By Mohamed Khodr
December 16, 2012
“Indeed, Allah (God) will not change the condition of a people until they change what is in themselves.” ~ Qur’an: 13:11
(WASHINGTON DC) - Palestine, a holy land blessed by God in
the three Abrahamic Faiths ~ Judaism, Christianity, and Islam –but unblessed
with incompetent leaders since Zionists began immigrating and invading the land
in the late 19th Century. No more so than today when
beloved Palestine has two unelected parties, Fatah ruling the West Bank, and
Hamas ruling Gaza.
Both are corrupt, incompetent politically, economically, and
as a failed resistance movement, and both are self serving with greed and power
in their hearts, damn the Palestinian children who are dying in East Jerusalem,
the West Bank, and Gaza.
Both Fatah and Hamas have failed to deliver any political or
economic benefits to Palestinian families. Under Fatah in the West
Bank Israel has built thousands of illegal homes and outposts annexing more
land and water. Under Hamas Gaza has been besieged for six years
enduring repeated Israeli genocidal attacks.
Read how the Palestinian Authority/Fatah under Mahmoud Abbas
betrayed their country and people as documented in the Palestine Papers.
These papers shocked the world but jolted and shocked the
Palestinian people like a massive shattering earthquake.
Palestinians suffered and endured for decades the loss of
their homes, land, and loved ones, in the expectation and hope that their
leaders will find a way to deliver them from Israel’s illegal, immoral, and
inhumane brutal military occupation.
Imagine their shock and disbelief when they discovered that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his Chief Negotiator, Saeb Erakat (and others) were secretly negotiating with Israel a total surrender and capitulation of the historical rights and demands of the Palestinians, the very rights that has kept them unified as a people despite being scattered in refugee camps in and out of Israel.
Imagine their shock and disbelief when they discovered that Palestinian Authority President Mahmoud Abbas and his Chief Negotiator, Saeb Erakat (and others) were secretly negotiating with Israel a total surrender and capitulation of the historical rights and demands of the Palestinians, the very rights that has kept them unified as a people despite being scattered in refugee camps in and out of Israel.
These unbelievable concessions included:
~ Conceding to Israel the annexation of all but one of the illegal settlements built in occupied East Jerusalem~ Conceding to an international committee control over Jerusalem's Masjid Al Aqsa which houses the Dome of the Rock and Al-Aqsa Mosque.~ Conceding the “right of return” of Palestinian refugees by accepting Israel’s offer to allow only 100,000 refugees to return to their homes and villages over 10 years
These traitors also worked with the Israeli security forces
to assassinate Palestinian leaders, even those in Fatah, their very
organization, while working with the British Secret Service MI6 (and the CIA
and Israel) to develop a plan that entails the removal and defeat of Hamas in
Gaza despite its electoral victory over Fatah. .
In effect the Palestinian Authority became Israel’s internal
security force killing, imprisoning without charge or trial (like Israel) any
Palestinian deemed dangerous by Israel or a threat to the P.A.’ authority’s
power and control of the West Bank. It’s also been accused by Human Rights
organizations of widespread human rights abuses including murder and torture.
After the Palestine Papers clearly revealed the Chief Negotiator
Saeb Erakat’s role in agreeing to all these concessions he resigned. He denied
all such allegations as revealed by AlJazeera TV in Qatar, but surprise,
surprise, he’s back in his old position with a salary that’s more likely
several dozen of times more than any Palestinian refugee. No investigation, no
accountability, same corrupt business as usual.
However In an interview with the BBC (January 26, 2011) Saeb
Erakat came clean and admitted some of the most damaging reports in the
Palestine Papers were true.
Additionally, the P.A.’s Security Chief, Mahmoud Dahlan, who
was closely tied with Israel and the C.I.A., and thus can be considered an
informant, became extremely wealthy as he ran the security apparatus in Gaza.
For his alleged corruption he was removed from a major P.A. Committee but was
never charged or investigated for any crime.
These criminal corrupt traitors still hold on to power
although their elected terms expired years ago.
As for Hamas in Gaza: (The word Hamas in English means
The late Sheikh Ahmed Yassin (killed by Israel) founded an
Islamic charity in Gaza in the early 1970’s. This charity was encouraged,
licensed, and supported by Israel to counter the secular P.L.O. In 1987 Sheikh
Yassin and others founded “Hamas”, an Islamist fundamentalist organization
dedicated to liberating all of Palestine. Hamas came into being during the
First Intifada.
It went on to defeat Fatah in 2006 in a free election gaining
a majority seats in Parliament. Their victory shocked the U.S., Israel, and
Fatah and thus ensued a military clash between Fatah and Hamas whereby Fatah
was defeated and in 2007 Hamas gained total control of Gaza.
Although it needs a much longer discussion, in my opinion, all the alleged “Islamic” fundamentalist groups from the Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt, to Hamas, Al Qaeda and the Taliban are ignorant of true Islam as evidenced by their practices from intolerance to terrorism.
It’s been vastly documented that Hamas would not exist if
not for Israel’s political and economic support as a counter balance to the
secular P.L.O.
The Wall Street Journal article entitled: “How Israel Helped to Spawn
Quotes a retired Israeli official, Avner Cohen, who was in
charge of Religious Affairs in Gaza for more than 20 years as saying that
Israel’s support of Hamas: an "enormous, stupid mistake" made
30 years ago and;
“Hamas, to my great regret, is Israel's creation,"
Other reports documenting Israel’s support of Hamas are
found here:
~ The Hamas-Likud Pairing: Jerusalem Post 08/25/95~ Analysis: Hamas history tied to Israel: United Press International 06/18/02~ Israeli Roots of Hamas are being exposed: Centre for Research on Globalization 18/18/02~ Sharon War Plan Exposed: Hamas Gang Is His Tool: Executive Intelligence Review 07/20/01~ Israel's Hamas: The New York Press 04/17/02~ Arafat: Hamas Are Sharon's Children: Executive Review News Service 12/21/01~ Unintended Consequences Pose Risks for Mideast Policy: Washington Post, January 7, 2009
Hamas has ruled Gaza’s 1.5 million Palestinians with an iron
fist as if Israel’s devastating siege of Gaza for years is not enough.
Like the leaders of the Palestinian Authority Hamas has no legitimate authority
to retain any power.
In its alleged allegiance to “Islamic” principles Hamas has
committed the same crimes against Gazans as Israel: Assassinations,
murder, imprisonment without charge, torture, and the irony of it all: House Demolitions.
As reported in the Israeli paper Haaretz in its article: “Hamas
to raze 180 Gaza houses to erect Islamic religious center”, May 21, 2010
The Hamas government in the Gaza Strip plans to raze another
180 Palestinian houses, on top of the 20 it recently demolished in the southern
town of Rafah, the Palestinian Center for Human Rights charged on Thursday….The
20 houses already destroyed were home to some 150 people, who are now homeless
and living in tents, the organization said.”
(Here’s the shocker. It’s as if an IDF spokesman
The government said it razed the
houses because they were built illegally on government land. The organization said that Hamas plans
to use the same pretext to demolish houses in Khan Yunis and other towns.
Most of these houses' inhabitants are poor, the organization
said, and several saw their previous
houses demolished during the years of fighting with Israel.” (End
of article quote)
It must be true then; Hamas is Israel’s illegitimate child.
In another report that appeared in the Guardian titled: “Hamas Accused of Routine Torture of Detainees
in Gaza Strip”, October 02, 2012
“Hamas security forces are routinely subjecting Palestinian detainees in Gaza to torture and abuse, according to a report by Human Rights Watch, which says three men have been executed on the basis of "confessions" apparently obtained under coercion….The report, cites serious abuses such as arbitrary arrest, denial of access to lawyers and the use of torture during interrogations."After five years of Hamas rule in Gaza, its criminal justice system reeks of injustice, routinely violates detainees' rights, and grants immunity to abusive security services," (end of article quote)
The selfishness, callousness, and incompetence of Hamas
who’s “enthusiasm” for meaningless rockets and Un-Islamic suicide bombers who
kill innocent Israeli civilians have brought on repeated genocides by
It’s the innocent children, Hamas, who pay with their lives for your stupid arrogant thoughtless and meaningless resistance strategy that has gained you nothing but the world’s contempt.
Your so called “resistance” will never achieve the ends the
entire world seeks and desires for the Palestinians ~ an end to the occupation
and the establishment of a free Palestinian State.
Stop your madness; stop your bellicosity and horrendous
Yes, Palestine, Hamas the “Islamic” movement commits the
same war crimes as Israel as the Palestine Authority
Khaled MeshaaI (and other Hamas leaders), the allegedly
retiring political leader of Hamas has repeatedly over the years clearly stated
that Hamas is “willing to accept a Palestinian State along the 1967 borders”
(See here, here)
Yet just ten days after the world celebrated Palestine’s
victory at the U.N. to be admitted as an observer non-member this most unsavvy
irrational un-political politician returns to Gaza and at a rally gives a
speech that undercuts and undermines not only that small step at the U.N. but
annihilates whatever support and sympathy the Palestinians gained thus far
especially given that Abbas declared in his speech at the U.N., November 29,
2012 that Israel’s existence is unquestioned and legitimate.
This non-statesman said:
“Palestine, from the river to the sea, from north to south, is our land, .Not an inch of it can be conceded….Israel has no right in Jerusalem.”
Meshaal’s insane outburst that resistance is the path to
glory is contemptible given that Hamas in besieged Gaza has been unable to
deliver even one bottled formula of milk to a single Palestinian infant.
With leaders like these who needs enemies?
Both Fatah and Hamas in their madness can only lead the
Palestinians to self destruct and lose any hope for independence from the
juggernaut power Israel backed by America.
Abba Eban was right;
“The Palestinians never miss an opportunity to miss an opportunity.”
Armed Resistance is fruitless, meaningless, and
counterproductive that only leads to filling Palestine’s cemeteries.
The situation in Palestine is unlike any other foreign
occupation and résistance movement. Every other resistance movement in modern
history had strong backing from either a superpower or neighboring nations.
In Palestine’s case there is neither good leadership, nor unity amongst themselves, no military or economic backing from anyone else, not even from the Arab/Muslim world, no heavy weapons or modern technology and communication, no skilled campaign to gain world sympathy and support, and most of all the occupier and its American backer is ruthless and has the western world captive in its shackles. This is unprecedented in the history of resistance movements.
The world is yearning and hungry for a peaceful Palestinian
resistance that employs political strategies, a well organized and financed
media and public relations campaign especially in the U.S. ~ a committed and
well organized boycott of Israeli settlement products that currently flood the
Arab/Muslim world.
The world wants to see intelligent well educated
spokespersons who are fluent in English and other languages to make the case
for a Free Palestine ~ People who are photogenic, articulate, good debaters,
and well informed on American history and culture.
Palestine will be freed through a political process not
through the mindless “enthusiasm” of wayward rockets and the marching of armed
masked men who not only terrorize their own people but terrorize the world
reinforcing their manufactured belief that Palestinians are terrorists and only
understand force.
Time for Palestinians to self evaluate and reconsider their
failed past of armed resistance and develop a campaign to win the hearts and
minds of the only people who can deliver their freedom, not Arabs, not Muslims,
but Americans, who await the right person with the right knowledge and
qualifications to enlighten their free loving conscience to support a Palestine
free from military occupation and colonialism.
You can’t defeat a nuclear nation with stones and silly rockets, but you can defeat it with moving words and images.Money and media, not guns, are today’s mode of resistance and victory.
How long will the Palestinians suffer the corrupt criminal
un-elected mafias, Fatah and Hamas, who are fighting each other as enemies for
power and greed forgetting that they live in cages built by Israel and financed
by the United States?

One can rightfully ask why are the Palestinians not outraged
at the selling of their own destiny and future by these two failing parties?
Why aren’t they rising in their own “Palestinian Spring” to remove
these corrupt incompetent people and hold a genuine election in the West Bank,
Gaza, and East Jerusalem to vote for qualified principled leaders who will
fight for all their inalienable rights at home, in the region, and
Men and Women like Dr. Hanan Ashrawi and Dr. Mustafa
Barghouthi and obviously there are others who are just as qualified. Imagine
the reaction of the world if a Muslim majority in Palestine elected the
brilliant articulate Dr. Hanan Ashrawi, a Christian as President.
With such Palestine can teach the entire Arab and Muslim
world the value and meaning of a unified people for a unified purpose ~
Change yourselves, change your leadership, and God will
grant the prayers of the oppressed.
Minutes of meeting between Saeb Erekat, Maen Areikat, George
Mitchell, David Hale and others on October 2, 2009.
Saeb Erakat, PA Chief Negotiator, admits some reports are
More Details on the criminal concessions made by the P.A.
Details of British Intel MI6 Plan to Combat Hamas
Palestine papers: Mohammed Dahlan. Former Fatah security chief who had close
links to the CIA and Israel's Shin Bet security service
Mohamed Khodr is an
American Muslim born in the Middle East. He is political activist who
frequently writes on the plight of Palestinians living under the brutal
occupation of Israel, U.S. Foreign Policy, Islam, and Arab politics.
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