For thirty-five years, the present writer wrote on and spoke about "Communism" without knowing what it was. After consulting hundreds of reference works on Communism, I had found not one mention of the fact that Communism was but one branch of the world revolutionary forces of the Masonic Order of Canaanites. We have previously pointed out that the members of the First Communist International were Lionel de Rothschild, Karl Marx, and Heinrich Heine. Not only did Karl Marx maintain close ties with the Jesuits and Freemasonry throughout his career; he was also directly related to the British aristocracy through his marriage to Jenny von Westphalen, a descendant of the Countess of Balcarras and Argyll, two of the oldest titles in England.
ED Noor: Let us not forget that Marx was
the scion of an old rabbinical family. As Elizabeth Dillings so eloquently described it, the
Communism espoused by Marx was no more than the Talmud streamlined for
The Countess had been governess to William of
Orange before he invaded England and chartered the Bank of England. It was the
Masonic connection which obtained a steady income for Karl Marx, through
commissions for writing for New York newspapers. Lenin also maintained close Masonic
ties during his years in Switzerland, before he returned to Russia to lead the
Bolshevik Revolution.
In Switzerland, he had become the member of a
secret Lodge under the name of "Ulianov
Zederbaum." He received regular financial support, as well as
occasional visits, from Sir Alfred Milner (founder of the Round Tables, la ~
the Council on Foreign Relations), and Lord
Palmerston, foreign minister of England. Both Milner and PaImerston had
attained the 33rd or revolutionary degree.
Meanwhile, the richest man in the world, the Czar of Russia, seemed helpless in the
face of his country’s slow slide into anarchy. Long before the advent of
Rasputin, his court had been rife with occultists. The Tribune de Geneve
headlined a dispatch on December 21, 1902,
"RUSSIA: An Occultist at Court. The Daily Mail correspondent at Odessa telegraphed that paper the real facts concerning the occultist Philippe’s presence at the Tzar's court. Philippe has gained great influence over the Czar."
The dispatch further stated that Philippe Nizier of Lyons had been
presented to Nicholas by Grand Duke Nicolas Nicolaevitch. Earlier, in Lyons,
Nizier had been sued for the unlawful practice of medicine. A French doctor,
Gerard Encausse, had written voluminously on Kabbalah and magic. He had been
introduced by Philippe to the Grand Duke. Encausse wrote his treatises on magic
under the name of "Papus."
The Swiss Gazette noted, December 20,
"Few people know that there exists in Paris a kind of small University of Occultism, where students register, examinations are passed, and academic degrees conferred. For instance, one can obtain a diploma of Bachelor of Occult Science, or Doctor in Kabbalah. Papus is President and organizer."
Thus, the occult influence at the Court of Czar
Nicholas is traced directly to a school of the occult in Paris. It is not too
fanciful to conjecture that this school operates with the backing of the Grand
Orient of Paris, since Freemasonry is always concerned with the occult. The
Czar's later inability to act decisively in times of crisis, which led directly
to the downfall of his government, may have been due to drugs or hypnotism.
The world's most powerful autocrat was described by observers as “remarkably passive" and unable to take direct action when his regime was threatened with revolution. Indeed King Louis had reacted in much the same way at the onset of the French Revolution during the weeks before he was deposed and sent to the guillotine. It is difficult to believe that such absolute autocrats would meekly resign themselves to "the will of the people" and go unresisting to their deaths.
Apparently at the mercy of the occult influences at
his court, Czar Nicholas was arrested, and a Provisional Government was set up.
This government was headed by Kerensky, a 32d degree Mason, who had been chosen
as head of the Provisional Government by Josef Sliozberg, the Grand Master of
the International Order of B'Nai B'Rith in Russia.
Kerensky had only one mission; to hold the fort until Lenin arrived on the sealed train from Switzerland.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, Kerensky was
permitted to peacefully emigrate to the United States, where he became a well-paid
lecturer at leading universities. The Masonic Order of Canaanites always takes
care of its own.
Paley, wife of the Grand Duke Paul, stated that the
English Ambassador at St. Petersburg, Sir
George Buchanan, fomented and directed the Russian Revolution on direct
instructions from Lloyd George, head of the Liberal Party in England.
The Bolsheviks were provided with ample funds for
their takeover of Russia. On September21, 1917, Trotsky received a telegram
from Stockholm:
"The management of the Bank of Max Warburg & Co. informed him that a current account had been opened for him at Stockholm for the purposes of his undertaking."
had previously been presented with $10,000 in cash by the Rockefellers when he
sailed from New York; other funds were forwarded to him from Berlin through the
Disconto Gesellschaft, the Nya Bank, and the Siberian Bank, among other
intermediaries, such as Helphand Parvus,
Ganetsky, Koslousky, and Krassin. After the Revolution, Krassin went back
to work for Siemens, the giant German electric company; as Russian
representative, he was supported by Hugo Stinnes, Felix Deutsch, manager of
A.E.G., and by Walter Rathenau.
Although all of the Czar's enormous deposits in
foreign banks was retained by those banks without payment to any member of his
family, a small portion of his Russian holdings were set aside by the new
Bolshevik government as a secret fund which was exercise final control in the Soviet
Government during the ensuing decades. This trust was composed of Dzerzhinsky, founder of the Cheka, the
British secret agent Sidney Reilly, and W. Averell Harriman. The trust was
a continuation of the Parvus fund which had brought Lenin to power, an
operation which had been directed by the influential behind-the-scenes figure,
the Venetian Count Volpi diMisurata,
a black nobility figure who had put Mussolini in power, orchestrated the
numerous Balkan Wars, and secretly directed the Russian Revolution.
Oddly enough, the Bolshevik Revolution was greeted
with enthusiastic approval of many of the world’s leading financiers. One of
the most prominent of their number, Jacob Schiff, senior partner of Kuhn, Loeb
Co., New York, telegraphed his greetings, as recounted in the New York Times,
March 19, 1917: "A persistent foe of the tyrannical autocracy, the
merciless persecutors of my co-religionists, may I congratulate through you the
Russian people upon what they have now so wonderfully achieved and wish you and
your colleagues in the new government every success." The Minister,
Milioukoff, a long-time friend of Schiff, replied, "We are united in
hatred and antipathy to ancient regimes now overthrown." Here again is a
direct quote from the Will of Canaan "hate your masters."
One of the most misunderstood events in history is
the Allied "invasion" of Russia after the Bolshevik Revolution. This
"invasion" again was featured recently in the Soviet Press as urgent
reason not to "trust" the United States. In fact, the Allied troops
were sent to Russia to divert the successful Counter Revolution of the White
forces, and at the same time, to give the Red Army propagandists, principally
Trotsky, a rallying cry to the faltering Red campaign, that "Mother Russia"
was being invaded by "foreign troops."
This proved to be an irresistible call to the Russian
peasants, who immediately rallied behind the Red Army and gave them total
victory. In fact, several divisions, mostly British and American, were sent to
Siberia, where they remained for a year and a half, without participating in
any action. None of the troops had any idea of what they were doing there; they
returned home as mystified as when they had departed. Had they been assigned to
“invade" Russia, of course, they would have landed on the European coast
and marched straight toward Moscow, which could have been easily taken by these
well-armed and trained divisions.
They had actually been sent to Siberia to betray the White Russians. This manoeuvre was exposed in the New York Times, February 15, 1920,"when Vladivostok was liberated from the Kolchak faction." "There is a pronounced pro-American feeling evident. Revolutionary leaders mounted the steps of buildings across the street, making speeches calling the Americans real friends, who, at a critical time, saved the present movement."
The "mystery" of the American military
presence in Russia was never a mystery to its secret Masonic Canaanite backers.
The three directors of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York who were financing
the Bolshevik effort realized that under Trotsky the Red Army was losing the
Its orgy of senseless terrorism and slaughter had
turned the peasantry against the "liberators," and the White Army was
gaining daily in support. To reverse the situation, the Federal Reserve Bank
directors ordered the Allied troops into Russia. Quartered near the Kolchak
forces, they gave the impression that they were there to support the White
faction. The Russian people were given to understand that the Allied forces
were sent to restore the old autocracy. The press of America and Britain now
united the Russian peasantry behind the revolutionaries, and Kolchak's army was
soon in full retreat. This was the explanation of the "pro-American
feeling" in Vladivostok. The Allied presence in Siberia ensured the
triumph of the Red Army and the imposition of a brutal dictatorship on the
people of Russia.
There is ample documentation for the subsequent
acts of terrorism which horrified the Russian people and permanently turned
them against the Bolsheviks. The American Rohrbach Commission reported on some
of the revolutionary atrocities:
"The whole cement floor of the execution hall of the Cheka of Kiev was flooded with blood; it formed a level of several inches. It was a horrible mixture of blood, brains, and pieces of skull. All the walls were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains and of scalps were sticking to them.“A gutter of 25 centimetres wide by 25 centimetres depend about 10 meters long was along its length full to the top with blood. Some bodies were disembowelled, others had limbs chopped off, and some were literally hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out of their heads the face and neck and trunk were covered with deep wounds.“Further on, we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. Some had no tongues. In a corner, we discovered a quantity of dismembered arms and legs belonging to no bodies that we could locate."
Once the White Russian threat of retribution had
gone, the Bolsheviks unleashed the full fury of their Canaanite bloodlust. They
converted the entire nation of Russia into a gigantic concentration camp, in
order to slowly torture and kill the remaining descendants of the people of
Shem, who had ruled them for one thousand years.
Solzhenitsyn later
informed an incredulous world that the soviets had murdered sixty-six million
people in Russia from 1918 to 1957. He cited Cheka Order No. 10, issued on
January 8, 1921:
"To intensify the repression of the bourgeoisie."
This, of course, meant the people of Shem. Under
this order, the concentration camps were established on a permanent basis.
Typical of the bosses of these camps was Lazar
Kogan, who calmly watched thousands of slave labourers die during his stint
as overseer of the construction of the White
Sea Canal. He greeted a new inmate with this incredible statement,
"I believe that you personally are not guilty of anything. But, as an educated person, you have to understand that social prophylaxis was being widely applied.""Social prophylaxis" was a typical Canaanite euphemism for the massacre of the people of Shem. The prospective victims were no longer considered to be human, but only as corpses waiting to be tossed onto the scrap heap. They were known simply as "zeks," slang for the Russian term for prisoner, "zakluchenny."
After a half-century of unequalled barbarism, the "Russian experiment" was exposed in all its horror by Solzhenitsyn. He writes of the camps,
"Many camp points were known for executions and mass graves; Orotukan, and Polyarny Spring, and Svistoplas, and Annuskha, and even the agricultural camp Dukcha, but the most famous of all on this account were the Zolotisty Goldfields. At Zolotisty they used to summon a brigade from the mine face in broad daylight and shoot the members down one after another. (And this was not a substitute for night executions, they took place, too.)When the chief of Yuglag, Nikolai Andreyevich Aglanov, arrived, he liked, at line-up, to pick out some brigade or other which had been at fault for something or other and order it to be taken aside. And then he used to empty his pistol into the frightened, crowded mass of people, accompanying his shots with happy shouts. The corpses were left unburied. "
“But some transports of condemned zeks arrived too late, and they continued to arrive with five to ten people at a time. A detachment of killers would receive them at the Old Brickyard Station and lead them to the old bathhouse to a booth lined with three or four layers of blankets inside. There the condemned prisoners were ordered to undress in the snow and enter the bath naked. Inside, they were shot with pistols. In the course of one and a half months about two hundred persons were destroyed in this way. The corpses were burned in the tundra."
Solzhenitsyn continues,
"A. B. ______v has told how executions were carried out at Adak ~ a camp on the Pechora River. They would take the opposition members 'with their things' out of the camp compound on a prisoner transport at night. And outside the compound stood the small house of the Third Section. The condemned men were taken into a room one at a time, and there the camp guards sprang on them. Their mouths were stuffed with something soft and their arms were bound with cords behind their backs. Then they were led out into the courtyard, where harnessed carts were waiting. The bound prisoners were piled on the carts, from five to seven at a time, and driven off to the 'Gorka,' the camp cemetery. On arrival they were tipped into big pits that had already been prepared and buried alive. No, not out of brutality. It has been ascertained that when dragging and lifting them, it was much easier to cope with living people than with corpses. The work went on for many nights at Adak."

Soviet law requires that the temperature in the cells be at least 64.4 degrees Fahrenheit; this is solemnly tested by the camp inspectors. They bring an electric heater into the cell, turn it on until the temperature reaches 64.4 degrees, make the appropriate notation on their report, and then take the heater to the next cell. The temperature then returns to its usual forty degrees. A lamp is kept constantly burning all night in the cells, so that the prisoners never really rest.
Grigoryants says that some 500,000 prisoners a year
are released to return to Soviet society, and that their presence has a very
alarming effect upon the entire country.
Here again, how pertinent is this report? It was
published as an interview with Grigoryants in the New York Times of February
22, 1987!
It would be logical to suppose that this Socialist
society was built on the confiscated fortune of the late Czar Nicholas II, but this is not the case. In 1913, the Czar was
undoubtedly the richest man in the world, with a personal fortune amounting to
some thirty billion dollars in 1913 dollars. He personally owned 150,000,000
acres of land, and had some 30,000 servants, 500 automobiles in his personal
fleet, 6,000 horses, 2 yachts, a personal gold reserve of one billion dollars
in the Imperial Bank, with five hundred million dollars worth of jewels,
including the $200,000 Great Mogul diamond, a Crown valued at $75 million and
32,000 diamonds. He controlled one-sixth of the surface of the entire globe.
ED Noor: Jakob Schiff, childhood friend of the Rothschilds (they shared a house when very young) was prime financier and organizer of the Bolshevik takeover of Russia. It was he, personally, who gave the orders to assassinate the Tzar and his family. The Rothschild vendetta against the Romanovs was long and deadly. They attempted and succeeding in assassinating several Tzars prior to this final family to whom they felt extra contempt for his outspoken disgust of the plans for the JWO/NWO.
ED Noor: Jakob Schiff, childhood friend of the Rothschilds (they shared a house when very young) was prime financier and organizer of the Bolshevik takeover of Russia. It was he, personally, who gave the orders to assassinate the Tzar and his family. The Rothschild vendetta against the Romanovs was long and deadly. They attempted and succeeding in assassinating several Tzars prior to this final family to whom they felt extra contempt for his outspoken disgust of the plans for the JWO/NWO.
On the night of November 6, 1917, at 2:00 a.m., Red Guards drove a truck to the Imperial Bank and removed all of the Romanoff gold and jewels. Much of the gold was later shipped directly to Kuhn, Loeb Co. in New York. We may recall that the senior partner of Kuhn, Loeb Co., Jacob Schiff had put up some $20 million of his own funds to finance the Revolution. Apparently it was a good investment. Victor Hammer fenced many of the Crown jewels to collectors in Europe and the United States.
The Dowager
Empress Maria escaped with the considerable jewels in her personal
collection. Both King George V and King Christian of Denmark repeatedly
tried to get her to "entrust" her jewels to them for
"safekeeping" or at least for" appraisal." She steadfastly
refused, knowing that she probably would never see them again. When she died in
1928, special agents seized the jewels and immediately whisked them to
Buckingham Palace. Her more important pieces later were seen in Queen Mary's personal collection.
After the Revolution of 1905, the Czar had
prudently prepared for further outbreaks by transferring some $400 million in
cash to the New York banks, Chase, National City, Guaranty Trust, J. P.Morgan
Co., and Hanover Trust. In 1914, these same banks bought the controlling number
of shares in the newly organized Federal Reserve Bank of New York, paying for
the stock with the Czar's sequestered funds.
Thus the Romanoff family actually owns the controlling interest in the Federal Reserve Banks today!
Other deposits of the Czar included $35-50 million
in the Bank of England, $25 million in Barclay’s, $30 million in Lloyd's Bank,
$100 million in the Bank of France, $80 million in the Rothschild Bank in
Paris, and $132 million in the Mendelssohn Bank in Berlin. Since 1917, a cloud
has hung over the financial structure of the Western democracies, threatening
their jerry-built financial structure, the fear that some court somewhere,
might eventually rule that the Czar's funds must be turned over to the rightful
This would affect not only the ownership of the Federal Reserve Bank stock, but, with payment of interest, would mean the end of our ten largest financial institutions.
Does anyone wonder why the United States
government, which is under the total direction of the Big Ten Banks,
continually makes every effort to finance and feed the crumbling Soviet empire?
Can anyone predict the financial calamity which would ensue if the Romanoffs were
restored to the throne of Russia, and asked for their money back, or if they
got a court ruling anywhere in the world to that effect?
This catastrophe loomed on the horizon at one
point. The New York Times of July 20, 1929, reported on the progress of a
lawsuit brought by the Czar's mother and thirty-two of the Romanoff heirs
against Guaranty Trust and National City Bank. F. Dudley Kohler, an attorney representing
James Egan, Public Administrator, issued the following Legal Notice which appeared
in the Law Journal,
"Notice is hereby given to all persons, corporations, banks, trustees having assets, deposits and securities of the late Nicholas II, that a statement and account of same is forthwith demanded, and in the event that no such statement of account is rendered, all such persons will be held responsible for the amounts, plus interest and the cost of discovery proceedings."
Both the case and Kohler then disappeared from the
pages of the New York Times. Apparently no account or statement was ever given.
To have done so would have provided legal evidence of the debt, and would have
made repayment inevitable. Charles Recht,
counsel for the Soviet Union, retained Edward
H. Fallows to represent the Soviet government, but no further legal proceedings
are to be found.
Nevertheless, the Romanoff demand did have
tremendous repercussions. The threat of a tremendous withdrawal from two of New
York's most over-extended and precarious banks caused an underground pressure
against call money, or cash, on Wall Street, which then precipitated the Crash
of 1929.
Even though the Masonic Canaanites controlled the
courts in the United States, they could not be certain that the Romanoffs might
not find a court in some other country which would grant them a judgment, or
even an injunction against Guaranty Trust, a J. P. Morgan controlled bank, and
National City Bank, the Rothschild and Rockefeller bank in New York. This
threat, coming at the very height of the stock market boom of the 1920s, cast a
pall over the wheelings and dealings of the speculators, and caused immediate
pressure on short term funds, resulting in the Great Depression.
To avoid such threats in the future, Roosevelt-Litvinoff agreements were
concluded between the United States and Russia in 1933 and 1934. In these
agreements, the United States unilaterally recognized all claims of the Soviet
Government to funds of the Imperial Russian Government. Whether this could be
made applicable to the funds of Czar Nicholas has never been tested in court.
The Roosevelt-Litvinoff
Pact also put the diplomats of the world on notice that Roosevelt had now
formalized the extended support formerly rendered to the Soviet Government by
"private interests” such as the Federal Reserve Bank of New York and J. P.
Morgan Co. since 1917. Not all of this was from private banks. It included a
gift of $20 million from Woodrow Wilson's Special War Fund which had been voted
him by Congress; the money was dispatched to Russia by way of Elihu Root.
Red Cross, Kuhn, Loeb. Co. and many other Wall Street firms had
been active in financing the Soviet Government; henceforth, that burden would
be borne directly by the American taxpayers, through subsidies provided to the
Communists by the U.S. Government.
The dedicated financial support of the Communists
by the world's leading bankers did not go unnoticed. Francois Coty, founder of the perfume firm, wrote, in "Tearing
Away the Veils,” published by Revue Internationale des Secret Societies, 1930,
"The terms, Capitalism, Socialism, Communism, are so many themes distributed among well-paid demagogues to create confusion in the minds of the masses destined to become slaves.Universal Slavery is the immediate aim of the Bleichroder Group which they strive to attain through the medium of a new war." TheBleichroders were the German representatives of the House of Rothschild.
Lewis, who during the First World War had co-edited
Blast and Vortex with Ezra Pound,
wrote in his book, "Count Your Dead; They Are Alive!",
"A Rothschild or a Morgan makes his money in a very different way from a Nuffield or a Ford. The former deals in money as a commodity. His business is essentially allied to that of a moneylender. He makes nothing. He toils not, neither does he spin. But for all that, he is no lily, as a rule!“The latter, on the other hand, of the Nuffield-Ford type, are creative in the sense that they do at least make something. Without Loan Capital there would be no Communism. The straight Bolshevik ~ say a Pollitt or a Strachey ~ though perfectly ideological ~ does not understand Capitalism. Even Henry Ford is only a gigantic kulak [Ezra Pound called him 'the epitome of the American hired hand.' Ed.], and of all things the Marxist hates most on earth he hates the kulak most.“With Loan Capital; on the other hand, he has many affinities. Indeed, if Loan Capital were allowed to proceed on its way without interference, it would automatically result in Communism. I felt that the Soviets were altogether too thick with the Capitalists. I remarked that these Lords of Capital who do not seem to hate Communism quite as much as we would expect do not belong to us.“We get nothing out of these people, but they get a great deal out of us. The richer they become-and they are a very few-the poorer we become."
Wyndham Lewis' observations may have been inspired
by the activities of the Left Book club, which was directed by Victor Gollancz during the 1930s,
featuring Harry Pollitt, head of the
Communist Party of Great Britain, John
Strachey of the Daily Worker, and Claud
Cockburn, alias Frank Pitcairn, editor of The Week, who was special
correspondent for the Daily Worker at the Spanish Civil War battlefields.
Gollancz headed many front groups, such as Friends
of the Soviet Union, Young Communists League, and Committee for the Victims of
No intellectual has ever started a Committee for the Victims of Communism.
After the Bolshevik Revolution, there were abortive
Communist uprisings in Germany and Hungary. The German revolution was quickly
eradicated, but Bela Kun, in
Hungary, actually established a short-lived Communist Reign of Terror. His mass
murders and lunatic orgies (he had formerly been a mental patient) left the
nation bankrupt and devastated.
When a legal government was restored, the Hungarian government published the archives of the Masonic Lodges, proving that the "Communist Revolution" had entirely originated as the work of the Freemasons. The Hungarian government then closed down all Masonic Lodges throughout the country.
The Hungarian government later sought a loan from
the United States to rebuild their shattered economy.
Their officials were promptly informed that the "United States government" made only one stipulation before granting the loan-that all the Masonic Lodges be restored and reopened.This proves that even in the 1920s, the Masonic Canaanites had already assumed full control over the government of the United States.
Another great slaughter of the people of Shem
during the twentieth century occurred during the Spanish Revolution
(1936-1939). The massacres were significant because they were a war of the
Canaanites against Christians, and because they took place on the Iberian
Peninsula (from Heber, of the people of Shem).
The slaughter of
Christians in Spain began with the transfer of Soviet Russia's former peace
delegate at Geneva, Rosenberg, also
known as Moses Israelssohn, with his
staff of one hundred and forty trained killers to the office of the Ambassador
to Spain in August of 1936. This cadre of highly trained specialists in torture
and murder inaugurated one of the most brutal campaigns in the history of
Antichristian communist Jews and their dupes and acolytes destroy Christian churches in the Spanish civil war
Priests and nuns butchered by the Jews and acolytes in the Spanish Civil War
Priests and nuns butchered by the Jews and acolytes in the Spanish Civil War
Their atrocities were largely ignored by the world
because the corps of journalists covering the Civil War were totally dedicated
to the success of Communism; they only reported news which was unfavourable to
the "fascists," as the
Canaanites had contemptuously termed their opponents since the Romans had
destroyed their world capital at Carthage.
The Rosenberg murder teams were euphemistically
called "World Revolutionary Movement Purification Squads." Their work
of purification consisted mainly of massacring priests, nuns, choirboys, and
women, these being groups which were least likely to offer any armed
Bryant, in his well-documented "Communist Atrocities
in Spain," tells of one murder squad which went to the Dominican Convent
in Barcelona and respectfully informed the Mother Superior that "because
of possible mob violence," the nuns should accompany the squad to a place
of safety.
They were then taken to the suburbs and murdered.
The Communist leader justified his action as follows, "We needed the
building. We didn't want to muss it up before we occupied it."
Decayed corpses of nuns exhumed from graveyards by depraved Communists and mocked and degraded during the Spanish Civil War
E. M.Godden, in his book, "Conflict in Spain," says, p. 72, "During the last week of July, 1936, the bodies of nuns were exhumed from their graves and propped up outside the walls of their convents.
E. M.Godden, in his book, "Conflict in Spain," says, p. 72, "During the last week of July, 1936, the bodies of nuns were exhumed from their graves and propped up outside the walls of their convents.
Obscene and offensive placards were attached to
their bodies."
In Madrid, it was estimated that one-tenth of the population of Spain was murdered by the Communist "purification" squads by 1939.
DeFonteriz in "Red Terror in Madrid,"
describes how Cheka murder teams organized by Dimitrov and Rosenberg carried out a program of torture and killing
so obscene that it cannot be reprinted here.
Early in World War lI, Soviet murder teams captured
15,000 Polish officers, the most educated and responsible element in the
population; they were never seen again. They were taken to three KGB-operated
camps, Starbiesk, Kozielsk, and
Ostashkov, where they were systematically murdered and dumped into unmarked
graves. When the German army captured this area, known as Katyn Forest, they
were led to the graves.
At the Nuremberg Trials, the Soviets claimed that the Germans had committed these massacres; however, a Congressional Committee reported on July 2, 1952, that the Soviet NKVD had committed the massacres, which had been planned personally by Stalin as early as the fall of 1939.
The domination of the people of Shem by the Masonic
Canaanites always results in an aura of total hopelessness; all justice, all honour,
and all hope for the future now disappears. The eminent journalist, Don Cook,
states in his book "Floodtide in Europe," that all journalists who go
to Communist countries are struck by the "smell of Communism."
"Worst of all to me was the peculiar and
unmistakable smell of Russia and the Communist world which pervaded Leipzig. Everyone
who has ever set foot in the Soviet Union knows that smell-a stale, heavy,
unwashed smell." He calls it "the smell of old lavatories, carbolic
soap, unwashed bodies." The Soviets have never bothered to produce such
necessities as telephone books, soap, and toilet tissue in their
"Socialist economy."
Because it is an almost total waste of the energies
and talents of its captive people, the Soviet Union can exist only by massive
infusions of capital from the Western democracies. Few Americans realize how
much of the money extorted from their wages by the Internal Revenue Service is
transferred directly to the Federal Reserve Banks and from there to
Switzerland, where it is transferred to five Soviet banks.
A defector from the Soviet Union reported in the
New York Journal American, March 2, 1964, that of a remittance of $1,200,000
sent by the United States government to the CIA office in Vienna; the fund was
distributed as follows: one-third to the Soviet Secret finance the Communist
Party of the USA. Since World War II, when the OSS was handing out gold to the
Communists in Italy, the process has become more formalized. James Angleton,
head of covert action in the CIA and former CIA chief in Italy, set up
organizations in which funds we re-channeled to Masonic groups in Italy, the foremost
being P-2, which included most of the leading Italian government figures and
businessmen; P-2 was penetrated by Andropov after he took over the KGB.
Sackville of England had introduced Freemasonry to Italy in 1733; it
became the vehicle through which the British Secret Service "unified"
Italy through Garibaldi and Mazzini to produce "the new Italy." The
Italian Under Secretary of State, alarmed at the control which the Freemasons
exercised over the Italian government in 1913, called for a law forbidding
Masons from holding any sensitive office, "compromised by any hidden and
therefore uncontrollable tie, and by any motive of suspicion or lack of trust
by the public." The measure was never passed, and the unfortunate Under
Secretary disappeared from his office.
However, a decade later, Mussolini did outlaw the Masonic Lodges in Italy, causing the Canaanites to scream worldwide imprecations against "the brutal dictator" and "fascism."
Today, the "Red Billionaire," Jean-Baptiste Doumeng of France,
carries on the vital work of feeding the helpless Soviet Union with the finest
produce of the European "free democracies." He is a partner with Guy de Rothschild in distributing
vegetables, the firm Sragri. Doumeng also directs the firms Inter-Agra and
SOCOPA, which recently furnished one million tons of soft wheat to the Soviet
Union at far below market price. Doumeng regularly ships meat and butter to the
Communists at prices one fourth of those which are charged European consumers.
The Soviet Union frequently reships these commodities
back for resale at twice the price paid for them, thus gleaning hard currency
from the European economies. None of this would be possible except for the international
power of the Masonic Order of Canaanites
NKVD - Cheka - Gestapo control over everyone.
ReplyDeleteAnd now Rush Limbaugh 2:37 and forward, is warning about the government (remember he used to support them?) and will be considered among many others of all stripes a terrorist monger?! Just open your mouth and you are suspect.
First God was made a taboo subject and then babies are to be murdered at will - abortion. Now the rest of everybody is the target.
May 2 2013 Breaking News Homeland Security target Christians end times news update 4-26-13 - YouTube
I believe this study by the Church of Scotland very worth reading. "The inheritance of Abraham? A report on the ‘promised land’":
ReplyDeleteThis carefully done study was removed by the Church of Scotland after pressure from the usual suspects. Fortunately someone had copied it to the above site. But for how long I do not know. The persons composing the text clearly know their Bible and exigesis and have done a very fine job refuting the very idea of using the Bible as a kind of land deed.
Thanks, john