Arthur Topham explores the reasons for the apartheid wall, and reveals that the Pharisees never really went away.
by Arthur Topham
April 14, 2009.
“What is called “Western civilization” cannot be conceived without Christianity… Its greatest improvement was in the field of the spirit and of man’s behaviour towards man.
The West established men’s right to public charge and open trial, or release, (a right which was again in jeopardy in the Twentieth Century) and this was the greatest advance in the entire history of man; on the survival or destruction of this achievement depends his future.” – Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion
The old query about the half full or half empty glass is one that might aptly be applied to the massive concrete wall that now divides Palestinian lands into two respective ghettos ~ one for the Palestinians and, yes, one for the Jews. Current collective wisdom would suggest the wall was designed by the Zionist government of Israel for the simple purpose of maintaining control over stolen Arab territory as well as for ‘security’ reasons but this proposition I suggest is much too simple and too misleading.
Internationally renowned street artist Banksey
calls the wall the greatest canvas he
could wish for but would prefer to see it torn down.
Deception of the non-Jewish masses, the guiding principle of the Mossad and the Jewish state, demands that one look much deeper into such a surface explanation. For Israel to convince a world now extremely skeptical of its modus operandi, that its legitimacy as a nation and its actions toward the Palestinians are in fact justified, it must retain within its own arbitrarily chosen and illegal captured territories a populace that will support and promote its racist, expansionist agenda.
The recent polls taken during the slaughter and destruction of Gaza over the Christmas season which registered a 94% approval rate for Israel’s military crimes is a poignant example of just how crucial and effective this process of indoctrination really is. In order to have accomplished such a high degree of agreement for genociding a defenseless ghetto of starving refugees, there has to be something in place that goes beyond the normal apparatus of democratic structures.
Because of the inherent contradictions imbued throughout Israel’s racist, delusive ideology ~ ones upon which the state was initially founded ~ the Talmudic leaders of this supposedly secularized “democratic” state have exhibited something that most commentators tend to overlook and that is the age old technique of building a fence or a wall around their chosen brethren in order to maintain a tight, rigid doctrinal control over the minds of those within; a critical prerequisite to sustaining the irrational tenets necessary to justify their otherwise fraudulent, immoral and illegal existence.
The technique of maintaining such control of its citizenry was perfected prior to the birth of Jesus Christ and as the famed British journalist Douglas Reed shows us in his classic on the subject, The Controversy of Zionism, even before Jerusalem fell to the Romans in 70 AD there were two different “bands of travelers” already passing through its gates.
In Reed’s words, “The disciples bore a new message to mankind, for Christianity had been born. The Pharisees, foreseeing the fate which they had brought on Jerusalem, removed to a new headquarters from which (as from Babylon of yore) the ruling sect might exercise command over “the Jews” wherever in the world they lived.
These two small groups of travelers were the vanguard of parties of light and of darkness which, like a man and his shadow, have gone ever since through the centuries, and ever westward. The crisis of “the West” today traces directly back to that departure from doomed Jerusalem nineteen centuries ago, for the two groups bore into the West ideas that could never be reconciled.One had to prevail over the other, sooner or later, and the great bid for victory of the destructive idea is being witnessed in our generation. In the centuries between, the story of the West was always, in essentials, that of the struggle between the two ideas.
When “the Law” according to the Levites and Pharisees was in the ascendant, the West made slaves of men, brought heretics before an inquisition, put apostates to death, and yielded to primitive visions of master-racehood; thus the Twentieth Century was the time of the worst backsliding in the West.
When the West made men and nations free, established justice between them, set up the right of fair and open trial, repudiated master-racehood and acknowledged the universal fatherhood of God, it followed the teaching of him who had come to ‘fulfill the Law’.”
These prophetic words written in the mid-1950s predicted that the second half of the century would be but a continuation of this struggle between the forces of darkness and light, one culminating in either of the two being victorious.
Prior to the sacking and destruction of Jerusalem, the Pharisees had already skipped town and relocated in a new headquarters called Jamnia, still in Palestine. It was from there that they began to reassess the new kid on the block so to speak and work out a plan to rid the world of his seemingly enduring presence.
To their longstanding power and control over their Jewish brethren this new sect known as Christians were a direct threat to their power and influence. Here they were (the new ones) claiming that the Messiah had finally arrived and that he was proclaiming that the God of Abraham and Isaac and Israel was the God of all the people, Gentiles included and not just the god of the self-chosen Judahites.
Such chutzpah on the part of this young Galilean upstart was anathema to the Pharisees and their Priesthood. They couldn’t, as Reed suggested, permit such a creed to gain prominence, especially one whose ruling tenet was “love your enemies” when that of the Pharisees was the polar opposite, stated the Jews should “hate” their enemies and destroy them down to the very last child.
As we saw in the Gaza example last December/January the deliberate shooting of defenseless women and children was living proof that their methodology has not changed in over two millennia. After Jerusalem’s destruction the Jewish Nation was broken up and dispersed throughout the world but the Pharisees at Jamnia continued on with their claims that they and only they possessed the true, oral “Law” purportedly secretly passed down from the God of Abraham into their hot waiting hands and retained by them and them alone ever since.
This of course flew in the face of all that Jesus Christ had taught throughout his ministry where he constantly berated the Pharisees and Scribes for claiming exclusive right to God and using that supposed occult knowledge for their own selfish purposes.
The New Testament is full of such chastisements by the Messiah where he exposes the fallacies and falsehoods of this exclusionary, “self-chosen” tribal group. Nevertheless the Pharisees, being a tenacious, determined lot, persisted in maintaining that their secret, orally transmitted laws were the exclusive domain of their particular sect and no other, including the rest of the eleven tribes that had originally made up the bulk of what was once the true 12 Tribes of Israel.
Over the next few hundred years these oral laws would be formulated into what eventually became the Babylonian Talmud, a complex system of rules and regulations and rituals and superstitions compiled with the intent to create an atmosphere of perplexing, confining laws designed to captivate the tribe and breed an eternal hatred for the Messiah Jesus Christ and his followers who, because of the message that was spoken and believed in, posed a direct threat to their own power and design.
The Talmudic Pharisee’s method was to maintain a mental stranglehold over their fellow tribal members by, “interposing a fence between the Jews and the forces of integration released by Christianity.”
The ghetto thus became the traditional form of maintaining control over the intervening centuries and succeeded in keeping the majority of the Jews held in a cohesive amalgam right up until the 19th Century when conditions in the West, especially the new West of North America where freedom and liberty were the watchwords, began to draw the introverted, ghettoized Jews out and away from their confining, separatist dogmas and into a new world of integration with the rest of America’s immigrant population.
This became a temptation too great to resist. It was during the 19th Century that the Talmudic powers began to realize the threat to their control posed by this new trend toward integration and liberty and thus set about organizing a more comprehensive plan to ensure their control over the ghettos remained intact.
Thus was born the nationalistic phase projected into the minds of Jews around the world. It was a fencing project to outdo any others before it and by the end of the 19th Century the plans were in place, spearheaded by Theodor Herzl and the Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe who gathered in Basel, Switzerland to form the World Zionist Organization in 1897. It’s objective the creation of “spiritual” homeland in the heart of the ancient Arab territory of Palestine.
Probably the modern world’s first major heart transplant designed to gain the Zionist faction of World Jewry a long sought after foothold in the Middle East. Political Zionism in that sense became then the thought form which would, after fifty years and more of consistent lobbying and terrorizing of the Palestinian people, eventually precipitate down and manifest within the finite world of global politics into what became, in 1948, the entity known as the state of Israel.
A misnomer from the start the nation should have been called the state of Judah but in true form to its guiding principle of deception it stole its name from the true Israelites, like it stole its territory from the true Arabs. Since the establishment of this Talmudic state of Judahites in 1948, preparation began in earnest to re-create a new ghetto population that would be guaranteed to remain loyal to and complicit with whatever acts of terrorism the state chose to employ in their quest for greater and greater territorial gains.
Finally, after close to sixty years of violence and endless broken treaties and continuous acts of terrorism against the Arab people of the region, the outcry from the rest of the world at the obvious injustices being committed, spurred the Talmudic masters of “Israel” to materially actualize their ancient mind-control methods to the point where they began creating in truly concrete form their mendacious techniques for ensuring control over their tribal members.
The world reacted in horror to these walls and automatically assumed that they were being built to create barriers to keep the Palestinians out of their sacred Talmudic territories. But while this was ostensibly a part of their rational the walls were more an attempt to increase the ghettoization of the Jews themselves so that their later actions, particularly the more brutal and insane attacks upon Gaza could somehow be justified and given a sense of actual legitimacy by the perpetrators of these most heinous of genocidal crimes.All the while the rest of the civilized world was forced to witness their evil intent whenever they turn on their television sets and watched the Zionist news broadcasts or pick up their Zionist newspapers and read about the latest atrocity being committed by these so-called “persecuted” and “victimized” members of the Talmudic tribe of Judea.
Now as if things weren’t bad enough already, all of these efforts by the Pharisees to keep their members trapped in a cult of hatred toward Christians, was only exacerbated six centuries later by the birth of Muhammad and another new religious faith that, like Christianity, also maintained there was but one God, Allah, and He was a God of all peoples just as the Christian God was.
This new religion taught love for everyone and hatred for no other religions, especially the Christian religion and its Messiah Jesus Christ. Unlike the Talmud which heaped profanities and abuse upon Jesus and his Mother Mary, Muhammad held Christ in the greatest of reverence and recognized him as one of the great prophets in the lineage of Abraham.
Now the Talmudic Pharisees had a second religion that they needed to include in their plans for destruction, and as we can witness today, they’re doing their utmost to create hatred and dissension amongst the Christians for the followers of Islam in order to start another major war between two religions whose founders were in accord with everything that the Talmudic Jews despised and held in the deepest of contempt.
The final point brought that needs to be stated here is the fact that down through history and right up until the 20th Century, the most astute observers of civilized development in the West continually questioned and criticized the actions and motives of the Babylonian Talmudic tribe of Pharisees whenever they began to meddle to deeply in the affairs of other nation states.
But beginning with the take-over of the majority of the media in the West around the turn of the century, this practice began to cease and in its place began the efforts on the part of the Zionist Jews to attack any and all critics of their ideology with the endless epithets of “anti-Semite” and “racist” and “Jew Hater”, an enterprise that has today reached such epidemic proportions, that critics of present day Zionism lay wasting away in dungeons and website owners, university professors, researchers and critics everywhere are being accused of “hate crimes” throughout most if not all western nations.
All of these negative, dark designs by the Talmudic tyrants who control the state of “Israel” and the global institutions of media, money and manufacturing ,compose what is now the shadow thrown upon the world by a wall of deception that soon must be torn down if the world is to ever again know peace and harmony.
by Arthur Topham
April 14, 2009.

The West established men’s right to public charge and open trial, or release, (a right which was again in jeopardy in the Twentieth Century) and this was the greatest advance in the entire history of man; on the survival or destruction of this achievement depends his future.” – Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion
The old query about the half full or half empty glass is one that might aptly be applied to the massive concrete wall that now divides Palestinian lands into two respective ghettos ~ one for the Palestinians and, yes, one for the Jews. Current collective wisdom would suggest the wall was designed by the Zionist government of Israel for the simple purpose of maintaining control over stolen Arab territory as well as for ‘security’ reasons but this proposition I suggest is much too simple and too misleading.
calls the wall the greatest canvas he
could wish for but would prefer to see it torn down.
The recent polls taken during the slaughter and destruction of Gaza over the Christmas season which registered a 94% approval rate for Israel’s military crimes is a poignant example of just how crucial and effective this process of indoctrination really is. In order to have accomplished such a high degree of agreement for genociding a defenseless ghetto of starving refugees, there has to be something in place that goes beyond the normal apparatus of democratic structures.

The technique of maintaining such control of its citizenry was perfected prior to the birth of Jesus Christ and as the famed British journalist Douglas Reed shows us in his classic on the subject, The Controversy of Zionism, even before Jerusalem fell to the Romans in 70 AD there were two different “bands of travelers” already passing through its gates.
In Reed’s words, “The disciples bore a new message to mankind, for Christianity had been born. The Pharisees, foreseeing the fate which they had brought on Jerusalem, removed to a new headquarters from which (as from Babylon of yore) the ruling sect might exercise command over “the Jews” wherever in the world they lived.
When “the Law” according to the Levites and Pharisees was in the ascendant, the West made slaves of men, brought heretics before an inquisition, put apostates to death, and yielded to primitive visions of master-racehood; thus the Twentieth Century was the time of the worst backsliding in the West.
When the West made men and nations free, established justice between them, set up the right of fair and open trial, repudiated master-racehood and acknowledged the universal fatherhood of God, it followed the teaching of him who had come to ‘fulfill the Law’.”
These prophetic words written in the mid-1950s predicted that the second half of the century would be but a continuation of this struggle between the forces of darkness and light, one culminating in either of the two being victorious.
Prior to the sacking and destruction of Jerusalem, the Pharisees had already skipped town and relocated in a new headquarters called Jamnia, still in Palestine. It was from there that they began to reassess the new kid on the block so to speak and work out a plan to rid the world of his seemingly enduring presence.
To their longstanding power and control over their Jewish brethren this new sect known as Christians were a direct threat to their power and influence. Here they were (the new ones) claiming that the Messiah had finally arrived and that he was proclaiming that the God of Abraham and Isaac and Israel was the God of all the people, Gentiles included and not just the god of the self-chosen Judahites.
As we saw in the Gaza example last December/January the deliberate shooting of defenseless women and children was living proof that their methodology has not changed in over two millennia. After Jerusalem’s destruction the Jewish Nation was broken up and dispersed throughout the world but the Pharisees at Jamnia continued on with their claims that they and only they possessed the true, oral “Law” purportedly secretly passed down from the God of Abraham into their hot waiting hands and retained by them and them alone ever since.
This of course flew in the face of all that Jesus Christ had taught throughout his ministry where he constantly berated the Pharisees and Scribes for claiming exclusive right to God and using that supposed occult knowledge for their own selfish purposes.

Over the next few hundred years these oral laws would be formulated into what eventually became the Babylonian Talmud, a complex system of rules and regulations and rituals and superstitions compiled with the intent to create an atmosphere of perplexing, confining laws designed to captivate the tribe and breed an eternal hatred for the Messiah Jesus Christ and his followers who, because of the message that was spoken and believed in, posed a direct threat to their own power and design.

The ghetto thus became the traditional form of maintaining control over the intervening centuries and succeeded in keeping the majority of the Jews held in a cohesive amalgam right up until the 19th Century when conditions in the West, especially the new West of North America where freedom and liberty were the watchwords, began to draw the introverted, ghettoized Jews out and away from their confining, separatist dogmas and into a new world of integration with the rest of America’s immigrant population.
Thus was born the nationalistic phase projected into the minds of Jews around the world. It was a fencing project to outdo any others before it and by the end of the 19th Century the plans were in place, spearheaded by Theodor Herzl and the Ashkenazi Jews from eastern Europe who gathered in Basel, Switzerland to form the World Zionist Organization in 1897. It’s objective the creation of “spiritual” homeland in the heart of the ancient Arab territory of Palestine.

A misnomer from the start the nation should have been called the state of Judah but in true form to its guiding principle of deception it stole its name from the true Israelites, like it stole its territory from the true Arabs. Since the establishment of this Talmudic state of Judahites in 1948, preparation began in earnest to re-create a new ghetto population that would be guaranteed to remain loyal to and complicit with whatever acts of terrorism the state chose to employ in their quest for greater and greater territorial gains.

The world reacted in horror to these walls and automatically assumed that they were being built to create barriers to keep the Palestinians out of their sacred Talmudic territories. But while this was ostensibly a part of their rational the walls were more an attempt to increase the ghettoization of the Jews themselves so that their later actions, particularly the more brutal and insane attacks upon Gaza could somehow be justified and given a sense of actual legitimacy by the perpetrators of these most heinous of genocidal crimes.All the while the rest of the civilized world was forced to witness their evil intent whenever they turn on their television sets and watched the Zionist news broadcasts or pick up their Zionist newspapers and read about the latest atrocity being committed by these so-called “persecuted” and “victimized” members of the Talmudic tribe of Judea.
Now as if things weren’t bad enough already, all of these efforts by the Pharisees to keep their members trapped in a cult of hatred toward Christians, was only exacerbated six centuries later by the birth of Muhammad and another new religious faith that, like Christianity, also maintained there was but one God, Allah, and He was a God of all peoples just as the Christian God was.

Now the Talmudic Pharisees had a second religion that they needed to include in their plans for destruction, and as we can witness today, they’re doing their utmost to create hatred and dissension amongst the Christians for the followers of Islam in order to start another major war between two religions whose founders were in accord with everything that the Talmudic Jews despised and held in the deepest of contempt.
But beginning with the take-over of the majority of the media in the West around the turn of the century, this practice began to cease and in its place began the efforts on the part of the Zionist Jews to attack any and all critics of their ideology with the endless epithets of “anti-Semite” and “racist” and “Jew Hater”, an enterprise that has today reached such epidemic proportions, that critics of present day Zionism lay wasting away in dungeons and website owners, university professors, researchers and critics everywhere are being accused of “hate crimes” throughout most if not all western nations.

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