That is quite a few years ago, Sir. How long will it take the Palestinians, especially in Gaza, to recover their Trauma?
Now Haifa is about to become the victim of yet another indignity. It is to be the scene for a legal assault by the parents of Rachel Corrie.
Rachel Corrie, you may recall, was a clueless American-flag-burning undergraduate from Evergreen State College in Washington. Urged on by her radical professors, she decided to join the missions organized by the International Solidarity Movement (ISM). She and her comrades were sent off to the "occupied territories" to assist Palestinian terrorist groups.
ISM openly endorses Palestinian "armed struggle" against Israel ~ which in realistic terms means terrorism against Jews. It was the goal of Corrie and her friends to stop Israeli anti-terror operations ~ an act that by its very implication would have made it easier for Hamas and its clones to murder Israeli civilians.
Ah, yes, Hamas may not be angels, but as you have seen, until now they have been no match for the superior arms and bullying capability of the Israeli war machine. And perhaps it is not so much "against Jews" as "for justice to the Palestinians"?
Members of ISM are foolishly allowed by the Israeli government to enter the country, where they often serve as human shields for terrorists. In at least one case, weapons hidden on behalf of terrorists were discovered in ISM offices. In another notorious example of collaboration, two British Muslim terrorists blew up the Mike's Place bar in Tel Aviv on April 30, 2003, killing three Israelis and wounding 50. The terrorists had just before this been hosted by ISM members and they pretended to be in the country to lay wreaths on the grave of ~ who else? ~ Rachel Corrie.
Rachel spoke to them from the grave! She inspired them and even directed their actions promising them a spot in Paradise if they succeeded. Amazing, just amazing. It is all her fault for being dead.
Shortly before that attack, on March 16, 2003, young Rachel was part of a group of ISM activists who were attempting to prevent an Israeli earth-mover from demolishing a home sitting atop a Hamas smuggling tunnel in Rafiah. Corrie knelt down in front of the Israeli military bulldozer. The driver insists he would have stopped had she been visible.Maybe he would have, maybe he wouldn't. However, only he knows the truth now although Rachel's friends, observing, swear she was visible and, from the photos I have thoroughly investigated, in her neon orange vest, waving and jumping up and down at him, she was visible. You must realize also that your army very very rarely penalizes your soldiers for their actions.
The columnist Dennis Prager wrote: " grieve for Rachel Corrie's parents, but spare us the hagiography. Rachel Corrie died fighting for the International Solidarity Movement dedicated, in its own words, to 'armed struggle' against Israel. She ended up being a useful idiot for, and one more victim of, Palestinian terror."
She chose her actions, as an adult should be allowed. How much choice did the babies of Gaza have as they were bombed sleeping in their beds at night?
Corrie died after being taken away for care in a Palestinian medical facility, possibly from medical incompetence.
Ok, blame the Palestinians because they are not such well trained doctors and Israelis? Or not smart enough to save her? But never mind, it was not Israel's fault so you just keep tossing blame around, Sir.
Her behavior that day in Gaza resembled that of a teenager playing chicken with vehicles on the New Jersey Turnpike in the dark. Corrie has since become a sort of Mother Teresa for the radical left and apologists for Islamofascism. She is the martyr saint of the pro-terror lobby and is even celebrated by Klansman David Duke.
Slam, slam, slam, slam, a woman who cannot defend herself with a line just meant to derogate not educate. Almost all Palestinians just want to live normal lives at this point. Is that so terribly Islamofascist? I am, I suppose, one of the 'pro-terror lobby" and an apologist for Islamofascist" because I believe running over women with tractors, blowing up women, children and men is wrong? Yes, was it not your beloved Sharon who bragged and encouraged his men to go for women, children, men, in that order?
When Reuters reported that Gaza Palestinians "honored" Rachel after her death in a "symbolic funeral" by flying U.S. flags, the Wall Street Journal's James Taranto wryly remarked that if Corrie were still alive, she'd no doubt have burned those flags.
Conjecture, conjecture, conjecture. Pfft this means nothing but more spewing of hatred from Mr. Plaut. The woman is dead, how do you know what she would do?
Corrie's death quickly became the focus of an anti-Israel propaganda passion play titled "My Name is Rachel Corrie," which has been staged in London and other cities. Attempts to stage it in New York City at the New York Theatre Workshop failed in the face of public opposition, but it later ran for a while at the Minetta Lane Theatre in Greenwich Village.
We know who runs NYC and it is not someone with much of an open mind, is it? NYC is a Jewish-run city and home of the Hassidim and other extremely Orthodox Jew. After seeing Max Blumenthal's tape at the "support Israel" demonstration last January 11, 2009, we know just how Jewish New Yorkers think. We also know freedom of speech is not a Talmudic virtue.Since Corrie's death, her parents, Cindy and Craig Corrie, have traveled the planet as a two-person anti-Israel propaganda SWAT team. Not content with mourning their daughter's tragic death, which resulted from her own foolhardiness, the Corries have devoted themselves to demonizing Israel and supporting Israel's enemies. They made a special pilgrimage to Yasir Arafat in September 2003 to present him with a large poster of their "martyred" daughter.
I do believe Israel needs no assistance in demonizing herself. She is doing a positively stellar job all by herself ~ Dubai and stolen faked passports, the Gaza holocaust, the treatment of natives by the Settlers, being the centre of trafficked stolen body parts, shall I go on? Naw, doing a fine job all by herself.The Corries blame Israel for their daughter's death. But as Israel's Ynetnews service reported, "An IDF investigation determined that the soldiers were not to blame and said the driver of the bulldozer had not seen her and did not intentionally run her over. The army accused Corrie and the International Solidarity Movement of 'illegal, irresponsible and dangerous' behavior.
We have covered this ground previously, Sir. Do you repeat yourself for a reason? To convince yourself of your righteousness?
Nevertheless, the Corries run the Rachel Corrie Foundation, which disseminates anti-Israel political propaganda. And they share their daughter's enthusiasm for Hamas "resistance."
Conjecture, conjecture, conjecture. We need facts not fabrications.
The Corries claim Rachel was just an innocent peace protester, doing nothing more than showing her concern for the human rights of Palestinian civilians. But even the ferociously anti-Israel British newspaper the Guardian confirmed (February 23, 2010) that Corrie was serving as a human shield for terrorists.
The Corries are now suing the State of Israel and the Israel Defense Forces in Israeli court. They and their Arab lawyer, Hussein Abu Hussein, a radical activist (involved in the movement for a world boycott of Israel), filed a civil suit in Haifa court and the first hearing is scheduled for March 10.How DARE they hire an AYRAB lawyer! Once again I imagine that is Rachel coming from the grave again? And gosh, is she responsible for the boycott? As for the boycott, you are thrice a fool to go there, Sir.
WW2 was largely the result of starving Germany through an international boycott that drove them to desperation while the German Jews lived, if you will pardon the expression, "high off the hog" and ostentatiously let it be known. Boycott is one of the top Jewish weapons in business affairs as has been admitted by many so, please, don't go there because you come off as a fool.
The Corries are also suing the Caterpillar company because it sold the bulldozer to Israel that injured their daughter. They are trying to get terror supporters from around the world to boycott the Caterpillar company for the crime of selling bulldozers, some of which are used to fight terror, to Israel. Corrie supporters regularly show up at Caterpillar stockholder meetings to demand that it boycott Israel.
"Fight terror" includes bulldozing homes with people sometimes warned, sometimes sleeping, and flattening olive groves, orchards, destroying the land? Does it include leaving the wheelchairs of the lame inside those houses? Get over it! Caterpillar is selling tanked up machines to kill and destroy Palestinian life as a weapon of war.Do you know how whining and weak you sound, Sir?
Ironically, the Corries were themselves briefly kidnapped in Gaza by Hamas terrorists in January 2006, when they were in town to show the local jihadis. The Jerusalem Post,
Palestinian gunmen burst into a Rafah house early Wednesday and tried to kidnap the parents of Rachel Corrie, who was killed in 2003 as she protested the impending demolition of a house in the southern Gaza town, according to a witness.The Corries later issued a statement in which they denied they had been kidnapped at all. They had just been hosted at gunpoint. But the simple truth is that the Corries were released once the terrorists realized they were a far more valuable asset for Hamas if they were running around free.
The five gunmen appeared to be affiliated with the Fatah movement, according to Samir Nasrallah, the Corries' host. The gunmen eventually relented after being told who their targets were, he said.
According to the Telegraph, "The gunmen wanted to kidnap the couple as bargaining chips to secure the release of a militia leader, Alaa al-Hams, arrested on suspicion of ordering the kidnap of the British human rights activist Kate Burton and her parents."
Now, now, now. Another misinterpretation of things. Hamas and Fatah are NOT allies. Sir, you should know that Fatah runs the West Bank and Hamas runs the Gaza Strip and there is great hatred between the two. Fatah is run by an Israeli and American patsy Mahmoud Abbas. It is highly unlikely that this was planned by Hamas.
That might have been a marvelous opportunity for the Corries to learn firsthand just what Palestinian terrorism is all about and just why Israel needs to fight terrorism with a variety of means at its disposal, including bulldozers. But it wasn't to be. The Corries went right on churning out their anti-Israel propaganda, much of it carried on anti-Semitic and pro-jihad websites.
Don't you wish you and your hatred had such access to those outlets. And speaking of propaganda. Have you watched Peace, Propaganda, and the Promised Land, Sir? What the Corries do is as a pinprick compared to the sledgehammer of Jewish media.
Meanwhile, ISM has a track record of using Israeli courts whenever one of its human shields gets injured or arrested.
In one well publicized case, an ISM volunteer named Tom Hurndall from the UK was injured in the head while he was serving as a human shield for terrorists engaged in a firefight with IDF troops. It turned out Hurndall was shot by an Israeli Bedouin Arab soldier (a fact the anti-Israel British media ignored in their coverage of the case). The heroic Bedouin was returning fire at Hamas terrorists shooting at Israelis. Hurndall's family sued Israel in Israeli court. So did Orange County ISM activist and lawyer Radhika Sainath.
Now let me see if I understand this. The soldier who shot Hurndall was was in the Israeli military doing his duty for what he believed in, who happens to be Bedouin. What does this have to do with anything pertinent? He was a soldier doing his duty, not acting as a Bedouin Arab but as an Israeli soldier. What am I missing here? I eagerly await your take on what happened to Tristan Anderrson last year.
And now the Corries are coming to Haifa to continue their daughter's war of aggression against Israel. They are suing Israel as a way to try to revise in court the facts surrounding their daughter's death. I am hoping some Im Tirtzu students show up with photos of all the Jewish women named Rachel who were murdered by the terrorists the Corries support.
Maybe they will, maybe they won't. But this is still irrelevant to your argument, Sir. Now, in Gaza last winter, it was almost 1500 slaughtered as compared to 14, three of whom were "friendly fire"?
I have covered almost every point brought up in the following letter from this misguided Israeli patriot. He may be educated but he is not smart. Nor does he have a jolt of understanding for anything not wearing the Star of David.
In the name of the embattled citizens of Haifa, I would like to offer the Corries an appropriate welcome to our city, in the form of the following letter:
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Corrie,
You are coming to our lovely town to sue Israel, claiming that your daughter was "killed by an Israeli bulldozer." But you neglect to mention the circumstances under which she was so killed (nor the fact that she died from her injuries while under Palestinian medical care).
You have stated, "She had been working in Rafah with a nonviolent resistance organization, the International Solidarity Movement, trying to stop the demolition of Palestinian homes and wells."
Homes and wells, huh?
Well, she was not. Rachel was trying to prevent the demolition of tunnels used to smuggle weapons for Palestinian terrorists seeking to murder Jewish civilians. ISM openly endorses Palestinian "armed struggle" against Jewish children and civilians and openly collaborates with terrorists. It has hidden wanted terrorists and their weapons in its offices. It is an accomplice in murder. Lying is not the best way to drum up sympathy for your daughter.
Perhaps the Israeli leaders might learn that lesson, Sir. There is not an honest word slips out of their mouths ~ ever. And it is true, this loses sympathy for Israel on a great level that is snowballing as I respond to your allegations.
You say your daughter died trying to protect an "innocent house." Again, this is not the truth. That "innocent house" was camouflage for a not-so-innocent terrorist smuggling tunnel, and the residents of that innocent house knew all about the tunnel.
Your daughter was in a war zone as a belligerent, on behalf of a movement of Arab fascists seeking to destroy Israel and murder as many Jews as possible. Your daughter died while interfering with an anti-terror operation carried out by soldiers in a land in which she had no business being at all.
Zionism = Communism.
You demand that we feel your pain at the loss of your daughter, yet your daughter conscripted herself as an accomplice for those seeking to murder children. You feel no pain for the scores of martyrs in my own city of Haifa murdered by those same terrorists.
Your daughter put herself in harm's way by challenging a large bulldozer and positioning herself where the operator could not see her. You know quite well that the bulldozer operator was not seeking to harm her.
Again more conjecture. You do not know what anyone other than yourself knows. This is the case for all human beings.
You have written, "We had not understood the devastating nature of the Palestinians' situation." Of course, you have never expressed any interest in the devastating nature of the Jews' situation. The Jews have been battling Arab fascism and genocidal terrorism for a hundred years, before, during, and after the Nazi Holocaust of six million Jews. Your daughter was helping those who perpetrate Nazi-like atrocities against randomly selected Jews.
Oh of course we knew the Holocaust would enter this argument at some point! And the number so slaughtered. Well as a Canadian I am not supposed to argue with your "facts" and "irrefutable truths" but Ernst Zundel is a hero of mine, so you know what I think of that. If the Zionists had not come into Palestine and begun messing with demographics, the original Jewish families and Palestinian people would still be living in the harmony they had shared for the past thousands of years!
You smugly praise the propaganda play about your daughter, which ignored all the other Rachels ~ the Jewish victims of terror in Israel who were murdered by genocidal terrorists.
You repeat yourself.
Your daughter, and apparently you as well, never had any understanding of the Middle East conflict. The Middle East conflict is not about the right to self-determination of Palestinian Arabs, but rather about the right to self-determination of Israeli Jews.
Tell the truth, Sir. Israel was built by the Rothschilds to instill instability in the Arab world as part of their long term agenda of war leading to their NWO, establishment of the Noahide Laws internationally. You know, the coming of the anti Christ and all that satanic jazz.
Israel land was stolen from the Palestinian people who had tended it lovingly for thousands of years. Your claims make it sound like God involved Himself in a real estate deal with you. You had been gone for a long time. But my, let a Palestinian be kept from his farmland for a few years due to road, fences, blockades and Israel is only too swift to claim the land. And face it, that is what it is all about, the land.
For a century the Arabs have attempted to block any expression of Jewish self-determination, using violence, armed aggression, and terrorism. The Arabs today control 22 countries and territory nearly twice the size of the United States. They refuse to share even a fraction of one percent of the Middle East with Jews, even in a territory smaller than New Jersey.
Now the Palestinians are ALL 22 Arab countries? My lord you certainly do know how to play with words to confuse the unaware and "stupid goyim" don't you?! Poor little Israel surrounded by all those big bad bullies who have been where they are since time began against one little hornet under the saddle known as Israel.
The Arab countries invented the Palestinian people and their "plight" as a propaganda ploy in imitation of the German campaign on behalf of Sudeten self-determination in the 1930s. Just as the struggle for "Sudeten liberation" was nothing more than a fig leaf for the German aggression aimed at annihilating Czechoslovakia, so the struggle for "Palestinian liberation" is nothing more than cover for a jihad to destroy Israel and its population.
To this there is only one worthy response. Sticking out my tongue and making a raspberry at you. This charge of yours justifies the things done to the Arabs surrounding you? All your massacres justify what? The list of massacres is relentless and ongoing. So what is your point here? Whatever you want to call them, the Palestinians do not deserve what you do to them. The whole world sees and notices.
Your write, "Clearly, our daughter has become a positive symbol for people."
Yawns at repitition, harping and conjecture. On the pages of anti-Semitic propaganda web magazines you denounce Israel, but you do not have a single word of sympathy for the families of the thousands of innocent Israeli victims of the terrorists with whom your daughter chose to ally herself.
On behalf of the citizens of Haifa, all of whom your daughter's Hamas friends are trying to murder, I remain,
Steven Plaut
Just to educate you, Mr. Plaut, below is a comparison of military strength of Israel and the Palestinians in the last Gazan Holocaust. Do not cringe at that expression. The original meaning of Holocaust means "burnt offerings to the gods (or Lucifer)" and the Gazans were burnt most efficiently.
Jan 5, 2009

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