Mullins, who would have been 87 in March, suffered a stroke three weeks ago in Columbus, Ohio. He had been on an extended tour of his admirers for much of the past year, visiting and chatting with many of his thousands of fans who jumped at the chance to buy his books from him in person.
The author of such incendiary books as “Secrets of the Federal Reserve,” “Murder by Injection,” and “The Curse of Canaan,” Mullins was harassed by the FBI for almost a half century, and had one of his books burned in Germany in the 1950s. These stories are recounted in one of his books, “A Writ for Martyrs.”
Mullins is gone but his fighting spirit remains with us, contained within the wealth of invaluable gifts he left behind for us to continue to work with, a library of knowledge and clear vision of the true course of history, not how we have been taught things went.There are two fundamental ways to view history. The first is the catastrophic or accidental view. The other view is the conspiratorial view . The name of each type is quite self-explanatory.
The majority of us were raised with the accidental view by our government-run educational system. This view, which leaves the people helpless because they have no control their world, was reinforced throughout our lives by the controlled mass media. This is why most people ~ if they think of it all ~ believe that the Gaza Massacre just "happened." They have no knowledge of the history to see it as part of a series.
Mullins changed all that for most of us by teaching us well-researched revisionist history aka conspiracy history. He wrote and spoke freely of things omitted by those who rewrote history in their own favour at the expense of all others. THAT was a major part of his legacy to us all.
Mullins was a protege of the imprisoned patriotic poet Ezra Pound. Under Pound's tutelage Mullins compiled a well-researched corpus of works that detailed the passage down through time of a hereditary group of banker killers who have essentially ruled the world from behind the scenes since ancient times. Mullins always spoke with love and humor, no matter how vile the truths were to us or those out to harm us. That warm chuckle took the edge off many of his more serious exposures.
To honour this great man, I offer you some of his insightful comments. They may seem a little long but almost every one introduces something new which many of us were unaware of until we "met" Mullins in his writing. I am sure, if you are a reader of his material ~ and I cannot urge you strong enough to be one ~ I am sure you have many others to throw into the mix!
Quote about Eustace Mullins
Money from B.C.C.I., (B.C.C.I. has been one of the New World Orders financial systems for doing its dirty business such as controlling Congressmen, and is involved with INSLA, the Iran-Contra Scandal, Centrust, and other recent scandals) which has tainted so many aspects of public power in the U.S. has also been behind CNN. ~ Bloodlines of the Illuminati 11. Rothschild
Quotes by Eustace Mullins
It is true that the American colonials have "free elections," in which they have the absolute right to vote for one of two opposing candidates, both of whom have been handpicked and financed by the Rockefeller syndicate. This touching evidence of "democracy" serves to convince most Americana that we are indeed a free people. We even have a cracked Liberty Bell in Philadelphia to prove it. ~ Chapter 10: The Rockefeller Syndicate by Eustace Mullins
"When I investigate a man and prove he's a criminal, if he doesn't already work for the government, they'll hire him. If he already has a government job, once they hear he's a crook they'll promote him. The criminals in Congress only feel comfortable with other criminals."We could not ask for a more qualified source, nor for a more apropos phrase than "the criminals in Congress." The criminals enact into law program after program to reward their fellow-criminals, and to rob and enslave the workers of America. Anyone who gets in their way is disposed of by the "majesty of the law." I would have been condemned to spend the rest of my life in an insane asylum by due process of law. All the legal niceties would have been observed. ~ A WRIT FOR MARTYRS by Eustace Mullins
"Even during the Cold War, the federal reserve system continued to finance the Soviet Union ~ which was "never" a viable economy; it was a Third World economy. And we continued to finance, through the federal reserve system, through the Bank for International Settlements, in Switzerland. That's how we kept the Soviet Union going all these years. That's why we had to spend $248 billion a year for defense against this monstrous Soviet Union during the Cold War!
I became interested in monopolies through the federal reserve system. And I realized that because they now had the power to print money, since 1913, they were printing the money and taking over other areas. So that's why you now have the medical monopoly, the American Medical Association, the medical trust. You have the legal monopoly, which controls the courts of the United States. And when you go into court, you are at their mercy because they can do whatever they wish.
And the education monopoly! And they found "that" was the most important one of all, because, by training the children to accept these other monopolies and never question authority........
Flexner was John D. Rockefeller's "stool pigeon" in setting up the takeover of the entire medical school industry by Carnegie Foundation, which was a Rockefeller Foundation subsidiary at that time. When you say "Carnegie Foundation", you're talking about something that has no substance. It's entirely under the domination of the Rockefellers.
You have the legal monopoly, which controls the courts of the United States. And when you go into court, you are at their mercy because they can do whatever they wish. [CN ~ See, for example, Defrauding America by Rodney Stich.] And the education monopoly! And they found that was the most important one of all, because, by training the children to accept these other monopolies and never question authority. ~ [Interview 2003] by Tom Valentine

I first came up against it when I published my first book, "Secrets of the Federal Reserve". The Anti-Defamation League immediately attacked it as "anti-Semitic" and said that I was an "anti-Semite". There's not a word about Jews in the whole book. I used to drink with Sandy Griffith, one of the ADL's lead researchers, back in those days. We had a great time. They'd call us "anti-Semites" and then drink with us. Go figure. ~ [May 8, 2004] A Recent Visit with Eustace Mullins ~ James Dyer
Americans love their captivity. There's no responsibility. When you're a captive, you don't have to make a decision about anything, though you have no Liberty. People don't want Liberty. Liberty is nothing but uncertainty. It's much easier to have someone tell you where you'll be, what you'll do and who you'll pay tomorrow than to worry about it yourself. The same goes for what you think. ~ [May 8, 2004] A Recent Visit with Eustace Mullins ~ James Dyer
Ezra got out of St. Elizabeth's because a Congressman named Usher Burdick, at the behest of a fellow named Rex Lampman (Lampman's father owned a Fargo newspaper that helped to get Burdick elected), got up on the floor of the Congress and asked "Why is this man being held?". Burdick knew nothing of Ezra Pound, but he did some digging and found out that America's greatest living poet had been held in a mental hospital for 13 years with no trial. ~ [May 8, 2004] A Recent Visit with Eustace Mullins ~ James Dyer
I wasn't surprised by anything that happened before 9/11, so nothing afterwards has surprised me (laughs). 9/11 was a natural occurrence, much like other terrorist operations that preceded it ~ the OKC bombing, the Waco Holocaust and the Ruby Ridge Massacre. These were all steps in a program and there's nothing surprising about them at all. They were intelligence operations, financed by the Money Powers. Intelligence is the heart and soul of banking, as the financiers must have complete knowledge and when necessary, initiate events to steer things their way. ~ [May 8, 2004] A Recent Visit with Eustace Mullins ~ James Dyer
People often ask me that question ("What can I do?"), implying that they don't know what to do. That's not true. People know what they're supposed to do. They're actually begging the question when they ask me that. What they're really saying is, "I don't really want to do anything, but you're going to get me off the hook by telling me I should do this or that and then I'll tell you I can't do this or that", and that frees them from having to do anything. ~ [May 8, 2004] A Recent Visit with Eustace Mullins ~ James Dyer
The CFR was a phony institution, they've never had any power at all. They take their orders from the Royal Institute of International Affairs in London, the Rothschilds. This bugaboo about the CFR has always made me laugh.
Back in the 50's everybody thought the United States was ruled by this corrupt, sinister organization. In fact the CFR was a bunch of fat cats that got together in New York City, had dinner in luxurious hotels. They were all wealthy people, CEOS of banks and insurance companies and so forth.
The interesting thing is, the more I studied this, the more simplified everything became. Patriots are always criticised for being very simplistic, but the fact is that once you get to a certain level of knowledge, everything is simple. ~ [Interview 2003] by James Dyer
I wrote about the Bush family in my book The World Order which came out in 1985. They'd been lackeys of the Harriman family at Union Pacific, and the Harrimans were lackeys of the Rothschilds who put up the money for Union Pacific. George Herbert Walker, who was the first President Bush's grandfather, was appointed head of Brown Brothers Harriman which handled all the Harriman investments. He did a very good job and the Bushes have been working for them ever since. They were all members of Skull and Bones at Yale. ~ [Interview 2003] by James Dyer
The Neocons are worse than the Communists because they're bent on world power more than the Communists ever were. The Neocons are more dangerous because they've taken Communism and hitched to the Jewish bandwagon. They see it as the final vehicle to world domination. ~ [Interview 2003] by James Dyer
The John Birch Society was set up by Nelson Rockefeller. I knew two people at the original meeting. They needed a right-wing, anti-communist organization. NR decided that Robert Welch was the man to run JBS, so he arranged for the sale of Welch's Candy Co. (where Robert Welch had been working for his brother John) to Nabisco (which was a Rockefeller controlled company) at a highly inflated price and Welch was given an income to run the John Birch Society.
Revilo Oliver was a good friend of mine and he was one of the founders of the JBS. He and I were sitting in his living room once and he told me that he knew Nelson Rockefeller ran the Birch Society because he had a revolving fund at Chase Manhattan Bank, and whenever Welch needed a quarter million dollars to meet the payroll, he'd go to CMB and withdraw the money. ~ [Interview 2003] by James Dyer
In 1810, the Rothschilds began to push for a country for the Jews, so they created a new brand of Judaism called Reform Judaism which would establish a new Jewish country, which is now Israel. Only the Rothschilds could do that because to create a worldwide movement costs a lot of money. [Q. Theodor Herzl's The Jewish State was originally called Address to the Rothschilds] They financed Karl Marx and the League of Just Men, too. They financed Judaism, Communism and Nazism. Their goal has been constant, and you can't succeed unless you have goals.
Note: Now they have the intelligence organization Mossad carry out false flag operations and deceive others into attacking their enemies. In short they get others to fight their wars for them.
Ezra Pound commissioned me to write Secrets of the Federal Reserve for $10 a week. When I finished the book, no one would touch it. Devin Garrity said they couldn't print it, and they'd be the only ones that could. We finally found a girl who printed a thousand copies and we sold it immediately. We sold it within a month, they took every book.
The German edition came out in '55 and it was burned by the German government. It went before a court hearing and judge named Israel Katz, an Occupation judge, ruled that the book was unconstitutional under German law. It broke laws against race and that was the legal excuse for them to ban the book. [author's note: Secrets of the Federal Reserve makes no mention of any race] ~ [Interview 2003] by James Dyer
Illustration and quote to back up the following quote.
All wars since 1900 have been totally fakes. ~ Phony Wars for Phony Peace and the Ministry of Fear by Eustace Mullins
John Foster Dulles was also an accomplished warmonger. In 1933, he and his brother Allen had rushed to Cologne to meet with Adolf Hitler and guaranteed him the funds to maintain the Nazi regime. The Dulles brothers were representing their clients, Kuhn Loeb Co., and the Rothschilds. ~ The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
This secret meeting in the Garden Room was actually the first military strategy session of the United Nations, because it was dedicated to its mission of exploding the world's first atomic weapon on a living population. It also forecast the entire strategy of the Cold War, which lasted forty-three years, cost American taxpayers five trillion dollars, and accomplished exactly nothing, as it was intended to do.
Thus we see that the New World Order has based its entire strategy on the agony of the hundreds of thousands of civilians burned alive at Hiroshima and Nagasaki, including many thousands of children sitting in their schoolrooms.
These leaders had learned from their master, Josef Stalin, that no one can rule without mass terrorism, which in turn required mass murder. As Senator Vandenberg, leader of the Republican loyal opposition, was to say (as quoted in American Heritage magazine, August 1977), "We have got to scare the hell out of "em." ~ The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
Although Truman liked to take full credit for the decision to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, in fact, he was advised by a prestigious group, The National Defense Research Committee, consisting of George L. Harrison, president of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York; Dr. James B. Conant, president of Harvard, who had spent the First World War developing more effective poison gases, and who in 1942 had been commissioned by Winston Churchill to develop an Anthrax bomb to be used on Germany, which would have killed every living thing in Germany.
Conant was unable to perfect the bomb before Germany surrendered, otherwise he would have had another line to add to his resume. His service on Truman's Committee which advised him to drop the atomic bomb on Japan, added to his previous record as a chemical warfare professional, allowed me to describe him in papers filed before the United States Court of Claims in 1957, as
"the most notorious war criminal of the Second World War".
As Gauleiter of Germany after the war, he had ordered the burning of my book, The Federal Reserve Conspiracy, ten thousand copies having been published in Oberammergau, the site of the world-famed Passion Play. ~ The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
On p.359, Gar Alperowitz quotes Brig. Gen. Carter W. Clarke, in charge of preparing the MAGIC summary in 1945, who stated in a 1959 historical interview, "We brought them down to an abject surrender through the accelerated sinking of their merchant marine and hunger alone, and when we didn't need to do it, and knew we didn't need to do it, we used them as an experiment for two atomic bombs." ~ The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
General Douglas MacArthur also tried to warn the American people of this threat, as quoted in American Ceasar, by William Manchester, Little Brown, 1978, p.692,
"In 1957, he lashed out at large Pentagon budgets. 'Our government has kept us in a perpetual state of fear ~ kept us in a continuous stampede of patriotic fervor ~ with the cry of grave national emergency. Always there has been some terrible evil to gobble us up if we did not blindly rally behind it by furnishing the exorbitant funds demanded. Yet, in retrospect, these disasters seem never to have happened, seem never to have been quite real."

Baruch representing the US in the UN in 1946.
Bernard Baruch: New York agent of the Rothschilds who at the turn of the century set up the tobacco trust, the copper trust and other trusts for the Rothschilds. He became the grey eminence of the United States atomic bomb program when his lackey, J. Robert Oppenheimner, became director of the Los Alamos bomb development, and when his Washington lackey, James F. Byrnes, advised Truman to drop the atomic bomb on Hiroshima and Nagasaki.
Political considerations dictated that it be dropped on Japan, in order to test it on a living population, and, if possible, to "tally" a million or more victims with the bombs, for the purpose of postwar intimidation of all other nations.
The atomic bomb was the creation of a small group of European refugees, whose efforts to develop such a bomb in Europe had been indignantly rejected. Albert Einstein, the physicist, wrote a personal letter to President Franklin D. Roosevelt, August 2, 1939, recommending that this bomb be built by the United States. His letter was hand-delivered to Roosevelt by Alexander Sachs, a Wall Street speculator.
The atomic bomb program was directed from behind the scenes by another Wall Street speculator, Bernard Baruch, an agent of the Rothschilds. Baruch selected Major General Leslie Groves as the director of the project, and J. Robert Oppenheimer as science director of the program.
Baruch continued to issue directives throughout the program, insisting to Major General Groves that the city of Kyoto be the primary target of the atomic bombs. Military leaders opposed this selection, pointing out that Kyoto was the ancient capital of Japan, and a religious center with more than two hundred ancient temples.
Note: "The only way to fight a moral war is the Jewish way: destroy their holy sites. Kill men, women and children (and cattle)"Baruch was deeply involved in the founding of Israel with the Rothschilds.
Hiroshima and Nagasaki were finally chosen, although neither of these cities offered a primary military target. Baruch continued to dictate decisions on the atomic bomb, through the President's National Defense Research Committee, chaired by Baruch's Washington representative, James F. Byrnes. ~ The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
The destruction of Hiroshima and Nagasaki were war crimes deliberately committed, with foreknowledge that it was not necessary to drop the atomic bombs on these two cities. As David Lawrence, founder and editor of U.S. News And World Report, wrote in his editorial November 23, 1945,
"the truth is we are guilty. Our conscience as a nation must trouble us. We must confess our sin. We have used a horrible weapon to asphyxiate and cremate more than 100,000 men, women and children in a sort of super-lethal gas chamber ~ and all this in a war already won or which spokesman for our Air Forces tell us we could have readily won without the atomic bomb."
~The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
"The Federal Reserve Bank that should have been the farmer’s greatest protection has become his greatest foe. The deflation of the farmer was a crime deliberately committed."
CHAPTER NINE The Agricultural Depression [SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE By Eustace Mullins]
Because of the intensive artillery barrages of World War I, many soldiers were permanently impaired by shell shock. In 1921, the Marquees of Tavistock, 11th Duke of Bedford, gave a building to a group which planned to conduct rehabilitation programs for shell shocked British soldiers. The group took the name of "Tavistock Institute" after its benefactor.
The General Staff of the British Army decided it was crucial that they determine the breaking point of the soldier under combat conditions. The Tavistock Institute was taken over by Sir John Rawlings Reese, head of the British Army Psychological Warfare Bureau. A cadre of highly trained specialists in psychological warfare was built up in total secrecy.
Note: When Tavistock brought the Beatles to the United States nobody could have imagined the cultural disaster that was to follow in their wake. ~ The Beatles, Rock & Roll and Mind Control
In fifty years, the name "Tavistock Institute’ appears only twice in the Index of the New York Times, yet this group, according to LaRouche and other authorities, organized and trained the entire staffs of the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), the Strategic Bombing Survey, Supreme Headquarters of the Allied Expeditionary Forces, and other key American military groups during World War II.
This statue of Freud, a tribute for his "contributions", suits the Tavistock Building in the background.
During World War II, the Tavistock Institute combined with the medical sciences division of the Rockefeller Foundation for esoteric experiments with mind-altering drugs.
The present drug culture of the United States is traced in its entirety to this Institute, which supervised the Central Intelligence Agency’s training programs.The "LSD counter culture" originated when Sandoz A.G., a Swiss pharmaceutical house owned by S.G. Warburg & Co., developed a new drug from lysergic acid, called LSD. James Paul Warburg (son of Paul Warburg who had written the Federal Reserve Act in 1910), financed a subsidiary of the Tavistock Institute in the United States called the Institute for Policy Studies, whose director, Marcus Raskin, was appointed to the National Security Council.
James Paul Warburg set up a CIA program to experiment with LSD on CIA agents, some of whom later committed suicide. This program, MK-Ultra, supervised by Dr. Gottlieb, resulted in huge lawsuits against the United States Government by the families of the victims.
The English Tavistock Institute has not restricted its activities to left-wing groups, but has also directed the programs of such supposedly "conservative" American think tanks as the Herbert Hoover Institute at Stanford University, Heritage Foundation, Wharton, Hudson, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Rand.
The "sensitivity training" and "sexual encounter" programs of the most radical California groups such as Esalen Institute and its many imitators were all developed and implemented by Tavistock Institute psychologists.
One of the rare items concerning the Tavistock Institute appears in Business Week, Oct. 26, 1963, with a photograph of its building in the most expensive medical offices area of London. The story mentions "the Freudian bias" of the Institute, and comments that it is amply financed by British blue-chip corporations, including Unilever, British Petroleum, and Baldwin Steel.
According to Business Week, the psychological testing programs and group relations training programs of the Institute were implemented in the United States by the University of Michigan and the University of California, which are hotbeds of radicalism and the drug network.
It was the Marquees of Tavistock, 12th Duke of Bedford, whom Rudolf Hess flew to England to contact about ending World War II. Tavistock was said to be worth $40 million in 1942. In 1945, his wife committed suicide by taking an overdose of pills. ~ APPENDIX I [SECRETS OF THE FEDERAL RESERVE By Eustace Mullins]
“Although Communism, like other `isms,' had origined with Marx's association with the House of Rothschild, it enlisted the reverent support of John D. Rockefeller because he saw Communism for what it is, the ultimate monopoly, not only controlling the government, the monetary system and all property, but also a monopoly which, like the corporations it emulates, is self-perpetuating and eternal. It was the logical progression from his Standard Oil monopoly.” ~ Eustace Mullins, Chapter 10 (“The Rockefeller Syndicate”), of Murder by Injection
Because the ruling families of Europe are the direct descendants of William of Orange, who chartered the Bank of England in 1694, the movement to destroy nationalism and individualism has been directed from England, but expressed in the Communist movement. The World Order has planned and executed two World Wars to restore world rule by the oligarchy, a world rule variously called Bolshevism, the League of Nations, or the United Nations, but never the World Order. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Believed they had attained total control over the people; they were dismayed to find their plans threatened by the stubborn independence of the small farmers, the kulaks. Stalin ordered the OGPU to seize all food and animals of the kulaks, and to starve them out. The Chicago American Feb. 25, 1935 carried a front page headline, "SIX MILLION PERISH IN SOVIET FAMINE: Peasants' Crops Seized, They and their Animals Starve".
(This is when America began supporting Communist Russia. In killing off all the farmers there was no one to grow foods, or even knew how to do it. Starvation resulted out but the US government sent grain and money.)
To draw attention from this atrocity, it was later alleged that the Germans, not the Soviets, had killed six million people, the number taken from the Chicago American headline by a Chicago publicist.
The Communist Party, the Party of the Peasants and Workers, exterminated the peasants and enslaved the workers. Many totalitarian regimes have found the small farmer to be their biggest stumbling block.
The French Reign of Terror was directed, not against the aristocrats, many of whom were sympathetic to it, but against the small farmers who refused to turn over their grain to the revolutionary tribunals in exchange for the worthless assignats.
In the United States, the foundations are presently engaged in the same type of war of extermination against the American farmer. The traditional formula of land plus labor for the farmer has been altered due to the farmer's need for purchasing power, to buy industrial goods needed in his farming operations.
Because of this need for capital, the farmer is especially vulnerable to the World Order's manipulation of interest rates, which is bankrupting him.
Just as in the Soviet Union, in the early 1930s, when Stalin ordered the kulaks to give up their small plots of land to live and work on the collective farms, the American small farmer faces the same type of extermination, being forced to give up his small plot of land to become a hired hand for the big agricultural soviets or trusts.
The Brookings Institution and other foundations originated the monetary programs implemented by the Federal Reserve System to destroy the American farmer, a replay of the Soviet tragedy in Russia, with the one proviso that the farmer will be allowed to survive if he becomes a slave worker of the giant trusts. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Note: This genocidal plan against farmers is indeed international if one follows the work of Monsanto who is systematically ruining farmers, setting them up, suing them, enforcing their poison foods upon us.
Once the citizen becomes aware of the true role of the foundations, he can understand the high interest rates, high taxes, the destruction of the family, the degradation of the churches into forums for revolution, the subversion of the universities into CIA cesspools of drug addiction, and the halls of government into sewers of international espionage and intrigue. The American citizen can now understand why every agent of the federal government is against him; the alphabet agencies, the FIB, IRS, CIA, and BATF must make war on the citizen in order to carry out the programs of the foundations. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
As R.E. McMaster wrote in The Reaper, “The goal of international communism is not to destroy Western international debt capitalism. The goal of international communism is to enslave mankind at the behest of Western international debt capitalism.” ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Had "anyone" known, Stephenson would have had to be arrested and deported. German sailors were being deliberately murdered by Stephenson's provocateurs in New York as acts designed to force Hitler to declare war against the United States. The INTREPID file in SOE (Stephenson's cover name) described it as "a reign of terror conducted by specially trained agents, fortified by espionage and intelligence in Occupied Europe." Every act of Donovan and Stephenson was a violation of American neutrality. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Truman later came to be deeply suspicious of the CIA. He told Merle Miller, “Plain Speaking”, “Now, as nearly as I can make out, those fellows in the CIA don’t just report on wars and the like, they go out and make their own.” ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
The CIA has spent millions to fund newspapers, magazines, and publishers to promote the program of the World Order. Frederick A. Praeger Co. N.Y. an “emigre” publishing firm, admitted in 1967 it had published “15 or 16” books for the CIA. Many writers and journalists have been liberally subsidized by the CIA with travel expenses, a villa in France or Switzerland, and other perks, to produce propaganda for the CIA and its ulterior goals. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Future historians will refer to the Vietnam War as “the drug war” akin to the British Opium Wars of the nineteenth century. In 1964, the number of U.S. addicts had dropped to 48,000 down to 60,000 in 1950. Then 15% of all American soldiers in Vietnam returned home as addicts. The drug monopoly was back in business. Two of the leading CIA operatives in Vietnam during that war are Mitch Werbell from Powder, Ga., and Three Fingered Louie Conein, who wore a gold decoration from Union Gorse, the Sicilian Mafia, around his neck. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
"Then said Jesus to those Jews which believed on him: 'If ye continue in my word, [then] are ye my disciples indeed; and ye shall know the truth, and the truth shall make you free.'" (John 8:31-32).
The World Order rules through a simple technique, Divide and Conquer (Divide et impera).
Every natural or unnatural division among people, every occasion for hatred or greed, is exploited and exacerbated to the limit. The polarization of racial and ethnic groups in the U.S. is accelerated by a flood of government decrees, originating in foundation “studies”, which are designed solely to set American against American.
Only in this way can the World Order maintain its iron grip on the daily lives of the people. The World Order also rules by the principle of “1984” ~ no groups of two or more people are allowed to gather unless the World Order has a representative present.
If you start a club of dandelion fanciers, the Order will send someone who will be quietly helpful, avoid taking the front position, and who will offer to pay the rent of a meeting place or the printing of the minutes. In more radical groups, the Order’s representative will be the first to suggest dynamiting a building, assassinating an official, or other violent action. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
The international terrorism of the Communist Party originated in a small club of German and French workingmen in Paris, dedicated to quiet reading and discussion, until Karl Marx joined. It was then converted into a revolutionary group. This one example explains the Order’s determination to allow no group, however insignificant, to remain unmonitored. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Thus the World Order organizes and finances Jewish groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Jewish groups; it organizes Communist groups; it then organizes and finances anti-Communist groups. It is not necessary for the Order to throw these groups against each other; they seek each other out like heat-seeking missiles, and try to destroy each other. By controlling the size and resources of each group, the World Order can always predetermine the outcome. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
In this technique, members of the World Order are often identified with one side or the other. John Foster Dulles arranged financing for Hitler, but he was never a Nazi. David Rockefeller may be cheered in Moscow, but he is not a Communist. However, the Order always turns up on the winning side.
A distinguishing trait of a member of the World Order, although it may not be admitted, is that he does not believe in anything but the World Order. Another distinguishing trait is his absolute contempt for anyone who actually believes in the tenets of Communism, Zionism, Christianity, or any national, religious or fraternal group, although the Order has members in controlling positions in all of these groups.
If you are a sincere Christian, Zionist or Moslem, the World Order regards you as a moron unworthy of respect. You can and will be used, but you will never be respected. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
The parasite denies that there is a world order of the universe, or any desire for form in the universe, or that any form exists. Therefore, the parasite is free to impose his own World Order, which has no organic relationship to the universe or to form. The hegemony of parasitism is dedicated solely to maintaining its position on the host from which it draws all of its sustenance.
The host is the entire universe of the parasite; he knows nothing beyond it, and desires to know nothing beyond it. Geoffrey LaPage writes in “Parasitic Animals”, “Some species of parasitic animals are among the most powerful enemies of man and his civilization.” He posits a Law of Nature ~ that the parasite is always smaller and weaker than its host, and that the parasite always disguises itself and its aim in order to carry out its parasitic mission.
LaPage says, “The struggle between host and parasite went on according to the laws of evolution, and this battle is constantly being waged today.”
LaPage notes that the parasite can cause biological change, citing particular species which cause changes in the host’s reproductive glands. The parasite sometimes castrates the host in order to weaken it, such as the parasitic crustacean Sacculina, which destroys the reproductive organs of its host, the short-tailed spider crab, Inacus Mautitanicus.
We see the identical process today in which the hegemony of parasitism seeks to alter the reproductive process of the host by converting the younger generation to unisex and homosexuality, and to render ineffective distinctive sexual characteristics of male and female. This is a classic instance of castration by the parasite. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
The natural World Order, which is based upon the irrevocable laws of the universe, has been temporarily replaced on Earth by the unnatural World Order of the parasite. All of the programs and energies of the parasite are devoted to a single goal, maintaining his feeding position upon the host. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Freudian psychology was developed by the parasitic order to neutralize the incessant efforts of the host to throw off or dislodge the parasite. Any move to dislodge the parasite is denounced as “reactionary”. It is defined and outlawed as an act of aggression, hostility, and alienation.
In fact, the host is merely trying to survive by throwing off the parasite. Another law of nature is that the parasite, not only by sucking off the life sustenance of the host, but also by altering its life cycle, will inevitably kill the host. This process is called “the decline and fall of civilization”. ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
LaPage notes that a parasite is not a particular species, but one which has adopted a certain way of life, the way of the parasite. Whether or not it is a virus, the parasite has a viral effect on the host, slowly poisoning and destroying it. Viruses are classic parasites. The spirochete, virus of syphilis, is a classic parasitic organism. In biological parlance, a collection of spirochetes is known as a “Congress”.
The U.S. Congress has specifically chartered many parasitic functions in the philanthropic foundations. These groups now dominate educational and governmental institutions, laying down financial and social goals which are designed solely to maintain the hegemony of parasitism through its World Order.
The American foundations are not even run by Americans; their policies are formulated in London by the financiers and transmitted to this country through the British Army Bureau of Psychological Warfare front Tavistock Institute. This is a typical disguised parasitic operation.
In 1984, as these words are written, we are observing the Year of 1984. George Orwell’s book, written in 1949, was thought to be only a warning against what was to come. It was not a warning. “1984” is the Program! ~ [1984] The World Order Our Secret Ruler by Eustace Mullins
Eustace Mullins, July 2009, one of his last public photographs.
My parting words to this man?
The $5 Trillion Cold War Hoax by Eustace Mullins
[Murder By Injection: Chapter 10] The Rockefeller Syndicate by Eustace Mullins
The Secret History Of The Atomic Bomb by Eustace C. Mullins
Phony Wars for Phony Peace and the Ministry of Fear by Eustace Mullins
[Extract from, "The World Order", by Eustace Mullins] The Silent Revolution of Federal Regionalism ~ A Solution Part 7 The Indictables[1990] HOW TO BE A UNITED STATES SENATOR The Hiding Place By Eustace Mullins
[1989] The Reuters Connection(s) by Eustace Mullins
[1988] Henry the K By Eustace Mullins
[1989] General Douglas MacArthur: The Man Who Refused To Lose By Eustace Mullins
[1986] The Gentle Art Of Thought Control By Eustace Mullins[1981] THE HOLOCAUST EXPLAINED By Eustace Mullins
America's New Robber Barons By Eustace Mullins
The Scandal Unveiled By Eustace Mullins
Elegy For A State By Eustace Mullins
[1987] The Day Virginia Died By Eustace Mullins
[1983] THE SECRET HOLOCAUST By Eustace Mullins
[1982] The War Against Christianity by Eustace Mullins
[1982] Behind The Falkland Islands Story by Eustace Mullins
Eustace mullins presents the world order (Video)
FOEMS ~ Friends of Eustace Mullins Society
The Contract Murder of Eustace Mullins by Eustace Mullins
The Neo Zionist Order ~ Who Rules Your Rulers?
Thank you Noor for this article, and may God shower his mercy on the soul of this great man.
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