October 11, 2012
Over the past few years, an interesting pattern has emerged,
where political supporters of genetically engineered (GE) foods are feasting on
organics, while promoting unlabeled GE foods for everyone else.
Most recently, Mother Jones1 discussed how Presidential hopeful Mitt
Romney ~ whose ties to Monsanto go back to the late 1970′s
when GE crops were still in the R&D phase ~ reportedly makes sure his own
meals are nothing but organic…
According to Peter Alexander of MSN Today:2
According to Peter Alexander of MSN Today:2
“On Romney Air, or Hair Force One ~ as Reuters’ Steve Holland like to call it ~ Mitt Romney has his own galley in ‘forward cabin.’ And, while I’ve never been invited up front, sources close to the campaign tell me the shelves are stocked with a wide variety of healthy fare. Kashi cereals, hummus, pita, as well as organic applesauce.Everything’s organic, I’m told, including the ingredients to Romney’s favorite, peanut butter and honey sandwiches.”
Even more interesting, in a 2002 article3 about
Romney’s wife, Ann, she credits a combination of organic foods and holistic
medicine for turning her health around after she was diagnosed with multiple
sclerosis in 1998. The profile reads in part:
“She was 49 at the time, and the disease was progressing rapidly, she says, prompting the doctors to put her on steroids, which made her so sick she could barely get out of bed. ‘They were killing me,’ she says of the treatment. ‘You have bone loss; they are so bad for you.’Mrs. Romney was introduced to several practitioners of holistic medicine, who persuaded her to adopt alternative therapies. She now eats organic foods and very little meat. She practices reflexology and undergoes acupuncture treatments. She credits the lifestyle with turning her health around…‘Everyone has to find their own way,’ she says. ‘Three years ago I was really, really sick and not able to function at all. A lot of the symptoms are [now] gone…’”

Wouldn’t it be a nice change of pace if our agricultural
authorities, not to mention our President, could reach into their hearts and
find the humanity to fight for everyone’s right to eat
wholesome food that doesn’t contain foreign DNA, built-in pesticides, and an
inordinate amount of synthetic chemicals so that diseases such as MS and cancer
could be curtailed before they even get a foothold?
ED: Meanwhile the common masses get to purchase GMO corn created by Monsanto direct from WalMart!
While Obama has been a huge supporter of Big Biotech during his term, Romney is just as “tight” with Monsanto, having actually successfully guided the company out of lawsuits with Congress in the shameful aftermath of Agent Orange (a Monsanto creation, which was supposed to be harmless to everything except vegetation), and heinous chemical dumping incidents in Missouri and Alabama.4
While Obama has been a huge supporter of Big Biotech during his term, Romney is just as “tight” with Monsanto, having actually successfully guided the company out of lawsuits with Congress in the shameful aftermath of Agent Orange (a Monsanto creation, which was supposed to be harmless to everything except vegetation), and heinous chemical dumping incidents in Missouri and Alabama.4
He’s also in favor putting the “Monsanto rider”
provision in the 2012 Farm Bill ~ a rider that would
prevent a federal court from putting in place court-ordered restrictions on a GE crop, even if the approval were fraudulent or involved bribery, among other things.
Unfortunately, Mitt Romney is just one in a line of
politicians who support and promote GE foods as being just as safe and
“natural” as conventional foods while privately serving up nothing but organic
for their own families. President Obama, as his predecessors George W. Bush and
Bill Clinton, have all reportedly insisted on an organic diet.
Mother Jones writes:5
“What’s my evidence that the Clintons and Bushes ate organic? Get this, from someone who knows ~ Walter Scheib,6 who served as White House executive chef during the Clinton and Bush years:‘From 1994 to 2005 I was the executive chef at the White House. This offered me not only the personal honor of serving two unique and interesting first families, but the professional challenge of fulfilling Hillary Clinton’s mandate of bringing contemporary American cuisine and nutritionally responsible food to the White House.‘This meant that nearly all the product used was obtained from local growers and suppliers. There was a small garden on the roof of the White House where produce was grown. The ethic of the purchasing and the cooking at the White House under my direction and under the continuing direction of [current Obama White House executive chef] Cris Comerford is one of respect for the pedigree of the product and manner it is grown, gathered, raised or caught.The Clinton and Bush families dined regularly on organic foods. Both wagyu and grass-fed beef were frequently used.” [Emphasis mine}
Scheib was again quoted in a 2009 article by Think
Progress,7 stating
that Laura Bush was "adamant that in ALL CASES if an organic product was
available it was to be used in place of a non-organic product." Meanwhile,
the article lists a number of atrocious food policies instituted by her
husband. Who knows, perhaps she was so adamant about organics because she knew
the quality and safety of conventional food was rapidly going down the toilet?
The Obama White House may be even more progressive about
healthful dining than previous Presidents. In a 2008 article about First Lady
Michelle Obama, published in The New Yorker:8
”One morning, during a roundtable at Ma Fischer's, a diner in Milwaukee, Elizabeth Crawford, a recently divorced caterer with two children, brought up the subject of the eating habits of American families. 'I really, really hope that Barack will jump on that,' she said.Then, having given thoughtful but boilerplate responses most of the morning, [Michelle] Obama suddenly departed from her script. It was the most animated I saw her on the campaign trail. ‘You know,’ she said, ‘in my household, over the last year we have just shifted to organic for this very reason. I mean, I saw just a moment in my nine-year-old’s life ~ we have a good pediatrician, who is very focused on childhood obesity, and there was a period where he was, like, ‘Mmm, she’s tipping the scale.’So we started looking through our cabinets… You know, you’ve got fast food on Saturday, a couple days a week you don’t get home. The leftovers, good, not the third day! …So that whole notion of cooking on Sunday is out. … And the notion of trying to think about a lunch every day! …So you grab the Lunchables, right? And the fruit-juice-box thing, and we think ~we think ~ that’s juice.And you start reading the labels and you realize there’s high-fructose corn syrup in everything we’re eating. Every jelly, every juice. Everything that’s in a bottle or a package is like poison in a way that most people don’t even know…”
Yes, high-fructose corn syrup is one of the most atrocious
ingredients in the American food supply today in terms of what it does to your
health. Not only is fructose a major contributor to metabolic syndrome,
diabetes and obesity, the vast majority of it is also derived from genetically
engineered corn, which has its own increasingly well-documented ill health
Most recently, the world’s first lifetime feeding study using
Monsanto GE corn found it caused massive breast tumors, kidney and liver
damage, and other serious health problems.
Michelle Obama is certainly not the only one who has
referred to high-fructose corn syrup as a poison.
According to Dr. Robert Lustig, excess fructose does
act like a toxin in your body, and Dr. Don Huber has spoken out about
the two-fold toxic effects of GE crops:
1) due to the genetic alteration of the plant itself, and2) the glyphosate sprayed on GE Roundup Ready crops.
Sadly, while the Obama’s are undoubtedly well aware of the
health dangers of processed foods in general and genetically engineered foods
specifically, their personal belief system has not filtered into the food
policies that affect the rest of the population.
On the contrary, the President has spent the last four years
appointing one Monsanto shill after another into key federal positions that
wield near-absolute power over agricultural issues. Mrs. Obama’s efforts to
promote organic foods, which included a much publicized White House organic
garden, were also quickly tempered and toned down by a personal visit from The
Mid America CropLife Association, an agribusiness media group, who “urged the
first lady to give conventional agriculture equal time,” according to a 2009
Politico article.9
Topping it all off, the President has also completely
ignored his pre-election promise to IMMEDIATELY label GE foods, should he win,
“because Americans should know what they’re buying.”
Well, it’s become abundantly clear that Big Biotech and
their political lackeys will not even allow us to make an informed decision on
this issue by reading our own food labels. And you’d have to be supremely naïve
to not question the absurd dichotomy between public policies on GE and organic
foods, and the private decisions made by those in charge and “in the know.”
In the first three years of the Obama Administration, 10
different genetically engineered crops, and even a genetically modified animal,
have been approved by the US Department of Agriculture (USDA), according to
Food & Water Watch.10 All
without a single shred of proof that these foods are actually safe for
long-term consumption (or in the case of today’s children ~ lifetime consumption).
Could this have anything to do with the fact that highly
influential people within the USDA were previous employees of, or have other
personal ties to, Monsanto?
~ The Secretary of Agriculture is Tom Vilsack, a strong Monsanto supporter selected by President-elect Obama in 2008.11As governor of Iowa, Vilsack frequently traveled in Monsanto’s private jets, and was named Governor of the Year by the Biotechnology Industry Organization.~ The director of the National Institute of Food and Agriculture is Roger Beachy, a former director of the Monsanto Danforth Center.~ The General Counsel for the USDA is Ramona Romero, who came straight from DuPont, another major biotech company with GE crop patents, where she held a number of key positions, including Corporate Counsel for complex commercial and antitrust litigation, and Corporate Counsel and Manager of Operations and Partnering.~ Even the Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton, has old ties to Monsanto via the Rose Law firm.
Getting the picture? The US Food and Drug Administration
(FDA) and other federal agencies are similarly stacked with former Monsanto
employees. Likewise, when it comes to selecting which Presidential candidate
might be better for organic foods and our agriculture system, both Romney and
Obama’s actions speak louder than words. They do one thing privately, and
“sell” another agenda to the public. Neither of them is a champion for Real
Food in the US and both of them cater and yield to the wills of multinational
food and biotech companies.
Please enlarge thumb
In 2009, President Obama appointed former Monsanto VP for
Public Policy, Michael Taylor, as a senior adviser for the FDA, turning a deaf
ear to the loud protests from consumer groups. Taylor is currently serving as
the deputy commissioner for foods at the FDA ~ a position that includes
ensuring food labels contain clear and accurate information. He also oversees
strategy for food safety, and planning new food safety legislation.
To say he’s a fox guarding a hen house would be an
understatement. This sentiment is shared by most people who are even remotely
aware of food safety issues. At the time of Taylor’s appointment, GE expert
Jeffrey Smith commented:12
“The person who may be responsible for more food-related illness and death than anyone in history has just been made the US food safety czar. This is no joke.”
Now, the opposition is gaining steam yet again with an
online petition13 calling
for Taylor’s removal.
“President Obama, I oppose your appointment of Michael Taylor. Taylor is the same person who was Food Safety Czar at the FDA when genetically modified organisms were allowed into the U.S. food supply without undergoing a single test to determine their safety or risks. This is a travesty,” the petition reads.
Please enlarge thumb to read a few lies supported by a concerned industry.
Organic foods specifically prohibit genetically engineered ingredients along with synthetic agricultural chemicals, and eating organic is essentially the only way to ensure you’re not accidentally consuming GE foods, since the US still does not require such ingredients to be labeled.
So what’s with the double standard?
Is genetically engineered food the “cake” fit only for the
paupers of the 21st century? Heck, even the staff cafeteria at Monsanto’s UK
headquarters reportedly banned GE foods from the menu back
in 1999.
So really, why are the elite making organic
foods a priority for their own families?
And why won’t they support labeling, so the rest of us can
make an informed decision about the foods we eat?
And why are they imposing regulations that limit the
availability of organically ~ and/or locally-grown foods for so many communities?
It’s quite evident that we have no real champions for food
safety and labeling of genetically engineered foods within the federal
government. But right now we do have a great opportunity to
change this situation by circumventing Monsanto’s posse entirely.
Twenty-four U.S. states have, as part of their state
governance, something called the Initiative Process, where residents can bring
to ballot any law they want enacted, as long as it has sufficient support.
California has organized such a ballot initiative, known as Proposition 37, to
get labeling for genetically engineered foods sold in their state.
Although many organic consumers and natural health activists already understand the importance of Proposition 37, it cannot be overemphasized that winning the battle over Prop 37 is perhaps the most important food fight Americans ~ not just Californians ~ have faced so far.
But in order to win this fight for the right to know what’s
in our food, we need your help, as the biotech industry will surely outspend us
by 100 to 1, if not more, for their propaganda. Please remember the failure or
success of this ballot initiative is wholly dependent on your support and
There are no major industry pockets funding this endeavor.
In order to have a chance against the deep pockets of Big Biotech and
transnational food corporations, it needs donations from average citizens.
So please, if you have the ability, I strongly encourage you
to make a donation to this cause. You can also contact EVERY person you know
that lives in California and encourage them to view some of these videos and
get educated on the issues so they can avoid succumbing to the propaganda, as
Monsanto and company are paying tens of millions of dollars to deceive the
voters in California. We need EVERY vote we can to win next month. The election
is only FOUR weeks away.
It’s important to realize that getting this law passed in California would have the same overall effect as a national law, as large companies are not likely going to label their products as genetically engineered when sold in California (the 8th largest economy in the world), but not when sold in other states. Doing so would be a costly PR disaster. So please, I urge you to get involved and help in any way you can, regardless of what state you live in.
~Whether you live in California or not, please donate money to this historic effort, through the Organic Consumers Fund.~ If you live in California and want to get involved, please contact CARightToKnow.org. They will go through all volunteer requests to put you into a position that is suitable for you, based on your stated interests and location.~ No matter where you live, please help spread the word in your personal networks, on Facebook, and Twitter. For help with the messaging, please see CARightToKnow.org.~Talk to organic producers and stores and ask them to actively support the California Ballot. It may be the only chance we have to label genetically engineered foods.
romneys boss and handler at the corporation that was a raider basicallywas is a mossad her (yes a she)her father was hi up in mossad as well.the company functioned as a cash leverage type thiingy it produced nothing onl;y financial flimmery.i thin khe is worse than obama.propositions are the only thing left to vote against or for as the case may be even when a yes vote means no and vice versa. soem one should tell these fools that such cute tricks is a sure sign they are on a super jet to hell.tis sickening and i be had overmuch plz tell them miss tuffin is full and i going to spew all over their chest like bush in japan.