Thanks Mr. James Perloff for your continuing contributions!
Draw your own comparisons between now and then.
Do you think enough folks have figured this out yet? And are there enough to halt the entire enterprise? Yes to first question. Not yet for the second. A LOT of work to be done.
The Manager explained that the Covid Tax was to cover the cost of bringing the restaurants up to "rona standards".
Congratulations to Mike Miles of 90 Miles From Tyranny, one of my favourite blogs, for reaching this viewer milestone.
Don't expect a lot from Barr.
Banana peel art. It's a thing.
Dr. Tam's bio was changed and the "born a man" removed several alterations ago. He also never had his Adam's apple shaved which so many do.
It says, right on the box, "This product will not provide any protection against Covid-19."
Now THIS caught my attention:
Stilton says:
In recent days, speaking events by Donald Trump and Joe Biden have been
interrupted with honking sounds. President Trump interpreted this as
passing truckdrivers showing support for him, while Joe Biden
interpreted the honking as geese who heard his speech and were "cheering for him," which may be yet another reason to give Joe stronger meds. But in both cases, the candidates were just trying to assign some sense to noise. And that's how we feel about almost everything at the moment.
Actual information is still pretty easy to spot. Which is how we can
tell that we're not getting much of it these days. Instead, we get noise. There is no salient point related to Covid19 on which those who should be in the know agree. Not about masks, quarantines, methods of transmission, medications, or anything else. Just noise.
Flynn? Obamagate? Impeachment 2.0? Wake us when something meaningful happens, because right now (and especially since Barr declared that he doesn't even expect Obama to be investigated)
it's all just more damn noise. Get back to us when instead of the usual
churn, there's real action to bring the Usual Suspects to something
like real justice. Until then, well, just STFU.
As if it wasn't already painfully obvious, here at Stilton's Place
we're really starting to feel the stress of the extended Covid19
crisis. There's only so long you can put up with wondering if you're
risking your life going to the grocery store, wondering what will become
of the country and your child's future, or watching in disbelief as the
Fed prints and pumps money directly into the pockets of the richest
bastards in this country (every cent of which will come out of your pocket and mine).
all while wondering if the trillions upon trillions in expenditures
flying out of Pelosi's cosmetically enhanced poop-hole will lock in our
(idiot) nation's growing embrace of socialism (polls suggest that
entirely too many people are tickled pinko by their "all pay, no work"
Meanwhile Venezuela-style hyper-inflation may be
heading our way, to stealthily steal the value of every dollar you've
ever earned and saved. McDonald's "value menu" items will start
at a million dollars, and they won't even offer the Happy Meal anymore
because no one will be able to afford an actual meal, and no one will
have any memory of what "happy" meant.
So with this daily level of background stress, we're backing ever
farther away from the pointless but aggravating claptrap and honking
sounds in the news. At a moment in time in which we all need to find
ways to keep our cool, all of this noise annoys.
Someone! Please grab this and have lots of fun with it.
Gimme Wifi and I could live here forever. Alone. Or with my dawg. But that is not a comfy looking bed/sofa.
Don't you dare snicker!

Montreal is also responsible for the deaths of so many seniors. Their policies have been under scrutiny for years and this time they have been caught out. The people lived in squalor, starvation, were all marked for Quebec's aggressive euthanization programme.
Not a joke. It is a thing too.
Not a soy boy
Liberal women are truly a stunning breed of, of, er,... well, a stunning breed.
Boneyard for Beetles
American beauty
By now everyone has seen the viral video of that thug boxing a senior into a bloody mess as he cringed in his bed. Not so many know he has been apprehended and is a FB racist against Whites. He is definitely in trouble.
Farm fresh.
I made this. Share widely.
The media is going overboard this week damning Hydroxychloroquine! The WHO is going wild trying to damn it. People are beginning to realize there is something to this "old fashioned" stuff.
An Italian male is always an Italian male
Until I was T-boned a few years ago, this was how I loved zipping around town. I so want another one! Someone stole the flag while it was in storage too!
One of the sexiest tastiest fruits on the planet, especially when plucked still warm from the tree.
This freak married his robot doll wife. Legally. They then had a robot doll baby. I saw the photo shoot, thought it was just an idiot joking until I found the legal birth certificate! The "mother" Stephanie is a frigging DOLL!
Art: Marble and Driftwood sculptures
Oh, Zuck! Keep trying.
Ooopsies. It blew!
Do you see what I see?
Dihydrogen Monoxide is water. Don't tell the Liberals.
Television viewers were stunned on Monday when a rash of fires broke out
in the carefully coiffed hairdos of hysterical newscasters. The source
of this incendiary incident was President Trump's casual announcement
that, with his doctor's blessing, he's taking the anti-viral drug
hydroxychloroquine and a zinc supplement as protection against the
SARS-CoV-2 virus.
Hydroxychloroquine, which we'll henceforth refer to as HCQ because this
isn't a damn spelling bee, has been villainized by the media,
politicians, and even some medical organizations solely because Trump said "it might work." Their narrative is that HCQ can't possibly
help Covid19 sufferers and is significantly more dangerous to ingest
than drain cleaner. Which is why the news media was not only shocked
that Trump has taken it, but shocked because he didn't immediately turn
into a science fair model volcano geysering bloody foam all over the
Oval Office.
When administered properly, HCQ seems to have amazingly good results and an excellent safety profile. But in the media's eyes, it's better for people to continue dying (and far
better to keep the economy crippled) rather than admit that Trump might
actually have been right about something. The fact that they're
actively burying and distorting this news during the worst medical
crisis in a century is a sin so profound that we can only hope the devil
is currently excavating a new, much-lower circle of Hell for the media.
Where their hair won't be the only thing on fire.
(Side note: if you want to be better informed about HCQ than 99% of
those on social media and 100% of those in mainstream media, watch this 40 minute video. It's several weeks old, but still has accurate news you won't hear for months ~ if ever ~ from the MSM.)
Honest hands
Well, fancy that!
Sylvia got into a lot of trouble due to greed. She was an Oprah protege; I followed her for awhile and enjoyed many of her teachings. Her work on reincarnation was excellent and stands the test of time.
On so many levels she was very good; but eventually she fell from grace. The best psychics I have known never got involved in the moneyed aspect of their skills. Never. That is something I have known since I was studying parapsychology when I as a young teenager. I dumped Sylvia around 2000. However, this little paragraph must be included in her list of hits.
You are being trained to look at that chap and consider him selfish.
Nothing is worth this type of indignity! Nothing.
The Peanut Thief
This haul looks fabulous. Look how fresh and clear those eyes are!
In this particular interview, Gates could not contain his glee at the devastation he was responsible for and Colbert was just as nauseating.
They are trying to pass this off in America as Covid-19 and children!
Vancouver Island Corner
These two are brother and sister from Meares Island near Tofino. They have long since passed over. Once while meandering on Meares, I came across a special tree that I have never forgotten. There were wolf skulls nestled in the branches, bones hanging everywhere, notes, shells, beads and little pebbles stuck into its cracked skin. It was an old tree, obviously a magical place for the local tribes. The mood, the mist, the light rain, the early morning atmosphere. A dawn I never forgot.
A few years later I returned with a camera but could not find the tree. That sort of thing happens often up in the Pacific Northwest. You can find a magical spot but the mists hide it from you forevermore.
This photos was close to the tree.
"Quebec's aggressive euthanization programme," eh? (#108) Gee, Noor, la belle province is really quite a nice place in some ways. At any rate, they haven't got me yet, somehow.
ReplyDeleteGreat collection, as usual.
ReplyDeleteImage 74: I believe the person identified as "Health Minister Denmark" is actually Maggie de Block, the Belgian "Minister of Social Affairs and Public Health, and Asylum Policy and Migration." Here is a link to a brief (~ 1:20) video that could explain why Belgium has the highest Covid fatality rate in the world. Is it real? I don't know.
@jank: I'm from Belgium. She is our "health minister". What great example is she huh...