Imprisoned For Exercising
Freedom Of Speech And Inquiry
As Christmas draws near once again it brings along with it the grim reminder that all of the political prisoners now in prison in Germany and Austria are Christians. Men and women who are on the forefront of the bitter struggle to challenge the diabolic agenda of the Zionist Jews who are doing their damnedest to destroy the Christian religion and all that it has brought to the world including every free man’s right to freedom of thought and freedom of expression.
- If they have their way, gone will be the red and greens of Christmas to be replaced by the blue and white of Hanuka. There is something about this logic that escapes me. Christmas offends a person's sensibilities so it must be killed, killed, killed, but they should truly appreciate my lovely rituals of or I will call them despicable names.
Christmas was once a time when people could relax and enjoy the Spirit of Peace and Love that exemplified the life and the teachings of Jesus Christ. But now it is fraught with attacks by the Zionist forces within our societies who do their utmost to disparage and ridicule the traditional values and freedoms that this season of Light has always represented to millions of people around the world. Who else would be behind this gluttish overly commercialized season since there is soooo much profit to be made! This way purses are padded and priorities altered.
Those listed below have given their all for their beliefs in expressing their thoughts and ideas in the face of Zionist legislation that would criminalize the very basis of learning and knowledge, i.e. the right to question whatever orthodoxy that exhibits signs of deception and falsehood.
So this year think about maybe sending these heroes and heroines of freedom a glad tiding in the form of a card to help them keep their spirits upbeat in the face of the evil they now bear on behalf of so many others.

- Imagine the pleasure our prisoners will have if
- they receive a big bag of Christmas cards.
- At least they will see that they are not forgotten.
- Here are their addresses:

- Monsieur Ernst Zündel
- JVA Mannheim
- Herzogenriedstrasse 111
- D-68169 Mannheim
- (Allemagne)
- incarcéré depuis le 5 février 2003

- Maître Horst Mahler
- Anton-Saefkow-Allee 22
- D-14772 Brandenburg/Havel
- (Allemagne)
- incarcéré depuis le 25 février 2009

- Monsieur Gerd Honsik
- Justizanstalt Wien-Josefstadt
- Wickenburggasse 18-22
- A-1082 Vienne
- (Autriche)
- incarcéré depuis le 23 août 2007
- Monsieur Wolfgang Fröhlich
- Justizanstalt Wien-Josefstadt
- Wickenburggasse 18-22
- A-1082 Vienne
- (Autriche)
- incarcéré depuis mi-septembre 2007
- This Austrian engineer and chemist proved
- the Auschwitz gas chambers were an utter fraud.
- Sentenced to SIX YEARS!
- Maître Sylvia Stolz
- Münchener Str. 33
- D-86551 Aichach
- (Allemagne)
- incarcérée depuis le 14 janvier 2008
- Three and 1/2 years in prison,
- and loss of her law license for five years.
- Sylvia souhaite que les correspondants qui auront joint un billet de 5 ou 10 euros à leur courrier fassent figurer au bas de leur lettre la mention suivante: "Verwendungszweck: Sondergeld 1".
Europeans: If you write a letter and include a note of five or ten Euro, don't forget to add at the end of the letter the words "Verwendungszweck: Sondergeld" (which means "designated money included")
 - No addresses for these (can you help?):
- Professor Faurisson.
- Eleven times physically attacked by Jews, massively fined.
- (A recent fine for this retired professor: 18,000 euros.)
- Pedro Varela of Spain, arrested, strip-searched, his books burned by a red mob in a bonfire as police looked on.
- Paul Fromm of Toronto, Canada; fired as a teacher, his house surrounded by mobs, and recently choked by Jews in an elevator on his way to a government hearing about his "heresy."
- Henrik Holappa of Finland, fired from every job, expelled from the army he loved.
- Thank you, Sadia Elter
- If intelligent people in possession of the facts and courage are up against government and a unified media, both with a constant united strategy of ignoring, stonewalling, and punishing for accusations on critics on issue after issue after issue (911,Global Warming, Israel, H1N1,the Credit Crisis and theft of our planet,Foreign trade, FED, NAFTA, Waco, USS Liberty, Oklahoma City, Pearl Harbor, Hiss, Sacco ~ and the Holocaust ) and the government and the news media are proven wrong virtually every time, there is a necessary occasion for testing for the truth.
- Then what is their aversion but inductive proof of government conspiracy of an outside power greater than the power of the people and their laws?
- Other sites are encouraged to post this list.
- Unless we stand firm, there will be
- no more First Amendment in America soon.
This does not look like much of a Nativity Scene as it shows here. But if you enlarge the thumb keep enlarging and it is a treasure of an image. It is a beautiful piece by Dore ~ the detail is just exquisite. Please enjoy.
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