Monday 25 June 2018


America is under heavy emotional attack using children to unhinge the masses. Do you remember the non-existent Iraqi premies that were allegedly stomped upon by Saddam's henchmen?  

June 23, 2018
When I see a crying child on my screen, I know somebody is trying to take advantage of me. The same is true about every appeal to my basic human instincts, whether it is a naked female body or a dead baby. Instead of convincing me, such a cheap trick calls for immediate rejection. I know that this voluptuous body will not land into my hands even if I buy all Coca Cola in the shop. The sight of dead babies will not convince me to do something against common sense, for it is manipulation. In politics, I want a Socratic discussion, not emotional persuasion. If you can’t persuade me by words, do not try to do that with pictures. However, they try and often succeed.

ED Noor: There are, of course, exceptions. Until Operation Cast Lead, the world had never seen what Israel was doing to Palestinians and their children. It took hardcore visual stimuli to open eyes to the truth although now, such truth is sadly all too commonplace. Many now refer to it as "war porn." I remember when one traumatized Palestinian child’s photo was subsequently found on Haaretz in a plea raising funds for Jewish children, ‘victims of Palestinian attack’!

Words can be pretty inflammatory, but pictures are stronger stuff. In order to kill the flower of English youth at the tranches of Verdun, pictures of German brutes roasting Belgian babies on their bayonets were used; pictures of Jewish commissars raping an Aryan blonde pushed the German lads to premature death at the banks of Volga River. You can’t argue pictures with words, saying that there is a simple way to avoid the calamity: do not start war, and the German brute will have to satisfy his ravings by roasting a bratwurst, and the Jewish commissar will just subscribe to the Playboy to view an Aryan body.

This is the case with #Trumpbabysnatcher. It is heart-renting to see a picture of small kids beyond the bars. But there is a childishly simple way to avoid separation and incarceration: do not cross the Rio Grande without a visa.

Picture pushers are dishonest and they do not care a fig about kids: Madeleine Albright famously thought it is worthwhile to kill half a million of Iraqi children. Hillary Clinton unleashed hell on Libyan and Syrian soil, killing and dispossessing hundreds of thousands of children. All the US Presidents have been hugging and kissing Israeli rulers, who habitually detain, torture, and kill Palestinian kids. Our ‘friends’ in the alternative media (Counterpunch etc) who joined these ladies and gents waving kiddie photos are of weak mind or dishonest or they think that anything goes to achieve their goal, getting rid of Trump.

The wonderful Diana Johnstone wrote recently that the immigration issue splits the German left. Indeed support for free immigration is suicide for the Left. But this issue does split the whole Western world. On one side, we find believers in the world without borders, in the free movement of people. It sounds great, until you understand that this is a way to destroy the native working class, abolish the welfare state, ruin social structures and at the same time undermine donor countries, in short, to destroy the world as we know it. On the other side, people who want to preserve the world they live in work to keep the walls up.

What we need is some sincerity and honesty, as opposed to manipulation. If you think mass immigration will return us to new Dark Ages, say so. If you think it would be better to remove borders and to unleash a new Volkswanderung, just say so, but please do not show us baby pictures.

On a personal level, people for open borders are those who are certain their jobs aren’t threatened by any migrants; for them, a new Mexican arrival means a new Mexican restaurant or a new Mexican field worker or builder or house cleaner, cheaper than what they have had, not a competitor for job and housing. People for preservation of the world are aware that they are vulnerable, that new people can make them unemployed. In other words, the former are upper classes or their sycophants, the latter are working classes and people who feel solidarity and compassion towards them.

“Why don’t you say that the former feel compassion towards refugees and immigrants”, you’d ask. Because they do what is profitable for upper classes. They feel zero sympathy for suffering Palestinians, and this is the sterling proof that they lie.

Do you remember the picture of a poor drowned Syrian boy on the seashore? This picture moved a million Afghans, Iraqis, Gypsies and even some Syrians to Europe. Indeed it is terrible, that the drowned child’s father endangered lives of his family for no valid reason. He lived in safe and prosperous Turkey for a few years; he preferred to go to Canada; Canadians refused him a visa, so he sailed the dangerous Mediterranean Sea and lost all his family. Awful; but why this personal tragedy should influence any decision beyond caution: do not sail the sea in unseaworthy vessels. It is better to live in Turkey as 80 million people do than to die at sea.

A few days ago we saw Palestinians ~ men, women, children, ~ being shot at by Israeli snipers because they wanted to leave their concentration camp of Gaza. Did the people who love immigration say anything in their support? No, they know better that their Jewish organizers won’t approve that. And the Jews weren’t impressed at all. “Let them all die” ~ they wrote in their social networks. As a rule, Jews are visually challenged, and excel verbally.
This allows them to remain unmoved by pictures, while spreading the kiddie pictures to impress Gentiles.

Israelis are divided about African migrants: the wealthy want more of it; the working classes want them out. Netanyahu’s government is rather populist and it deports the migrants, though Soros types try to block deportations. However, the wealthy and the workers, Jewish left and Jewish right are of one anti-native mind: they do not want to allow native Palestinians to roam the land. Jews are anti-native by definition; this defines their attitude to human trafficking.

Migration is not all that different from the slave trade of old (the trade Jews excelled in). Recently a video from Libya has been delivered to Europe: the Coast Guard soldiers whip the black migrants to the rubber boats and push them into the sea. Those who remain in the camps are sold in the auction, women ~ for sex, men ~ for hard work. This video came at a very opportune hour when the struggle for and against the new slave-trade swept the world from the US to Italy and Germany.

Libya is one of main slave trade markets. Once it was a relatively prosperous country, and a reliable block on the road of African migrants to Europe. The Africans could and did find jobs in Gaddafi’s Libya. But in 2011, the country was destroyed by Obama and Clinton. Since then, it has become a poor ruined country with slowly simmering civil war. Libya has oil, but now many Libyans have discovered the African slave trade. Like in 17th century, the African blacks once again make some Arabs and Europeans wealthy.

Many millions of dollars are earned by Libyan militias this way. They take money from both sides ~ from Africans rushing to Europe from their ravaged countries, and from Europeans who pay the militias to stop refugees.

The man captured in a video with a whip in the hands, the leader of the brutal gang of slavers is a former rebel against the ‘bloody dictator’ Muammar al-Gaddafi, a friend of democracy and European values, Abd al-Rahman al-Milad, a commander in the Coast Guard. The boats, in which he sends Africans to Europe, are bought with European money. Two hundred million euros a year is paid by Brussels, but the slaves bring much more income. Europeans appreciate Milad ~ a year ago he was invited to a refresher course in Rome, where he spent a fruitful month in a classy hotel at the expense of the European Union.

Milad’s rival Al-Dabbashi sends boats by night from the beaches. The competitors remove the engines from the boats of rivals, and leave the refugees to die at sea. The turnover is huge: one and a half million blacks have passed through Libya on their way to Europe, thousands have died en route, but the human resource has not dried up. Other Libyan militants, who once liberated their homeland from bloody Gaddafi, operate in the African outback and drive tens of thousands of Africans through the Sahara into Libya, to new slave markets and to Europe.

ED Noor: Good article but I disagree with this assessment of the great Muammar Gaddafi. This is NOT the time to call Gaddafi "blood-thirsty". It was he who held back the hordes for decades. The man took power in a bloodless coup. 

The European NGO’s pick up rubber boats with migrants sent by Milad, take the migrants on board and deliver them to Europe, making a very decent profit. These “rescuers” directly cooperate with Milad and other slavers, they receive exact instructions from the “senders” where to pick up the boats, and they take a considerable share of the profit. They earn grants and donations of the compassionate Europeans, who do not understand that they are being manipulated by slavers.

ED Noor: The international media cannot portray this man badly enough. In this image they take a double shot at both the man and his religious background. 
For several years this business flourished without hindrance, until the Italian people got tired of accepting hundreds of thousands of illegal immigrants, and elected the “populists”, a coalition of the right-wing League of the North of Italy and the left libertarian party M5S of the South of Italy, and they shut the traffic down. Matteo Salvini, the Interior Minister, banned a ship with its black cargo from entering Italian ports, and after several days of disputes, the ship Aquarius went to Spain.

If the Italians remain steadfast and put their foot down, they will eliminate the second leg of the traffic scheme, the “humanitarian NGO” vessels that made the whole slave trade possible.
The Spanish government accepted Aquarius, and two more boats, sailing under the Dutch flag, which the unruly Italians had blocked from entering their ports. The French administration of Macron sided with Brussels, Germany and Spain, and promised to receive the refugees from the Aquarius. But in Germany a riot is brewing ~ the Minister of the Interior Horst Seehofer gave an order to stop accepting illegal migrants. Chancellor Angela Merkel did not agree with him. She can fire Seehofer, but then her coalition will collapse.

Hungary placed the fight against migration at the top of its agenda. So the split is not Left vs. Right, but between those who want to end illegal immigration and those who want to replace the expensive and spoiled European population by unpretentious, obedient and cheap migrants.

There is a correlation between the attitude to migration and to Russia. Those for open borders are anti-Russian, those pro-native are rather pro-Russian. This is not a 100%-dependence, as Poland is anti-Russian and anti-migration at once, but as a rule, in social networks, the Russians are supportive of anti-Soros forces in Europe, and those forces look to strongly nativist Moscow with hope.

The Russian government does not intend to interfere with European (or even less, American) decision-making in this sphere. Russia is not specially welcoming to migrants, and despite Russian involvement in the Syrian war, the country has received very few Syrian refugees, if at all. Opposition to Mr Putin, be it from the Communist Party or the nationalists of Mr Zhirinovsky, is strongly anti-migration, while the government allows labour migrants from Central Asia to come in and work. However, since the Rouble depreciated against Dollar, the waves of migration abated, for in Russia, in Europe and in the US migration is chiefly economic migration.

Its solution lies in treatment of Africa, Latin America and other immigration donors. There should be a law stipulating positive balance of payments, including financial transactions and debt repayment, between these countries and the prosperous West. Money should flow to Africa, not from Africa, and this will end the Libyan traffic.

Mass migration is an ugly phenomenon, encouraging human trafficking and slave trade, beefing up profits of nasty smugglers and ruining the donor and receipting countries. It is good to stop it. And no pictures of crying babies should interfere with decision-making.

Israel Shamir can be reached at

This article was first published at The Unz Review.


  1. Since Antifa shitheads couldn't get the violent revolution going last year, except in cities controlled by a Jew mayor, they're picking this up to keep spreading their poison.


  3. The reference to Col. Gaddafi as "a bloody dictator" is irony, I think, Noor. That's how he was portrayed in the Western media, but Mr. Shamir appreciates him at his true value.

    1. @traducteur

      Gaddafi was not a dictator, which bothered the Jews was that he was at the head of the most prosperous country in Africa, and more than anything, that he had created the Golden Dinar.
      Moreover, this leader was not very friendly with Is-Rat-Hell, which will have cost him his life.
      I travel a lot, under Gaddafi Libya was wonderful, now Libya is a destroyed country and very poor. (in just a few years)
      Among the first to order the destruction of Libya the Jewish President of France Nicolas Sarkozy-Mallah (married to three different Jews in three marriages, a pure marrano)

      Those who think that France is not a country under Jewish occupation are fools.
      The last three French presidents are all from marron lines.
      Nicolas Sarkozy-Mallah, Francois Hollande, Emmanuel Macron ex-Rothschild partner.
      Since Sarkozy France has become a trash that I will not wish my worst enemy (except the Israelis, the only people in the world against which I will make war if necessary).

      The big worry of our time is that people never read books, yet it is the only way to access information sourced that can not be found anywhere else.

      If people started by reading at least Alexander Solzhenitsyn "Two centuries together", they would understand what has been going on for 200 years.

      This book is in two big volumes, but ALL is there, it is enough to transpose to the current world.

      Unfortunately, the lack of courage and misunderstanding of the pleasure of reading are suicidal for all the slave peoples that are non-Jews.

  4. Part 1/2
    -Qui a financé la révolution Bolchévique: JACOB SCHIFF
    (Avec un premier versement de 12 millions de dollars à l'époque, information confirmée par un document des services secrets Américains transmis au Haut Commissaire-Français à son gouvernement. Document certifié authentique et rendu public dans la presse le 6 mars 1920)

    -Qui a inventé le communisme totalitaire sans frontières : Karl Marx, de son véritable nom Karl Marx-Lévy Mordechaï, parent Rothschild au troisième degré (oncle le totalitaire de l'ultra-capitalisme sans frontières)

    -Quel personnage a inventé le gazage bien avant Hitler ? (camion à gaz du nom de dushegubka ) :

    -Quel personnage fit des expériences médicales (sur prisonniers civils accusés de délit d'opinion) bien avant Mengele ?

    -Quel personnage a inventé et théorisé la terreur politique bien avant Hitler ?

    -Quel personnage a inventé la déportation et les camps de travail bien avant Hitler ?

    -Quel personnage scientifique gauchiste réfugié aux USA aura donné par relation communautaire les plans de la bombe atomique à l'URSS par le biais d'une de ses coreligionnaires communiste travaillant à ses côtés ? (le type qui a permis Hiroshima et Nagasaki)
    LISA ROZENSWEIG connue sous le faux nom de ELIZABETH ZUBILIN ayant obtenu les plans de la bombe par son ami ROBERT OPPENHEIMER

    -Qui était le général du faux nom Klébert, un "Russe" qui sera allé massacrer les nationalistes Espagnols pour le bénéfice des communistes ?
    (ce 12 siècles après que ses "frères" aient ouvert grand les portes de l'Espagne aux envahisseurs Musulmans au nom du Shalom, ce qui aura coûté 700 ans d'occupation aux Espagnols... On voit que RIEN N'A CHANGÉ au XXI éme siècle mais cette fois à l'échelle de l'Occident toute entier, merci Grégory Shwartz connu sous le faux nom de Georges Soros)

    -Quel personnages étaient les assassins du Tsar et de TOUTE sa famille enfants y compris , qui en étaient les commanditaires ?
    GESYA GELFMAN et IAKOV SOLOMON dit SVERDLOV l'assassin du tsar et de ses enfants y compris.
    Le tout sous les ordres de JACOB YOUROVSKI l'ordonnateur du massacre de la famille impériale.

    -Quel personnage est l'organisateur de l'assassinat systématique des paysans Russes ?
    IAKOV EPSTEIN connu sous le faux nom de IAKOV IAKOVLEV

    -Quel personnage est allé en Chine former Mao Zetong (et Ho Chi Mihn) aux techniques de massacre de la population civile ? (70 millions de morts)
    Tous les opposants de Mao accusés d'opportunisme» ou de « koulakisme », vont être systématiquement exterminés.
    Environ 20% de la population de la zone centrale du Jiangxi, soit environ 700 000 personnes, seront supprimés de diverses façons durant les trois années d'existence de la république. Le conseiller militaire Stern y restera jusqu'en 1935 .
    Le général communiste Chinois Chen se nommait COHEN.
    L'organisateur du communisme en Chine se nommait CRUSENBERG connu sous le faux nom de Borodine.

    -Quels personnages ont délibérément exterminé 6 millions de civils en Ukraine dont deux millions d'enfants, un génocide connu sous le nom de Holodomor ?
    LAZAR MOÏSSEÏEVITCH KAGANOVITCH (un Eichmann bien avant Eichmann),
    IAKOV EPSTEIN connu sous le faux nom de IAKOV IAKOVLEV exterminateur de la paysannerie,
    le tout encadrés par GENRIKH lAGODA.
    Suivis par ROSALIA ZALKIND connue sous le faux nom ROSALIA ZEMLIACHKA chef de la VIII armée en Ukraine ...

    -Quel était le plus cruel de tous les gardiens de camps de solution finale des Russes ?

    -Qui, bien avant Hitler, est parti à la recherche du mystique Shambala (Tibet) bien avant Hitler ?

  5. Part 2/2
    -Quels personnages ont crée et dirigé les révolutions sanglantes communistes en Hongrie, Bavière, Roumaine, Pologne, y ont installé des dictatures communistes meurtrières :

    CLARA ZETKIN, une pasionaria bolchevique allemande.
    ROSA LUXEMBURG, Rosa la Rouge et l'insurrection spartakiste.
    KURT EISNER, l'éphémère ministre-président de Bavière proclamateur de la raie-publique.
    EUGEN LEVJNÉ, le chef de la République soviétique de Bavière !!!

    BELA KOHN connu sous le faux nom de BELA KUN, l'organisateur de la terreur rouge en Hongrie
    TIBOR SZAMUELY, "La terreur est La principale amte de notre régime" communiste Hongrois.
    JOSEF SCHWARTZ connu sous les faux noms de JOZSEF POGANY puis de JOHN PEPPER après la Hongrioe activiste du parti communiste 'américain'...
    MATYAS ROSENFELD connu sous le faux nom MATYAS RAKOSI, le stalinolâtre absolu.
    BENJAMIN AUSCHPITZ connu sous le faux nom de GABOR PETER, devenu chef de la police secrète communiste Hongroise.
    ERNO SINGER connu sous le faux nom ERNO GERO, le Goebbels de l'armée Russe.

    HANNAH RABINSOHN connue sous le faux nom de ANA PAUKER,un des dirigeant du parti communiste Roumain qui fit assassiner son mari pour "espionnage", un certain Marcel Pauker juif lui-aussi.
    MAX GOLDSTEIN,le terroriste professionnel ayant commis des assassinats au Sénat Roumain.
    IOSIF ROITMAN connu sous le faux nom de IOSIF CHISINEVSCHI, Systématiquement sur la ligne de Moscou, il sera de toutes les machinations, complots, meurtres, jugements, qui vont s'abattre sur tous les opposants ou rivaux, à l'intérieur ou à l'extérieur du parti. Ce sale type était à la tête de 50.000 espions-kapos.

    JAKUB BERMAN, le terroriste communiste qui a eu le culot de témoigner témoigner au procès Eichmann en 1961
    ANGELICA BALABANOFFI la bolchevik qui forma Mussolini puis passa la guerre bien au chaud aux USA ...

    EuGEN FRJED connu sous le faux nom de CLEMENT l'agent du Komintern qui fut le vrai chef du PCF
    MICHEL FEJNTUCH connu sous le faux nom de JEAN-JEROME, agent du Komintern et grand argentier du PCF

    (On peut y ajouterVincent Benoît Camille Peillon est le fils de Gilles Peillon , banquier et communiste, qui fut directeur général de la première banque soviétique hors d'URSS. Vincent Peillon l'auteur de "La révolution Française n'est pas terminée" )

    QUI A INVENTE LES MOTS (faites vos recherches en Anglais, c'est moins censuré)

    Le 7 novembre 1938 un certain Herschel Feidel Grynszpan, juif Allemand d'origine Polonaise assassinait l'ambassadeur Allemand Ernst Eduard vom Rath au sein même de son ambassade, territoire souverain Allemand. (ce après que le congrès juif mondial déclarait la guerre à l'Allemagne en 1933, et non l'inverse !)

    Ce n'est pas exceptionnel, c'est même la règle chez le peuple le plus criminel de l'histoire humaine, pas besoin de chercher bien loin : Lee Harvey Oswald assassin de JFK de façon très pratique par le représentant de l'immense mafia juive Jacob Leon Rubenstein, qui changea son nom en Jack Leon Ruby. Encore une coïncidence parmi des millions ....

    Voilà pourquoi il n'y a jamais eu de procès du communisme (100% juif et maçonnique)

    1. I do wish all this work was in English! Thank you.

    2. If you ask yourself the question "why Hitler" the text in French above gives you the answer.

      Sorry, I am French and although I read English very well (books), I write badly in English to abstain.
      Perhaps I will find time to translate my work, in which case I will come back to you to post a copy in English.

      I think that with Google translation you will translate this work easily, but be careful to copy and paste the proper names to avoid changes in machine translation.
      If you like to read, I strongly advise you to read Alexandre Soljenistyne's latest book, you will understand many things ...

      Be careful, the summary you read about the Russian revolution is almost identical to what happened everywhere the name Republic appeared.
      For the USA the Jewish republic is less apparent than in all the other countries qualified as republic, indeed, for the USA one can say that the republic was judaïsée in total towards 1830-1840, with the creation of B'Naï B ' rith.

      The masonic lodges were organized by a French Jew: Stephan Morin.
      I have all the details of US demographic transformations, roughly, between the nineteenth century and the twentieth century; when the non-Jewish population increased by 50% the Jewish immigrant population increased by 200 or 400%.

      In addition, I invite you to look at the flags of the South American countries, and to notice with me that almost many are white and blue like the flag of Is-Rat-Hell.

      No coincidence, the first South American settlers, the richest, the largest slave owners and sellers, those who held the sugar cane monopoly were ALL Jews.

      You have an example with the Marrane Nicolas Maduro currently ...

      Peu importe si mes propos choquent, ils sont vrais et vérifiables, il suffit de se donner la peine de les vérifier.
      En réalité nous vivons sous une dictature juive mondiale, et surtout ne vous fiez pas aux apparences c'est pareil en Chine et en Russie.

      En chine, vous pouvez faire des recherches sur la communauté juive des Kaifeng

  6. @Noor al Haqiqa

    USA are 100% jeuw diriged since year 1880-1900 (as all Europe)

    Read the fantastic book "The Jewish people in América" (John Hokpins University Press, 5 books, 1993) autors : Eli Faber, Hasia R Diner, Gerald Sorin, Henry L Feingold, Ewdard S Shapiro.

    We are all slave... The masters is Is-Rat-Hell and Free Masons us brothers and think police.

    When USA or Europe start a war or a revolution, it's only a Jewish war, since 120 years.

    History is my passion, I spent 20 years of my life devoting all my free time to investigating history, including Jewish history and Freemasonry.

    The longer you learn about history, the more you realize how untouchable the Jews have been since at least the third century.
    The fables about the Catholic Church that would have been very nasty with them, or the same fables about Muslims, are just fables so that our religious and political authorities are not totally discredited.

    Since the year 300, the European kings and the Catholic Church have always, and in turn protected the Jews, the church and the monarchy already played the game of dialectics by opposing on this subject, one moderating the other.

    Fascinated by history, it was the same with the Muslims, as Al Andalus testifies in the year 711, during the Muslim conquest of Spain, the Jews served as soldiers and guardians of the cities for the Muslims.
    The documents are indisputable on this subject.

    The word republic is a marker signifying "this country is controlled by the Jews", republic meaning exactly the same project as the Jewish messianism, under a Jewish command.

    This is why historical encyclopedias speak of a universal (thus world) republic and of Mosaic (Jewish) laws.

    Jews remain Jews but strive, with Freemasonry, to denature the religions of all others to subject them to the world religion built on the seven Nohah laws.
    (hence the religious reforms of Catholicism, including Vatican II)

    The UN and UNSESCO, NATO, are only synonims for the supreme council of the great Sanhedrin.


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