Okay, read the following piece of hasbara. This is followed by an article by Arthur Topham disputing the mistruths presented to the public in the Canadian paper The National Post. Kay supports the Zionist stance that the Protocols are part of a conspiracy and spreads mistruths in the process.
May 11, 2011
The Protocols was a lie. But it was a lie that people wanted to hear.
In August, 1897, Theodor Herzl and two hundred fellow activists convened at a concert hall in Basel, Switzerland, to attend the First Zionist Congress. The capstone of their deliberations was The Basel Program, a landmark manifesto aimed at “establishing for the Jewish people a publicly and legally assured home in Palestine.” The delegates also officially adopted the Hatikvah, a song that, six decades later, would become the national anthem for the country we call Israel.
But as legend has it, it was all an elaborate act ~ just a respectable set-piece to divert gentile journalists and spies from the real meeting taking place at a secret location nearby. There, Herzl delivered a clandestine 24-part lecture series for Jewish ears only.
In these speeches, “protocols” as Herzl called them, there was little talk of carving a small country out of the Middle Eastern desert. What he proposed was nothing less than a plan for total world domination.
Europe’s gentiles ~ or goyim, as they were described in Yiddish ~ generally were a happy, earnest lot, Herzl told his audience. They worked their farms and small businesses assiduously, prayed to a benevolent Christian God, and prospered under the kindly, lawful aristocrats who rose up from among their ranks.
But they were also gullible, lustful, greedy and unstable in their attitudes ~ human frailties that the calculating, ascetic Jew could exploit in order to rob them of their entitlements.
The Jewish strategy,
Herzl explained, would target all strata of goyim.
To corrupt the proles, Jewish smut merchants
would provide pornography and “alcoholic liquors.”
To ensnare middle-class farmers and merchants,
Jewish moneylenders would practice usury.
Ambitious gentile politicians would be co-opted
through extortion and outright bribery;
or else installed as quislings in Europe’s Masonic lodges,
which Jews secretly controlled.
Meanwhile, gentile intellectuals, such as they were,
would be beguiled by democracy, liberalism,
Marxism, socialism, communism, Darwinism,
anarchism, “Nietzsche-ism,”
and all the other fangled creeds the Jew had created.
Ironically, the Jews’ most powerful weapon in the campaign to enslave gentiles would be none other than the lure of sweet liberty itself:
“The abstraction of freedom has enabled us to persuade the mob in all countries that … the steward may be replaced like a worn-out glove,” Herzl explained to the assembled Elders.
“It is this possibility of replacing the representatives of the people, which has placed at our disposal, and … given us the power of appointment.”
Of course, God-fearing men would never willingly succumb to Jewish tyranny. But Herzl had an answer to that:
Jews would not only annihilate Europe’s earthly rulers, but also
“the very principle of God-head and the spirit,” whose presence in men’s souls shielded them from the “arithmetical calculations and material needs” upon which the Jew preyed.
No longer would the peoples of the world
“walk contentedly and humbly under the guiding hand of [their] spiritual pastor submitting to the dispositions of God upon Earth.” Instead, “all nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain, and in the race for it will not take note of their common foe [the Jew].”
As his plan played out, Herzl explained, Jews would cycle the world through an endless series of bloody wars and economic depressions, which would serve both to enrich Jewish war profiteers and speculators, and cast the rest of the globe into poverty. Traumatized to the point of total despair, the peoples of the world would have no choice but to succumb.
When Herzl was done with his 24 protocols, the conference disbanded and the Jewish Elders returned to their homes in order to prepare their plots. The world might never have learned of the protocols’ existence ~ but for a single Russian police agent who, through means unknown, intercepted one of Herzl’s acolytes at a German Masonic lodge.
In exchange for what one must assume to have been an extravagant sum, the Jew agreed to turn over his handwritten transcription of Herzl’s protocols ~ but only till the next morning. All through the night, a team of Russian scribes feverishly copied out the Hebrew text. When sunrise broke, the fruits of their labour were sent to translators in Moscow, who would go on to warn the world of the Jewish menace.
Thus ends the fairy tale, known to history as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion ~ a document that would become the most influential conspiracist tract since the era of the French Revolution.
Millions of readers were taken in by this poisonous fraud following its widespread publication in 1919. Adolf Hitler and other war criminals would be inspired to act on it, setting in motion a wave of anti-Semitic hatred so intense that, by the end of the Second World War, Central and Eastern Europe were left virtually Judenrein.
All this came to pass despite the fact the Protocols was debunked within months of its dissemination. As investigators revealed, the document was concocted by czarist anti-Semites who had not even taken the trouble to invent the lies themselves.
Instead, they plagiarized Protocols from two sources: Biarritz, a lurid anti-Semitic novel published 50 years previously in Germany, and a French propaganda tract from the same era, “Dialogues in Hell between Machiavelli and Montesquieu,” written by a French lawyer named Maurice Joly. (The influence of Joly’s book is particularly obvious: According to one scholar’s analysis, a full 40% of Protocols’ content is lifted word for word from Dialogues.)
The Protocols was a lie. But like all successful conspiracy theories, it was a lie that people wanted to hear. This was a moment when Europe had just endured not one, but two epic upheavals, neither of which had a simple, comprehensible cause. The Russian Revolution had been sparked by an artificial, untested, schismatic ideology created by an impoverished eccentric living in England.
The First World War was an accidental product of Great Power paranoia, miscalculation, and jingoism ~ all sparked into deadly reaction by an assassination in one of Europe’s most obscure backwaters (an event that is itself the subject of innumerable conspiracy theories). When it was over, the flower of European youth was dead, and two once-great empires had been destroyed. It’s not hard to understand why millions of shell-shocked survivors could become convinced that the leaders who’d sent these men to their deaths had somehow been tricked by a hidden, demonic force.
For Europeans reading the Protocols in the 1920s and 1930s, the document offered something precious: the idea that only a single barrier ~ the Jewish race ~ blocked a return to the peaceful, pious and socially ordered world that had been destroyed by war, revolution, mechanization, urbanization, radical political ideologies, secularization and catastrophic inflation.
The evil brilliance of the Protocols lay in the fact that it patched together a theory of Jewish conspiracy that covered every one of these upheavals ~ all the while enchanting the reader with backward glimpses of the noble, God-fearing milieu that the Jew allegedly had undermined.
The Protocols did not arise out of the ether. As Norman Cohn illustrated in his 1967 classic Warrant for Genocide, the period between 1850 and the First World War was a golden age of apocalyptic Judeo-Masonic propaganda. From France to Russia, all sorts of overlapping, mutually plagiarizing fraud manifestos became best sellers. Many of them even were structured like the Protocols, with a cackling rabbi instructing his Jewish brethren in his faith’s plans for world domination.
But thanks to a series of historical accidents, the Protocols became the document that definitively popularized the conspiracy spirit that seized Western civilization during the early decades of the 20th century, and which has survived, in the same basic form ~ albeit with an ever-changing cast of villains ~ till the present day.
Medieval conspiracism typically targeted one of two enemies: Jews and secret societies. The Protocols mixed these two venerable strands into one deadly braid:
The Jews, by this hateful telling, were both a filthy religious sect seeking to exterminate Christendom and a secret society bent on adapting world trade, politics, media and all the other secular pillars of civilization to their evil schemes.
Even once the Third Reich lay in ruins, and anti-Semitism became widely detested in its bald-faced Nazi-style form, the Protocols would remain ensconced as a sort of universal blueprint for all the successor conspiracy ideologies that would come to infect Western societies over the next nine decades ~ right up to the modern-day Truther and Birther fantasies of the 21st century.
In these conspiracy theories, the imagined evildoing cabal would come by many names ~ communist, globalist, neocon. But in most cases, it would exhibit the same recurring characteristics that the Protocols fastened upon the Jewish elders in the shadow of First World War.
Excerpt from Among the Truthers by Jonathan Kay © 2011. Published in Canada by HarperCollins Publishers Ltd. All rights reserved.
First, in a nutshell in modern English, presented below are the premises of the Protocols of Zion. Check the contents over and do the math.
Goyim are mentally inferior to Jews and can’t run their nations properly. For their sake and ours, we need to abolish their governments and replace them with a single government. This will take a long time and involve much bloodshed, but it’s for a good cause. Here’s what we’ll need to do:
Place our agents and helpers everywhere
Take control of the media and use it in propaganda for our plans
Start fights between different races, classes and religions
Use bribery, threats and blackmail to get our way
Use Freemasonic Lodges to attract potential public officials
Appeal to successful people’s egos
Appoint puppet leaders who can be controlled by blackmail
Replace royal rule with socialist rule, then communism, then despotism
Abolish all rights and freedoms, except the right of force by us
Sacrifice people (including Jews sometimes) when necessary
Eliminate religion; replace it with science and materialism
Control the education system to spread deception and destroy intellect
Rewrite history to our benefit
Create entertaining distractions
Corrupt minds with filth and perversion
Encourage people to spy on one another
Keep the masses in poverty and perpetual labor
Take possession of all wealth, property and (especially) gold
Use gold to manipulate the markets, cause depressions etc.
Introduce a progressive tax on wealth
Replace sound investment with speculation
Make long-term interest-bearing loans to governments
Give bad advice to governments and everyone else
Arthur to Jonathan Kay:
Herein you will find a rebuttal to your lies concerning the Jewish conspiracy. Your denial of the truth is shameful and your dedication to the Synagogue of Satan inexcusable.
God grant you the wisdom to one day see the truth. Sincerely, Arthur Topham
By Arthur Topham
May 11, 2011
"The attack on the Protocols in the 1920's proved above all else the truth of their contention... Probably so much money and energy were never before in history expended on the effort to suppress a single document." ~ Douglas Reed, The Controversy of Zion, (1956), P. 212
Methinks, as Shakespeare's Hamlet once mused to himself, that Jonathan Kay, propagandist for the Zionist-controlled National Post and author of a new book on the origins of conspiracy theories, Warrant for Genocide, blueprint for Paranoia, protesteth too much when it comes to facing the inherent truths contained in the Jew's revolutionary handbook better known as The Protocols of the Learned Elders of Zion.

Given the propensity of the Zionist Jews for deception (the guiding principle of their illegally obtained 'state of Israel' and their secret police intelligence service known as "Mossad") it's little wonder that Kay would immediately attempt to deflect the reader away from the true sources of this global conspiracy on to Theodor Herzl, the founder of the World Zionist Organization.
To the unaware or as some might say, the uninitiated, who were never given the complete truth surrounding the founding of the Illuminati, this double deception of Kay's might have a truthful or familiar ring to it but to those who have taken the time to research in depth the scope of this conspiracy against all humanity and the Earth,
Kay's cunning is as blatant, transparent and distastefully disgusting as the images of the charred remains of the Palestinian corpses burnt beyond recognition by the Israeli 'Defense' Force's phosphorus bombing of Gaza during operation Cast Lead over the Christmas season of 2008-2009.
After having attempted, purposely and falsely, to associate the document with Herzl and then afterwards, with seemingly self-assumed wit and credibility, proclaiming the contents of the document to be but a "fairy tale;" one that conveniently could also be used to indict Adolf Hitler and the German people, via the Jewish ploy of 'guilt by association', Kay shifts his thesis to what he hopes will be clinching, rock hard proof that such a 'conspiracy theory' actually had its origins elsewhere beyond any association with the Jews.
In true Zionist Jew fashion Kay states,
"All this came to pass despite the fact that the Protocols was debunked within months of its dissemination."
What Kay fails to include in his remark though is the fact that it was only the Jews and their Jewish media and Jewish "investigators" and their sycophantic slaves who proclaimed that the document had been "debunked."
What was easily debunked of course was the actual source of the document itself NOT the contents and the design contained within it, but that small detail was not something that Kay nor the Jewish media of the day has ever wished to focus upon.
Douglas Reed, the British journalist and foreign war correspondent for the London Times during the 1930's and 40's, in his monumental classic study of Zionism written in 1956 and titled The Controversy of Zion, has provided the world with an abundance of evidence showing how this conspiracy on the part of the Zionist Jews, clearly delineated in the Protocols, is beyond dispute in terms of its actual existence and that the Protocols (which he agrees cannot be verified as to source) are living proof that the program contained within the document had unfolded precisely as planned up to the time of the completion of his book in 1956 and that if the world didn't quickly realize what the Zionists were doing that the next half century would most likely conclude the deadly designs contained within the document.
As Reed put it:
"When the Protocols appeared in English the minor point, who was the author of this particular document, was given a false semblance of major importance by the enraged Jewish attack on the document itself. The asseveration of Jewish leadership of the revolutionary conspiracy was not new at all...
The response of official Jewry in 1920 and afterwards was different. It was aimed, with fury, at the entire substance of the Protocols; it did not stop at denying a Jewish plot, but denied that there was any plot, which was demonstrably untrue.
The existence of the conspiracy had been recognized and affirmed by a long chain of high authorities, from Edmund Burke, George Washington and Alexander Hamilton to Disraeli, Bakunin and the many others...
Moreover, when the Protocols appeared in English, conclusive proof had been given by the event in Russia. Thus the nature of the Jewish attack could only strengthen public doubts... The attack on the Protocols in the 1920's proved above all else the truth of their contention; it showed that the standing organization for suppressing public discussion of the conspiracy had been perfected in the intervening 120 years [since the French Revolution. A.T.]. Probably so much money and energy were never before in history expended on the effort to suppress a single document.
"In every other respect [the Protocols] is of inestimable importance, for it is shown by the conclusive test (that of subsequent events) to be an authentic document of the world-conspiracy first disclosed by Weishaupt's papers.
Many other documents in the same series had followed that first revelation, as I have shown, but this one transcends all of them. The others were fragmentary and gave glimpses; this one gives the entire picture of the conspiracy, motive, method and objective.
It adds nothing new to what had been revealed in parts (save for the unproven, attribution to Jewish elders themselves), but it puts all the parts in place and exposes the whole. It accurately depicts all that has come about in the fifty years since it was published, and what clearly will follow in the next fifty years unless in that time the force which the conspiracy has generated produces the counter-force." [emphasis mine. A.T.]
Well Jonathan Kay I'm afraid you're a bit of a Jonathan-come-lately when it comes to your vain effort at once again picking up the shattered pieces of this grand deception and attempting to foist it upon the unsuspecting gentile goyim at this stage of the Zionist conspiracy.
The counter-force that Reed prophesied is here in the form of the Internet and spirit of those who now oppose Zionism and we will not permit your deception, lies and martial mindset to go on unaddressed or unchallenged.
Your Nemesis, as surely as the sun will set this evening, is foreordained by your continuous acts of war, deception and terror over the past two centuries in the name of your false messiah Zionism.
And no Mr. Kay the Protocols aren't a lie as you state. The "upheavals" that began with the French Revolution, the 1848 Revolution and WWI, culminating in the Jewish overthrow of the Russian monarchy by the Bolsheviks in 1917 were all part of a well-conceived plot by the Illuminati-directed Jews, all your printed lies and misinformation notwithstanding.
Attempts to ascribe the Protocols to the two sources you reference are shoddy and short-sighted and at best, partial-truths. The whole truth, as you well know Jonathan, is that:
all of the subsequent writings from the time of Adam Weishaupt in 1775 connect up to the Jews in one form or another via an assortment of secret societies like the Grand Orient Freemasons and B'nai Brith International, all of which provided the vehicle necessary to transmit this cold-blooded doctrinaire ideology of global slavery and savagery right up to the present day.
That "artificial, untested, schismatic ideology created by an impoverished eccentric living in England" which you deviously fail to identify as the Talmudic tract known as the Communist Manifesto and its author, the Jew Karl Marx, have been directly responsible for more death and destruction in the 20th Century than any other single document or group in recorded history.
Marx & co discussing the Zionist agenda
Again, your unvarnished Zionist lie that
"The First World War was an accidental product of Great Power paranoia, miscalculation, and jingoism" refuses to stand the test of authenticity provided not only by your own kind but also by non-Jewish events that betray to the world the fact the Jewish instigators of that monumental blood bath were cognizant of its forthcoming reality well before its actual occurrence.
WWI was no accident.
It was consciously set to occur by the Zionists in order to accomplish three main objectives, all designed to further the overall conspiracy for the creation of the state of Israel and the Zionist Jews' subsequent New World Order.
The first objective was to facilitate the weakening and break down of the Russian monarchy in order that Marx's Communist state might be established thus providing a geographic location from which to further the goals of the Zionist world revolution.
The second objective was actually two-pronged and involved first fomenting a war with Germany, one that would soon place Great Britain in dire and imminent danger thanks to Germany's superior submarine forces. The perilous situation which then arose, and was in fact the second prong, necessitated having the United States of America enter the Great War on the side of the British and their allies.
It was the Jews who orchestrated this event even though President Wilson had been elected on the promise to not involving America in foreign wars. Thanks to their already established control of Wilson who had been selected and hog-tied by the Jews well in advance of the actual hostilities via blackmail and a close circle of controlling Jewish "advisers," the U.S.'s entry into the hostilities was contingent upon Great Britain signing
the infamous Balfour Doctrine of November 2, 1917; a cunningly conceived document that was in effect a pledge to the Zionist Jew Lord Rothschild that Britain would allow the Zionists to acquire enough Arab land to create their false state erroneously called "Israel" if the Jews were able to bring America into the war on Britain's side.
The primary purpose of this state:
was to establish a beach head in Arab territories
and then spend the remainder of the century
fomenting endless war within the region.
The secondary purpose
was to create a safe haven
for all the rest of the criminals within the Zionist cartel
who might one day, due to their criminal behaviour,
need to escape from gentile domains
with their stolen loot or secreted documents.
The third objective became glaringly apparent in 1919 during the Peace talks in Paris where massive contingents of Jews assembled at Versailles to create a document that would practically ensure a second world war within a short period of time.
The "evil brilliance of the Protocols" as Kay rightfully states near the conclusion of his excerpt (although he immediately attempts to misdirect readers) became clear in 1933 when world Jewry openly declared war on National Socialist Germany and then began their sinister back room dealings to bring this about.
Having by then firmly established their Jewish control of the Soviet Union and also having succeeded in placing a Jew in the White House as President and soon another Jew by the name of Winston Churchill in the British government, their evil design to destroy Germany, the one shining example of a nation that was prospering under national socialism and a currency system separate from the Rothschild's while all the other Jew-controlled nations were in the depths of a global depression brought on by the Jewish banking cartel, was set to unfold.
In his final remarks Kay attempts one last cheap shot at the counter force that is now building daily and forming a veritable army of truth seekers and cyber warriors who are not only opposing this Jewish conspiracy but exposing its dirty butt for all the world to see via countless blogs around the net.
This of course is the main reason why the Zionists are freaking out and actually attempting to counter the growing volume of evidence that will soon nail their conspiratorial asses to the wall.
It's also one of the primary reasons why the Jews in Canada and the USA and elsewhere in the western world are frantically trying to bring in their "hate crimes" legislation in order to stem the growing tide of investigators and truth seekers who have witnessed enough of Zionism’s machinations to know that they are the world's primary, enemy number one.
Here in Canada Jewish lobbyists like B'nai Brith Canada and the Canadian Jewish Congress and the Jewish Defense League have been working tirelessly for decades to enshrine their "hate crimes" legislation in Canadian jurisprudence in order to stifle Canadian's right to freedom of speech, especially on the internet.
The infamous Section 13(1) of the Canadian Human Rights Act was purposely created and inserted by these same Jew lobbyists into Canadian law with this express purpose in mind ~ to stop any and all criticism of either Jews, Zionism and/or the illegal, immoral, racist and supremacist state of Israel now doing its damnedest to genocide the last remaining Arab population in the region of Palestine.
Kay is fully aware of this legislation and is also fully aware of the fact that I, as the owner of, have been charged under this very same section of the CHR Act by the League for Human Rights of B'nai Brith Canada and its boisterous, loud-mouthed British Columbia representative Harry Abrams and accused and slandered and libeled by the Canadian Human Rights Commission and Tribunal and forced to undergo their Stalinist "show trial" investigations and quasi-legal kangaroo court spectacles all because Abrams feels that my website contains articles that "contrive to promote ongoing hatred affecting persons identifiable as Jews and/or as citizens of Israel."
It's also rather ironic, given Jonathan Kay's ludicrous, disingenuous comments on the Protocols, that one of the main reasons why the Jews are hell-bent on destroying my reputation, my ability to work and my right to both express my opinions online and publish other writers' works, is due to the fact that I have the Protocols posted on the home page of my website and have refused to remove them when demanded to do so by Harry Abrams and his international terrorist network known as B'nai Brith International which is, in reality, yet another
secret Jews-only Masonic order created by the Jewish Illuminati back in the mid-1800's to further the heinous agenda of these self-chosen psychopaths who see themselves as God's chosen rulers of the rest of the human race and will stop at nothing to accomplish their evil, satanic objective of enslaving and destroying the globe.
I have been battling with these demented power-brokers since 2007 and doing everything I possibly can to expose their treachery and lies so that other Canadians might wake up and realize how they're being entrapped by these so-called "human rights" laws so that soon no one will be able to speak about the Jews except the Jews themselves and you can be certain that when they do speak of Jews it will all be highly favorable and spotlessly politically correct.
The sadness and the tragedy of it all though is that they have now become so corrupt and powerful that their leaders simply do not give a damn how the rest of the world perceives their actions.
Zionists view anyone who opposes them as animals (goy) fit to be slaughtered just as they slaughter the Palestinian people on a daily basis and their controlled US government forces slaughter the Iraqi and Afghan people on a regular basis.
This same power-corrupted group of psychopaths are also sitting on an arsenal of nuclear weapons and have already threatened to unleash them upon the world should anyone attempt to stop their criminal activities in the middle east.
That in itself should be evidence enough to dismiss all the propaganda that Kay and co are attempting to pass off as fact in this book of lies he titles Warrant for Genocide, blueprint for Paranoia; one that speaks volumes about the actual agenda of the Jewish conspiracy (that isn't, according to Jonathan Kay).
Arthur Topham is a writer and the Publisher and Editor of living in British Columbia, Canada. Like all alternative Internet news outlets not on the Zionist payroll he relies upon the good will and generosity of those in cyberspace for financial assistance to help him with his work. Any donations therefore would be most welcome. Please see the following url on the Home Page (upper right hand corner) regarding donations. Also there is a “DONATE” button there for Paypal or here at Feel free to use any of them if you can help out. Thanks.
Arthur welcomes all feedback to his articles and can be reached at or via telephone at (250) 992-3479.
For the Full Monty on the sec. 13 complaint case involving and B’nai Brith Canada please see:
ReplyDelete- Aangirfan
I first learned of the existence of the Protocols of Zion document about 1983, from a book on Secret Societies and Global Conspiracies- SATAN'S ANGELS EXPOSED, by Salem Kirban.
ReplyDeleteHe said that it was merely an anti-semitic forgery.
(I just went back to the specific page, and found that, besides THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, by Henry Ford, being referenced, it also had a news headline about research uncovering that JEWS ARE NOT ISRAELITES- which I completely forgot about, as absurd- even when I learned of the BLACK HEBREW ISRAELITES for the first time, in 2014!)
In 2000, I realized that I could use the Internet to find THE PROTOCOLS OF ZION. I thought I could contribute to resolving anti-Semitism, if I knew what the actual positions were.
By the time I read merely the first page, I realized that everything I had believed about this document for some eighteen years, was a lie. That I had been lied to.
When I got to see THE INTERNATIONAL JEW, by Henry Ford, I found myself very disappointed with Western Civilization, that it should have such clear warnings, and yet allow itself to be subverted from within, like an apple that has been totally eaten by worms inside, leaving only the skin.