The Ulterior Motive of “Immigration”
February 27th, 2010
By Perry
Perry has been a good friend of mine for quite a few years. He has been into the alternative history and revisionism thing for a very long time and has views that are bang on but his perspective is often original and different than most.
In our many very long discussions over the years he has taught me much and, even if his viewpoint is different from most, I have found them to be additional fuel, not not something to fight over or deny. His new site "A Look in the Mirror" is as clear and plain as his writing style.
There are literally millions of articles, on-line and otherwise, lamenting the effects of mass immigration. Indeed there are whole books on the subject. All these articles and books are written by “westerners” who see “the invading hoard” as being somehow hell bent on destroying “their” society, culture and country.
Xenophobia par excellence. Do these people REALLY believe that every “Mexican” who crosses the border is motivated by the desire to “destroy America” or that all the “Muslims invading Europe” were sent by some Grand Imam to “Islamasize” Europe?
Could it be these people are innocent victims of the same manipulation that all of us are suffering under?
Let me run a little deductive reasoning by you and see if it sticks… There’s no denying the effects of sudden mass immigration of diluting the “native” culture and bringing about cultural chaos (the school where the kids speak 150 languages for instance)…that’s the obvious consequence in the present.
This is a promo photo for the London Olympics in 2012 meant to show the racial diversity of just a few classes in a London inner school. Shall we discuss multiculturalism overload? This is what Toronto was like when I was carrying my first child 28 years ago. It might seem hypocritical, but I left my Toronto, to let her experience growing up Canadian first, even though she was biracial. In fact, her colour is still an oddity where we live but her exotic beauty has worked well for her.
It gives the sheeple of the world something to focus on…the “others” are trying to take over.
There’s also no doubt that mass immigration from the “third world” works to suppress wages in “first world” countries.
All of these effects certainly play into the “masters” hands by creating non-coherent communities full of tension and therefore unable to focus on the REAL danger…namely the “masters”. MY reasoning for this article is based on the FACT that the “masters” also plan (eventually) to massively and rapidly reduce the human population of the planet via nuclear war/total war.
With this in mind let’s proceed with some LOGIC shall we… If 10 Million “Mexicans” come to the dis-United States what does that mean for Mexico? OBVIOUSLY it means there are now 10 million LESS people in Mexico! Get it?
In other words through simple economic manipulation the “masters” have herded even more sheep into the areas most likely to be nuked in the coming war…the population of “Mexico” has now been reduced without having to kill anyone…clever huh?
You can only kill so many ants with a hammer if they are all spread out but if you gather all the ants into one box then you can get them all with just one hammer swing! Get it? Same goes for Europe. Ever notice how most of those “Muslims invading Europe” come from non-nuclear countries? There’s now 100 million less “ants” in the Middle East gathered into the “roach motels” (aka cities) of Europe.
Of course in the short term this has the effect of inflaming European’s xenophobic tendencies making them more willing to be accomplices to the mass culling now taking place in Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan.
It all plays into the “masters” hands. So the “ulterior motive” behind the manipulated mass migrations now taking place is POPULATION REDUCTION…and it’s working like a well oiled machine.
MY LAST SNIPPIT: However, Perry, I still believe, despite the accuracy of your words, and you do have this boring tendency to be right 3/4 of the time, that this enforced and created immigration chaos is also following the Talmudic decree to erase Christian White people as a whole.
It does create a lot of diversion and turmoil, yes, but it also has the practical application of creating many mixed race children which delights the likes of the deceased Rabbi Rabinovitch or any of the other modern Rabbinical leaders who hate Christian Whiles and want our kind to disappear. That cannot be denied, any more than can be the logic you use in this article.
By Perry
Perry has been a good friend of mine for quite a few years. He has been into the alternative history and revisionism thing for a very long time and has views that are bang on but his perspective is often original and different than most.
In our many very long discussions over the years he has taught me much and, even if his viewpoint is different from most, I have found them to be additional fuel, not not something to fight over or deny. His new site "A Look in the Mirror" is as clear and plain as his writing style.
There are literally millions of articles, on-line and otherwise, lamenting the effects of mass immigration. Indeed there are whole books on the subject. All these articles and books are written by “westerners” who see “the invading hoard” as being somehow hell bent on destroying “their” society, culture and country.
Xenophobia par excellence. Do these people REALLY believe that every “Mexican” who crosses the border is motivated by the desire to “destroy America” or that all the “Muslims invading Europe” were sent by some Grand Imam to “Islamasize” Europe?
Could it be these people are innocent victims of the same manipulation that all of us are suffering under?
Let me run a little deductive reasoning by you and see if it sticks… There’s no denying the effects of sudden mass immigration of diluting the “native” culture and bringing about cultural chaos (the school where the kids speak 150 languages for instance)…that’s the obvious consequence in the present.

It gives the sheeple of the world something to focus on…the “others” are trying to take over.
There’s also no doubt that mass immigration from the “third world” works to suppress wages in “first world” countries.
All of these effects certainly play into the “masters” hands by creating non-coherent communities full of tension and therefore unable to focus on the REAL danger…namely the “masters”. MY reasoning for this article is based on the FACT that the “masters” also plan (eventually) to massively and rapidly reduce the human population of the planet via nuclear war/total war.
With this in mind let’s proceed with some LOGIC shall we… If 10 Million “Mexicans” come to the dis-United States what does that mean for Mexico? OBVIOUSLY it means there are now 10 million LESS people in Mexico! Get it?
In other words through simple economic manipulation the “masters” have herded even more sheep into the areas most likely to be nuked in the coming war…the population of “Mexico” has now been reduced without having to kill anyone…clever huh?
You can only kill so many ants with a hammer if they are all spread out but if you gather all the ants into one box then you can get them all with just one hammer swing! Get it? Same goes for Europe. Ever notice how most of those “Muslims invading Europe” come from non-nuclear countries? There’s now 100 million less “ants” in the Middle East gathered into the “roach motels” (aka cities) of Europe.
Of course in the short term this has the effect of inflaming European’s xenophobic tendencies making them more willing to be accomplices to the mass culling now taking place in Iraq and Afghanistan/Pakistan.
It all plays into the “masters” hands. So the “ulterior motive” behind the manipulated mass migrations now taking place is POPULATION REDUCTION…and it’s working like a well oiled machine.

It does create a lot of diversion and turmoil, yes, but it also has the practical application of creating many mixed race children which delights the likes of the deceased Rabbi Rabinovitch or any of the other modern Rabbinical leaders who hate Christian Whiles and want our kind to disappear. That cannot be denied, any more than can be the logic you use in this article.
"Could it be these people are innocent victims of the same manipulation that all of us are suffering under?"