By Moe Bedard
December 15, 2009
My previous articles on this gruesome topic can be found at:
Dead babies can be purchased in Taiwan for 70 US dollars for being used as grilled delicacies.-
There is no need to rub your eyes or think that this article is some kind of sick joke folks. This is real, very scary real and China is hell bent on pushing their demonic agendas on the world.
To be honest, I have never really researched China and what goes on within its borders. But recently I have delved into that dark depths of Asian news and what I have found has absolutely appalled me in every way.
This is the land of forced abortions, mass killings for population control, human slavery and now eating dead baby soup. This country seems like a living hell for the people that live there. What makes me even more upset is the fact that the United States does business with these killers like they run Disneyland and are shipping us Mickey Mouses made by the mousketeers for us to consume here in America.
This is from the Seoul Times and I warn anyone that if you click on this link, what you see will absolutely horrify you. However, my purpose is not to shock or scare you. But to open your eyes to the dark times we live in.
Some of the Chinese people are known to be eating babies and the news circulated through the internet or via Email communication is shocking the world.
An Email report received by The Seoul Times confirmed that news with several vivid and appalling pictures of human embryos fetuses being made into a soup for human consumption.
The report went on. A town in the southern province of Canton (Guangdong) is now on trend taking baby herbal soup to increase overall health and stamina and the power of sexual performance in particular.
Here are some more sources you can check and verify yourself. My understanding is that this is kept very secret and China sensors any reporters, websites and any photos within the country. So it is very difficult for this story to be further reported on by human rights activists.
“New macabre manifestations of this conscienceless abortion mentality include the recent opening of five restaurants in the region of X, which began serving ‘fetal soup’ at the price of 300 Yuan (approximately $40) a bowl!
Recent medical publications have praised the exceptional health benefits for the consuming of ‘fetal remains’ (this jargon allows them to overlook what this really is-unborn baby bodies).
Therefore, local entrepreneurs jumped on the opportunity to distribute this new health breakthrough to the chosen few who could afford the price. So evil and scandalous is this fetal soup trade that the Government shut down the Web sites advertising the restaurants, in fear that they would scandalize the reputation of the People’s Republic to outside countries and businesses.
You have to be kidding right? Unfortunately this is really happening!
In Guangdong, gourmet body parts are in high demand and can even be purchased through hospitals. The magazine’s investigations into this form of cannibalism took them to Liaoning province.
According to The Next Magazine, during a banquet hosted by a Taiwanese businessman, a servant Ms Liu from Liaoning province on the mainland inadvertently revealed the habit of eating infants/fetuses in Liaoning province and her intention to return for the supplement due to health concerns. The Taiwanese women present were horrified.
The following is the text of an article which originally appeared in the Hong Kong Eastern Express on April 12, 1995. For more information, contact Bruce Gilley at The Eastern Express in Hong Kong, telephone 011-852-27071111, or fax 011-852-27071122.
No one could accuse The Chinese of being squeamish about the things they eat ~ monkeys’ brains, owls’ eyes, bears’ paws and deep fried scorpions are all items on The menu. But most dishes revered as national favorites sound as harmless as boiled rice when compared to the latest pint de jour allegedly gaining favor in Shenzhen ~ human fetus.
Rumors that dead embryos were being used as dietary supplements started to spread early last year with reports that some doctors in Shenzhen hospitals were eating dead fetuses after carrying out abortions. The doctors allegedly defended their actions by saying the embryos were good for their skin and general health.
A trend was set and soon reports circulated that doctors in the city were promoting fetuses as a human tonic. Hospital cleaning women were seen fighting each other to take the treasured human remains home. Last month, reporters from EastWeek ~ a sister publication of Eastern Express ~ went to Shenzhen to see if the rumors could be substantiated.
On March 7, a reporter entered the state-run Shenzhen Heath Center for Women and Children feigning illness and asked a female doctor for a fetus. The doctor said the department was out of stock but to come again.
The next day the reporter returned at lunch time. The doctor eventually emerged from the operating theatre holding a fist size glass bottle stuffed with thumb-sized fetuses.
She said: “There are 10 fetuses here, all aborted this morning. You can take them. We are a state hospital and don’t charge anything.
“Normally, we doctors take them home to eat – all free. Since you don’t look well, you can take them.”
Not every state hospital is as generous with its dead embryos as the Health Center for Women and Children. At the Shenzhen People’s Hospital, for example, the reporter was in for a surprise.
Are you disgusted yet?
The question we Americans should be asking is ~“Should the US be doing any business with this notoriously evil and communist country that violates human rights daily. A country where humans are treated worse than animals here in the states. A country that controls the people and eats dead babies?”
You might want to think about this kind of stuff the next time you purchase an item “Made in China” from your local WalMart. Just a thought…
Source: Seoul Times
More Fact Links and Info For Those That Just Cannot Believe This: (maybe you need to eat some to get this in your thick skull that this is real, I don’t know?)
- http://en.epochtimes.com/news/7-3-29/53482.html
- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB841080751616130500.html?mod=googlewsj
- http://www.asianews.it/view.php?l=en&art=5825
- http://online.wsj.com/article/SB842478198389915500.html?mod=googlewsj
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