May 13, 2012
from Big Oil & Their Bankers: Chapter 5: Persian Gulf Rent-a-Sheik)
The CIA’s worldwide reign of terror on behalf of the Illuminati banker elite is
reminiscent of a blue-print for global domination that emerged in the mid
1800’s. The controversial document ~ known as the Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion
~ was obtained by the daughter of a Russian general after she paid a bribe of
2,500 French francs
to a member of the Mizraim Freemason Lodge in Paris ~ home to the inner circle
of the Knights Templar known as the Priory of Sion.
The Crusader Templars created the Prieure de Sion on Mt. Zion
near Jerusalem in the 11th century to guard such relics as the Shroud of Turin,
the Ark of the Covenant and the Hapsburg family’s Spear of Destiny, which was
used to kill Jesus as he hung on the cross.
The Priory of Sion’s more important purpose was to safeguard the
gold which the Templars had looted from beneath Solomon’s Temple in Jerusalem
and to preserve the Holy Grail bloodline, or Sangreal, of Jesus Christ which
they believe is carried forth by the French Bourbon royalty, the Merovingan
The Priory of Sion elite believe that Jesus faked his death with
the help of certain herbs and married the provider of those herbs Mary
Magdalene. The Priory believes the couple fled to southern France and had
numerous children. During the 5th century, the theory goes, Jesus’
descendents married into the Frank royalty from which France takes its name,
thus creating the Merovingan dynasty. [201]
Author Laurence Gardner claims Roman Catholic authorities then
wrote the New Testament bible in such a way as to discredit Mary Magdalene as a
“sinner”, so as to draw attention away from her true role as the wife of Christ
and to preserve the dogma that Christ was a loner who died on the cross. [202]
For the global aristocracy, the Persian Gulf wasn’t the only
region where special bloodlines entitled one to a life of leisure. Past
Knights Templar Grand Masters include the son-in-law of the Archbishop of
By the 13th century the Templars used their looted gold to buy
9,000 castles throughout Europe and ran an empire stretching from Copenhagen to
Damascus. They founded modern banking techniques and legitimized usury,
also known as interest payments.
Templars’ bank branches popped up everywhere, backed by their
new-found gold wealth. They charged up to 60% interest on loans, launched
the concepts of trust accounts and bond markets, and introduced a credit card
system for Holy Land pilgrims.
They acted as tax collectors, though themselves exempted by
Roman authorities, and built the great cathedrals of Europe, having also found
instructions regarding secret building techniques under Solomon’s Temple.
The stained glass used in the cathedrals resulted from a secret Gothic
technique known by few.
One who had perfected this art was Omar Khayvam, a good friend of Assassin founder Hasan bin Sabah. [203]
One who had perfected this art was Omar Khayvam, a good friend of Assassin founder Hasan bin Sabah. [203]
The Templars controlled a huge fleet of ships and their own
naval fleet based at the French Atlantic Port of La Rochelle. They were
the first to use magnetic compasses for navigation and were especially cozy
with the royals of England. They purchased the island of Cyprus from
Richard the Lion Heart, but were later overrun by the Turks.
On Friday October 13, 1307 King Philip IV of France joined
forces with Pope Clement V and began rounding up Templars on charges ranging
from necromancy to the use of black magic.
Friday the 13th would from that day forward carry negative
“Sion” is believed to be a transliteration of Zion, itself a
transliteration for the ancient Hebrew name Jerusalem. The Priory of Sion
first came into public view in July 1956. A 1981 notice in the French
press listed 121 dignitaries as Priory members. All were bankers, royalty
or members of the international political jet set.
The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion was first published in the
1864 French book Dialogue in Hell
between Machiavelli and Montesquieu or the Politics of Machiavelli in the
Nineteenth Century by a Contemporary.
By the 1890’s Russian Professor Sergei Nilus had published the
Protocols… in his book The Great
within the Small: The Coming Anti-Christ. Nilus was arrested
and tortured and the Protocols…
were suppressed for many more decades.
The Protocols… were a manifesto written by a secret society that claimed itself superior to the rest of mankind, using the Hebrew word goyim (cattle) to refer to the masses.
Anti-Semites, including Hitler, have used the Protocols… to
falsely attack a “Jewish conspiracy”. But the Protocols… authors were hardly religious.
Instead they were intent on a political movement called Zionism
which seeks to use Israel as its lynchpin for global hegemony and as guardian
of the vast oil reserves of the Middle East region.
Solomon's Temple
The movement has as much to do with the Christian secret society Knights Templar, as is does with the Jewish secret society Cabala and the Muslim Brotherhood.
Its power center has moved from the Roman Empire to the City of
The Illuminati
nucleus of this movement claims to be Luciferian in orientation. What
follows are excerpts from the Protocols
of the Wise Men of Zion:
“In order to give the goyim no time to think and take note, their minds must be diverted towards industry and trade. Thus, all nations will be swallowed up in the pursuit of gain and…will not take note of their common foe. But, again, in order that freedom may once and for all disintegrate and ruin the communities of goyim, we must put industry on a speculative basis, the result of which will be that what is withdrawn from the land by industry will slip through their hands and pass into speculation, that is, to our classes.”
“It is from us that all-engulfing terror proceeds. We have in our service persons of all opinions: monarchists, demagogues, socialists…trying to overthrow all established authority. By these acts all states are in torture; they exhort tranquility, are ready to sacrifice anything for peace. But we don’t give them peace until they openly acknowledge our international super-government, and with submissiveness…to utterly exhaust humanity with dissension, hatred, struggle, envy and even by use of torture, by starvation, by inoculation of diseases, by want, so that the goyim see no other issue than to take refuge in our complete sovereignty in money.”
“And how far-seeing were our learned elders when they said that to attain a serious goal behooves not to stop at any means or to count the victims sacrificed…We have not counted the victims of the goy cattle. In order that the masses themselves may not guess what they are about we must further distract them with amusements, games, pastimes, passions, people’s palaces…these interests will finally distract them from questions in which we should find ourselves compelled to oppose them. Growing more and more disaccustomed to reflect and form opinions of their own, people will begin to talk in the same tone as we, because we alone shall be offering them new directions of thought.”
“We shall create and multiply Freemasonic Lodges in all countries of the world, absorb into them all who may become or who are prominent in public activity, for in these Lodges we shall find our principle intelligence office and means of influence. Among the members of these Lodges will be almost all the agents of international and national police since their service is for us irreplaceable in the respect that the police are in a position not only to use its own particular measures with the insubordinate, but also to screen our activities and provide pretexts and disguises. All these Lodges we shall bring under one central administration, known only to us and to all others absolutely unknown, which will be composed of our learned elders (Illuminati)…The most secret political plots will be known to us and will fall under our guiding hands on the very day of their conception.”
“…we shall emasculate the first stage of collectivism ~ the universities…any form of study of ancient history…we shall replace with the study of the program of the future. We shall erase from the memory of men all facts of previous centuries which are undesirable for us. Each…life must be trained within strict limits corresponding to its destination and work in life. The system of bridling thought is already at work in the so-called system of teaching by object lessons (objectivity). In our program one-third of our subjects will keep the rest under observation…It will be no disgrace to be a spy”
“We are the chosen; we are the only true men.Our minds give off the true power of the spirit; the intelligence of the rest of the world is merely instinctive and animal.They can see, but they cannot foresee…Does it not follow that nature herself has predestined us to dominate the world.Outwardly we… (will) do our best to appear honorable and cooperative.A statesman’s words do not have to agree with his acts.If we pursue these principles, the governments and peoples which we have thus prepared will take our IOU’s for cash…the substitution of interest-bearing money…Economic crises have been produced by us…by no other means than the withdrawal of money from circulation…One day they will accept us as benefactors and saviors of the human race. If any state dared to resist us, if its neighbors make common cause with it against us, we will unleash global war.”
ED: The above section certainly sounds Talmudic, does it not?
The Protocols of the Wise Men of Zion have been taken seriously by many scholars, along with political and economic leaders including Germany’s Kaiser Wilhelm II, Russia’s Czar Nicholas II and American industrialist Henry Ford.
The document refers often to the “Ancient Mysteries”, the “seed
of David” and the “symbolic snake”. [205]
Its concluding statement reads, “Signed by the representatives
of Sion of the 33rd Degree.”
All the Ancient Mysteries had played out in the Middle East
region where Israel was inserted by the Rothschild clan after WWII under the
guise of “guardian of the secrets of man’s origins” and “a Jewish
The actual role of Israel is as guardian of the energy force
which the non-denominational Illuminati
bloodline elite control and which they have carefully woven into the fabric of
modern life in their quest for control of the global economy, namely crude oil.
Following the Iranian Revolution the US more overtly displayed
its willingness to lean on the Saudi monarchy. During the 1979 border war
between North and South Yemen US Secretary of Defense and Trilateralist Harold
Brown pressured the Saudis to supply $390 million worth of US weapons to North
Yemen where US advisers were running the show.
The conflict underscored the vulnerability of the oilfields of
the Kingdom to the kind of nationalist rhetoric coming from the neighboring
South Yemen government.
Brown also directed the Saudis finance the sale of twelve F-SE
fighters by the US to Sudan. With the Shah deposed, Brown busied himself
selling surplus Iranian-bound weapons to the Saudis, as well as to Israel,
Jordan, Oman and Egypt. In the spring of 1980 the US signed a military
pact with Turkey and sent the Turks $1 billion in weaponry. [206]
The Saudis immediately announced an oil production increase when
the mullahs took
Tehran. Within two weeks of that announcement the US State Department
unveiled a $1.2 billion program to shore up the Saudi National Guard. The
program would be supervised by Vinnell Corporation, a subsidiary of TRW, the
San Francisco-based consumer credit reporting giant and leading supplier of NSA
spy satellites. By 1979 Saudi purchases of US weaponry surpassed even
those of the Israelis.
Bendix, Raytheon, Grumman, Northrup, Lockheed, TWA and the US
Army Corps of Engineers all flocked to Riyadh to exhibit their wares. The
US implemented American Peace Shield, through which tens of billions of dollars
in defense contracts would be doled out. Richard Secord swung an $8.5
billion contract for Boeing to provide AWACs to the Saudis. An integrated
Command and Control Center (C3) was established in Saudi Arabia. [207]
The US, Britain and France pushed for defense offset deals with
the Kingdom, under which weapons were paid for in oil. In 1990 the Saudis
bought French Crotale missiles, with the French receiving discounted oil and
promised to invest in Saudi industry.
A British program known as AlYamamah
was spearheaded by British Aerospace (BAE) and run by a consortium of
pan-European interests, whose governments established the Anglo-Saudi
Under Al Yamamah
the Euro governments, along with BP Amoco and Royal Dutch/Shell, receive free
European arms dealers get contracts with the House of Saud and the
Saudis receive help from the British in moving their oil operations downstream
by investing in old Eastern European oil refineries. [208]
In 1989 BAE contracted to build Prince Sultan Air Base, while
also selling Tornado fighters to the Saudis.
BAE bought Ballast Nedam, a
Dutch heavy construction firm with Saudi ties, which built the massive bridge
that now links the Saudi mainland to Bahrain. BAE netted $60 billion in the
largest contract ever received from the Saudis by a Western company. According
to a June 27, 2007 Financial
Times article, AlYamamah
and BAE were being investigated by the US Justice Department.
The militarization of the Gulf Region went beyond the borders of
Saudi Arabia. In 1980 US arms sales and military aid to the Gulf
Cooperation Council (GCC) emirates were unprecedented. The AWAC-monitored
C3 defense system, now in place in Saudi Arabia, would be integrated with Hawk
missile systems installed in all six GCC nations.
In 1983 the GCC began to conduct joint regional military
maneuvers under the watchful eye of US advisers. The Saudis and Kuwaitis
conducted the first such exercises, followed by joint training between Oman and
the UAE. Eventually all six nations were running coordinated military
exercises on a regular basis.
In 1984 the GCC
established a Joint Chiefs of Staff and developed its own Rapid Deployment
Forces (RDF), both modeled after and facilitated by the Pentagon. The
Saudis and Kuwaitis agreed to foot the lion’s share of the bill, including an
agreement whereby the two richest GCC monarchies paid for air defense systems
for Oman and Bahrain.
In late 1984, with the Iran/Iraq War heating up, the Pentagon
coordinated the first Peninsula Shield exercises involving troops from the US,
Egypt, Pakistan, Turkey and the GCC countries. [209] The US set up a
fallback arc of bases and obtained basing rights for RDF in Oman, Kenya,
Somalia and Egypt.
The US B-52 forward base on the Indian Ocean island of Diego
Garcia was beefed up. Egyptian and Pakistani Air Forces, which the GCC
nations rely heavily upon, were supplied with new F-16 fighters from Northrup
Corporation. Omani and Egyptian Armies regularly conducted joint military
exercises involving US troops.
The French placed Mirage fighters at bases in Djibouti on the
Horn of Africa across the Red Sea from Saudi Arabia. The British added
Tornado fighters to its bases in Oman. And NATO fortified its bases in
Turkey, especially at Incirlik Air Base in the south of the country near the
Iraqi border.
In 1983, following a trial run invasion of Grenada, President
Reagan merged the RDF into the US Central Command. A US Middle East
Forward Command (MIDEASTFOR) component was established at the huge US naval
base near Jufair, Bahrain which houses the US 5th Fleet and serves as the
biggest ARAMCO customer on the planet.
Since 1973 65% of US arms sales have gone to the Middle
East. Between 1977 and 1987 $34 billion in arms flowed into the Gulf
region, more than was supplied to the rest of the entire world combined.
US defense giants sold AWAC’s and F-15’s to Qatar and Kuwait. After the
Gulf War President Bush authorized the sale of Apache attack helicopters to
Bahrain and Kuwait.
Saudi Arabia now boasts the highest per capita defense spending
in the world. In 1984 alone the Saudis spent $22.7 billion on US
weaponry. The GCC also “rents” military troops from the best US-trained
armies in the region, using aid as payment.
The Saudis have elaborate military assistance arrangements with
Pakistan, whereby the Saudis send Karachi aid in return for the services of
Pakistani military units. Kuwait has long received military forces from
both Pakistan and Egypt in exchange for billions of dollars in aid.
Pakistan’s best pilots are sent to the UAE to fly the emir’s F-16
fighters. Similar arrangements exist between the GCC and Turkey. [210]
US-trained militaries in Pakistan, Egypt and Turkey are renowned
as the best Muslim forces in the world. When combined with Israel, the
three countries account for one-half of US military aid. The US once eyed
Pakistan as a central command headquarters for its RDF, while Turkey keeps its
bases open for US military adventures such as the no-fly zone patrols over
northern Iraq.
In effect, the US is defending GCC oil with third country armies
which it has trained and over which it holds the purse strings, thus curtailing
the power of any potential rogue GCC sheik who may decide to go it alone.
The arrangement dilutes the political power of the Gulf States’ people, whose
countries are occupied by foreign troops, ready to dispassionately put down any
revolt that might threaten either the emirs or the oilfields.
While Third World grunts provide a standing army, the US is
careful not to allow GCC personnel to become proficient in the control of
advanced weapons systems. The most sophisticated systems are monitored by
US military officers. At Riyadh, for example, US CENTCOM is in charge of
monitoring AWACs and tanker air traffic. [211]
Key equipment on the AWACs requires US personnel to operate
beyond a few days. The planes contain a digital look-down link so the US
can monitor the AWACs from American soil.
There are 6,000 Americans working in the Saudi Arabia arms
industry. Many hold key positions. This figure does not include US troops
whose numbers have steadily increased since the mid-1980s and took a quantum
leap during the US war with Iraq in 1991.
Another neo-colonial policy disallows licensing of high-tech
arms production outside NATO and Pacific Alliance countries. Spare parts
for GCC weapons systems are available only on a strict US schedule. These
technological dependencies insure a perpetuation of the oil for arms quid pro quo which the Four
Horsemen, the US defense establishment and the international bankers wish to
impose upon the GCC.
There have been voices within US foreign policy circles for some
time calling for outright occupation of the oil fields of Saudi Arabia.
The US has planned for this contingency since the 1950’s construction of the
first air base at Dhahran, less than five miles from ARAMCO headquarters.
The US Army Corps had made a conscious effort to overbuild the Saudi military
infrastructure so that it might later be utilized by the US during a Middle
East regional war.
One Saudi agreement allows Saudi bases to accept US F-15’s in a
short time period and to instantly integrate the fighters into the existing
command and control system. Similar agreements were signed with the other
GCC nations in the climate of fear which followed the 1991 Gulf War.
[201] Behold a Pale Horse. William Cooper. Light Technology
Publishing. Sedona, AZ. 1991. p.79
[202] Bloodline of the Holy Grail. Laurence Gardner. Element Books,
Inc. Rockport, MA. 1996
[203] Holy Blood, Holy Grail. Michael Bagent, Richard Leigh and Henry
Lincoln. Dell Publishing Company New York. 1983
[204] Ibid
[205] Rule by Secrecy: The Hidden History that Connects the
Trilateral Commission, the Freemasons and the Great Pyramids. Jim Marrs.
HarperCollins Publishers. New York. 2000. p.150
[206] The Arms Trade: A New Level of Danger. Andrei Kozyrev. Progress
Publishers. Moscow. 1985
[207] “Arms and Oil Resources Tie Two Nations Together”. John
Roberts. The Oil Daily. 11-12-90. p.C-2
[208] “Different Direction for Growth: Defense Offset Deals”. Michael
Frenchman. The Oil Daily. 11-12-90. p.C-8
[209] Defending Arabia.
J.E. Peterson. St. Martin’s Press. New York. 1986. p.221
[210] Ibid. p.205
[211] Ibid. p.193
Dean Henderson is the author of Big Oil & Their Bankers in the Persian
Gulf: Four Horsemen, Eight Families & Their Global Intelligence, Narcotics
& Terror Network, The Grateful Unrich: Revolution in 50
Countries and Das Kartell der Federal Reserve. Subscriptions to his Left Hook blog are FREE at
Hey Noor,...Mmmm, very disappointed Noor. This article, well, everything up to and including this "...The movement has as much to do with the Christian secret society Knights Templar, as is does with the Jewish secret society Cabala and the Muslim Brotherhood." Is utter bullshit.
ReplyDeleteI stopped reading at this point.
I am a hereditary Knight of the Order of The Temple of Jerusalem, my name is recorded in the ledger of the fellowship of Chivilrous Orders, in Jerusalem; my direct bloodline ancestor - The Baron de Gris was murdered by fire alongside many good men, honest, brave men, during the betrayal.
Also, there never was a King Solomon, nor has there ever been found one iota of evidence of a Temple of his namesake, The Order has never had anything to do with Masonry or any other nonsense that is leveled at it by fallacious fantasy fomenting fucktards like the author of this shyte.
Sir Paul Grice KT HKt.B KTA
Commanderie of Oceania
The Ancient and Noble Order of Knights Templar, Jerusalem.
"non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam."
Thanks for commenting Paul.
ReplyDeleteMight I suggest you take up a good serious discussion with Dean Henderson, the author of this piece.
Dean has done a lot of good work on other matters in the past and a respectful conversation between you both on these matters would be most interesting to follow.
Hey Noor,...Further to my previous comment, I find the image of the Temple Knight as gratuitous, that man's image bares no relevance to the content of Henderson's nonsense, the man pictured is Jacques de Molay, Last Grand Master of the Knights Templar, burned at the stake in Paris, France on March 18, 1314.
ReplyDeleteAccording to the fraud Henderson:
“The Crusader Templars created the Prieure de Sion on Mt. Zion near Jerusalem in the 11th century to guard such relics as the Shroud of Turin, the Ark of the Covenant and the Hapsburg family’s Spear of Destiny, which was used to kill Jesus as he hung on the cross.”
Total claptrap...
In 1118, nine Knights Crusaders in the Jerusalem, among whom were Geoffroi de Saint-Omer and Hughes de Payens, consecrated themselves to The Rule of St Benedict, and took an oath between the hands of the Patriarch of Constantinople, (a Holy See always secretly or openly hostile to that of Rome from the time of Photius). The avowed object of the Templars was to protect the Christian pilgrims who came to visit the Holy Places.
So, as it a matter of fact that the Crusader Army successfully captured Al Quds in 1099, we can only assume that whomsoever Henderson is referring to, accomplished all these mysterious achievements in less than twelve months! Therefore and certainly, there was no such Order as the Knights of the Temple of Jerusalem in the 11th century!
Nor, did they have any interest in the fantastic concerns that have become novelties for tupenny sensationalists in the 20th and 21st centuries, if you do have an interest in Templar excursions and quests, see the Church of St. Mary of Zion in Axum, Ethiopia.
As for a "respectful conversation", with Henderson, I waive my responsibility of Noblesse oblige. I have no respect for Henderson or his tawdry ilk.
Sir Paul Grice KT HKt.B KTA
Commanderie of Oceania
The Ancient and Noble Order of Knights Templar, Jerusalem.
"non nobis, Domine, non nobis, sed nomini tuo da gloriam."
It is a well-known fact that Illuminati consist of Multi Millionaires,
DeleteBillionaires who have major influence regarding most global affairs,
including the planning of a New World Order. Many world leaders,
Presidents, Prime Ministers, royalty and senior executives of major Fortune
500 companies are members of Illuminati. join a secret cabal of mysterious
forces and become rich with boundless measures of wealth in your company or
any given business, the great Illuminati can make everything possible just
contact : or WhatsApp +1(863)693-9739 EL
IAI LEXION Thaddeus Iam Vice-President of Citizen Outreach THE ILLUMINATI
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