Anybody who reads my writings knows that I do not trust mainstream media alllll that much! Nothing is ever as it seems. However, the media does not just distort or shape the wee bit of information it tosses to the public, it also ignores or downplays articles that just might upset the populace. Things the Elite would rather we did not know. Each major link leads to well done exposes on the topic involved. All I have done is elaborate on the theme. PLEASE read the main articles!

#1 Future of Internet Debate Ignored by Media
SAVE THE INTERNET!America is Under Attack! ~ Henry Rollins
Don't be fooled. Web sites like "Hands Off The Internet" are industry front groups ~ the products of high-priced consultants bought and paid for by the cable and phone industry. Companies like AT&T, Verizon, BellSouth and their trade associations are spending millions every week to mislead and misinform the American public.

Their latest attempt to hoodwink Internet users is a cutesy cartoon at www.dontregulate.org ~ a clever piece of industry propaganda that is riddled with half-truths and outright lies.
The telco giants cloak their real interests behind a populist message that sounds plausible, while undermining the work of genuine public and consumer advocates.
Here's a quick guide to help you cut through the industry spin:
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THE BIG TELECOM COMPANIES SAY: "Is the Internet in Danger? Does the Internet need saving? It keeps getting faster. We keep getting more choices."
THE TRUTH: Right now AT&T and others want to take away your choices and control what you can do and watch online. They're on their best behavior while trying to convince Congress to hand over the Internet. But if their high-priced lobbyists get their way in Washington, the Internet as we know it will be gone. Network Neutrality has always curbed the control of the network owners, invited competition and encouraged innovators. It's what made it possible for entrepreneurs and creative thinkers to prosper online.
None of the big ideas that made the Internet the innovative engine it is today came from the cable or telephone companies.

AS FOR MORE CHOICES: today, more than 50% of Americans have only one or no choice of broadband service provider. In most of the remaining markets there are only two choices: one dominant telephone service (DSL) and one dominant cable provider. But these large phone and cable companies have plainly stated that they see no need for network neutrality. Their top executives have even announced plans to discriminate in favor of Web sites and services that can afford their proposed broadband tolls. For the majority of broadband users in America, then, what real choices are left when the only providers in town decide to discriminate against content? Very few to none.
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THE BIT TELECOM COMPANIES SAY: "Building the next generation of the Internet is going to take a lot of work and cost a lot of money. And some big corporations can't wait to use it ~ They're going to make billions. But they don't want to pay anything. Instead they want to stick consumers with the whole bill."
THE TRUTH: Nobody is getting a free ride on the Internet. Any Web site or service you use on the Internet has already paid these providers to reach you ~ just like you pay to send e-mail and download files. In fact, total expenses from major content and service providers to expand network capacity totaled about $10 billion last year. But the cable and phone companies want even more ~ forcing content providers to pay protection money to get a spot in the fast lane. Who do you think will pay that bill? You will ~ big time. The costs will be passed directly to consumers.
If Net Neutrality is so bad for consumers, why do ALL the major consumer groups support it and ALL the major phone companies oppose it?

Who do you trust more to defend your Internet rights? Without meaningful protections of Net Neutrality, there will be less choice on the Internet and higher prices, at a time we're already falling far behind the rest of the world.
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THE BIG TELECOM COMPANIES SAY: "These corporations are asking Congress to create volumes of new regulations to control how content is delivered over the Internet. Should politicians and bureaucrats replace network administrators? It will be the first major government regulation of the Internet and it will fundamentally change how the Internet works. These big corporations and the SavetheInternet campaign want the government to take control of the Internet."
THE TRUTH: There's nothing new about the principles underlying Net Neutrality. They have been a fundamental part of the Internet since its inception. As the "common carriage" tenet of communications policy, they go back some 70 years. Only last year did the Supreme Court uphold a bad decision by the Federal Communications Commission to do away with the rules that forced cable and phone companies to open up their networks to competitors.
Those rules protected Internet freedom by ensuring lots of competition ~ think of all the choices you've had for long distance service or dial-up Web access. In fact, Net Neutrality rules still protect the Internet under a temporary FCC ruling. All a Net Neutrality law would do is maintain the even playing field we've always enjoyed ~ by preventing big cable and telephone corporations from taking over as gatekeepers.
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THE BIG TELECOM COMPANIES SAY: "The net neutrality issue is a fundamental question about who should control the Internet: The people or the government? And it's a fight about who's going to pay: multi-billion dollar corporations or you?"
THE TRUTH: Who should control the Internet? Now that's a good question. But the real choice we face is whether we're going to keep the good government policy that has protected Internet freedom, created a truly free market in content and services, and encouraged free speech to flourish online ~ or let predatory companies like AT&T and Comcast rewrite our telecommunications law and place their chokehold on online content and services.
For the entire history of the Internet, Web sites and online ideas have succeeded or failed on their own merit based on decisions now made collectively by millions of users. Getting rid of Net Neutrality will hand these decisions over to a cartel of broadband barons. Do we really want Ma Bell and the Cable Guy picking the next generation of winners and losers on the Internet?
#2 Halliburton Charged with Selling Nuclear Technologies to Iran
#3 Oceans of the World in Extreme Danger
#4 Hunger and Homelessness Increasing in the US
#5 High-Tech Genocide in Congo
#6 Federal Whistleblower Protection in Jeopardy
# 7 US Operatives Torture Detainees to Death in Afghanistan and Iraq
#8 Pentagon Exempt from Freedom of Information Act
#9 The World Bank Funds Israel-Palestine Wall
#10 Expanded Air War in Iraq Kills More Civilians
#11 Dangers of Genetically Modified Food Confirmed
#12 Pentagon Plans to Build New Landmines
#13 New Evidence Establishes Dangers of Roundup
#14 Homeland Security Contracts KBR to Build Detention Centers in the US
#15 Chemical Industry is EPA’s Primary Research Partner
#16 Ecuador and Mexico Defy US on International Criminal Court
#17 Iraq Invasion Promotes OPEC Agenda
#18 Physicist Challenges Official 9-11 Story
#19 Destruction of Rainforests Worst Ever
#20 Bottled Water: A Global Environmental Problem
#21 Gold Mining Threatens Ancient Andean Glaciers
#22 $Billions in Homeland Security Spending Undisclosed
#23 US Oil Targets Kyoto in Europe
#24 Cheney’s Halliburton Stock Rose Over 3000 Percent Last Year
#25 US Military in Paraguay Threatens Region