The case of Iceland and its financial shenanigans is, if nothing else, intriguing and very educational and encouraging. A beacon in the darkness for so many who are embroiled in this struggle. It is not so much for many people involved, but I mean no disrespect. It is in the way this situation is dealt with and in how various parties try to come out on top.
On one side you have the bankers pushing for debt slavery of the Icelanders as they have to so many other countries in their financial grip, on the other you have the descendants of Vikings, a fiercely independent lot when threatened.
For those of you who do not know the details, here is the background of the current standoff between Iceland and the arrogant EU international bankers. Iceland had 3 main banks who all, albeit to various degrees, made unrealistic profits for investors and depositors in early 21st century times, and then went bust. Of course the vulture-like IMF is involved as you might imagine.
One bank, Icesave, which had many clients in England and Holland, owes these clients some $6 billion, a sum the Iceland government is held responsible for and initially seems to have agreed to pay.

The people of Iceland, all 320,000 of them as it were, have started questioning why they should pay for foreign investors' losses with banks with whom they have no connection other than that they happen to be located in their country.
Britain's decision to put Iceland on some terror alert list because of the banking affair is likely a big factor in this, as well as in the decision by the president to let the people decide in a referendum on February 20 whether they want to pay back the losses of foreign investors who had accounts with Icesave only so they could get a few basis points more interest on their funds. It doesn't look like they will.
This may put Iceland on some black list, with the IMF threatening to withdraw emergency funds and Scandinavian loans in peril. The Dutch threat to block Iceland's entry into the EU is seen in Reykjavik as similar to Britain's terror list boondoggle. The prevailing sentiment these days among the geysers can best be summarized like this:This is the independence that made America so great in the past.
"We may be small, but we ain't your patsy".
That is a sentiment that may provoke a lot of sympathy, provided the Icelanders play their cards right. It certainly has mine!
To be honest though, how great is membership in the EU for the common people anyway?
The rulers of the European union consider the will of the people to be no more than an annoying speed bump which slows down the implementation of their supremely enlightened policies ~ policies which would end up in loss of all freedoms ~ a totalitarian state.
Doesn't the rebelliousness of this whole affair appeal to some latent part of your psyche? I, for one, am thrilled to see a nation of people with the cojones to stand up to this group of Rothschild-manipulated financial thugs. The soul-crushing mechanism of the Union is anathema for any freedom loving soul.
Please read Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union .
The rulers of the European union consider the will of the people to be no more than an annoying speed bump which slows down the implementation of their supremely enlightened policies ~ policies which would end up in loss of all freedoms ~ a totalitarian state.
Doesn't the rebelliousness of this whole affair appeal to some latent part of your psyche? I, for one, am thrilled to see a nation of people with the cojones to stand up to this group of Rothschild-manipulated financial thugs. The soul-crushing mechanism of the Union is anathema for any freedom loving soul.
Please read Ten Reasons to Get Rid of the European Union .
In the next 6 weeks they will come under huge international pressure to pay up or else, for there's nothing the international community fears more than members who don’t play by the rules, no matter how inane and insane they are. Bean counters with no imagination seem to feel deep terror when their power is threatened.
Plus, of course, Iceland is not some small African nation full of poor black people; it’s a small European nation full of the kind of people that wealthy US and EU citizens can identify with: white and relatively affluent.
They could be your neighbors.
They could be your family.
They could be you.
They could be your family.
They could be you.
So how reasonable is it for Britain and the Netherlands to demand restitution of losses suffered? Interesting question this. The answer is not that easy, since it begs the next question.
Who is to blame for the losses?

So alright, let's see. There are quite a few options here. Think about them.
First to blame: the bankers.
Second: The Icelandic government, who should have regulated its banks much closer.
Third, the governments of Holland and England, who should have done due diligence and demanded far more strict guarantees from the banks.
Fourth, the Dutch and British investors, individuals, local governments and companies, who all should have read the fine print.
Fifth, the people of Iceland, who were living it up with the cash floating in freely.

In this icy country, with its low population,
such a large gathering is very unusual.
But we all know how blame moves. The investors point to their own governments, who didn't warn them.
These governments point to the government of Iceland, which didn’t warn them.
That government points to the bankers, who went nuts, but who they still have to cover for.
Finally, the people of Iceland point to all of the above and say they should all have been wiser, and the fact that they were not doesn’t mean Icelanders should now have to fork over, no matter how certain parties like to interpret laws and regulations.
Some things just don't feel right.
How and what do we feel about this, who are not directly affected by any of it?
Allow me to numb and dumb down the numbers a bit, the US at 308 million citizens is about 1000 times bigger than Iceland (320,000). Which means that the US equivalent of what the British and Dutch are demanding from Icelanders would be, loosely, $6 trillion.
Now what would you say the odds are that the American people would agree to pay that kind of money, if it were payment for what their banks have (mis-)done in the past, to a group of foreign investors? Let's say Chinese and Japanese?
I may be wrong, of course, but I have the feeling that I know what Americans would think of that. They'd be marching in the streets, on their way to embassies and consulates, if not private businesses. They'd say:
we have a hard enough time ourselves as it is, and we ain't paying no foreigners who weren't making sure they knew what they were doing.
Funny thing is that the British and Dutch governments were very quick to guarantee their citizens' losses ~ then claiming them back from Reykjavik. There doesn't seem to be any legal obligation for them to do so, it looks more like an election-related issue.
There are all sorts of depositor protection schemes in place, that's true enough, but everyone could have known that the established $30,000 guarantee from Iceland for every depositor account wasn't worth much, given that it’s backed only by the full faith and credit of 320,000 people. Britain is 200 times bigger than that?
The main difference between them is that the Icelanders are knowledgeable, unified and standing up for themselves. The Americans, on the whole, don’t understand what's going on. Some know something is wrong but the majority just hide and refuse to consider these issues.
FACT: The US government has already pledged $14 trillion in public funds ~ with a total risk of up to $24 trillion ~ for US bank losses. It's just that American banks are covered by the ability of the US to borrow enough money in international markets to cover their losses, something for which Iceland is simply too small. And also, the US gets to bleep around with accounting rules, so bank losses can remain hidden for a long time ~ but not forever!
Meanwhile, the most devious bankers of all keep playing with the Americans luring them all deeper and deeper into future debt slavery. The people are not only oblivious, they do not think such a thing is possible!
Meanwhile, the most devious bankers of all keep playing with the Americans luring them all deeper and deeper into future debt slavery. The people are not only oblivious, they do not think such a thing is possible!
So while it may look like the situations are entirely different, they’re not really. On the ground level, it's the citizens who are being forced to pay for institutional gambling debts.
This is the old adage of keeping profits private and making losses public.
These thieves know just how furious the people would be to know their coffers swell after their regulated and planned recessions. When the Rothschild agents, including the Schiffs and Rockefellers were hashing out the terms of the takeover of the Federal Reserve, there was included a measure that would leave the people in debt for any shortages created by the bankers. THIS is why the Federal Reserve was fought against by many of the early Presidents and possibly one of the reasons for the assassination of JFK, his desire to abolish that institution.
China doesn't go to Obama to demand payment guarantees tomorrow morning, but it's all just a matter of size.
China doesn't go to Obama to demand payment guarantees tomorrow morning, but it's all just a matter of size.
That size determines that the Icelandic situation is far more transparent, since smaller makes simpler. But down the line, the Iceland banks weren't the greatest gamblers, it was Wall Street and the City of London.
These two places are the largest conglomerations of banking and trade in the World. London is the main international city of banking and calls the ultimate shots on Wall Street, the largest centre of commercial trade.
Both places are controlled by the Rothschilds and their minions. whose ultimate goal is the enslavement of the people of North America, much as are the slave people of industrial China who was recipient of most of the manufacturing base that was once American.
Both places are controlled by the Rothschilds and their minions. whose ultimate goal is the enslavement of the people of North America, much as are the slave people of industrial China who was recipient of most of the manufacturing base that was once American.
The $20,000 that Icelanders "owe" per capita ~ in the eyes of others ~ isn't really the issue; it won’t kill them. They just take a stand against what they see as being bullied.
The amount Americans "owe", though, is already more than twice as much per capita at $14 trillion. And there's no end in sight, since none of that money has been used to actively solve problems, it's all merely the sleight of accounting that keeps the problem of massive national debt hidden for a while longer.
Here's waiting for the moment Americans become more like Icelanders, and stand up against bullies.
Don't hold your breath, and realize that by the time any sizable group stands up, the amounts owed will be a multiple of $20,000 and enough to generate debt and poverty for years, if not decades, to come.
And do you know what the funniest thing about it all is?
And do you know what the funniest thing about it all is?
In America it wouldn't even take 320,000 people
standing up, for real,
to change policies and history in a heartbeat.
standing up, for real,
to change policies and history in a heartbeat.
But they're not there.
They’re in Iceland.
Size matters.
But courage even more so.
They’re in Iceland.
Size matters.
But courage even more so.
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