I do apologize my friends but I just could not do it this week. I am sick of the CoronaVirus situation and that is all I could find material on.
My daughters gave me heck for going to a public pool today. It was almost empty of swimmers so I had a great time. I don't intend to stop that exercise until they decide to close the pools, but they want their beloved older Mom safe.
Me? I cannot sleep well knowing that what I have been warning of for the past 55 years is solidly taking place. Now. There was a futuristic cartoon in the local paper when I was a kid (1962); what it predicted was starvation, immigration, over crowding) nuclear destruction. For my final High School English essay I compared 1984 and Brave New World; that study, which was probably appallingly naive by today's standards, changed my view on life. Since then, to this day, I have been watching these worlds come about for decades. Incremental step by incremental step. This has been, as most of you know from personal experience, a long and lonely winding path.
After raising children and there was time to learn more, I listened to Alex Jones, David Icke, along with William Cooper, Fritz Springmeir, and others. Alex is a fear monger but many of the things he spoke of back then are proving true today, especially his prediction of a medical dictatorship, vaccinations, limited travel, so many of the things we see being implemented as part of Icke's Hegelian Dialectic of Problem>Reaction>Solution.
Cartoon wise, I can find almost nothing happening on the Greek borders; no locusts in the
Middle East; just cartoons on how the virus relates to every aspect of life and,
apparently, a goodly number of deaths. I am finding this over-saturation of the Coronavirus as stoked by media, hard to take; it is unavoidable! Then there are the effects of it on my own family; feeling unable to put a page of cartoons about it. Right now the girls are trying to get their father home from the Philippines; took them a few days to convince him to return to Canada. The one in Europe, all her conferences and trips have been cancelled; Norway is on complete shutdown. Only grocery stores are open; otherwise stay home. Her classes all done on the computer. Their trip to the Philippines, obviously, cancelled.
My local grocery today was a nuthouse. The energy was buzzing and shelves were bare in many spots. No one was stocking up on the boxes of Candy Canes left over from last Christmas though. My cupboards are flush but primarily because I put up meals before my surgery and have not had the appetite to eat them. But it was unnerving to see so many empty shelves, even though we are assured there is no shortage in Canada of anything. (Other than common sense. That seems to have disappeared.)
Cartoonists internationally are ignoring everything else. So what is this international diversion about? I won't go all conspiratorial, but I am thinking Rothschild is thrilled at this opportunity to overhaul the international financial system giving him complete control over everyone he can get to sign the devil's bargain. Which is about everyone, alas.
I am connecting the virus to G5 also which drove my kids MAD at my "naive conspiratorial foolishness". To install the intense digital surveillance system necessary for China to keep up to the second on the status of every citizen requires amazing capabilities, those only delivered by 5G. Wuhan is fully 5G capable. Once these things are in place, they won't disappear. And once they have brought about this cashless society, 5G will be very important to enforce an efficient system. China is the role model of the perfect globalist state according to the elitists. You don't think this technology is coming to a computer near you?
It is about 20 years to late, but this we are involved in a major acceleration of the big shift. Everything is morphing, changing. Everything. Maybe it is my age, but I don't like what is coming. However, all things being good, I have another 25 years to go. That might be very long and very difficult considering the world I remember.
I already had my images selected for the page, not the cartoons however. They are NOT about illness or politics. So just enjoy.
An hour later:
OK. I lied. I just decided to post things differently. Everything related to the virus is at the very end! This way you don't have to see it. The rest of the material is not so organized as usual due to the late hour etc etc.
Suddenly I remembered Blackbird9 labeling me as a meme warrior/survivor and the energy to get it done, however late, hit me. It is now going on 3 am! Thanks Blackbird.

Enlarge. These eyes are true jewels. Turquoise.
Correction: (((Communist))) and (((Communist))).
Feast: Sunday dinner
More turquoise eyes...
Now this is a fine place to go to ground in. Preferably the roof doesn't leak.
Not a soy boy
These are the streets I raised my kids on. They look like this every spring. Every other tree is white; they blossom a week or so later so the season lasts very long.
The mosquitoes here would so feast on my tender flesh!
What gives with these crazy Liberal women?

Apparently the skies over Italy are cleaner due to less industry. The birds are having a come back.
I hear about this procurement process for "hotels" for the stricken poor, bad ideas but a great excuse for purchases for future government plans. A lot of this going on in the Pacific Northwest.
All the better to just go out into the country and walk about in the forest or along a country road!
From an old TinTin comic.
Very applicable in this time of financial instability.

Stay safe my friends.
Tubby the Grifter is catching some heat over this. But at least it was a good excuse to give those TBTF Wall Street casinos over 1.5 trillion:
ReplyDeleteNot true, @realDonaldTrump. I wrote to you more than 600 days ago demanding answers after you fired the entire White House pandemic team.
Hi Noor,
ReplyDeleteHere, in Portugal
The Govermant apply containment measures.
The schools will be closed Monday, the pools are closed, some events was postponed.
In the county, the public market will close from 23/3.
The goverment told "Do not run to the market", so, of course, everyones rans to the market.
The companies send the collaborators to work at home, and for 2 weeks, Portugal will evoid public interaction.
Our President are isolated at home, and Our prime-minister talks about survival stuff.
I never see this, in my life.
I think this is a global test, for (((them))), and for us...
I need to learn with our mistakes, because the next will be much worse.
A virtual kiss, because know the Goverment told us to avoid physical contact.
Situation in China:
No. 194, that shot of a steam locomotive pulling its train over an embankment, is breathtaking! Thanks ever so much.
ReplyDeleteThanks for letting us know that the virus 'toons were placed last - I was about to skip them all and go straight down to the comment section - that would have meant that I missed all the stunning photos you insert into your posts. The meme that gave me the biggest chuckle is AOC declaring that it doesn't matter that she doesn't know what armageddon means ços it's not the end of the world ...
ReplyDeleteLike you, I'm sickup and fed with all the coronavirus hysteria. I don't have tv so I miss a lot of it but even alt-media seems to be infected - the shilling and trolling is driving me nuts, it seems that a number of conflicting agendas are being served ...
Here in Namibia, we had our first two confirmed corona cases on Friday, (two European tourists), and it seems that those that can afford it have gone into headless-chicken mode, descending en masse on supermarkets and pharmacies. The Govt has banned all gatherings and events for 30 days and, it's reported, is shutting schools for the same period of time.
The upside to these events is that my daughter is bringing my two grandsons (5 and 2 years) to stay with us for the duration of the shutdown. :) ... I'm going to be getting really fit in the next few weeks because these two little monkeys are VERY active ...
I hope that this is is the first and last time that I comment on this Crazyvirus online.
Personally, I live out in the sticks on a small patch of land and am a bit of a hermit. I'm aware of all the hygiene precautions that should be taken and I'm not concerned about contracting the bug - I'm 69 and in reasonable health, my chances of surviving an infection are good, but, if I were to croak from the disease ... so what?
While I can understand the paranoia of those living in densely populated areas, it seems that, considering the unrelenting fear-mongering and disinformation being promoted by all media, this paranoia is being stoked to serve specific agenda(s) - I wonder what our new reality is going to look like in 3 to 6 months time ... ?
Enjoy your crowd-free swimming while you can ...
Namaste :)
Something is not right about this virus mallarky.
ReplyDeleteStay well Noor.