No, he did not do it at work. But that is not the point; the point is, in a job such as he had, he had access to information that made tracking down any young person possible. People in such a position must have absolutely sterling characters. Seeing one naked adult after another, because face it, that is what it is, is just plain wrong.
The body scanners not only produce a perfect naked picture, they give off dangerous levels of radiation which can cause cancer. Michael Chertoff, former head of homeland security, has a huge financial interest in the company that's supplying these machines.
More and more people are boycotting flying until these dangerous machines are taken out. Don't fly until they are pulled. How come the article does not say he's been fired, just "He has not worked since his arrest?"
March 12, 2010
By O'Ryan Johnson
Transportation Security Agency worker who pats down members of the flying public was charged with multiple child sex crimes targeting an underage girl yesterday.
The bust outraged privacy and passenger advocates who say it justifies their fears about Logan International Airport’s full-body scanner.
“It’s a huge, huge issue,” said Kate Hinni of FlyersrRights.org. “The TSA needs a complete overhaul . . . If you have a pedophile looking at those naked pictures, they’ve got all your information, it’s a gross violation of their authority. . . . They should make sure none of them is corrupted in any deviant sexual manner.”
TSA spokeswoman Ann Davis said Shanahan had passed two background checks, neither of which picked up any record that would prevent him from getting a job.
Davis said Shanahan was hired in 2006, and there are no passenger complaints on record against him. He has not worked since his arrest.
Boston ACLU spokesman Chris Ott said while full body scanner backers tout the devices’ privacy blocks that obscure a passenger’s face, he said the process is a virtual strip search, rife for abuse.
“Whatever safeguards that are built into the machines are only as good as the people operating the technology,” he said.
Shanahan kept his back to the court and hid behind his court-appointed lawyer in court as Suffolk Assistant District Attorney Jennifer Okeeffe rolled out a disturbing story that started in early February.
The 14-year-old victim watched a movie at his house, Okeeffe said. She said during the film, he massaged the victim’s thigh and touched her under a blanket, then during the February school vacation the girl stayed at his house with his daughter.
Okeeffe said Shanahan nicknamed the victim “Kitten,” and that she was seen going into his bedroom. Shanahan’s daughter also told investigators her father asked her how she would feel if he dated a girl her age, prosecutors said. When his daughter confronted the victim about what was happening as she left her father’s room, the victim told her “You’ll have to deal with it,” Okeeffe said.
Shanahan fled the state last week, prosecutors said, sending his ex wife a text asking her to get rid of his computer, adding “I (expletive) up bad.”
Where was the girl's parents for the length of time she stayed in that home?
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