Not sure why, but this "Millennial Nativity Scene" really makes me smile. Because the couple in the creche loosely resemble my recently wed daughter and husband perhaps? This is SO their lifestyle. (Except she would never be caught dead in a one-shoulder top! Or, even worse, making a duck face.Below.)
The three wise men were from Amazon?
EVERYTHING was organic back in the day of Jesus!

This week I spend time on Mr. Trump and his tweeting, the ridiculous Hillary recount, Canada and our manly Prime Minister Trudeau, Standing Rock, Castro, the Democrats, liberals in general, Hillary, the EU; just enjoy what you find, feel free to share, and never hesitate to say hello in the comment section. The Time Magazine cover of Mr. Trump as "Man of the Year" comes complete with a lot of garbage and the award should be taken at face value.
It is COLD up here right now. The first real winter type weather we have experienced in easily a decade. Global warming. Hmmm.
Fake news and Pizzagate go hand in hand. Not that that is the intention of this cartoonist, I am sure. The Washington Post and so many other JMSM outlets are doing their damnedest to eradicate all references to pizzagate including the creation of false news events to further confuse dialogue with this "fake news" nonsense. I opened a folder on Pizzagate over at Pinterest and it is interesting how may things I am unable to pin regarding this topic. Things just ... go awry. Or, as in many cases, material from the sites seems to be banned from Pinterest and nothing can be posted direct.
Cutest photo I have seen in years.
Men never change.... as seen in this vintage Italian photo below.
I wish MY Momma had told me to always walk as if there were three Italian men behind me....
I hope this is the end of it for Castro memorials, but these are just so excellent:
Not a joke. Do a search! Time to end the madness once and for all. Mid wives refuse.... Expect law suits eventually. Apparently it demeans the trannies because they cannot give birth themselves..... and gender benders are freaking nature and giving birth after sex changes....
Solid journalists have to get beyond the Wall...
RIP the iconic mother of a more innocent era
Can you just imagine the conversations at some of those family dinners?!
What the HELL?
Slovakian cartoon.
Steve Bell of Great Britain
One critical art review I read of the sinister aspects of this portrait, which was actually quite interesting although full of BS, pointed out the placement of the letter M behind Trump's head to point out his demonic personna. Of course the article was from the Jewish Forward!
Trump or the media?
Absolutely ludicrous.
By the above mentioned Slovakian artist who detests Trump.
It is interesting to note the people this cartoonist chooses to connect the covers with rather than some of the other "movers and shakers" who are cast in a good light such as Henry Kissinger or Tony Blair or Obama or Mao Tse Tung!
Progression on the cover of Time...
Kind of dumb, non? I mean, misleading and doesn't really add much to the dialogue.
On to Standing Rock:

How they insult everyone who now turns to alternative sources of news after the lies of the past decades have finally begun to catch up with them! They cannot confuse the matter enough. This cartoon attacks the Pizzagate issue, attaches them to Trump, who has not said a word on the issue, insults the readers and researchers into these unsavoury topics, then turns these folks into... "loony tunes". This is the classic technique used to destroy an enemy and is finally not working.
They shot the golden goose themselves.
The Trump effect
ReplyDeleteLoved the cartoons...especially the dog: "the Russians did it!"