sachs & Company.
The evidence shows that those floors exploded and were destroyed minutes before the explosions from the airplane, and suggests that the airplane crashes were simply a ruse of war. Obviously, the intelligence community of Archbishop Edward Cardinal Egan imploded the buildings which not only suppressed and destroyed evidence, but also resulted in the death and burial of at least forty-two of his loyal Knights of Columbus and several honest FBI agents.
Indeed regarding 911, Peter-Hans Kolvenbach,
General of the International
Military Order of the Society of Jesus,
followed the great Machiavellian/Jesuit
maxim of "the ends justify the means".
10. On September 11, 2001, President Bush, with the full knowledge of CFR member and the intimate friend of Archbishop Egan, Vice President Richard Cheney, was in Sarasota, Florida. This is home of the Venice Airport, a CIA facility, that had openly and notoriously trained Islamic pilots thereby enabling the Black Pope’s CIA to blame its contract agent, Osama bin Laden, for the destruction of the WTC.
Bush was reading to children in a classroom at 9:05 a.m. when his chief of staff, Andrew Card, whispered the news into his ear, according to an AP release of September 12. The President briefly turned somber before he resumed reading. He then listened to eighteen Booker Elementary School second-graders read a story about a girl’s pet goat before he spoke briefly and somberly about the terrorist attacks.
America’s Commander-in-Chief calmly sat for about thirty minutes before leisurely responding to the country’s greatest national security crisis in history. This is quite understandable because he had been briefed by Pope John Paul II during his visit to the Vatican only weeks prior to 911! CFR member and CIA Director, George Tenet, had also kept the President advised.
11. Many journalists have reported that the bombing of Afghanistan, allegedly intended to punish the Taliban for affiliations with bin Laden, is simply a cover for the Taliban’s destruction of Afghanistan’s opium crop thus the curtailing the Black Pope’s international drug trade. The Taliban also withdrew its former support for an oil pipeline to be built by CFR Henry Kissinger and CFR George Shultz’s Unocal Corporation through Afghanistan from the vast Caspian Sea oil fields.
12. September 11 provided a great excuse to pursue the Jesuit Order/CFR’s illegal drug traffic along with its petrochemical, economic, and “national security” martial law objective. More importantly, this pipeline is necessary for the fueling of the war machine of our future invader, the massive Red Chinese Army, under the command of the Company of Jesus.
The people of the United States, thanks to their Popish, prostituted leaders, have been hoodwinked into fighting this unwanted unpopular impossible war even as they were deceived into fighting the Pope’s war against the Japanese during World War II, the consummation of the Jesuit General’s Second Thirty Years War waged from 1914 to 1945. The attack on Pearl Harbor was no surprise to the nation’s most visible Shriner Freemason, President Franklin D. Roosevelt, even as the attack on the World Trade Center and the Pentagon was no surprise to the nation’s most visible Skull and Bones member, satanist President George W. Bush.
If the foregoing scenario is true, the people of North American, Canada and the US, deceived by their own Jesuit/CFR-controlled government, will fall into the trap of fighting a lengthy, large scale Middle East War, resulting in at least six things that will further the country’s demise including the permanent scrapping of our Reformed Protestant Constitution, while thoroughly benefiting the Jesuit Order’s Counter-Reformation.
This is an ugly list.
1.Worldwide anti-Jewish fury on a grand scale, especially in America, as a result of the Black Pope’s openly agitating, secretly CFR-controlled, Masonic Jewish Zionists and thus, the decent Jewish People of Israel will be blamed for the Papal Caesar’s international Jesuit Crusade;
2. The destruction of both the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque ~ blamed on American Military forces ~ thereby enabling the Pope’s Shriner Freemasons to rebuild Solomon’s Temple. This will also unify Islamic fury, coordinated and directed by the Black Pope’s Masonic Moslem Intelligence Agencies in conjunction with his Masonic North American Intelligence Agencies, against the “heretic and liberal” American and Canadian peoples of North America, we having been paganized through the Jesuit Order’s Bible-rejecting and deceptive educational systems, controlled media and demoralizing theater movies;
3. There will be the killing of millions of fanatical Moslems who would otherwise attack Israel when the Dome of the Rock and the Al Aqsa Mosque are destroyed in Jerusalem, not to mention the possible destruction of Mecca and Medina, further securing the peace of the Papal Caesar’s Zionist government of Israel.
That false peace will be maintained by the united European nations, their unity brought about by the Club of Rome in the person of the Spanish Knight of Malta and Commander of NATO forces during the bombing mass-murder of Orthodox Serbs in Yugoslavia, Javier Solana.
These united, predominantly Roman Catholic, European nations will compose the Pope’s revived Holy Roman Empire, the new Sword of the Church. At this time the Black Pope will have no more need for the drugged, exhausted, bankrupt, amalgamated and demoralized American people of his “Holy Roman” Fourteenth Amendment American Empire;
The American dictator will use America’s existing detention (concentration) camp system to kill millions of Jews, “heretics and liberals” pursuant to the Jesuits’ evil Council of Trent ~ just as Hitler ,the Austrian homosexual drug addict, destroyed apostate Protestant Germany with the help of FDR's USAF and Churchill's RAF ~ further justifying our nation's destruction;
5. Be prepared for the betrayal and defeat of American and Canadian armies fighting a two-front war which cannot be won, one in the Middle East and the other possibly in the Far East against China, just as Napoleon betrayed his army in Russia in 1812, and just like Hitler betrayed his army in Russia one hundred and thirty years later. Both treasonous dictators operated under orders from the advisors of the Black Pope;
6. Expect a massive invasion and attack into North America, China and Russia storming the West Coast while China and a united Moslem host march into the Southeast Coast, known as “the Bible belt”, using the Bahamas and Cuba as staging bases.
North American Jesuit-controlled leaders carried out the nation’s immigration policies and have established, purposefully, a huge resident “fifth column” of Chinese, Moslem, Hindu and Hispanic aliens within our borders, another great betrayal of Americans. Their heart-breaking goal is the subjugation of the last apostate bastion of the Protestant Reformation. They then plan to compel Europe to unite thereby reviving the old Holy Roman Empire ~ under the Papal Caesar.

This dismal scenario is the answer as to who and why America was attacked on September 11, 2001, Bloody Black Tuesday.
Renowned scholar and Vatican expert, Eric Phelps claims on his site and in his book, Vatican Assassins: “Wounded in the House of My Friends that,
according to the Vatican,
the apostate, Bible-rejecting
people of North America
DESERVE what they are in for.
The Jesuit General’s “Holy Roma”Fourteenth Amendment American Empire has been used to fulfill the nasty Council of Trent by oppressing and destroying “heretic and liberal” Bible believers, peoples and governments of at least eighty nations during the last few centuries.
Called by Jesuit John Courtney Murray, and Knight of Malta Henry R. Luce “the American Century”, the Knights of Malta and Shriner Freemasons on Wall Street will have restored the Temporal Power of the Papacy, which Power was destroyed in the glorious Nineteenth Century by financing Mao Tse-tung’s Communism, Stalin’s Communism, Hitler’s Nazism and the Fascism of Mussolini, Franco and Castro.
Our beloved nations, the United States and Canada, the only nations in the history of the world to be founded on the Bible of the Protestant Reformation, will be turned into a nightmarish police state and a Nazi/Soviet concentration camp hell-on-earth.
How did this come about?
We allowed them to remove the God of our founding fathers
from our education and our lives and
lost our moral compass as well as our direction
According to William Wellman, this is what the Black Pope, Jesuit Gen. Fr. Peter Hans Kolvenbach, would say if he ever told the truth:
"We shall mercilessly pit the enemies of Rome against each other, and enslave the survivors with debt.. We will tax every man, woman, child, beast, plant, mineral, manufactured good, and all services under the sun.. We are currently training the Chinese Army for Operation World Inquisition.. Governors, make ready the work camps, and think of the resources to be saved on shipping when we have slave labor camps in the United States. I want to thank the leaders of the United States for being so willing to allow us to silently prepare for the slaughter of their people.. Don't be alarmed when a Chinese soldier comes to drive your family and your Sports Utility Vehicle to the local interrogation center.. We will kick off Operation World Inquisition in Afghanistan, then on to Palestine, ....."