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Abe Foxman says Torture Porn Flick Deserves Academy Award |
It is just so hard to keep up with the hypocrisy and hate of the Jewish supremacists! The Anti-Defamation League (ADL) is supposedly an organization that defends human rights. Instead it defends the mass murdering, terrorist, ethnic-cleansers of Israel, and it even defended the murderous attack on Gaza that took the lives of hundreds of women and children, destroyed thousands of homes and injured or maimed thousands more.
The ADL was founded on terrorism and scare tactics. They scare or try to scare their enemies and also the Jewish people whom they scam for money on an unrelenting basis.
Now the Jewish supremacist Abe Foxman has reached a new low in praising the torture-porn movie, Inglourious Basterds made by his Jewish extremist brethren at the Weinstein Brothers Studio. The movie literally portrays the torture, sadism and murder of helpless human beings, as desirable, even cool and admirable.
Foxman says of the film:
Employing drama, comedy and romance with the quintessential Quentin Tarantino touch, the film is entertaining, yet thought-provoking. Hopefully the millions who see it will understand the horrors of the Holocaust and echo my view of “if only it were true!”
What a wonderful lesson for the millions of young people who will see the film and be taught to cheer torture and sadism.
Abe Foxman pines “if only it were true!”
The fact is that it is true! It has been true for almost a hundred years. As Jewish writers on the Bolshevik revolution have themselves admitted, in the early years of the revolution, most of the hundreds of thousands of Christians tortured by the Cheka were tortured by Jews, who, not accidentally, had dominated the communist movement since its earliest days.
100 000 000 Million Christians Slaughtered by Jews
Jewish Racism ~ Organized Gentile Suicide
In fact the red murderers were supported by the Jewish community all over the world, including the leaders of international finance such as Jacob Schiff, head of a banking firm that was the Goldman Sachs of his day.
And of course, the Palestinians are the latest tortured and murdered victims of sadist, extremist Jews. Perhaps the most shocking part is the fact that the media, so influenced by overwhelming Jewish power, actually makes the Palestinians out to be the evil ones in the Mideast, and the Jews who terrorize them, force them out of their homes, bomb, burn and maim them, are portrayed as the real victims.
They are systematically aggressive but portray themselves as victim. By doing this they abuse the empathic feelings of the goyim. Secretly, they laugh up their sleeves. But openly they continue to propagate guilt. Through this guilt the goyim remain receptive to their passive-aggressive blackmailing. It is an infinite loop.
Communism killed, injured, maimed, imprisoned, tortured far more people than alleged done by the Germans. Inglourious Basterds simply shows Jewish hatred for all the world to see. Now the Palestinians, the Lebanese, the Syrians face their same insane wrath. God help them!
At one time, Jewish extremists like Abe Foxman could get away with their hypocritical lies because the media was a monopoly of the Jewish conglomerates. The Internet is changing all that.
People who can still think, whom the media have not completely lobotomized, can see the hypocrisy of Foxman. But this can’t happen unless we, through the efforts of individuals, spread the truth by the new people’s media, the Internet!
Hollywood Basterds
Vengeance, Barbarism and Tarantino's Inglourious Basterds
Jewish, sadistic hate film promoted to the world while true story of Jewish revenge hidden
Inglourious Basterds
Watch Dr. Duke’s New Video , THE HOLLYWOOD BASTERDS, a review of the film that Foxman wants to see get an academy award.
The embedded ADL Jews at Youtube had the video removed from Duke’s account! It quickly received thousands of views and 5 star ratings. Think about what these people are doing to us, White people. For the moment, it’s here on another account (below). Should that one get taken down, I’ll get it back on here somehow.
I JUST FOUND THIS SHORT ON TARANTINO ~ had to post it. By my quick surfing, there is a very good chance the movie will win as "one of the most significant films of the decade" as some doofus in the Huffington Post put it. He insists it teaches the world what anti semitism is all about. Meet Tarantino below. Some Jew. He says he did not know military service was mandatory in Israel! Now thinks it the best thing since sliced bread. "I got turned on by it ~ I dug it, I really really dug it!"
Typical sick attitude from a purveyor of violent to the max films. Proves himself to be pretty damn shallow to me.
Quentin Tarantino calls Israeli army service ‘awesome’
Posted by Danielle Berrin

I met Quentin Tarantino for drinks last night at the Pig ‘N Whistle on Hollywood Boulevard while a double feature of “Pulp Fiction” and “Inglourious Basterds” played next door at The Egyptian. I was interviewing him for a story for our Oscar issue on the cultural significance of “Inglourious Basterds” when he offered up the following comment on what he learned while visiting Israel last Fall.
Quentin Tarantino:
Here’s the thing that I did not know about Israel before I went there: I didn’t know ~ and truthfully I got turned on by it; I dug it, I really dug it ~ I didn’t know that every young person has to go into the army. I was unaware of that. The concept behind that I thought was awesome. To me, what it said was, (and he bangs his fists on the table) ‘You will NEVER ever catch us unawares again. NEVER. The prettiest most daintiest girl, the fattest boy, the littlest guy, the meekest mouse is gonna learn how to operate a gun and is gonna know what it means to be a WARRIOR. We will never be caught sleeping again!’ And that was COOL.
David Duke is a white supramist bastard. He used to be KKK wizard. You like him. He hates everybody except whites.
ReplyDeleteI have a new found respect for David Duke after seeing his commentary on this sick piece of trash Tarantino and the Jewish supremacist have put out to try and further poison the minds of our children.
this is the only working link I could find
I have a new found respect for David Duke after seeing his commentary on this sick piece of trash Tarantino and the Jewish supremacist have put out to further poison the minds of our children.
Anonymous. I like lots of people and many of them are racists in one way or another. However, now one is racist just for standing up for being white.
ReplyDeleteYou can be fine with people of all races, but just say something that is pro white and you are a white supremacist. Duke speaks for a race that is being eradicated on purpose from the planet of the earth.
If you do your reading of the various Jewish/Zionist manifestos, you will find that a major purpose of theirs is to end the white race. Completely. If you want I can bring out a million lectures from famous Rabbis on this subject. I have been studying this for quite some time and it comes from the hatred towards Christians.
It also is because "dark skinned people are easier to enslave" according to some Jewish texts. If they ruled the world they would forbid white to white or brown to brown. It would be white to brown, or brown to white, however you want to put it.
It is being done en masse in Europe and now in North America. That is part of what multiculturalism is all about. I have watched this grow for about 50 years now and it is alarming to be honest. And yet I was also a supporter of the marches in the 50's and 60's. Duke is an educated man and his days with the KKK are so far behind him it is silly. It is like reminding an adult of 40, and holding it against him, that he is a criminal because he got caught stealing a candy bar from a corner store.
Take a good looking eloquent white man and stand him beside a smarmy high pitched bad tempered pile of racial hatred like Waxman and tell me who you would like living next door to you.
David Duke never broke his ties with KKK. He tried to change its name but still is a member.
ReplyDeleteJews are moslty white. Why would they like to destroy white race? Stop living in a cave. World has changed.
I watched the movie over at a friends on pay-per-view. It is highly overrated, a jew revenge dream. I did like the actor who plays SS-Colonel Hans Landa. Hopefully he will get an award for his portrayal of the colonel.
ReplyDeleteYou miss the point entirely. Skin colour is important. Of course the "true Ashkenazim" are white because they come from the Russian steppes. However, they consider the rest of us who are NOT JEWISH to be their eternal enemy. So what they truly want is the end of the goyim or gentiles, not a race thing but a relgious/political thing.
I live in no cave. If you care to open your eyes to the world around you you will see the things going on come from the beliefs in the Babylonian Talmud that is the foundation upon which Zionism and Israel are built. This credo is VERY MUCH still alive and kicking to this day and will not go away until it is strongly dealt with.
I advise you, my friend, to study the Talmud as it is, not as it is presented to you by the Jewish people who are loathe to discuss it with goyim. In fact, there is a law in the Talmud that anyone who shows the contents to a goyim is to die. Same to a goyim who reads it. Gotta love the INTERNET for taking care of THAT.
EVERY one of the hundred or so times Jews have been expelled from culture after culture, it has been because the contents of the Talmud were discovered. Now, cultures of wildly varying peoples all doing the same thing, there is something strange there, no? You cannot say they are all anti semitic when they welcomed the Tribe with open arms... and eventually booted them for the same reasons. What is the common factor here? Think about it.