We are now defending the siege,
which is itself becoming Israel's Vietnam.
By Bradley BurstonMay 31, 2010
That is why it is so difficult to listen.
We were determined to avoid an honest look at the first Gaza war.
Now, in international waters and having opened fire on an international group of humanitarian aid workers and activists, we are fighting and losing the second.
For Israel, in the end,
this Second Gaza War could be far more costly and painful than the first.
Hamas learned that the best way to fight Israel is to let Israel do what it has begun to do naturally: bluster, blunder, stonewall, and fume.

Hamas, and no less, Iran and Hezbollah, learned early on that Israel's own embargo against Hamas-ruled Gaza was the most sophisticated and powerful weapon they could have deployed against the Jewish state.
We are no longer defending Israel.
We are now defending the siege.
The siege itself is becoming Israel's Vietnam.
Of course, we knew this could happen.
Rachel Corrie, before her historic stance against the tractor.
On Sunday, when the army spokesman began speaking of a Gaza-bound aid flotilla in terms of an attack on Israel, MK Nahman Shai, the IDF chief spokesman during the 1991 Gulf war, spoke publicly of his worst nightmare, an operation in which Israeli troops, raiding the flotilla, might open fire on peace activists, aid workers and Nobel laureates.
Likud MK Miri Regev, who also once headed the IDF Spokesman's Office, said early Monday that the most important thing now was to deal with the negative media reports quickly, so they would go away.
But they are not going to go away.
One of the ships is named for Rachel Corrie,
killed while trying to bar the way
of an IDF bulldozer in Gaza seven years ago.
Her name, and her story,
have since become a lightning rod
for pro-Palestinian activism.
Rachel Corrie, after. One of the ships was named in her honour
Perhaps most ominously, in a stepwise, lemming-like march of folly in our relations with Ankara, a regional power of crucial importance and one which, if heeded, could have helped head off the First Gaza War, we have come dangerously close to effectively declaring a state of war with Turkey.
"This is going to be a very large incident, certainly with the Turks," said Benjamin Ben-Eliezer, the cabinet minister with the most sensitive sense of Israel's ties with the Muslim world.
We explain,
time and again,
that we are not at war with the people of Gaza.
We say it time and again because we ourselves need to believe it,
and because, deep down, we do not.
There was a time, when it could be said that we knew ourselves only in wartime. No longer. Now we know nothing.
Yet another problem with refraining from talks with Hamas and Iran:
They know us so much better than we know ourselves.
They know, as the song about the Lebanon War suggested ("Lo Yachol La'atzor Et Zeh") that we, unable to see ourselves in any clarity, are no longer capable of stopping ourselves.
Hamas, as well as Iran, have come to know and benefit from the toxicity of Israeli domestic politics, which is all too ready to mortgage the future for the sake of a momentary apparent calm.
They know that in our desperation
to protect our own image of ourselves,
we will avoid modifying policies
which have literally
brought aid and comfort to our enemies,
in particular Hamas, which the siege on Gaza
has enriched through tunnel taxes
and entrenched through anger toward Israel.
there will be a quiet joy in all of what is about to hit the fan.
"We told you so," the crowing will begin.
"The world hates us, no matter what we do.
So we may as well go on building
[Read: 'Settling the West Bank and East Jerusalem']
and defending our borders
[Read: 'Bolster Hamas and ultimately harm ourselves
by refusing to lift the Gaza embargo']."
Hamas, Iran and the Israeli and Diaspora hard right know, as one, that this is a test of enormous importance for Benjamin Netanyahu. Keen to have the world focus on Iran and the threat it poses to the people of Israel, Netanyahu must recognize that the world is now focused on Israel and the threat it poses to the people of Gaza.
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