US H.R. 5501 bill condemns UN reaction to Gaza flotilla mass murder
By: "Mark Graffis"
Jun 22, 2010
H.R. 5501, a bill condemning the UN Human Rights Council’s reaction to the Gaza flotilla mass murder
111th congress 2d Session
H. R. 5501
To prohibit United States participation on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and prohibit contributions to the United Nations for the purpose of paying for any United Nations investigation into the flotilla incident.
June 10, 2010
Mr. King of New York (for himself),
Mr. Pence,
Mrs. McMorris RODGERS,
Mr. Smith of Texas,
Mr. McKeon,
Mr. Sessions,
Mr. Rogers of Alabama,
Mr. Gohmert,
Mr. FRANKS of Arizona,
Mr. Latta,
Mr. Chaffetz,
Mr. Hunter,
Mr. Miller of Florida,
Mr. Culberson,
Mrs. Blackburn,
Mrs. Bachmann,
Mr. Roskam,
Mr. Austria,
Mr. Olson,
Mr. Broun of Georgia,
Mr. Posey,
Mr. Bilirakis,
Mr. Campbell,
Mrs. Miller of Michigan,
Mr. Daniel E. LunGREN of California,
Mr. Lee of New York,
Mr. McClintock,
Mr. Coble,
Mr. Wilson of South Carolina,
Mr. Burton of Indiana,
Mr. Lewis of California,
Mr. Calvert,
Mr. Gallegly,
Mr. Terry,
Mr. Kirk,
and Mr. Bishop of Utah) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
To prohibit United States participation on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and prohibit contributions to the United Nations for the purpose of paying for any United Nations investigation into the flotilla incident.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ''America Stands with Israel Act''.
SEC. 2.
Congress finds the following:
(1) A state of armed conflict exists between Israel and the Hamas regime controlling Gaza. Hamas has launched 10,000 rockets against Israeli civilians, and is presently smuggling in arms and military supplies into Gaza, by land and sea, in order to fortify its positions and continue its attacks.
(2) Under international law, Israel has the right to protect the lives of its civilians from Hamas attacks, and, consequently, has undertaken measures to defend itself, including the imposition of a maritime blockade to curb Hamas rearmament. Under international maritime law, when a maritime blockade is in effect, no vessels can enter the blockaded area. Its use of force for soldiers to defend themselves is also acceptable under international law.
(3) Hamas is a terrorist organization recognized by the United States and the European Union whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel. Hamas has also illegally taken control of Gaza and has used rockets, mortars, and suicide bombs to kill hundreds of Israelis and Americans inside of Israel, which it continues to this day.
(4) Hamas is funded and directly supported by Iran which uses it as a proxy to fight Israel. In addition, Iran recently announced it would send Iranian ships to escort future ships attempting to break the Gaza blockade.
(5) In 2002, Israel intercepted the Karine A which was found to be carrying 50 tons of weapons destined for Hamas and, in 2009, Israel intercepted the Francop carrying hundreds of tons of weapons destined for Hezbollah.
(6) Israel allows approximately 15,000 tons of supplies to enter Gaza on a daily basis. In the last 18 months over a million tons of humanitarian supplies have entered Gaza from Israel.
(7) Even though Israel repeatedly warned the flotilla it would not be allowed entry in to Gaza and offered to deliver to Gaza the humanitarian goods that the flotilla was carrying, Israel was rebuffed.
(8) Greta Berlin, one of the leaders of the flotilla, admitted the purpose was not to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza but rather to end the blockade.
(9) The main organizer of the flotilla was the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which has publicly affirmed its links to Hamas, maintains an office in Gaza, and has ties to other terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda, and several of the passengers on the flotilla have links or have provided financial support to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and al-Qaeda.
(10) According to its Web site, the United Nations Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations consisting of 47 countries responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe. However, its members include such notorious violators of human rights as China, Cuba, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. In addition, the Human Rights Council has produced the deeply flawed and biased United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (Goldstone Report) which was rejected by the Obama Administration and Congress, and at least 27 resolutions specifically condemning Israel.
SEC. 3.
Congress declares that the United States stands with the Government of Israel and the Israeli people.
SEC. 4.
It is the sense of Congress that the United States ~
(1) supports Israel's unconditional right to defend itself;
(2) supports Israel's naval blockade of Gaza; and
(3) should oppose any United Nations investigation into the flotilla incident.
SEC. 5.
(a) Cessation of Membership. ~ The Secretary of State shall direct the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations to cease United States participation in and membership on the United Nations Human Rights Council.
(b) Prohibition on Certain Contributions. ~
(1) In general. ~ The Secretary of State may not contribute to the United Nations any funds to be used to pay for an investigation into the flotilla incident.
(2) Recapture. ~ The Secretary of State shall ensure that no United States contributions to the United Nations are used for an investigation into the flotilla incident, including, where necessary, by withholding from United States contributions to the regularly assessed biennial budget of the United Nations amounts equal to any amounts so expended.
111th congress 2d Session
H. R. 5501
To prohibit United States participation on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and prohibit contributions to the United Nations for the purpose of paying for any United Nations investigation into the flotilla incident.
June 10, 2010
Mr. King of New York (for himself),
Mr. Pence,
Mrs. McMorris RODGERS,
Mr. Smith of Texas,
Mr. McKeon,
Mr. Sessions,
Mr. Rogers of Alabama,
Mr. Gohmert,
Mr. FRANKS of Arizona,
Mr. Latta,
Mr. Chaffetz,
Mr. Hunter,
Mr. Miller of Florida,
Mr. Culberson,
Mrs. Blackburn,
Mrs. Bachmann,
Mr. Roskam,
Mr. Austria,
Mr. Olson,
Mr. Broun of Georgia,
Mr. Posey,
Mr. Bilirakis,
Mr. Campbell,
Mrs. Miller of Michigan,
Mr. Daniel E. LunGREN of California,
Mr. Lee of New York,
Mr. McClintock,
Mr. Coble,
Mr. Wilson of South Carolina,
Mr. Burton of Indiana,
Mr. Lewis of California,
Mr. Calvert,
Mr. Gallegly,
Mr. Terry,
Mr. Kirk,
and Mr. Bishop of Utah) introduced the following bill; which was referred to the Committee on Foreign Affairs
To prohibit United States participation on the United Nations Human Rights Council (UNHRC) and prohibit contributions to the United Nations for the purpose of paying for any United Nations investigation into the flotilla incident.
Be it enacted by the Senate and House of Representatives of the United States of America in Congress assembled,
This Act may be cited as the ''America Stands with Israel Act''.
SEC. 2.
Congress finds the following:
(1) A state of armed conflict exists between Israel and the Hamas regime controlling Gaza. Hamas has launched 10,000 rockets against Israeli civilians, and is presently smuggling in arms and military supplies into Gaza, by land and sea, in order to fortify its positions and continue its attacks.
(2) Under international law, Israel has the right to protect the lives of its civilians from Hamas attacks, and, consequently, has undertaken measures to defend itself, including the imposition of a maritime blockade to curb Hamas rearmament. Under international maritime law, when a maritime blockade is in effect, no vessels can enter the blockaded area. Its use of force for soldiers to defend themselves is also acceptable under international law.
(3) Hamas is a terrorist organization recognized by the United States and the European Union whose charter calls for the destruction of Israel. Hamas has also illegally taken control of Gaza and has used rockets, mortars, and suicide bombs to kill hundreds of Israelis and Americans inside of Israel, which it continues to this day.
(4) Hamas is funded and directly supported by Iran which uses it as a proxy to fight Israel. In addition, Iran recently announced it would send Iranian ships to escort future ships attempting to break the Gaza blockade.
(5) In 2002, Israel intercepted the Karine A which was found to be carrying 50 tons of weapons destined for Hamas and, in 2009, Israel intercepted the Francop carrying hundreds of tons of weapons destined for Hezbollah.
(6) Israel allows approximately 15,000 tons of supplies to enter Gaza on a daily basis. In the last 18 months over a million tons of humanitarian supplies have entered Gaza from Israel.
(7) Even though Israel repeatedly warned the flotilla it would not be allowed entry in to Gaza and offered to deliver to Gaza the humanitarian goods that the flotilla was carrying, Israel was rebuffed.
(8) Greta Berlin, one of the leaders of the flotilla, admitted the purpose was not to bring humanitarian aid to Gaza but rather to end the blockade.
(9) The main organizer of the flotilla was the Turkish Humanitarian Relief Foundation, which has publicly affirmed its links to Hamas, maintains an office in Gaza, and has ties to other terrorist organizations, including al-Qaeda, and several of the passengers on the flotilla have links or have provided financial support to Hamas, Palestinian Islamic Jihad, and al-Qaeda.
(10) According to its Web site, the United Nations Human Rights Council is an intergovernmental body within the United Nations consisting of 47 countries responsible for strengthening the promotion and protection of human rights around the globe. However, its members include such notorious violators of human rights as China, Cuba, Egypt, Saudi Arabia, and Russia. In addition, the Human Rights Council has produced the deeply flawed and biased United Nations Fact Finding Mission on the Gaza Conflict (Goldstone Report) which was rejected by the Obama Administration and Congress, and at least 27 resolutions specifically condemning Israel.
SEC. 3.
Congress declares that the United States stands with the Government of Israel and the Israeli people.
SEC. 4.
It is the sense of Congress that the United States ~
(1) supports Israel's unconditional right to defend itself;
(2) supports Israel's naval blockade of Gaza; and
(3) should oppose any United Nations investigation into the flotilla incident.
SEC. 5.
(a) Cessation of Membership. ~ The Secretary of State shall direct the United States Permanent Representative to the United Nations to cease United States participation in and membership on the United Nations Human Rights Council.
(b) Prohibition on Certain Contributions. ~
(1) In general. ~ The Secretary of State may not contribute to the United Nations any funds to be used to pay for an investigation into the flotilla incident.
(2) Recapture. ~ The Secretary of State shall ensure that no United States contributions to the United Nations are used for an investigation into the flotilla incident, including, where necessary, by withholding from United States contributions to the regularly assessed biennial budget of the United Nations amounts equal to any amounts so expended.
HR 5501
ReplyDeleteGiven a reading.
Filed under 'Most disgusting drivel ever seen'
Bravo Noor great site lovely avatar
Dog poet has a wonderful piece today.
Glad to know your type exist.
I have always heard since I was a child of the United States protests and vetoes in favor of Israel. I am 57 years old now. I guess this is a long time for vetoing and protesting.
ReplyDeleteWhat the article is stating is just a natural behavior and attitude of the mother devil to her daughter who is soiling the mother's lab and shoulders and crying to be fed.
Well, there is a saying in the middle east that can concisely discribe this situation: "A filthy pot would yield nothing the filth therein"
"Kullu Ina'en Yandhah Bima feih"