Hypocritical Saudi Government
The London Times reports:
"Executions in Saudi Arabia are prescribed for murder, rape, drug smuggling and child abuse, and carried out in public outside a mosque after prayers on Fridays." If the Saud family abided by its own laws there would be many Saudi princes who would meet the fate of beheading. Hypocrisy is rampant in Saudi Arabia.”
Human slavery, in various formats, is
widespread in Saudi society even today. Saudi Arabia was among the last
nations who, under pressure from United Nations, outlawed slavery in
1962. However, only 10,000 slaves were freed in 1962 and remaining large
number was kept captive. In 1965 the Saudis were reported to have kept
hundreds of slaves for each member of the Royal family.
With respect to human
trafficking, Saudi Arabia was designated, together with Qatar,
United Arab Emirates, Kuwait, and some other countries as a Tier 3 country by the US State Department
in its 2005 'Trafficking in Persons Report' required by the Victims of
Trafficking and Violence Protection Act of 2000. Tier 3 countries
are "countries whose governments do not fully comply with the maximum
standards and are not making significant efforts to do so." In 2006, 2007
and 2008 Reports, the US State Department continues to designate Saudi Arabia
as a Tier 3 country. Read more
"In actuality, young women
from Third World countries are purchased to serve in aristocratic households
throughout the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia. They come from the Sudan,
Thailand, Ethiopia, India, Philippines, and many other countries and are frequently
bought and sold in the Kingdom". Wrote Mary Doreen, who worked as registered Nurse at
King Faisal Specialist Hospital and Research Center, in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
State Department Sensitivities towards
the Saudi Arabian International Slave Trade
Saudi Arabia's participation in international slavery has long been
known by American State Department careerists who are powerless to react for
fear they will be destroyed professionally or will lose the deferred payments
promised by Prince Bandar upon their retirement. One has mentioned off the
record the widespread knowledge within the State Department of Saudi child
theft within the US.
Many of the kidnappings in the United States are easily masked
within the larger number of runaways each year. The breakdown of the US family
has enabled the Saudi princes and their procurers to "special order"
kidnap without much concern for law enforcement who are usually looking for
someone within the local area. One should often wonder when seeing girls and
boys faces in the post office or milk carton wanted ads how many have been
"disappeared" to Saudi Arabia.
It has been an open secret in Washington that the State Department
has been extremely sensitive to criticism of its actions regarding Saud Arabia
and its princes. There has been an unusual amount of personnel turnover at the
Saudi Arabian desk where officials showing the slightest tendency towards
ethics and morality are either transferred or terminated to make an example to
others. Why the State Department sensitivity?
There are things going on in Saudi Arabia which are so embarrassing
to Washington that if the United States citizenry knew, their worst fears about
Washington would be corroborated. We will deal with one of these sensitivities
in this issue, child abduction by Saudi princes. This is one of several issues
we have been reluctant to publish because of the emotional ramifications to
families of children who have been abducted around the world in general and the
United States in particular.
Arab News, Saudi Arabian
English daily reported on Friday, September 1, 2006 ~
"Homaidan Al-Turki, a 37-year-old Saudi was convicted in Colorado, US for sexually assaulting his Indonesian housekeeper and keeping her as a sex slave and was sentenced to 27 years to life in prison. Read full Report ...
Homaidan Al-Turki is not an isolated case. It is reported
that thousands of young women are lured to Saudi Arabia every year from all
parts of the world for better life, but they end up as sex slaves.
Many in Saudi Arabia, including their religious Wahhabi clerics
advocate human slavery. Shaikh Saleh Al-Fawzan, currently member of the
Permanent Committee for Islamic Research and Fatawa, Saudi
Arabia's highest religious establishment, is reported to have advocated for
human slavery by saying
"Slavery is a part of Islam", and that those Muslims who oppose slavery "are ignorant, not scholars".
Saudi Royals
are famous for clandestine purchasing of large number of Child Sex Slaves in
the world. Earlier, these slaves were procured from Africa and poor Asian
countries. However, with the current inflow of oil wealth, Saudi Princes
have extended their slave purchases all over the world. Oil wealth has
enabled them to become more selective and specialized in Child Sex Slave
purchases in the high end European and North American market.
The Middle East Times reported that
"Saudi Princes dehumanize child sex slaves obtained through their sex rings by demeaning them and calling them whores so as not to come into conflict with Saudi religious tenets".
Saudi Government claims their country is free from Slavery but is
hesitant to allow international scrutiny of their claim. They continue to
refuse to sign United Nations treaties on slavery and human rights
abuses, probably because they do not want to be covered under these
obligations. They have not signed any extradition treaty even with
United States to protect members of Royal family being extradited out of Saudi
Arabia for their alleged sex crimes. Watch
this shocking Video.
The US State Department in
their human rights report have justified Saud family's (child sex) abuse and
slavery by saying:
"It is part of the Saud family culture deeply embedded within the mores and filches of the society". Read more ...
Look at the
strange lustful behaviour of these Saudis. They seem to be worshiping Lingerie
Mannequins at the Shopping Mall
The Middle East Times reported:
"There's no capability for reform, no strong character to stop the Princes from corruption. They are so used to spending huge amounts of money. You couldn't tell them ~ you don't need 20 whores for the night, just one or two. Or you've got 20 whores in the palace; do you need to get two or three whores for everyone? Someone like Prince Bishai Bin Abdulaziz; try to stop him and he'll come and kill you. The Saudi princes dehumanize child sex slaves obtained through their sex rings by demeaning them and calling them whores so as not to come into conflict with Saudi religious tenets".
The Committee for
the Defense of Legitimate Rights in Saudi Arabia based in London through their
Saudi dissident leader Mr Masari said:
One Regional Governor, whom he accused of tolerating drug users and child sex rings, Prince Mohammed bin Fahd, Governor of the Eastern Province has been accused by the Al Saud newsletter of condoning sex slavery within his administered area. It is reported that Governor Prince Mohammed is an active participant in the child sex rings of the Eastern Province. He has parties for his friends with child sex as the main entertainment.Governor Prince Mohammed likes Hollywood where there are many boys and girls from which to entice into becoming sex slaves in Saudi Arabia under the ruse of film and modeling contracts. These sex slaves are allegedly sold and resold until they are used up whereupon they are helicoptered over Rubal Khali and dumped.Saudi Prince Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser Al-Saud killed his male black Sex Slave in Landmark Hotel, London.
The killer Prince (in the picture) tried in vain to hide his
homosexuality from the British Court and had been filmed on a closed-circuit
camera, mercilessly beating his Sex Slave Bandar Abdulaziz in a London
Hotel elevator.
The Sex Slave had so many internal injuries, including bleeding on
the brain and a fractured larynx, that pathologists could not pinpoint the
precise cause of death after his body was found in the posh Landmark Hotel.
"The post-mortem examination showed Mr Abdulaziz had suffered heavy blows to his head and face, leaving his left eye closed and swollen, his lips split and his teeth chipped and broken. There were also injuries to his neck, ears and internal organs, bleeding to the brain and a rib fracture. There were bite marks to his cheeks, which had "an obvious sexual connotation",
Prince Saud Abdulaziz bin Nasser Al-Saud is not a stray case
of Saudi Royals' homosexuality. It is reported that there is a huge
majority of Princes who opt for young boys. Read full Report
It is not just the
Royals or the rich, vibrant communities of men who enjoy sex with other men can
be found in cosmopolitan cities like Jeddah and Riyadh. They meet in schools,
in cafés, in the streets, and on the Internet. Watch typical gay parties in
Saudi Arabia in the following Video clips.
"You can be
cruised anywhere in Saudi Arabia, any time of the day," said Radwan, a 42-year-old gay Saudi American
who grew up in various Western cities and now lives in Jeddah. Read Full Report
"They’re quite shameless about it (homosexuality and Bisexuality)." Talal, a Syrian who moved to Riyadh in 2000 calls the Saudi capital a “Gay Heaven." Read Full Report
"In Dubai, everyone is Bisexual", a 22-year-old Columbia
University Accounting student said at the party ~ Reported The
New York times on January 13, 2011. Bisexuality is sexual behaviour and
orientation involving physical and romantic attraction to both males and
Read full
On 26th August, 2005, an American national wrote his own true
story on a Website Forum about Child Sex Trade in Saudi Arabia, as
“And boys, lots of boys... I know this is fact cuz in my late teens I work for a Saudi who owned a large construction business and other ventures, basically he was loaded... He took a liking to me and on a few occasions I would go to his house to do some minor repairs...The man, I kid you not, had solid gold chandeliers, Persian rugs worth more $ than any of us would make here in 5 yrs, had every luxury you could think of.He also had an ivory box filled with hash and hookah pipes etc. One day he came out right and asked me if I would like to go live in Arabia and that he knows Princes there that would give me a life I could only dream of. I said bullshit so he actually called up a man and said here ask him yourself. I say hello and I ask the guy “Are you a real prince?” He has this laugh and says in pretty good English "yes I am a prince" and then I hear him say something to people in the back ground and there´s laughing.
Anyways I ask him if he lived in a palace? He laughs again and says he lives in a palace as big as ten palaces! Anyways I said I´ll think about it, in reality there was no way I was going. The guy´s place I was at showed me pictures of who I spoke to and sure enough the man looked like a Saudi Prince. I found out from Fred that Saudi has Thousands of princes; they have so much money they don't know what to do with it. The palaces I saw in the pictures of his friends made American rich peoples’ homes look like shack´s. Amazing shit!
Anyways I said 'nah' on going, he asked me a few more times after that and kept reiterating about a life I could only dream of etc. If I was a little homo may be I would have gone, but I'm not gay and I probably end up tortured and dead.” Read more...
Sex Slaves from Philippines for Saudi
Royals ~ Kanlungan Center Foundation, Inc. and the 'Coalition Against
Trafficking in Women ~ Asia Pacific'
(CATW-AP) reported that a large number of Philippine girls are
trafficked to Saudi Arabia as Royal family's Sex Slaves.
Read Full Report
The London Times reported:
"The Philippines Government, responding to dozens of tragic cases of maltreatment, has warned young women going to work as maids in Saudi Arabia that they will be sexually harassed by Saudi men and slapped and tortured by their Saudi mistresses. "You have to ward off advances by your master, his brother, son and other male members of the household." "The Philippines labour ministry has also told young male workers heading to Saudi Arabia that they must expect to be at risk of rape."
There is a thriving industry of
international child sex slavery within the United States and it
has gone unabated for decades covered up by the assertiveness of Washington
lobbyists representing the perpetrating countries, particularly Saudi
Arabia. Saudi princes are the high end buyers in the US child sex slave
market and demand the best product.
Time and again, the US media reports scandals when slaves of Saudi
princes and their procurers brought into the United States, try to

This room eerily looks like the room in Kuwait used by the Iraqis to torture Kuwaitis during the gulf war. This cell is in the Eastern province of Saudia Arabia within King Fahd's nephews' palace and is where the "US child whore slave" was held
Soon, the
extensive nature of abductions of US children living with their parents,
for the purpose of sale to Saudi Princes, came to light in US media.
Basically this is non-parental child theft by the Saudi princes and
their associates. The Saudi princes and their associates purchase US children
both male and female as sex slaves. Saud princes are willing to pay dearly for
the right quality child (product) and consider virgins as the top of the line.
The children are usually shipped in private planes or boats by Saudi princes.
They are drugged to be malleable so as not to make disturbances. Some are recruited
within the United States or Northern Europe for fictitious jobs as models or
actresses while others are purchased from local procurers.
Once in Saudi Arabia the girls and boys are whisked off to the
palace of the purchasing prince. A prince is absolute ruler of his compound.
Architecturally, the compounds are designed with slave quarters included.
Within the palace walls whatever the prince says goes, there are no government
restrictions to his will.
If a slave escapes they are immediately brought back by the Saudi
security police to the responsible prince who may do with them as he pleases.
They rarely escape since they spend most of their time within the confined
parts of the palace compound under supervision. When the prince entertains his
male friends he provides them with both male and female child sex slaves for
their enjoyment. If he tires of a child sex slave he will sell it to another
prince or sheik.
How does the US Sex Slave Trade
The National Center for Missing & Exploited children reports:
"Child pornographers (and pimps), like other sex offenders, look for victims in places where youth gather: shopping malls, fast food establishments, non-alcoholic clubs, video game arcades, bus stations and through unethical 'modeling' agencies. The fact that juveniles are being recruited from the community both for pornography and prostitution is most disturbing ... runaways were spotted by pimps loitering in bus stations who approached the teenagers almost as they exited the buses... A primary method of procuring a juvenile for prostitution is through the use of feigned friendship and love. ... They (procurers) evaluate what the young woman needed, created the dependency, and then took advantage of that dependency.... if a teenager was a runaway the pimp would find shelter for her... Through practice, many child molesters have developed a real knack for spotting vulnerable victims."The above is a favoured recruitment method commonly used by procurers to obtain children of both sexes for sale. As the most prominent high end purchasers within the international child sex industry are Saudi princes, their demands are met in many ways.Saudi princes are also reported to place "special order for children" through a picture of the child in a media or give a description of a desired child. In these cases the child is "snatched" from their parents or escorts in front of their houses; coming from school or at a store. It is believed that the child reaches Saudi Arabia before the local police develop a search procedure.
ED Noor: I am not saying that Madeleine McCann was stolen by the
Saudis. I am noting that there was hidden during the investigation the fact
that such an order had been placed 3 days prior to her abduction as mentioned
in the previous posting. What you see here is the establishment of proof that
these types of orders DO exist. Also worthy of note, just last week the police
were called to a Saudi residence in Virginia to rescue two Phillipine slave
women who had managed to escape.
Saudi special orders for Child Slaves are placed in various cities
with their local procurers from the barrios of Brazil, London's Leicester
Square, Paris's Place de Pompidou and many such posh areas in the world. Due to
the recent lax border regulations in Scandinavia, the Princes now get their
fair haired child sex slaves from immigrant procurers. In the United States
shopping malls, amusement parks and video parlours are prowled by
The Princes not only do not like dealing with regular elements of
the international child sex industry such as the street procurers but see the
danger of the media picking their activities up, hence they started their own
modeling agencies. The Saudi modeling ring recruit male and female
models for some shoot in a distant land never to be heard of again.
The Pedophile Princes
We do know Saudi princes collect and swap child pornography between
themselves. They are said to have their own child sex pornography exchange
where pictures of their youngest sex slaves are the most in demand. National
Center for Missing & Exploited Children reports: "It is difficult to
know with certainty why pedophiles collect child pornography and erotica. ...
Collecting this material may help pedophiles satisfy, deal with or
reinforce their compulsive, persistent sexual fantasies about children. ...
Collecting may also fulfill needs for validation. ...
Pedophiles swap
pornographic photographs ... As they add to their collections, they get strong
reinforcement from each other for their behaviour. The collecting and trading
process becomes a common bond. ... Child pornography and child erotica are used
for the sexual arousal and gratification of pedophiles.
The younger the child and the more bizarre the acts, the greater the value of the pornography."
In order for the Saudi princes to obtain these very young children
who are too young to be on their own, the usual "special order" is
placed with their procurers so these children can be snatched from their
Local police are trained through Washington financed programs to
look for kidnapping locally. Washington denies the existence of the
international child sex slave industry just as the Justice Department denied
the existence of the Mafia as an international crime syndicate. For several
decades the Justice Department called all crime local allowing the Mafia to
thrive in the US.
Now the Justice Department calls all nonparental child kidnapping
local and finances police training accordingly. Ambassador Prince Bandar's
Washington retainers see to it that very little is mentioned about the
international Saudi prince child sex slave trade. Remember, one old Washington
maxim is: "The one who controls the investigation wins."
The National Center for Missing & Exploited children reports:
"The rule of thumb that psychiatrists and others use is that there must be an age difference of five years. ... child sex ring is defined as one or more offenders simultaneously involved with several child victims. ... In the syndicated (child sex) ring, a well-structured organization recruits children, produces pornography, delivers direct sexual services, and establishes an extensive network of customers.
Maintaining control is very important in the operation of a child
sex ring. It takes a certain amount of skill and cunning to maintain a
simultaneous sexual relationship with multiple partners. It is especially
difficult if you have the added pressure of concealing illegal behaviour. In
order to operate a child sex ring, an offender has to know how to control and
manipulate children. Control is primarily maintained through attention,
affection, and gifts ~ part of the seduction process."
The Saudi princes have grown so sophisticated in enticing young
girls and boys, they have even financed their own modeling and companion
agencies within Europe and the United States to insure top quality merchandise
and cut out the middle men. Many models have stories of being solicited by
Saudi princes or friends who have disappeared.
Many of the Saudi
Princes would definitely be considered pedophiles and child molesters if
subject to the laws of the United States. Within their own country they would
probably not be prosecuted as pedophiles. When a Saudi Prince abducts a child
from the US, once in Saudi Arabia the child is considered his total
responsibility to do with what he may.
The National Center for Missing & Exploited Children further
"Pimps placed legitimate advertisements in newspapers and interviewed women for secretarial positions. They told female applicants that no job was available or that it had already been filled. They then attempted to date the applicants. With continued contact the pimp worked on the woman's weaknesses and tried to find out if she needed large sums of money.The pimps also placed advertisements for dancers, models or escort services. Showcasing was another technique in which applicants performed acts that were videotaped. While videotaping, the pimps try to discover if the young women were interested in making large sums of money. They (procurers) wanted to be identified as mind controllers, experts in understanding the vulnerabilities and dependencies of women and men".
With quality product in hand, procurers will then send videos to
Saudi Princes to meet their purchase orders. Once the Saudi Prince approves the
child, he may ask that delivery be made near his plane in order to make a
swift exit to Saudi Arabia.
King Fahd's Sons' Los Angeles Sex Ring
King Fahd's sons' control their child sex ring from their Beverly
Hills palaces. However, they learned from Al-Fassi palace sex scandals in
Beverly Hills during the 1980's and now rent motels away from their palaces to
conduct orgies with children procured for them.
Around these motels they have a cordon of US security guards. An
inner cordon is made up of the princes' body guards, usually foreign.
The younger the child the more
desirable. These children are brought
up through the sex ring channel to the point of purchase under the modeling or
acting ruses of going to a shoot or set in Saudi Arabia. Upon purchase,
children are then taken by limousine directly to the Saudi prince's plane at
Los Angeles airport. Using their diplomatic immunity, they manage to circumvent
customs and immigration which allows them to ship their child sex slaves out of
the US without the need of the customary passport.
The children are then escorted directly onto the Saudi prince's plane and flown to Saudi Arabia never to be seen again. It would be too dangerous to free them for fear of potential embarrassment to Saudi Arabian public relations abroad.
Prince Faisal's Sex Ring In Houston
As we saw in the third issue Prince Faisal built a marble palace on
Kirby in the posh River Oaks section of Houston. He had procurers go to various
areas where young people congregated and bring them back to his palace. The
prince had a continual party fuelled by a stream procured teenagers both male
and female. It was relatively easy for the procurers as the word got out about
the sumptuous surroundings of the prince. The prince had the best of foods,
drink and drugs available every day for his continual party. We do not know if
any of these teenagers were enticed to Saudi Arabia. We have been told there
was a hushed scandal where after the prince left abruptly apparently never to
His favoured girls lived at his palace, each had a leased car and
the capability to go to the exclusive Saks Pavilion Shops near the Galleria and
charge clothes to the Prince. Mohammed Al Fassi became so infamous with his
perpetual party at his palace in Beverly Hills that he was run out of town
after painting the genitals of his statues. Again, we do not know if any of the
young attendees ended up in Saudi Arabia.
Prince Jefri's Sex Slaves
These girls in the above photo were brought to Brunei in a similar
manner to that used by Saudi princes. Within the US a child is generally
defined as someone that is under 17 years of age. We do not know if some of the
girls in the above picture are under 17 years of age or their country of
origin. This rare glimpse of the international sex trade sheds light on not
only what goes on in Brunei but what goes on in Saudi Arabia.

"former Miss USA Shannon Marketic, in a recent lawsuit, claims she was imprisoned. She had gone there for what she believed was legitimate modeling work paying $3,000 per day ... she tried to leave and was forbidden."
In Miss USA's law suit she said, upon arriving, she was given
a physical exam by a doctor ostensibly for country health regulations. Soon
after, she was given clothes to wear for the evening. She said she was escorted
to a room where she, all of a sudden felt drowsy and fell asleep. She
awoke to find her clothes rearranged upon her body, like somebody had removed
them and then redressed her.
We know from the Center for Missing and Abused Children that
pedophiles keep photo/video libraries of their victims. It is reasonable to
believe there are naked pictures/videos of Miss USA taken without her knowledge
while unconscious. Even so, she was one of the lucky girls being high profile
and whose parents knew of her whereabouts.
One hears many stories along the Cote d'Azure of young girls being
enticed to luxurious parties given by Saudi princes never to be seen again.
Many young girls and boys along the French coast have stories of Saudi princes
trying to entice them into their planes or boats for "a ride".
Washington still denies the international child sex rings prey upon
US children. US based child abduction organizations funded by Washington will
not admit on record to the international child sex rings preying upon US
children for fear of losing their funding. An old Washington maxim is: "He
who controls the investigation wins." Miss USA lost her law suit because
the State Department granted Immunity.
The abducted children and their parents always lose out to foreign
policy considerations of the politicians and their lobbyist associates who
represent countries like Saudi Arabia. When members of an international sex
ring are caught, Washington allows them freedom from criminal and civil actions
by either giving them diplomatic immunity, retroactive diplomatic immunity or
other State Department protection under the Foreign Sovereign Immunity Act.
US Models Disappears
A new model comments:
"At first I shared an apartment with two other models, one ... I forget what her name was, who was there for three weeks and then she was gone. Disappeared ... I know what I was getting myself into. I wasn't like the naive girl from Podunk that came in and got drugged at a party and sold to the Arabs!"Another international model disappeared on a (film) shoot with a nonexistent Saudi Arabian magazine, ending up who knows where? Middle East businessmen, and others get into the relatively small-time modeling game where most of the abuse occurs."
Another Model Disappears

Middle East businessmen, and others get into the relatively
small-time modeling game where most of the abuse occurs."
John Casablancas as founder of Elite modeling was accused by Ilene
Ford of Ford modeling of introducing models to;
"disgusting ~ one day it was Arabs, the next day it was Jews from New York".
Gulf Procurers
A runway agent at the New York international modeling agency
Wilhelmina reports:
"A lot of Arabs were storming Europe looking for beautiful young girls. A lot of girls made a lot of money not modeling" It should be noted "Arabs" was a term used to connote Gulf citizens, especially Saudi princes and unfairly construed towards all Arabs.
US Child Sex Slave Mystery on the Nile
There are many incidences of people being approached by escaping
Saudi slaves within the United States. Rarely is there an occurrence of people
being approached by a Saudi child sex slave outside the US trying to escape.
The reason is that they are kept in seclusion within the palaces rarely to
leave or be seen by anyone but the prince and his male friends.
Recently, two German male students were on a tour boat going down
the Nile. They were looking at the river bank as it passed by when all of a
sudden a door opened nearby and a young girl ran out. She said she was an
American and begged their help saying she had been kidnapped by this Saudi
prince who was inside months before in the United States. She was hysterical
but never mentioned her name in the brief encounter.
Two men shortly appeared and spread their jackets showing shoulder
holster guns in a threatening way. They then took the girl on either side and
went back behind the door. Upon docking one student watched to see if the
American girl left while the other called the US Embassy. After repeated
referrals the German student explained what had happened to an Embassy officer
but was told the Embassy could do nothing unless they knew the girls name. When
the German student continually pleaded with the Embassy officer for help the
official became angered and hung up. The American girl never was seen leaving
the boat by the two German students.
Governor Prince Mohammed and His Sex
The Committee for the Defense of Legitimate Rights in Saudi Arabia
based in London through their Saudi dissident leader Mr Masari said; "one
regional Governor, whom he accused of tolerating drug users and child sex
Prince Mohammed bin Fahd, Governor of the Eastern Province has been
accused by the Al Saud newsletter of condoning sex slavery within his
administered area. We have been told Governor Prince Mohammed is an active
participant in the child sex rings of the Eastern Province. We have been told
he has parties for his friends with child sex as the main entertainment.
Governor Prince Mohammed likes Hollywood where there are many boys
and girls from which to entice into becoming sex slaves in Saudi Arabia under
the ruse of film and modeling contracts. These sex slaves are allegedly sold
and resold until they are used up whereupon they are helicoptered over Rubal
Khali and dumped.
King Fahd Is Caught Raping a Young
French Girl
Before Fahd worked his way up to become King, he was a degenerate
Prince who squandered Arabian Peninsula oil money on gambling along the
Riviera. One day while eating he spotted a little French girl and told friends
he had to have her immediately. He had his associates bring the girl to his
suite at the hotel whereupon he raped her. He had promised not to penetrate her
fully so as to traumatize her but he did. The girl was screaming so loudly that
two hotel security men appeared. There was blood everywhere with the little
girl hysterical. Fahd paid off the two guards to keep quiet and take the little
girl. Fahd then paid off the parents of the little French girl and the matter
was dropped. No criminal charges were ever filed.
King Fahd's Nephews Rapists
A young girl heard her father had died while she was visiting King
Fahd's nephew in Boston. He and his friends gang raped her after she became
traumatized by the news of her father's death. When asked why, one of the
participants said they just wanted to see what it was like to have sex with a
girl who was so sad. It is not known if the State Department gave these rapists
retroactive diplomatic immunity or other assistance. It is known nothing
happened to the assailants.
Prince Sultan's Child Sex Slaves
Prince Sultan is Ambassador Prince Bandar's father. He has a former
child sex slave, now older than he desires, in Paris supply him with female
children on "special order". Prince Sultan seeks young girls who are
loyal, subservient and sexual. These young girls are treated reasonably well by
him indulging them with gifts and large amounts of cash bonuses and salaries.
We believe he returns these girls to Paris after he tires of them with generous
compensation. These children can only be considered sex slaves because of their
age. Recently, Prince Sultan purchased seven young French girls from this
Parisian procurer to satisfy his needs. He keeps these female child sex slaves
away from the eyes of his friends.
"Win or perish" is frequently the threat given these children.
Prime Minister of Bangladesh Speaks
Out Against Child Slavery
Shaykha Hasina Wajed, the Prime Minister, has expressed her
determination to curb criminal activities relating to the abuse of women and
children. She is known to be appalled by the practice of smuggling Bangladeshi
children to the Middle East to be used as jockeys in camel racing, and has
succeeded in curbing the practice through increased border surveillance. Saudi princes order child slaves for certain
specialties. European and US children are desirable as sex slaves. Bangladeshi
child slaves are ideal for camel jockeys because of their diminutive stature.
Anonymous April 19. I post almost all comments. In my years blogging I have perhaps left out at most 10 comments due to their content. Congratulations you have joined that "elite" list because of your virulent hatred of Muslims and others. Get it through your head, the Saudis are Jewish. You have much to learn about Islam and what has been done to it. The Saudi clan and what they and their ancestors did to Islam is the equivalent of taking a poop in the middle of a pristine pond and then made sure their poison spread.
ReplyDeletePlease change the font..ur blog is difficult to read
ReplyDeleteI am sorry you have a difficulty but, after 8 years, this has worked fine because readers have different requirements. What would work for you visually?
DeleteA DARKER font for sure
DeleteA DARKER font for sure