First posted June 20, 2009

Today, April 20, 2009, is Yam Hashoah. This is the Jewish word for the Holocaust Remembrance Day. Personally, I think celebrating such a thing is criminal considering the rogue nation that Israel has become but of course it is necessary to keep the status quo of guilt and deception in place. Considering what they are doing with the world. the Middle East to the Palestinians and the Lebanese constitute a Holocaust that, thanks to deadly chemicals, will keep on giving.
What I do not understand is why, in the face of modern proven facts, and revisions made by the Jews themselves, the media continues to use the number 6,000,000 in these rites~

So I set my browser for Holocaust and these are some of the images that popped up in my pc. I do believe they express my personal feelings regarding this horrific event quite well. As well I strongly advise that you watch the film I have at the bottom of the page.



And now for a film. This is truly a film that the B'nai B'rith, AIPAC, ADL, JDL and all other such groups wish would disappear. But it will keep returning. I present it here for your education and those of your family and friends. It presents a fresh look at the "inalienable truths" that were fed to us with our mothers' milk.
WHY HAVE SOME people (described hereafter as the "Thought Police") incessantly attacked revisionist historians ~ meaning historians who question the Establishment version of events, and who use research, scientific tests, and original documents to more closely approach the truth ~ of all different backgrounds ~ from Gentiles, to Jews, to Christians, to Muslims, to freethinkers, to Whites, to Arabs, etc .~ in some of the most horrible ways imaginable?
If you have been reading the series I have been posting on The Unveiling of the B'nai B'rith, you will know what types of people are involved in stifling the truth whilst they continue their rein of terror and propaganda. You will also know just what is at stake for them if the facts of the matter are released to the general public.

The Thought Police have not just merely suppressed the revisionists' findings by boycotting them, but have also censored them by promoting laws to make their honest findings punishable by jail time. They have committed arson against the revisionists. They have committed murder.

They have thrown acid on revisionists' faces, beat them, destroyed their homes, and engaged in other acts of mayhem.
Ernst Zundel was taken away from his American wife, with whom he was living in the hills of Tennessee, and thrown in American, Canadian, and German dungeons. Zundel was imprisoned without charge for three years and is now on trial in Germany for questioning the Holocaust story.
Note. Ernst Zundel was my neighbour in the 1970's and early 80's. His home was a few doors down the road from my walk up flat in downtown Toronto. Every week, the roads became clogged by the groups of angry Jewish people who mobbed around his home. This I remember clearly. I was still "holocaust sensitive" in those days and had no idea of the details but was shocked by some of his words. If only I knew then what I know now, I might have offered to help him in these endeavors! The peaceful Jewish group of bona fide, recognized by the U.S. terrorists, the JDL, bombed his house eventually.

Germar Rudolf, a PhD-level chemist, was also taken away from his wife and their child in Illinois ~ and deported to Germany to stand trial for daring to publish scientific findings that cast doubt on WWII Jewish claims.
David Irving, a best-selling author and world-renowned historian, was just sentenced to three years in jail in Austria for uttering merely one single sentence 15 years before he was taken into custody!

The Thought Police will stop at nothing to silence these brave men. We truly do live in Orwellian Times. Please share this information and do your research. Don't just go by the things you find here, make sure, do some of your own research!

Hello from Norway
ReplyDeleteI like your blog and I am going to use some of the pictures in my own webpage. Thank You in advance.