Wisdom from Stilton:
Babbitt was 35 years old when she was murdered in Washington, DC. She was shot
down by "law enforcement" for being in the wrong place at a very
wrong time. She was unarmed, not threatening anyone, and she wasn't even
specifically targeted by the shooter, who simply fired through a door (as Joe
Biden recommends we all do) into a crowd of people.
Ashli Babbitt was a 14-year veteran of the US Air Force, and had served four
foreign military tours, including to Iraq and Afghanistan. She was a Trump
supporter who believed that the November presidential election was fraud-ridden
and deserved a real investigation. But no such investigation was going to
happen because the powers-that-be didn't want it. Not Democrats, not
Republicans, not the Supreme Court, and certainly not the media.
And so Ashli was among the hundreds of thousands of Americans who came to
Washington to protest on January 6th. Not to commit the acts of violence,
looting, and destruction that have swept our nation over the past year (to the
unanimous praise of those on the Left), but rather to carry a simple message to
the power elite: "We deserve to be heard." And that message got her
executed in "the people's house."
hear the media tell it, a bloody revolution attempt took place in the streets
and corridors of Washington DC on that day. Those on the Left claim to be
horrified at the indiscriminate violence which resulted in...some broken
windows. Although, unlike when the Left is "demonstrating," once
those windows were broken, no molotov cocktails were thrown through them.
Babbitt went to Washington for all of us who believe that the election was a
fraud and a farce, and who want nothing other than a rigorous investigation
to determine if America still has free elections. She died in that pursuit,
and this honored military veteran is already being demonized by the
history-spinners as a rioter, terrorist, and traitor. No mayor will paint
"HER LIFE MATTERED" in the streets of Washington DC.
deserves better. Although we find the comparison distasteful, Ashli Babbitt
should become the Right's new "George Floyd." Albeit not someone with
a criminal history who died clumsily by their own hand out of a fondness for
street drugs, but someone who died fulfilling an oath she once took to
protect the Constitution of the United States.
UPDATE: Subsequent to writing the above, I've learned of the deaths of two law
enforcement officers involved in this disastrous fracas. Their loss is tragic
and reprehensible. That being said, I personally believe that the deliberate
violence was instigated by planted operatives from the far left. Do I have
proof? No, and I don't expect any to be forthcoming. But I know how "their
side" and "our side" have acted in the past. I have no doubt
that 99% of the protestors were peaceful patriots. Sadly, that's not what the
history books are going to say.
a personal note, I have to confess that this is a very confusing and unpleasant
time. When I look at my personal Facebook feed, I see my "friends"
declaring outrage and revulsion at an "attempted violent coup." They
don't seem to have noticed that much of the violence was perpetrated against
the demonstrators, nor have they accounted for the fact that this
"revolution" ended when all of the protestors peacefully went home,
rather than taking a celebratory looting lap of local stores or setting police
cars (and officers) on fire.
I don't hate these people. I know them to be good and well-intended (and yes, I
know where that road leads) ~ but they accept all of the media's lies
unblinkingly, voracious in their desire to hate and to thereby feel good about
themselves. And I'm not happy about the fact that I have to wonder if these
people are actually still my friends at all. Should they learn my political
leanings, they would cut me out of their lives in a heartbeat ~ not because of
who I am, but because of what they've been told they should believe about
who I am. And in my own mind, I still think of these people as friends even
though their misguided beliefs are as odious as any which ever allowed a
fascist regime to rise to power. They are my "friends" because I
still choose to think of them that way while hoping (but not holding my breath)
for their eventual enlightenment.
Right now, there is no source of news I fully trust. None. There are
individuals in the media whom I still believe to be honest, but even they have
to interpret information that may or may not be true.
it's weighing on me that we're heading into a very tough four years ~ or
longer. I'm not optimistic about midterms, or any other election unless there's
a true reckoning over the abuses of this past election cycle. A supermajority
of Dems is about to embark on the most radical shift in America's course that
we've ever seen. Freedoms will fall, economies will falter, and
"thoughtcrime" will be severely punished ~ which is particularly
threatening to those of us who just can't seem to give up the habit of
being said, all is not lost.
Over 70 million Americans voted to continue the progress made during the Trump
administration. Progress that lifted every race, gender, faith, and economic
class. Those people still want what's best for America and Americans... all
Americans. And a majority of these people believe that the election was stolen.
These tens of millions of people will peacefully do everything in their power
to right the wrongs being visited upon us. How best to do that remains to be
seen, but even as the Tea Party bloomed into spontaneous (and politically
effective) life, so will a new movement. Which I, personally, can't wait
to join.
THIS is just beyond belief! |
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"Eh tu, Pence?"
I have asked folks this question many times. All I get is a blank look. Shouldn't we be burning them?
Dogs of WW2.
So now, do these images from the Denver Airport begin to make a little more sense?
Ball point pen.
Gates loves this book; works from it; recommends it to many. Hmmmmmmm.
That newborn is now 38 and lives on the other side of the globe. Yes, that is me, aged 34, red hair and all, in another lifetime with so much ahead to explore. Circa July 1981. As for political commentary, at the moment I am too shell-shocked to say much at all. As much as I complain about Canadian politics, at the moment, seeing what is coming in to run America, I am glad to be where I am, imperfect as things might be at this time.
May God have mercy on all of us now that America has fallen; she needs our prayers and hope more than every before.
And if you want to really "get" to the truths of what is going on, check out that blog roll on my Right. And also, listen to The Ugly Truth and hear who and what are behind all of the difficulties facing America today. Jon Rapoport. A lot of information there for you to work with.
Meanwhile, try to take it easy and find a way to make things work as best you can. Remember this is a spiritual war; just keep fighting. It is all we can do to save our very souls and, hopefully, those of our children's children.
Hi Noor, Sadly for the Nation of America the Hail Mary throw that most of the worlds people hoped for did not come to pass. Unfortunately the spirit of Benedict Arnold is well ensconced in the republican party. The GOP will come to realise that the voters were not voting for them, it was Trump and the next elections will be dire for them.
ReplyDeleteYou are a master of composition of this site just as I was getting down beat over the Trump posts your next post was a flower encased in ice. It made me feel tranquil, your other posts spontaneously made me laugh out loud.
Please keep posting, your site is a light in the growing darkness.
Thanks as always
ReplyDeleteYou have very low water needs as long as you can raise chickens and get eggs. Drinking lots of water is useless to harmful and is a total hoax. Water is a moot point if you have raw eggs and drink them raw as you were meant to. Perfect digestion as long as you don't eat or drink anything else with it, and zero, no bloating of the stomach even if you consume 30 of them. Try eating 4 cooked eggs and see how much your stomach bloats. That's because it's not in bio-available form due to the damage done by cooking and has to be converted, wasting energy in the process which otherwise would be available. Raw pastured eggs = perfect nutrition plus, being 97% water already in perfectly bio-available form (unlike bottled water which will drain nutrients out of you if not mixed with electrolytes), no need for any extra water at all. When I drink 12 raw (pastured, never factory farmed) eggs first thing every morning, I don't need to drink any water at all for the next six hours and I'm fine. If you pull the skin on the back of your hand near the knuckles and it jumps right back, you're getting dehydrated, if it stays there for a second then jumps back, you're good. What more possible proof can there be for Raw eggs being the perfect food besides the fact that it is impossible to bloat your stomach on it?
ReplyDeleteP.S. The most addictive substance on earth is also the most harmful and that is carbohydrates, not just sugar but pretty much all carbs except maybe carbs from raw milk and raw kefir (but even then raw cream is better because very low or no carbs). People in the "truth" movement who worry about being poisoned by fluoride and chemicals but eat lots of carbs every day or worse yet, drink alcohol, are as common and as hopelessly addicted as the supposed "brainwashed sheep" they criticize. Hope you'll find the discipline to stop being one of them by drinking as much raw cream as possible, instead of dreaming of poisonous cakes and sweets. The rewards are greater than you can imagine, as in living to 130 years old with all your faculties intact as if you were 30 or 40 forever (I feel like 18 every day in my 50s). Yes, that's what I said and I'm not kidding. I know in my own case only an unexpected accident devised by retarded zombies will ever kill me now as long as I have access to all the raw animal foods I need and for that, worse comes to worse, I only need some chickens, maybe some fish, all caught illegally like Robin Hood if need be, and I'm good for days. Carbs and low blood sugar are what make you hungry at all. Hence why 90% of your supermarket is sugar-junk and more sugar-junk posing as "food." Then the other 10% is pasteurized and dead dairy and factory farmed, tortured meat and eggs. The entire system is 100% geared to poisoning and killing the slave workers.
~ Negentropic MK I
Thank you for your service :)
ReplyDeleteI have shared memes for years on FB, and so far so good, no one has flagged my account, yet.
Keep up the good work. Stay safe and vaccine-free.
Noor - Thanx for all the effort the last 10 days or so. What an effin mess. The news, print media & talk back radio(here in New Zealand)is still going on about 'Trumps Riot' (16th Jan) - (ain't it funny that we never heard the city-block-destroying-rampages' described as riots when they happened)- I feel like screaming at the majoritys utter stupidity. In this age of the (quickly 'contracting/censored')internet it's a choice to remain ignorant. There's a couple of talkback hosts who did NOT like having that said to them!!
ReplyDeleteI keep thinking the Army is going to swoop in & make arrests, then I go forget it it's over It's the long haul now . . . EVERYWHERE. Don't have Farcebook & signed off of Twatter on the 7th. I had to make that call after what they did to the President who by the way I'll be calling The President of the US until Jan 2025. The other one & his "running mate" - more like slithering mate, is just another failed corrupt Swamper on the take. A first term GOP congressman ?? (woman??) drawing up Impeachment articles for Biden over Burisma & the threats to with hold loan guarantees . . & BOASTING about it to the CFR. Won't go anywhere but may wake up even more. Project Veritas's vote fraud expose has led to an arrest in Texas (why not BEFORE the election) & it appears ALL the TV media are covering it, even if some are spinning it. What's new ??!!