Yesterday I did a post on Vancouver NDP politician Libby Davies who dared utter words not pleasing to the Chabad Lubinovitch rulers of Canada in the least. The politicians are frothing at the mouth over her stating a simple fact or two in calm terms to a rather aggressive reporter. Everyone wants a piece of her it seems.
First I am posting an article that deserves more exposure by Blogger Murray Dobbin who feels that Davies is speaking the words the NDP leader, Jack Layton, should be saying and she is being sold down the river. I agree. But read Murray's piece for yourself. I did not know that the fellow who interviewed her was a Zionist and that this was a complete set up for Davies. I knew the interviewer was trying to push her into a corner to make a statement she could be hung over but she did not. So they had to fabricate their umbrage on innocuous statements to which Mr. Harper has responded:
HARPER HYSTERICS: "The deputy leader of the NDP knew full well what she was saying," Harper said during the daily question period in the House of Commons. "She made statements that could have been made by Hamas, Hezbollah or anybody else with no repercussions from that party whatsoever."
This affair certainly shows how many Canadian politicians kiss Zionist butt as embarrassingly as Hillary and Obama did when groveling for AIPAC support in the last American election. I have posted much of Arthur Topham's work here in the past and knew he would have some good commentary to encourage awareness and dialog on the issues people don't want to face ~ Palestine and Israel.As always, his aim is brief ... and true. His writings appear after the more current one from Mr. Dobbin
Jack Layton’s leadership test
Today, Tuesday June 15, is a day the NDP‘s Jack Layton will face a leadership test. He is poised to make a decision to punish one of his MPs and it could stain his leadership for a long time to come.
As reported yesterday in the Vancouver Sun and other Canwest papers the party is in a state of near hysteria over what should have been a minor flap. But when the question of Israel and the Palestinians is involved, nothing is simple. The pro-Israel lobby and its friends are masters of taking advantage of any situation to promote their cause and vilify Israel’s critics. And it doesn’t matter if the victim is an icon of progressive politics.
In this case Vancouver East MP Libby Davies got bushwacked by a pro-Israel activist posing as a neutral ~ if not pro-Palestinian ~ blogger. After a rally for the Palestinians criticizing Israel’s deadly assault on the aid flotilla, a man approached Libby asking for an interview. As she always does, because she never hides her views, she complied. He immediately set her up with what he called a “background question.” He asked when the occupation began, 1948 or 1967.
Libby hesitated then said 1948. She made the point that the date was not important ~ that whatever the date the occupation was the longest in the world ~ and far too long.
The next day the interview appeared on YouTube. But in 24 hours it had gone nowhere ~ just 28 views. Then the most vociferous supporter of Israel in the NDP caucus, Thomas Mulcair, got wind of it and it escalated out of control.
He went on a relentless campaign to punish Libby. The spin he helped create was that if Libby believed the occupation began in 1948 then she, ipso facto, believes that Israel has no right to exist. Libby has always gone to great lengths to make it clear that she supports Israel’s right to exist and the two-state solution endorsed by the NDP. But suddenly Jack Layton was in full-panic mode. He apologized to the Israeli ambassador. He hung Libby out to dry. He forced her to issue a public apology.
Apology? For what?
As always these crazy delusional clowns read meaning into things that were never intended. This is such an ADL ploy and only in Zionist controlled nations does it seem to carry any weight any more.
Some have criticized Libby’s statement as evidence that she does not know the history of the occupation which most mainstream commentators date from 1967 ~ when Israel militarily occupied the West bank, Gaza and the Golan Heights. But Libby’s problem was not that she didn’t know enough. She knew too much.
This fits right in with their denial of the existence of the Nakba in 1948 when hundreds of thousands of Palestinians were either slaughtered or moved en mass to tents in an unfriendly desert, their homes and farms destroyed. Most consider that to be the beginning of the occupation.
It is part of the unquestioned history of Israel that during the time leading up to its formal establishment by UN resolution 181 there was a massive, forced expulsion of 750,000 Palestinian Arabs from the land designated for the Jewish state. The resolution explicitly banned any such expulsion. The Arab population of that land had equal rights to it.
So when did the occupation begin? Certainly the Arab families who were forced from their homes, farms and villages by Israeli terrorist groups like the Irgun believe their land was occupied. They still do. That is the basis for their demand of the Right of Return.
In any case Libby’s point in the interview was the correct one: whenever you date the occupation one thing is clear. It is a grotesque violation of international law, human rights and numerous UN resolutions which Israel, with the carte blanche support of the US and Canada, contemptuously ignores.
Here’s where the question of leadership comes in. Jack Layton has said virtually nothing about the hideous blockade of Gaza ~ what commentators call an outdoor prison. Why? Because he is does not, apparently, have the political courage to take an independent stand on Canadian foreign policy. He said virtually nothing when eleven aid activists were murdered (some of them executed at close range or shot in the back) by Israeli commandos.
But suddenly he is fully engaged in the issue because one of his most trusted and ethical MPs got suckered into making a controversial statement.
Mr Layton needs to rethink which is more important
~ the vicious blockade of Gaza,
and the collective punishment of 1.5 million people.
Or a careless remark by an MP
admired across the country for her courage and openness.
The irony is that Libby is being punished for doing exactly what Jack Layton should be doing: defending the human rights of a people suffering under the oppression of an Apartheid regime.
No one said leadership is easy. Jack Layton should back off, tell Thomas Mulcair to quit exposing the party to public ridicule, and maybe consider taking a stand, with Libby, on behalf of the Palestinians of Gaza.
He might be pleasantly surprised at the response of Canadians.
“The US is not the only nation
whose government has been subverted by Israel,
and here is a warning to Canadians.
When parasites kill their hosts
hey simply jump to a new host,
and as the United States edges closer to collapse,
Israel will simply hop across the border
and make Canadians their new cash cow.
Obviously the groundwork
has already been laid by Israel’s subversives.
Note that Libby Davies stated a factual truth; that Israel has been occupying other peoples’ lands all along, and the maps prove it! But Israel has hit the panic button and have launched a pogrom to “cleanse” all media and government of anyone who would dare speak the truth to their power!”
This is, to me, as frightening as the long term scenario I have seen regarding the Deepwater problem. And, believe me, that has truly frightened the bejeebers out of me.
Dear Radical Reader,
Here, in this audacious demand by Canada’s PM Harper, we see the full-blown, hideous face of the farce known as Canada’s federal government. For all intents of purpose Harper might as well be an Israeli Jew.
He behaves like one as does Liberal foreign affairs critic Bob Rae who is, in fact, a crypto Jew.
They, along with any other Canadian politician who pig-headedly and unquestioningly defends the indefensible when it comes to the racist, supremacist, apartheid state of Israel, is a traitor to Canada and should be removed from any position of power they currently hold.
These complicit, submissive, sickening Zionist lackeys of Israel are a massive disgrace and an inherent danger to this country and symbolize the degree to which Canada has been infiltrated by the Zionist Jews over the last century. Due of course, also, to the blatant fact that the Jewish International Media Monopoly (JIMM) controls all of our information, the general population of this country lives in abject ignorance of what is truly going on behind the scenes both internationally and domestically.
Bob Rae is a treasonous hypocrite just like Stephen Harper and anyone else who willfully attempts to justify the supreme chauvinistic and brutal sadism that represents the modus operandi of the Jews-only state of Israel. They must be challenged from every quarter on their duplicity and continuing complicity in furthering the lies and the slaughter of innocents by this rogue, illegitimate state.
I, for one, can unconditionally state with a clear conscience and with sufficiently good reasons, that the so-called state of Israel was conceived in subterfuge and deceit and deception from day one by the Rothschild banking consortium decades prior to its illegal inception and that it has no moral or legal right to exist.
Two major world wars were instigated by the Rothschild syndicate in order to justify its creation and it’s actions over the past 62 years clearly illustrate the fact that it was brought into existence in order to foment war, death and chaos within the Arab world and also to provide a beachhead (they called it, in typical Zionese deceptive language a “spiritual homeland”) wherein all the most unsavory and bigoted scoundrels in the world could find refuge, set up their citadel of Evil and man their ramparts of repression with three hundred nuclear weapons for immediate use if threatened by the truth.
The state of Israel is the ultimate manifestation in reality of what the terms Big Brother and Terrorism imply and it must be dismantled and removed from the Middle East for good if the world is ever to achieve any semblance of global peace, security and environmental harmony. Any unbiased study of the actions of this so-called “democratic” state will fully expose the fact that death and destruction and environmental degradation have followed in the wake of its creation and will continue to do so until it is dissolved.
The ongoing use of Zionist-Jew created falsehoods such as “anti-Semite” (a contraction in terms in itself) in order to silence anyone who is cognizant of this glaring hoax parading itself around the world as a democracy has got to stop. For years now I’ve been personally battling these very viperous forces here in Canada doing my damnedest to outline and show Canadians the extent to which these serpentine sleuths have permeated our very essence in terms of infrastructure, our judiciary, our supposed “free” press, our publishing companies, academia, churches and most importantly and essentially, our political parties.
JIMM, the global Jew media, coupled with their malicious and overwhelming influence and ability to instill fear in people by accusations of anti-Semitism against any person who voices displeasure with their heinous actions and lies both in Palestine and throughout the world, is the #1 enemy of true freedom and democracy and peace everywhere.
All that NDP Libby Davies stated is true beyond question for anyone who has actually removed the blinkers from their eyes and awakened to the fact that the world has been mesmerized by JIMM into believing that somehow Israel is a legitimate nation and one that is fully deserving of unqualified support regardless of its litany of war crimes and slaughter over the past six decades and more.
Only a population of mind-controlled morons could possibly view the situation and not figure out what the hell’s been going on and that, not surprisingly, is the primary purpose of JIMM – to keep the illusion alive until the day comes when they’ve gained control over all the nation states of the world and introduced legislation under the guise of “hatred toward Jews” so they can then hunt down and incarcerate and imprison anyone who has the audacity to speak the truth about this hideous Beast that calls itself a democracy yet stalks the planet like some blood-soaked Godzilla wreaking death and destruction in its wake..
The gloves have got to come off and people have got to begin speaking the truth about JIMM and the negative effect that it is having upon the freedom of people everywhere to speak their minds and think their own thoughts and express their opinions without fear of being attacked by whatever Jewish lobby group happens to pick up on their words. B’nai Brith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress are the two worst examples now existing here in Canada of this clandestine, seditious phenomenon; their efforts over decades having centered on creating the illusion and the lie that somehow Israel is God’s chosen nation and whatever it does to its Arab citizens and its neighbouring nations must be legitimate and justified and unquestioned.
I’ve stated this numerous times in articles that these two Rothschild creatures of cunning and deceit are anathema to a well functioning Canadian government (or any government for that matter) and to the existence of an open and informed electorate. Time and continuing examples of Israel’s evil (yes, evil) ways only further exacerbates the situation for the defenseless and persecuted who are victim’s of this global megalomania; a sickness of the mind and soul symbolizing a psychotic state being perpetually presented to the world as somehow legitimate, honorable and an ideal to be lauded and strived for.
It’s for reasons such as these that “lobby groups” like B’nai Brith and the Canadian Jewish Congress here in Canada and in the USA the ADL (Anti Defamation League) ought to be outlawed and anyone who stridently objects to their dismantling should be sent to Gaza or the West Bank or Iraq or Afghanistan (preferably in areas saturated with depleted uranium) to do community service for the victims of Zionist aggression.
Federal NDP Leader Jack Layton, in making his monumentally ignorant comments about how the NDP would never “ever deny that Israel not only has a right to exist but a right to exist in secure borders in a safe context,” has exhibited his own vastly uniformed knowledge of how Israel actually is constituted and operates.
He speaks about “secure borders” in total ignorance of the fact that Israel has no defined borders and never did (Israel is Rothschild is Zionism and their objective is a world without borders for the simple reason that they will control it all).
He also speaks as if Israel has a defined and written constitution (which it doesn’t) and assumes that their ongoing “right” to steal land from the Arabs and call it their own is somehow clearly understood and beyond dispute.
For a federal leader of one of Canada’s three major political parties to be so misinformed and outrightly stupid is a poignant illustration of just how deep and widespread this fable of Israel truly is.
Once again for the finale.
Given the recent slaughter of innocent aid victims on their way to help the beleaguered captives of Gaza one might expect that Canada's PM would be a tad reticent when it comes to vituperation and slander against another Canadian for criticizing Israel but Zionism's chutzpah knows no bounds any longer, here or abroad.
Israel is controlled by the Jewish Rothschild banking cartel and has been from day one. Period. The information is out there on the net for anyone who seriously wishes to find out the truth. One good place to start might be the archives of RadicalPress.com.
There’s no excuse beyond the fear that’s been instilled in Canadians for multiple decades that to question the Jews’ lies is to be “anti-Semitic,” “hate mongering” and “racist.” This is a gargantuan ruse designed to thwart any honest investigation into the foundations that support this false messiah known as Zionism and is exempified in the Canadian legislation known as Sec. 13, a Jew-created law to silence all that I’ve been speaking of here in this article.
I propose otherwise. If you wish to know the truth and be set free of this morbid, demeaning bondage to the delusions of those who, in their ignorance and insecurity, bow down repeatedly in obeisance to this racist, sadistic entity known as Israel, then you must, personally and with conviction, face the fact that your government, your media and your legal systems are all presently in the hands of these vipers.
Their generation has come to the fore and like all vicious entities who have gained control over others they will not willingly remove themselves from their positions of power and exploitation. It’s going to take a concerted effort on the majority of Canadians to stand up, show some conviction and courage and demand that their license to kill, destroy and poison, be revoked forever.
The time to do this is yesterday.
Shine your Light for Love, Peace & Justice for All,
Arthur Topham
The Radical Press
Canada’s Radical News Network
“Digging to the root of the issues since 1998″
Calls for NDP MP to resign after Israel comments
Tuesday, June 15, 2010
Read more:
Prime Minister Stephen Harper called on NDP MP Libby Davies to resign as her party’s deputy leader after she suggested Israel has been occupying territory since the country came into existence.
“Mr. Speaker, this is a fundamental denial of Israel’s right to exist,” Harper said in the House of Commons on Tuesday. “It repeats the kind of comments that were made by Helen Thomas on which she was forced to resign and the member of the NDP who said those should be forced to resign as well.”
Thomas was the veteran White House correspondent who resigned after saying Jews in Israel should “get the hell out of Palestine” and “go back to Poland, Germany, America and everywhere else.”
Liberal foreign affairs critic Bob Rae also denounced Davies’ comments.
“To deny the state of Israel’s right to exist and to propose an international campaign of boycotts, divestments and sanctions against a legitimate member of the world community for over 60 years is to reveal a level of hostility and ignorance that is truly breathtaking,” Rae said in a written statement.
In a media scrum later, Rae argued that Davies’ comments were not simply a slip of the tongue and called for her to step down as deputy leader.
Earlier this month, Davies was interviewed at a rally in Vancouver and asked if she believes the occupation in Israel began in 1948 or 1967. After hesitating, she answered:
“Forty-eight. I mean, it’s the longest occupation in the world. But I mean, I’m not going to argue numbers. It’s too long, right?” She went on to say, “I mean, this is the longest occupation in the world. People are suffering. I’ve been to the West Bank in Gaza twice so I’ve seen for myself what’s going on.”
The state of Israel was established in 1948.
In the video, Davies is also asked if she supports the international campaign of boycotts, divestments and sanctions against Israel (known as the BDS movement).
“I haven’t even actually gone that far. You gotta understand, I’m probably the strongest supporter in Parliament. There is virtually no information in the political arena or understanding about the BDS movement. People are actually afraid to speak out on this issue.… Elected people who are sympathetic are actually afraid to speak out,” Davies answers.
Later in the video, Davies says she personally supports the BDS movement, adding, however, that she’s not “someone who’s there” but is instead a Canadian politician demanding the Canadian government speak out more on the issues.
The interview was posted on YouTube.
Since her comments were made public, Davies has posted on her website a letter she sent to the editor of The Ottawa Citizen.
“My reference to the year 1948 as the beginning of the Israeli occupation of Palestinian territory was a serious and completely inadvertent error,” she wrote. “I apologize for this and regret any confusion it has caused. I have always supported a two-state solution to the ongoing Israeli-Palestinian conflict and have never questioned Israel’s right to exist and the Palestinians’ right to a viable state.”
NDP Leader Jack Layton defended Davies Tuesday.
“Libby Davies has apologized and did so immediately around the serious mistake about a date. She has never and our party has never, nor would we ever deny that Israel not only has a right to exist but a right to exist in secure borders in a safe context,” he said.
Layton added that the party does not support the BDS proposal.
Read more: http://www.cbc.ca/politics/story/2010/06/15/libby-davies-israel.html#ixzz0r2R1iKcM
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