By Joe Cortina
October 14, 2012
I recently read an
interesting essay on one man’s struggle within himself as to the nature of his
allegiances to his roots and his country (not the USA) ~ since his background
was very complex. Perhaps I myself, have of recent years began to wonder just
what MY country means to me TODAY. Or more importantly ~ what and why my
feelings of MY country have so drastically changed. A country which I learned
to love from the values of my family and listening to my father speak of the
marvels and goodness that resided only here in America
I continued that
loyalty and ‘proved’ part of it as I voluntarily served in uniform in one our
most elite and hazardous units at a perilous period of our history. I kept my
nation’s laws and constantly strove to see justice done as I matured. After a
period of a relatively liberal but not evil lifestyle, I engaged in more and
more in depth responsibility to ‘civic duty’ and stayed true to my conservative
beliefs from which that time I never really strayed.
I still felt that America was great, because Americans were good ~ a notion that was shared by greater men than I ~ a hundred generations before it ever dawned on me ( Alexis DeTocqueville).
That notion never
changed in my heart ~ but the reality of that pre-supposed contingency that
MADE it a reality ~ began to painfully manifest itself in way I would have
never dreamed in my worst nightmares.
We are no longer a
good people
by ANY stretch of
the imagination
in the mind of ANY
informed moral person.
Evil had begun to manifest itself in America like a cancer ~ as I watched in horror and disbelief of what I saw and heard and experienced in years to come.Like most young men ~ I had lost my ‘innocence’ ~ like most men as they mature and witness the more harsh realities of life.Even so I had not lost the notion of the goodness of America and Americans.
Years later I would
also lose that notion of this innocence/goodness of the country ~ as knowledge
wisdom and understanding became a more commonplace part of my emotional,
intellectual and spiritual makeup.
Like a woman with the pangs of first
~ I had no idea of the pain that I would
endure as a result of my knowledge.
It was to change the
way I would look at my beloved country ~ forever! I had not ‘left’ the American
ideals. They had LEFT ME!
Having afforded myself
the luxury of international travel ~ a ‘value’ instilled in me by my father who
was truly cosmopolitan by nature ~ speaking reading and writing 5 languages
fluently ~ and having frugally traveled to dozens of countries as a young man
and experiencing their cultures ~I have had the education to enhance my wisdom
form the finite portals of my own city to be witness to over thirty cultures of
the world ~ mostly European ~ Caribbean and Latin American. I was even a
diplomat ~ a Vice-Consul, to one of them for 5 years.
Until as of recent years ~ I had not fully realized the vast abyss of ignorance in my neo-American culture ~ if we may be so vain as to term this shallow secular ‘ instant satisfaction’ mentality of my fellow idiots ~ as a ‘culture’.
My experience of 74
years now ~ has taught me that by and far ~ for the most part ~ the ‘average’
modern/adult ‘Joe six-pack’ has all the mental acumen of a 12 year old. Note
that I did not say “mature adult”. That adjective, for the average American ~would
be a conflict of terms ~ an oxymoron as it were.
If you think my
conclusions are personal rantings of cynicism and you want objective reliable
confirmation of our dazzling world-class stupidity ~ simply Google these two
simple words: “STUPID AMERICANS”
How about ONE
We are ~ or more accurately ~ have as of more recent times of the past 2-3 generations ~ a nation of immature children with the outward physical features of adulthood. In the common street vernacular ~ we have been ‘dumbed down’ to the level of morons and imbeciles- to be polite.
We were not always like this. I grew up in happier times with essentially ‘good’ educated people ~ wholesome role models ~ virtuous entertainers and far more trustworthy leaders.
Why do you think
that when most people my age are asked ~ “what do you consider the ‘golden
years’ of America?” ~ Our young age at the time, not withstanding ~ had
answered almost unequivocally ~ “Why the 50s ~ of course!” More precisely to my
personal opinion ~ the mid to late 40s till the mid 50s.
Vulgar Jew created
trash like the Beatles and their selfish material godless drug free love
mentality were the beginning of the end of that innocent period. They only
started an endless stream of trash that infested and morally destroyed most of
an entire generation ~ ALL ultimately under the age-old aegis of greed fame and

These antisocial
misfit trash were despised by virtually ALL of the class in general. Good
students were respected not only by teachers ~ but by their fellow classmates
as well. WHY? ~ Because unlike today ~ KNOWLEDGE ~ EDUCATION and WISDOM were
revered respected qualities that were desirable.
There were NO
backwards baseball caps to show the rest of the civilized word that the wearers
ALSO had their tiny brains in backwards! Young women did NOT debase their
bodies with piercings and tattoos ~ and the decent majority so considered any
such person that did so, as a harlot and street trash. Goodness wisdom and
rational thought prevailed over evil.
We had real
responsible freedom then. Harsh feelings of racism were seldom encountered and
‘hate’ crimes on blacks or whites were uncommon. Today there is hardly a week
goes by that some horror story of some almost always white people ~ totally
innocent ~ are brutally murdered raped, burned alive, dismembered or tortured
to death ~ even the children. Motives? ” Dey was white”!
Communism was (as it
ALWAYS HAS BEEN) an ‘evil’ ~ a mortal enemy of Christian doctrine and of free
men and NOT to be tolerated. There WAS NO ~ NADA ~ NONE ~ ZILCH – crime and
violence in schools ~ PERIOD!
Out of marriage pregnancies WERE RARE ~ and I am NOT being naive. I WAS THERE!
Out of marriage pregnancies WERE RARE ~ and I am NOT being naive. I WAS THERE!
There were not the
millions of children FORCED to take dangerous psychotropic addicting drugs like
Ritalin to ‘cure’ non-existent ‘diseases’ like ADHD.
There were NO school massacres like happen here at least bi-annually ~ and ALL related to these psychotropic drugs ~ like Ritalin. ‘Columbine’ was a classic example. *
There were NO school massacres like happen here at least bi-annually ~ and ALL related to these psychotropic drugs ~ like Ritalin. ‘Columbine’ was a classic example. *

That was of course
thanks to the greedy jew managers who sold their souls to promote drug infested
jew filth like the Beatles ~ and the Stones whose messages of Godlessness
disrespect and drugs opened the doors to hell later for even more putrid filth
like Carnivore ~ Malice- Blessed Death and Rotten Corpse and a hundred more jew
inspired rancid scum whose purpose was to demonize the souls of our youth. Even
then I knew something was terribly wrong.
ALL movies were Ok
for grandma to see with her children & grandchildren. Disney world was run
by CHRISTIAN family oriented people and not by the filthy porn peddling Godless
money worshiping JEW! Our taxes were low and even the low economic classes
could afford to have a parent at home to raise the children.
~ why?
~ why?
Because we were all
able to live within our means.
WHY? Because we had been taught these and other real life useful values at the foot of our then, responsible parents. I was ‘there’ ~ to live and experience these truths. You young people reading this ~ if any of you still respect truth and knowledge as my generation did ~ take my word for these things ~ or just ask your elders.
By today’s standards ~ my parents were struggling poor ~ yet my father could still afford to have a ‘FAMILY’ Physician come to our home to heal me when I was very sick.Today you would have to be a MULTIMILLIONAIRE to afford this once simple American way of life.Yes Dorothy ~ ALL physicians used to do ‘house calls’ then. People CARED about other people. Today ~ I could die in my sleep if I lived alone, and no one would know till I turned to dust!
America was powerful
but LOVED and RESPECTED ~ not only at home ~ BUT abroad as well. We were not FEARED
and LOATHED as a Godless amoral lunatic nation of war mongering imperialist war
criminals as we are today!
We had earned
something called respect,
because we were
still a nation
of mostly decent compassionate Godly people.
of mostly decent compassionate Godly people.
The truth was still
a priority with most.
Do not EVER confuse
Respect is in the
family of love.
Fear is closer to
We have lost our
moral rudder and have become a nation not unlike ancient Sodom. Today our
‘Christian/Zionist’ segment of the population have as much innocent blood on
their hands as the Marxists of Soviet ilk that we once ~ as TRUE Christians ~
feared and despised and warned our children against. We have become what we
once despised.
The Ten Commandments
are today nothing more ~ at BEST ~ than the ‘ten suggestions’.
Our ‘entertainment’ is so rancid, evil and blasphemous that it would probably make Satan blush with embarrassment. The 100% jew dominated jew run jew financed Talmudic filth spewed into our living rooms like so much rancid vomit 24-7 is the VAST portion of our children’s non-formal education.
Evolution taught as
~ promotion of
gratuitous sex
~ graphic violence
portrayed a normal
~ normalization of
homosexual perversions
~ glorification of
~ acceptability of
in your face blasphemy
~ reprobate scum
postured as role models
~ racist hate
presented as American as apple pie and more.
We are like ‘dead
men walking’ ~ doomed to the ash heap of history.
Truth, wisdom,
responsibility and understanding are ‘dirty words’ not even discussed any more.
All we love and respect is money, power, comfort, sex and that which makes us
‘feel good’.
I have not heard any
real wisdom, humility, truth and understanding come from the mouths of our
leaders, since I was a child. We have befriended ALL of our REAL enemies and
made enemies of any friends we really had left. Yes ~I served my country in
uniform ~ but with morally different people. I trained a lot of young kids for combat
duty that had morals and a conscience.
Not surprisingly,
not a single one of the 1000+ men I personally had a hand in training at the
USATC in Berlin Crisis 1962 were jews. They were all given deferments so we
inferior Goyem ( cattle) servicemen could keep them safe and secure at home
where they could continue with their posh jobs and lifestyles in Hollywood and
in the media corruption our children’s hearts and minds and souls. It’s a jew
The trash in today’s
‘new and improved ‘ Army are legions of murderers, rapists, looters, sadistic
criminal thugs that are capable of murdering and raping an entire family of
defenseless helpless innocent civilians just for “fun”. These horrendous events
are now common everyday occurrences in Iraq and Afghanistan and nobody ‘at
home’ gives a damn!
One day you will see
these same soulless young killers murder your neighbors and family right here
in our own country! Why? Because they were simply “given orders to do so”. by
some war criminal madman like George Bush.
These horrors have
happened in every nation in history that has abandoned morality ~ and it will
happen here! It is only a matter of time. If you think I exaggerate ~ then
research the shameful frightening incident at ’29 Palms’ Naval base and THEN
tell me you are not concerned ~ if of course this doesn’t interrupt really
important matters ~like your ‘FUN’ at NFL tailgate parties.
I thank The Lord that I was born no later than
I was
~ as I have been a witness to a time of
~ or at least relative innocence and goodness
~ the likes of which no young person has ever
OR WILL ever witness in his or her lifetime.
I fear for the moral well-being of my children
and especially grandchildren in years to come
~ as the ‘poison cup’ of the jew that we have
~ has become more and more ‘fashionable’
to more and more of our ignorant population.
to more and more of our ignorant population.
We ARE today nothing more than a morally rotted corpse ~ like one of those low budget ‘B rated’ ‘Night of the Living Dead’ late movies. Aside from the horrors that WE have created all over the world as a result of our greed ~ ignorance ~ racism ~ hypocrisy and arrogance ~ one need but take note of what degenerate inane mindless rot the jew TV vomits into our living rooms 24-7.
is based on our new
improved ‘Merkan’ values of sex and money
get it?
Oh ~ and have you
noticed that virtually ALL of these ‘ads’ are designed to target ‘adults’ with
12 year old brains? There are now scores of in your face adds promoting drugs
to make your penis larger as if God created us all with some sort of defect. OR
~ how to be promiscuous without worrying about horrible diseases that one might
catch from EVERYONE ~ but our wives of course.
There are now even
promotions for homosexual perverts ~ to be able to more easily find other
perverts ~”for a good time”.
Lotions and oils and garments to make us sexier ~ NOT JUST CLEANER ~ abound every hour of the day so as to insure that our children become more and more sexually aware.
Then there are the
money mongers. Buy this and buy that ~ and not to worry ~ you can buy ANYTHING
any luxury you desire and pay for it later (at substantial jew usury premiums
of course).
Oh and if you get in
trouble ~ being a little too greedy and materialistic ~ not to worry ~ there
are also dozens of new ‘companies’ specializing in patching up your stupidity ~
greed and irresponsible behavior ~ so you can ” get back on your feet” and
screw your life up ALL OVER AGAIN!
There are mortgage rates and special ‘trick plans’ with fancy sounding names for every level of irresponsible excessive expenditure. BUY BUY ~ SPEND SPEND ~ not to worry ~ it all seems like a fantasy world where there are no ‘pipers’ to pay and everything is warm and fuzzy.
And just in case you
are a dead-beat moron scumbag whose irresponsible lifestyle has wrecked your
credit ~ impoverished your family and ruined your reputation ~ once again ~ the
AmeriKan way will see to it that it’s all OK and you can squander more of your
children’s education money with those sleazy outfits that will lend you dollars
no matter what kind of irresponsible loser you are. RIGHT!
Oh and then there is another thing ~ DRUGS!. Not as insidious and morality deficient as the money/sex thing ~ but a another good litmus of sick (no pun intended) society. Remember ~ NONE of this garbage existed in the society that I grew up in. We didn’t have to. We didn’t ‘need’ it. Why? ~ Because we all, once had, wisdom knowledge and good judgment.
Note the HUGE deluge
of drug ads shoved in our face literally EVERY 6-10 MINUTES ON EVERY NETWORK
Sometimes I wonder
how our nation can function with all of the health related problems that we
suffer from ~ like ~ upset stomachs ~ migraine headaches ~ sore muscles ~
sleepless nights ~ aching joints ~ stressful lives ~ constipation ~ diarrhea ~
stinky feet ~ balding heads ~ infected toenails ~ ulcers ~ bad breath ~ dirty
teeth ~ germ infested homes ~ smelly kitchens ~ need for alcohol ~ need for nicotine
~ fast food ~ uncomfortable beds ~ diet schemes by the zillions! ~ gym fads ~
an apparent epidemic of allergies ~ cure for Hypertension ~ cures for
cholesterol ~ cure for aging ~ breast augmentations ~ butt augmentations ~
cold-cures ~ cough cures ~ arthritic cures ~ Prostate cures ~ faulty bladder
cures ~ depression cures ~ herpes cures and on and on and on.
It is as if the
Pharmaceuticals industry and the medical profession and the carnival barkers
have all been in collusion with one another to produce a sideshow of snake oil
cure for anything and everything that plagues an entire nation ~ apparently
ONLY the ‘modern’ American citizen. It is amazing that Americans as a people
can even function in normal everyday life as ill as we apparently are.
And have you ever
listened to the voice that ~ apparently by law ~ must mention the adverse side
effects from these wonder cures. They are stated in a double the normal
speaking speed that is impossible to comprehend as if it were of no
consequence. It goes something like this:
“Ever suffer from pains in your legs or frequent urination or shortness of breath? Well ~ like zillions of Americans you may be suffering from Hydrocondrocardiosubclavianendometaxis syndrome. Clinical studies have found that a regular regime of the new wonder drug Proloxiline sufanidomie oxypseudofltulanticularsodium succiliate or ‘Proximax’ ~ a combination of untested but clinically proven toxinogen will greatly reduce the painful effects of the HCD syndrome.Use only as directed and consult your physician first. Should not be taken if you are pregnant ~ have any allergies ~ have a cold or cough ~ headaches ~ have ever had an operation ~ suffer from hypertension ~ anxiety ~ high Cholesterol ~ ever had the flu or a cold ~ diabetic or are a male between the ages of 18 and 87 or a female who has ever had children or had PMS or exceptionally large breasts or exceptionally small breasts or had ‘hot flashes’ or flatulence ~ as any of the aforementioned conditions could increase your chances of cancer using this drug ~ etc etc etc”
AND ~ if that
weren’t enough ~ here is a classic example of the very very small print that
lists the possible negative side effects:
CAUTIONS: Side effects may cause diarrhea ~ dizziness ~ fever ~ pain ~ swelling ~ headache ~ weakness ~ numbness ~ bleeding ~ unusual bruising ~ red or tarry stools ~ blood in urine ~ severe pain in legs feet toes ~ vaginal bleeding ~ rash ~ itching swelling ~ difficulty breathing ~ trouble sleeping ~ drowsiness ~ chest pain ~ irregular heart beat ~ coughing ~ bluish discoloration in hands or feet ~ blistered skin heart failure ~ stroke ~ chills ~ fainting ~ sore throat ~ hair loss ~ nosebleeds ~ bleeding from gums ~ reparatory distress ~ hallucinations ~ deep depression ~ tachycardia ~ or possible fatal effects.
Actually ~ ALL of
these ‘side effects’ are real ~ I didn’t make these up and they were from only
2 of the more supposedly benign drugs most Americans commonly use or have used.
Of course the TV
screen shows the laughing now healthy ‘patient’ leaping through a field of
flowers like Alice in Wonderland. The ‘Madison Avenue’ ad man and ‘Big pharma’
have a quick fix for anything that ails us ~ even if it nearly kills us. As
long as LOTS of money is being made that is ALL that REALLY MATTERS! Only in
AmeriKa ~ what a country!
Point is ~ we are
programmed to live in a make believe world ~ where we have NO responsibilities
and there are NO moral absolutes anymore.
Hey ~ if it feels good ~ DO IT!

We have become so completely ‘moronacized’ (dumbed down) by our ‘handlers’ that we continue to use divisive and improper ‘created’ erroneous terms like “PRO- CHOICE” to describe the process of murdering an unborn child ~or “AFRICAN AMERICAN” to denote a black American whereas it CORRECTLY means and designates any person ~ black OR white that was born in one of the many African countries and THEN becomes an American citizen by naturalization.Or how about “ASSAULT RIFLE” to INCORRECTLY describe a simple plain rifle which CANNOT fire automatically as a machine-gun ~ which in reality is NOT in ANY Way a machine =gun or automatic rifle ~or ‘TERRORIST” to describe a national patriot who is fighting an invading force in HIS country.~ he is more properly and popularly termed FREEDOM FIGHTER! ~
We always see the improper word “GAY” to INCORRECTLY describe the homosexual pervert / pedophile child molester. There are other sinister evil intended bastardizations of our wonderful English language ~ but you get the idea.These things are EVIL PERIOD!They serve NO good purpose and act only for the benefit of evil people with evil agendas.
Finally the last
One of the things that I grew up with ~ was a country that whether you were Catholic or one of the diverse Protestant sects ~ we ALL worshiped ONE SAME GOD. We ALL fell under the belief in one main collective belief ~ that we are all followers of the Christ and our collective belief was called CHRISTIANITY and was based upon the teachings of our faith.
Today that has been
all but completely destroyed. Now
~ We have the ‘new
and improved’ Christian/Zionist dogma
~ so painstakingly
managed and manipulated by the Jew over the past half century.
Today we no longer
follow the teachings of Jesus of Nazareth ~ but our churches have been sold or
traded for the synagogues of Satan so despised by our Lord.
We have now become a
collective living oxy-moron that which never was
~ and never will be ~
worship SATAN. Read John 8-44 ~ (Jesus to the jews)
“Ye are of your father, the DEVIL
~ the father of ALL LIES”
~ the father of ALL LIES”
An oxymoron
~ a contradiction in
principles ~
the marriage of the
ultimate holiness and goodness
with that which is
evil and Godless.
We have drunk from
the cup of poison,
~ the same poison
offered to our Lord by the Pharisees millennia ago.
The pseudo-churches
of hell today preach hatred of our fellow man ~ racism ~ wealth as equal to
Godliness and that number one issue in importance in the obligation of the
pastor is to make the flock ‘feel good’ ~ to satisfy the itchy ears of the
They ‘preach’ NOT
the Gospel of Christ ~ but whatever inane tripe makes us feel good and fuzzy
REGARDLESS of how blasphemous or distant from The Lord’s teachings it strays.
Hypocrite multi-millionaire rancid scum frauds like Joel Osteen have led
countless millions of clueless imbecile fools down the road to damnation with
his wicked lies
It shows that we are
spiritually dead! With small exception of the few truly faithful left in
America ~ we have sold our souls to the jews (Satan’s earthly children). We are
WORSE than the inhabitants of Sodom ~ for at least they were not guilty of
hypocrisy as part of their blasphemy.
Even the original
universal Christian Church ~ that of Catholicism ~ in which I was raised, has
been infiltrated by the Satanic jews. We now have a full fledged wicked Christ
mocking jew masquerading as the Pope and betraying a billion followers.
Most Catholics
aren’t aware that ‘Bishop’ Ratsinger was the author of most of the blasphemous
filth that came out of Vatican II. One look at ‘Pope’ Ratsingers face should
reveal the jew wickedness in his black soul.
With the exception
of the ONLY true Christian Church left ~ the Orthodox ~ and a handful of still
loyal believers ~ ‘Christianity’ as I knew it as a young man in what was once
‘AMERICA’ ~ and not a colony of IsraHELL ~ has been totally destroyed by the
jews and most of our three hundred+ million citizens ~ dumbed down to shallow
self indulgent delusional sheep.
Since the demise of Christianity I have searched for a ‘church’ where I might feel is sharing the true message of God ~ where the spiritual head ~ by whatever name he calls himself ~ has the integrity and courage to speak the truth ~ defend the faith ~ and not only talk the talk ~ BUT also ~ as he should do ~ and as he has been mandated by God ~ to also walk the walk ~ lead by example ~ not hypocrisy.
I seek a sober
modest frugal Christian ‘pastor’ and a TRUE Christian church that will set the
example and show no fear to the face of adversity or cave in principles to
secular majority or cower to the intimidation of everyday evil influence ~ such
as our evil government and Jew controlled mass media ~ ergo ~’ public opinion’.
Show me such a place
stewarded by such a man ~ hopefully within my immediate community ~ and I will
join their ranks and attempt to be worthy of their company. I have searched but
found little but voices of weakness, ignorance inane hatred, racism, and
MONUMENTAL HYPOCRISY. Their phony churches boast of being ” fun” = “dynamic” =
“inspiring” = “uplifting” = “casual” = ” informal”= “exciting” and even
“prosperous” ~ but never ever faithful and truthful to the teachings of Christ.
They are truly the ‘quislings’ of Christianity in America. I’m not looking for
a ‘blow job’ for my ego or a fashion conscious social club for tail-gate party
mentality Sunday Christians. My search continues.
My name is Joe Cortina. I was a 60s Green Beret commander and a representative for IBM as well as a scientist for Honeywell Aerospace in Florida. I later became President of my own manufacturing company. I have two sons and 2 granddaughters who are the reason for my dedication to expose the threats to the freedoms I hope to see them enjoy as I did many decades ago when America was still a Christian-based sovereign nation free of Zionist influence.
ReplyDeleteJesus specifically commanded to "PUT THEM IN THE OVENS"....
@ Matt. 13
...lots of gnashing of teeth !!!
nobody has to remain in the stool sculpture deity cult compound...
they could come out...
when Men Like Joe were the Majority
little boys played sandlot baseball and had fun...girls were not victims of "jewish" promoted unnatural behaviours....
and people were not fat dumb and ugly.....talmudvision watching BRAINDEADGOY....
is there any proof of "Biblical Judaism"...?
how can a "Jew" be a "Jew" without the Talmud ?
Ah the good ol days, when blacks were lynched, unwanted pregnancies were terminated in alley ways with coat hangers, churches could bugger their congregations without fear of publicity, a man could beat his wife now and then and a good company could hire a few goons to break up unions.
ReplyDeleteSure uncle sam was killing raping and terrorizing in Guatemala, Iran, and doing genocide in Korea, but hey, Disney was on TV and schools had no bad evil doers with backwards caps. WTF???
Seriously, WTF?
This was an ugly rant which contradicts its own claims repeatedly, mixes fantasy with fact, ignores all sorts of real history, all while claiming to abhor ignorance. Yet it asks us to become simple minded ignorant fools who blame one religion for all of our problems.
When Germany the ultimate military power was set up to be knocked down during the 1930's and 40's that nation had mindless Jew bashing as one of its central pillars. Now as the USA is being destroyed, its citizens are asked to simplify, to dumb down, to boil it all down to one simple problem and blame it all on them avoiding all responsibility. The Jew bashing in the fascist war making nation of the USA as it dies, appears to be a replay of what Germany went through. Sad.
Criticize the banking families, the oligarchs and pigs who run the world, many are Jews, so go ahead and criticize with some facts and some truth. But stoop to mindless hating of all members of one religion and you sound like the fucking KKK.
Anonymous, please take your reactions to the author, Joe Cortina at the site linked above. I am sure he would be quite happy to respond in full to your response.
ReplyDeleteI do fully agree with your second last paragraph by the way. Point well made proving as we know that there is a force, a unifying force, that operates it all ~ the hidden hand that recognizes no race, religion, or any of those other divisionary /diversionary situations we deal with.
I fully remember the world the author writes about. He speaks of a time when things were simpler and the hearts of the American people were still untouched by the slime of today. We were innocent of knowledge and life was so very simple.
Waking up is damn painful isn't it?
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