I am
opening today's post with this absolutely positive affirming message from Stilton:
we've had a day or two of mourning. Now it's time to get down to business.
naysayers aside, all hope is not lost. To quote the old cliché,
there is life, there is hope”.
You can
step outside today and notice that the world has not actually ended. The sun is
still rising and setting, the air is breathable (for the most part), the food
producers are still delivering milk, bread and eggs, and Clan MacGregor may
still be purchased by the pint, quart, gallon and barrel.
you've had a setback? Not your first; won't be your last. “Man is born to toil
and sorrow,” or words to that effect.
So what
can you do?
Turn their words against them.
“Think globally, act locally.” You can fulminate about the swamp dwellers in
seats of power all you like, but the hard, cold facts are that you, as an
individual, have little to no effect on what actions they take (unless you LIKE
dressing up in buffalo horns and swiping lecterns, which isn't ending well for
that chap). So, make a difference in your neighborhood. Even something as small
as picking up a piece of litter improves your immediate environment. It might
not make much difference to the world at large, but it'll make YOU feel better.
Comfort the afflicted.
Nothing gives you a lift more than giving a helping hand to those worse off
than you are. I do volunteer work at a railroad museum, as that happens to be
one of my interests, and watching the folks' eyes light up when they see the
electric trains rolling... well, that's why I spend my time and treasure doing
Afflict the comfortable.
It's fun annoying libs, which is one reason my home page on Faecesbook features
“Stilton's Place” and similar material. Wanna know the fun part? The angry
comments. I get, “Mitch, why do you keep POSTING this shit?” They just don't
seem to realize that they've answered their own question.
Do not respond to anger with anger, as that's what they want. Back in the pre-Internet days, some of the
dialup bulletin boards I frequented had something called “P.I.S.S.”, which
stood for “Passively Ignoring Silent Strike”. Even
before the Net, we knew feeding the trolls only encouraged them, and if PISS
was declared on a user, that user was effectively sent to Coventry, which
tended to shut them up quite nicely.
If they're going to be childish, be an adult. One thing I've found is that many liberals are essentially
insecure, craving attention and affirmation. Deny that to them and they shrivel
up and vanish.
Be prepared to throw a monkey wrench into the works. This DOES NOT mean go around looking for
trouble, but, if an opportunity presents itself to stick it to the opposition,
grab it with both hands. If Antifa leaves a pallet of bricks around for
throwing, steal it and build that garden wall you've been wanting. Use your
Never pass up a chance to help another if you can. A few weeks back, I was exiting a pawn
shop (looking for a used web cam, but that's another story) and noted a middle-aged
couple trying to stuff a large dorm refrigerator into a small Asian car and not
having much success. Well, this sort of thing is why I drive a Ford station
wagon. Within minutes, we had the fridge in the back of my car and on route to
the couple's house. To this day, I have no idea of their name, race, creed or
political beliefs. All I know is that they have their refrigerator home, and
that's the important part.
most important part?
Be of good cheer.
how sweet liberal tears taste? Well, they find your tears equally tasty.
the bastards die of thirst.
Embrace peace loving Joe! He promises peace if you heel and kneel.
Expect much more of such in-depth reporting from now on!
Is JT practicing his Grade C acting skills or plotting the further demise of Canada?
Sigh. |
Bernie is the scene-stealer from the inauguration.
It took me several tries to find the two humans climbing this frozen river.
And (((Senator Scott Weiner))) the bearded promoter of some of California's most vile laws regarding deviance.
Buick. Circa 1959. I want it.
Make of this whatever you wish. I am just passing it on but I do have bigger better photos.
THIS is a bingo meme. Hold on to it when you need to explain "fake news".
Election results 1920.
For some strange reason (!?) this story has been ignored by American media but it has been absolutely HUGE in Italy!
Oh the Drama! ROFL. These people are so silly.
Varieties of colour blindness.
Just here for the mustard.
The sacred buffalo.
This pup found a toddler lost in the bitterly cold Serbian winter night and lay on top of him for two days, sheltering the child from the snow until villagers thought they were digging up a dead frozen dog and found the child beneath him. The child still needed medical help but that dog surely saved him because he would not have lasted more than a few hours otherwise. The child has been removed from the home; his mother charged for putting him out into the night.
Just shut up, you has been.
Really good one here.
I was most honoured this week. I posted a comment on Aangirfan and the next day I found they had done an entire post around it! What pleases me is that it reminded me of my spiritual roots and that is most healing. What surprised me is that I am usually rendered speechless when it comes to commentary on these posts but the words just flowed.
5G in disguise
This is an Australian worm of some variety. It gives a whole new interpretation to the refrain "I think I'll just go and eat worms". You could slice this thing.
Oh. My. Effing. Lord!
Minimal bikini mask
Cute little Otter butts. Tough week. I think I gained 5 pounds. Not joking, just that sorta miserable on some level. However, the post at the top from Stilton put me back together. Big time. I have been sipping vodka as I put up this post. Amazed I am still functioning!
Blessings everyone, keep strong, focused and don't give them any tears to drink!
Thanks, again! This is the best collection in my memory.
ReplyDeleteBTW, did you ever wonder why airplanes can now fly, but cruise ships cannot sail?
China going to take over?
ReplyDeleteDont think so, but its a convenient dodge to cover up who really owns the US.
When China owns over 90% of the MSM & all three of the most popular social media sites & Hollywood & the FED & the US Treasury Dept, then we can talk about Chinese taking over.
Still waiting to hear how it was that Israel was already working on a Covid vacc BEFORE it hit the fan?
Such luck!
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak
“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”
China going to take over?
ReplyDeleteDont think so, but its a convenient dodge to cover up who really owns the US.
When China owns over 90% of the MSM & all three of the most popular social media sites & Hollywood & the FED & the US Treasury Dept & the China PM gets more standing ovations while talking to Congress than any prez did, then we can talk about Chin taking over.
Still waiting to hear how it was that Israel was already working on a Covid vacc BEFORE it hit the fan?
Such luck!
Israeli Scientists Claim It’s ‘Pure Luck’ They Were Already Working On A COVID-19 Vaccine Prior To The Outbreak
“Let’s call it pure luck,” he said. “We decided to choose coronavirus as a model for our system just as a proof of concept for our technology.”
P.S Soon I'm gonna dump firefugged since its turned to shit. Except Joogle doesn't like my BRAVE browser and refuse to let me leave comments on blogs???
Gotta find a way around that.
Another great set of posts Noor.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if Jadev Payeng was inspired by the short story "The man who planted trees"?
I agree that he republicans should not get mad, it will be used against them, they should get even.
Trump has one last legal move. It is a writ of quo warranto. He has standing. It has to be done in D.C.. I think it is worth doing as it would allow him to show all the evidence they have amassed. Biden will have to prove he is the legitimate office holder.