Happy Father's Day to all those wonderful Dads and Granddads out there!
I keep forgetting to remind you, Dear Readers, that the Blog Roll to the Right is pretty darn good. Enjoy the content at your own risk!
I keep forgetting to remind you, Dear Readers, that the Blog Roll to the Right is pretty darn good. Enjoy the content at your own risk!
Slightly belated Happy Birthday, President Trump. June 14.
Pride month! Drag queen story hour!
The "family cabin" my daughter goes to when she wants away from WIFI in Norway.
This law has been standing for 25 years. Yoga is not to be taught in schools.
I imagine Canada will be put forth by the Liberals to cover all expenses!
This issue is one of the horrors being visited upon rape victims in the UK. Girls taken as sex slaves, impregnated, then being forced to deal with the men who raped them over custodial rights. THIS Alabama law I have a huge problem with. There would be no custodial rights as well if these babies were put up for adoption.
This Canadian feels the very same way.
The arugula makes this turkey burger look so darn fabulous.
When I was around 5 there was a plague of these things where I lived; I gathered bottles of them in the back yard with the intention of making my mother a fur coat.
Not my dentist! I imagine there is no freezing involved here.
Words from the actual announcement. "My idiot son" indeed!
To be honest, I have no personal problem with finding alternatives to single-use plastic. I grew up before oil products were used for everything and don't think it the end of the world finding more environmentally friendly alternatives. But how do we bring these things to the Third World nations that thrive on plastics and are responsible for most of the wastage?
Cardboard boxes were what we used to cart piles of groceries home from the store or on trips. Dad was an environmentalist well before it was the fashion, simply due to his understanding of nature. Fresh food we picked up from local farmer stands. I can remember packing up months of tinned and cooking groceries to take up to our cottage. Cloth bags were common as were sturdy brown paper bags.
To be honest, I have no personal problem with finding alternatives to single-use plastic. I grew up before oil products were used for everything and don't think it the end of the world finding more environmentally friendly alternatives. But how do we bring these things to the Third World nations that thrive on plastics and are responsible for most of the wastage?
Cardboard boxes were what we used to cart piles of groceries home from the store or on trips. Dad was an environmentalist well before it was the fashion, simply due to his understanding of nature. Fresh food we picked up from local farmer stands. I can remember packing up months of tinned and cooking groceries to take up to our cottage. Cloth bags were common as were sturdy brown paper bags.
Climate change?
No thunderstorms let alone electrical strikes here. I miss the sharp crack of lightening followed by the deep rumble of clouds. Then, over the swooshing of the trees, the rain changing everything as it deafens ... Nothing like a good electric storm to clear the air.
Scientists and adventurers are finding similar remains of ancient cats and mastadon in this part of Siberia. Read more here from SCIENCE ALERT. This is very exciting stuff. New discoveries in the Egyptian pyramids; 40,000 year old wolf heads, early mammals? I dreamt of these sorts of things when I was a kid.
This event was erased from Chinese history years ago. Young Chinese have never heard of it; it is as if it never happened. But the world remembers; despite the face of modernity, China is a very brutal Communist/Capitalist regime; the stuff of dreams according to the late David Rockefeller. The young Chinese student was hunted down and eventually met an untimely demise.
Common sense! Oh, no!!!!!!!!!!
At one time I would have not hesitated to do this! Adrenaline strikes just looking at the thing! Tis a pity such rides did not exist back in the day. Once when cycling through California (1979) I went down a mountain for such a long distance it was necessary to stop and replace quickly worn brake pads, the grade was so steep. Just outside of Santa Cruz if I remember correctly.
I have been binging on Downton Abbey the past few weeks and this is exactly what the series captures during the first few years dealing with WW1. The world changes irrevocably after the first war of brother against brother; all innocence begins to fade away under the beginning onslaught of Communism/socialism upon the old Victorian traditions. That peace, just gone. (((Socialism aka Communism))) has disturbed the entire planet.
And so, here we are, 100 years later with what to show for it?
And so, here we are, 100 years later with what to show for it?
Skype is the armpit of communication IMHO. I opened a new account a few weeks ago to talk to my family as they traveled through Europe. No contacts but for one daughter and no conversations. New camera/mike all nicely set up. Worked like a charm.
Then Microsoft decided to shut Skype off "for my security. To get it back-they requested a list of my contacts and the top lines of as many emails as possible under that account. They even suggested I speak with my contacts and have them send me the information they demand. Well. There are no conversations or emails sent there! If I fill out a form more than once a day they tell me I have submitted too many applications. Go figger. I think it is all just BS disguised as protection for my privacy which is, of course, highly touted in every exchange so far.
The original cartoon.
These gorgeous beasts are all trussed up and waiting to begin a long cold race over the ice, something they love to do with great enthusiasm. Simply magnificent dogs.
Joe tried to sniff an aligator.
Stilton Says: While dozens of Democrat presidential wannabees are offering "everything
free for everyone forever," Joe Biden has upped the ante by declaring
that as president he will cure cancer. And, if elected for a second term, he will presumably raise the dead.
As campaign promises go, that's a whopper - and pretty hard to
swallow considering that Joe thought Obamacare was a "big f*cking deal"
because it would make health insurance dirt cheap and, if you liked your doctor, you could keep your doctor. That didn't happen, and a lot of patients who liked their oncologists weren't able to keep their oncologists.
And what is there in Biden's past that suggests he has the leadership
and scientific acumen to cure cancer? Keep in mind that this is the same
bumbling idiot who Obama gave the critically important job of combating violence in videogames...

Curing cancer should indeed be a national priority, and there's nothing
wrong with a candidate saying that they'll increase research funding.
But to actually promise a cure is an appalling attempt to take
political advantage of those suffering with cancer as well as anyone who
has lost friends and family members to this devastating illness. And
that's all of us.
We suggest that Joe Biden spend time looking into a cure for shamelessness before setting his sights on loftier targets.
Not a snowflake.
The above cartoon accurately quotes the seditious Nancy Pelosi, but the words we've put in Trump's mouth simply represent our fantasy...and what we've been personally muttering about Pelosi for quite awhile.
Pelosi's remarks were made while she was conspiring with Jerry "Quick, Get Me An Orange"
Nadler and other high-ranking Democrats about whether or not to impeach
Trump. Meanwhile, the President was busy overseas, commemorating the
75th Anniversary of D-Day, meeting with heads of state, and "winning
hugely" on every front.
Pelosi, on the other hand, is caught in an internal power struggle
amongst Democrats who are torn (albeit not in the drawn-and-quartered
sense, we're sorry to say) about a possible impeachment action against
Trump. Pelosi is fighting the tide in her own party, saying that Trump
should not be impeached because it will galvanize his base for
the 2020 election, and that she would rather see him defeated at the
polls and subsequently tried, convicted, and imprisoned for his
Additionally, Pelosi is telling the pitchforks-and-torches contingent in
her party that for an impeachment to proceed, two important conditions
must be met: public support and strong bipartisan backing. We would have
thought another necessary condition would be having evidence of
high crimes and misdemeanors, but apparently Nancy can skip this
inconsequential Constitutional detail as long as she feels like her
withered political ass is covered.
Thank you to Dixon Diaz for so much great work this week. This guy really is the bad boy of Conservative cartoons!
It is not the same level but this is why I include non political images of roads, animals, getaways, etc.
For my family it was rootbeer floats!
I tried a cauliflower pizza crust awhile back. What a waste of calories! Horrible tasting stuff. I love me some cauliflower, but served as a vegetable, not a substitute for a gluten product.
Heaven on earth.
Whenever you see these it is because I was pulling up quotes during discussions. You know, of course, of the dozens at the bottom of the page.
What some Jews do at Holocaust memorials. Some Jews are very upset about this thing of selfies at these locations. Who really cares? Just don't you try it, goyim!
Currently the same freak behind the first two assaults on this man is now charging him for refusing to bake a cake showing Satan giving someone fellatio. Needless to say that person is obviously transgender.
Each special cup is created to appeal to specific sexual preferences. Gosh Bud is just so... so... so globohomo.
Two boys and a girl.
The NYT has decided to suspend political cartoons from its publication beginning in July. After the image of Trump and Bibi raised (((such an uproar))) last month, they came to the conclusion that controversy was just not good stuff. Their two cartoonists were sacked. Meanwhile, many cartoons are pointing fingers at Muslims for this. While they present an entirely different set of challenges, the end result is the same ~ more Conservative voices shut down or deplatformed.
This is the offensive cartoon that set this furor off. (((Lobbyists))) insisted on this being "anti-semitic". Any other world leader and it would not have been an issue. Another case of US being told something they find offensive when, in reality, we shouldn't really care; would (((they))) should the tables be turned? I don't think so!
Patrick Chappatte, one of the Times' cartoonists, wrote on his website
that the publication's decision was directly related to the Netanyahu
cartoon. "I’m putting down my pen, with a sigh," Chappatte wrote.
"That’s a lot of years of work undone by a single cartoon ~ not even
mine. "I’m afraid this is not just about cartoons, but about journalism and opinion in general."
It. Never. Fails.
I firmly believe this new McCain Day on June 14 is a very specific way of insulting the President on his birthday/Flag Day. Needless to say, I doubt Mr. Trump could give a hot damn.
One of my favourite mottoes:
Good morning, Noor. I'm entirely with you on Downton Abbey, there has never been anything like it, especially the first series.
ReplyDeleteNo. 182, showing a wooden walkway across an arm of a lake, against a backdrop of boreal forest and a high tree-clad ridge, reminds me very much of the parc d'Aiguebelle, in the Abitibi region. If that's where you're getting these photographs from, good on you!
Bonne semaine !
The Trump and Nutty yahoo cartoon was nothing compared to the Hebdo cartoons. The worlds leaders gathered in France, after the shooting to claim solidarity for the freedom to offend anyone......except Israel.
ReplyDeleteLoved the two snails on the cherries.
Keep up the good work Noor.
As always for as long as I have visited, your selection and compilation of graphic commentary and pure images of delightful Nature remain top-notch, worthwhile, and educational. As an American who spent some years as a landed immigrant in Canada (1981-1989), I do not agree with your take on Trump. Puppets all since at least JFK, certainly an entertaining puppet show, no matter which "side" wins the (s)election. Nonetheless, if we all agreed on every single issue, then we wouldn't have the governments we do, the leaders we suffer, and nooses tightening about us, socially, economically, and psychologically. I come to your site for a sanity break!