When I read this cartoon, the breath was literally knocked out of me. Every time I think the American military has sunk as far as it can to ethically, it surprises me by hitting a new high in low. Not content to send the troops out to serve as fodder often under fraudulent recruiting tactics, it is now demanding back the lures it offered. It seems if one is injured one's recruitment bonus is reclaimed!

Rudy Guiliano, Mayor of New York City, in full drag, complete with cigar. And this is the man they want to be king of America? I am sure the Queens agree. That this creature is where he is today is another testament to the moral degeneration of a once great nation.

The Clintons then.

This cartoon is very risque but, it had to be published!
I have been saying for years Hellery was a man in a pink suit!
I have been saying for years Hellery was a man in a pink suit!

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