Netanyahu attempting to look shocked
at Mossad's latest work.
Not the work, but the fact that after all the other crimes
they have committed and escaped from unscathed,
they have finally overstepped and been found out!
Either way, prepare yourself.
"I think Britain recognizes that Israel
is a responsible country
and that our security activity
is conducted according to very clear,
cautious and responsible rules of the game.
Therefore, we have no cause for concern."
Israeli foreign minister Avigdor Lieberman
Has Lieberman joined a comedy troupe? Even if you had nothing but the highest regard for Mr. Lieberman and his gentle nature, considering what we are dealing with here ~ agents of your country using stolen passports, the assassination of a high ranking member of Hamas in a previously neutral Arab country ~ would not your belief in his credibility drop a few degrees?
Personally I am still not sure where to start with such blatant deceit although I am tended to ask "responsible for what?" From every single letter drips the blood of deceit and criminality. And whose rules? Does the victim even know there are rules?
My $.02 of Snippits and Snappits are in this dark green. This page consists of the primary article by Gilat Atzmon. It is then followed by sections of various articles from other publications.
Target: Mahmoud al-Mabhouh had been on Mossad's hit list for more than 20 years
by Gilad Atzmon
February 17, 2010
We have learned in the last few days that the Dubai assassins were Mossad agents who stole identities of six UK citizens and faked at least five other European passports. Dubai Police yesterday presented footage of some of the 11 ‘Europeans’ suspected of killing Hamas commander Mahmoud al-Mabhouh.
According to the Guardian, “Official sources said UK authorities issued the British passports used by the assassins in Dubai last month.”
At least six of the people whose names appeared on the British passports used by the assassins in Dubai, live in Israel. Naturally they all deny any involvement. It is indeed more than likely that they have nothing to do with the specific crime, however, assuming that they are Jewish immigrants of Israel, to a certain degree, they are complicit in the Zionist crime, a crime that is now regarded by many as a plain crime against humanity.
To some extent, this event is a warning sign for world Jewry:
In case you ever consider making Aliya (immigrating to Israel) or joining the Zionist project, just bear in mind that you are at risk of finding your name directly involved in murder.This is only a reasonable conclusion. Considering Israel is committing its crimes in the name of the Jewish people, its accepting supporters should expect to be subject to Mossad’s identity theft.
To date, the Israeli government is yet to comment on allegations of its involvement in Mabhouh's killing in Dubai. However, the allegations are likely to trigger a diplomatic row with Britain, Ireland, Germany and France.
It would be absolutely wonderful to see a row between Israel and these other countries. They are all too chummy as things stand. An even worse alternative is that these countries, bowing to their Zionist masters, might treat the issue as nothing much to worry about.
After all, America practically ignored the unprovoked shooting of Tristan Anderson ~ permanently incapacitated as the result of random military hatred ~ or the death by tractor of Rachel Corey. In America, these crimes were basically fussed over for a minute or two, then forgotten and the grieving families forgotten. Israel, of course denied any blame for the events and lied to cover their tracks.
But there is something that the British press has failed to mention for the time being. The Mossad is operating with an intimate proximity to the Israeli Prime Minister’s Office. The Mossad’s director reports directly to the Prime Minister.
That has always been the case. So in this instance means little, the two have always been joined at the hip.
In other words, once the allegations are proved to be true, Israeli PM Netanyahu, should join the rapidly swelling list of ‘prisoners of Zions’, those Israeli leaders who cannot leave Israel for legal reasons. Like Tzipi Livni, Ehud Barak, Ehud Olmert and Shaul Mofaz, Netanyahu should expect to face an arrest warrant for condoning identity theft and ordering murder once he lands in Europe.
The Mossad presents itself as ‘Israel’s long arm’. As things stand, the longer its arm stretches, the fewer journeys Israeli leaders can afford to take out of their modern Jewish Ghetto ~ spiders in the centre of the web that imprisons them. In practice, Israel’s leaders now have to think carefully before they take the risk and step onto a plane.
Now that should tell those who are pro Zionist something they need to hear. This is certainly more than the boogaboo antisemitism! Has such a thing ever been considered with leaders of any country before? Perhaps a few individuals, but not en masse, a full group like this. Surely any intelligent person would feel a need to investigate the source of such an occurrence. However, the Zionist run media might attempt to turn this into the usual response:
"Oy vey! Once again God's chosen are victimized.
Remember the Holocaust! The 6 million dead!
Everyone on the planet is antisemitic!"
Previous Mossad’s scandals:
Blowing up synagogues and American libraries
The failed assassination attempt against Khaled Mashaal
January 19, 2010: Victim Mahmoud al-Mabhouh arrives in Dubai ~ mysteriously without his bodyguards. It is still not clear what he was doing in the country.
January 20: Shortly after midnight, the suspects are spotted on airport and hotel CCTV cameras arriving in Dubai.
They split into five teams ~ four surveillance, and one execution squad.
During the day several of the suspects are seen in the hotel disguised as tourists.

Tennis disguise: One of the suspects
Like something out of a spy caper novel, they wear false beards and glasses and even dress up in sports gear with tennis racquets to fool any suspicious onlookers.
CCTV shows one entering a bathroom and emerging again in his disguise.
At one point they even get in to the same lift as Mabhouh to confirm the room he is in - room 230.
Peter Elvinger books the room down the hall ~ room 237. Some of the assassins take up position.
4.25p.m.: One of the suspects arrives at the Al-Bustan Rotana Hotel, where Mabhouh is staying.
8.24p.m. Mabhouh arrives back at the hotel.
8.27 p.m.: Gail and Kevin can be seen monitoring the hallway outside his room.
The killing, believed to have taken only ten minutes, takes place.
8.46p.m.: The alleged execution team are caught on CCTV apparently leaving the victim's room and walking out of the Al-Bustan Rotana Hotel after the hit is believed to have taken place.
8.47p.m.: Gail is seen stepping in to the lift and leaving the hotel
Within two hours, the entire team has fled the country to destinations in Europe and Asia.
as it hides behind 'policy of ambiguity
~ Foreign minister Lieberman shrugs off possibility
of diplomatic row with Britain Report
~ Dubai hunting six more suspects
~ Tories demand investigation
Six innocent Britons thrust into the centre of an international murder plot have told how they are in fear for their lives.
February 17, 2010
They were named as the killers of a leading official of Hamas, who was executed in an audacious 'hit' with all the hallmarks of a spy novel. Yet it emerged yesterday that their identities had been stolen by the real assassins, who are believed to be agents of the feared Israeli secret service Mossad.
However, the forged documents were sufficiently convincing to get the killers through Dubai's border controls. The gang who carried out the hit were captured on a series of CCTV images as they arrived in Dubai.
They are available on YouTube:
Part 1 CCTV footage: The assassination of Mahmoud al Mabhouh in Dubai
Part 2 CCTV footage: The assassination of Mahmoud al Mabhouh in Dubai
The criminals were also extensively filmed in the five-star hotel where Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was murdered last month, but at no stage did they attract the suspicion of the authorities despite using a series of almost comical disguises.
Forensic tests indicated al-Mabhouh died of suffocation, but examinations are continuing to establish other possible factors in his death ~ including the possibility of electrocution and torture.
Last night an Israeli intelligence expert said: '
The Mossad prefers to use real identities rather than fake ones.
'The huge number of foreign immigrants living in Israel gives them access to unlimited identities of people who are about the same age and appearance as their own agents.
'Since every immigrant must attach a photocopy of their native passport when they apply for citizenship, it is easy for the Mossad to pick whatever identity they want without the owner's knowledge.
'The problem is when it goes wrong ~ as appears to have happened in this case ~ and the real passport-holders are discovered all to be living in Israel.'
The cases of mistaken identity may not be over yet. Today reports claimed that Dubai is hunting six more unidentified people in the plot. The New York Times quoted an Emirati official who said the hit team was actually made up of 17 people, six of whom police have not yet traced.
The Britons were named by the Dubai authorities as Michael Lawrence Barney, 54, James Leonard Clarke, 48, Jonathan Louis Graham, 31, Paul John Keeley, 43, Stephen Daniel Hodes, 38, and Melvyn Adam Mildiner, 31.
Also named were three Irish citizens, Gail Folliard, Evan Dennings and Kevin Daveron, plus a German named as Michael Bodenheimer and the operation's 'French mastermind', Peter Elvinger.
Within hours of the information's release, however, it became clear that none of the people were who they claimed to be.
While Hamas has repeatedly accused Mossad of masterminding the assassination, rumours are swirling around the Middle East that the operation may have been carried out by a rival Palestinian group.
One other theory yesterday was that the attack was carried out by Mr al-Mabhouh's enemies within the Palestinian movement. Dubai police have arrested two Palestinians whom they claim are linked to the case.
'I checked to see where my passport was straight away, but it was still there. I can only think that someone has effectively stolen my identity and used it to carry out this attack. 'I was shocked. My picture is being beamed around the world and I'm being called a terrorist.
Mr Barney said he had undergone quadruple heart bypass surgery, adding: 'I'm not exactly spy material!'
STEPHEN DANIEL HODES, 37, was born in Salford. Until he moved to Israel in 2000, Mr Hodes lived in Hendon, North West London. The father of two is a physiotherapist in a hospital in Jerusalem. His wife Gabriella said: 'When we discovered that they had used my husband's identity it seemed like a joke, but as the day wore on and it emerged that the details in the passport were exactly the same, it began to seem less funny.
'I checked Stephen's passport and the one used in the killing had the same exact name and the same date of birth even though the real one was at home with us the whole time.'

MELVYN MILDINER, 31, was born in Stepney, East London. After marrying Sarcha in 2001, Mr Mildiner, who works as an IT consultant, moved to a town just outside Jerusalem. The couple have two children.
He said: 'I am obviously angry, upset and scared ~ any number of things. And I'm looking into what I can do to try to sort things out and clear my name. I don't know how this happened or who chose my name or why, but hopefully we'll find out soon. I have my passport. It is in my house, and there's no Dubai stamps in it because I've never been to Dubai.'
PAUL JOHN KEELEY, 43, was born in Havering, Essex, but now lives on a kibbutz. He said: 'I'm afraid ~ it's scary when someone steals your identity, especially for these sorts of purposes.'
JONATHAN LOUIS GRAHAM, 31, was born in Brent, North London, and lives near Jerusalem. Contacted by telephone yesterday, he said: 'I'm not interested in talking to any reporters. I've seen the story and I've got enough of my own life to deal with. It's not me.'
However, the forged documents were sufficiently convincing to get the killers through Dubai's border controls.The gang who carried out the hit were captured on a series of CCTV images as they arrived in Dubai.
They were also extensively filmed in the five-star hotel where Mahmoud al-Mabhouh was murdered last month, but at no stage did they attract the suspicion of the authorities despite using a series of almost comical disguises.
Forensic tests indicated al-Mabhouh died of suffocation, but examinations are continuing to establish other possible factors in his death ~ including the possibility of electrocution and torture.

The smiling assassin: Hotel CCTV captures the woman pretending to be Gail Folliard grinning on camera in the hours before the killing of Mabhouh

'Scared': Melvyn Mildiner, left, and the picture used in the cloned passport, right, claiming to be him
Contacted in Israel ~ where most, if not all, of the men now live ~ some said the first they knew about the attack in Dubai was when they saw newspaper reports.
They said their British passports had been cloned by the killers, whose own photographs had been inserted.
Today Israel's foreign minister did not deny that Mossad was behind the killing.
However Avigdor Lieberman said there was no proof the agency was guilty.
'There is no reason to think that it was the Israeli Mossad, and not some other intelligence service or country up to some mischief,' he said in a radio interview.
He said Israel has a 'policy of ambiguity' on intelligence matters.
Lieberman also shrugged off any prospect of diplomatic problems with Britain over the stolen identities.
'I think Britain recognizes that Israel is a responsible country and that our security activity is conducted according to very clear, cautious and responsible rules of the game. Therefore we have no cause for concern,' he said.
Yesterday the Jerusalem Post reported that Israeli cabinet ministers were left with big grins on their faces after leaving a meeting on Sunday.
Whether Mossad actually carried out the hit or not, some Israeli officials said, did not matter. The possibility that they did is enough.
CCTV footage from the hotel shows Mahmoud al-Mabhouh (circled) arriving at the hotel

Al-Mabhouh (circled) enters the lift with a member of hotel staff. Two Mossad agents follow disguised in tennis outfits and carrying racquet's

Outside the room, 'Gail Folliard' (left) keeps watch as the murder takes place and (right) with the deed done, two assassins leave the scene carrying a hold-all

Somehow leaving al-Mabhouh's room locked from the inside, the four Mossad killers regroup at lifts outside
'Let them think we did it,' one defence official is quoted by the Jerusalem Post as saying.
Today Hugo Swire, chairman of the Conservative Middle East Council, called for a 'full investigation' into the killing.
Mr Swire said it was 'easy' to point the finger at Mossad but the UK should demand to see the evidence.
'I would hope the British Government is looking into it and demanding of the intelligence services (in Israel and Dubai) what evidence they have one way or another,' he said.
'These allegations against the Israeli government need to be answered.
'There needs to be a full investigation. I have no evidence one way or another. I have read all the allegations and the denials. It is an easy allegation to make.
'This is not something that can just be swept under the carpet because of the bad feeling it is going to create in the Arab world. You cannot conduct foreign policy at this extremely sensitive time by this sort of illegal behaviour.'

The five-star Al-Bustan Rotana Hotel in Dubai where the murder took place

One of the luxury rooms in the hotel, similar to the one in which the assassination was carried out
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