The goal is the political and economic subjugation
of most men by the few,
under the guise of preserving nature."
~ J. H. Robbins
The current crop of British law makers have out 1984-ed 1894! The following two stories are quite mind boggling when you read them. A few quotes from the creators of several large international organizations bear being added.
I cannot find the quote now, but I remember David Icke mentioning that the Green Party had an agenda and it was not for people, it was for the planet and that, although environmentalism was a good thing, that the Green Party was NOT the way to go. He mentioned their untrustworthiness and said they were not what they purported to be. One of their members in government Daniel Cohn-Bendit stands out.
Cohn-Bendit is trying to sabotage E.U relations with Egypt.
De Gaulle was hated by Israel, and by French Jews because he had told the world that it was Israel which had attacked the Arab states in June 1967 and not the Arabs who had attacked Israel .He had also declared an embargo on weapons to Israel.
While De Gaulle was on a state visit to Romania, Mossad, with the help of Cohn-Bendit, orchestrated the Paris riots against the French government. One of his companions in these riots was none other than a young Sarkozy.
Cohn-Bendit unabashedly admitted to pedophile relations on television.
There are others in the Green Party just as untrustworthy. Meanwhile, they are beginning to enforce Green Tyranny in Europe, as you will see in the following two articles, from Great Britain. The second story will shock you as much as it did me, assuredly.
Fine Families For Compost Infractions
Paul Joseph Watson
Prison Planet.com
Thursday, March 18, 2010
Audi’s “green police” super bowl commercial was lauded by many as a tongue-in-cheek stab at the increasing threat of police state control measures being introduced under the guise of environmentalism, but for others it hit too close to home, with the very same examples satirized in the ad now being introduced in Britain.
The commercial features enviro-cops rifling through people’s refuse in an attempt to discover if anyone has put the wrong item in the wrong trash can. When they find a battery, the goons immediately storm the house. Shortly after, a man is shown peeling an orange only to be hit by a dazzling beam and the words,
“Sir, put the rind down, that’s a compost infraction!”
Unfortunately for people living across the Atlantic, the green police are not confined to joke car commercials, they’re about to be given powers to impose fines on already struggling families who commit the eco-crime of putting tea bags in the wrong dustbin.
“Householders could be fined up to £1,000 if they fail to comply with complex new rules on refuse sorting. Food scraps, tea bags and vegetable peelings thrown into the wrong dustbin could land them with hefty penalties under government plans to be unveiled today,” reports the Daily Mail.
“Families could end up with five different bins and receptacles ~ including compulsory slop buckets for food waste ~ and be forced to sift through rubbish for anything that can be recycled, reused or converted into electricity.”
As Matthew Elliott, chief executive of the Taxpayers’ Alliance pointed out, the only way such a law can be enforced is if gangs of waste inspectors are hired to accompany trash collectors and given the authority to rifle through our refuse right outside our homes.
“Taxpayers will be angry at the prospect of bin and kitchen inspectors checking up on them. Without these inspectors, the rules will be unenforceable, but with them they are unacceptable and mean added costs,” said Elliott.
“People already pay huge sums in council tax and now face the threat of extra fines if they throw out the wrong things.”
Despite the fact that council tax, the British equivalent of property tax, has doubled in the last ten years, the government is still attempting to find new ways to financially castrate Brits as a new wave of fascist “austerity” measures are planned in order to make taxpayers cough up for the billions handed over to banks following the 2008 bailout.
Another tax the government is getting ready to enforce will be measured by the weight of rubbish people throw away, which is why the state has already secretly fitted spychips to 2.5 million dustbins to weigh their contents.
What’s next? Perhaps the government will seek to offset the cost of hiring an army of green police by merely brainwashing the public to spy on the contents of each other’s trash cans, just as they have with terrorism by encouraging citizens to report people who use cash or close their curtains as suspicious individuals.
How long before we see environmental denunciations whereby offenders are snitched on for “compost infractions” and informants are graciously rewarded with green points on their national ID/credit card for the civic duty of reporting enviro-miscreants?
Better yet, since the government is brainwashing kids in public schools to keep dossiers on their parents to monitor their consumption and travel habits in order to “re-educate” them for the green dictatorship, maybe the children can be covertly recruited to report Mom and Dad to the local green commissar if they commit the shameful offense of throwing a used tea bag into the black bin instead of the yellow bin.
Energy giant NPower also lavished huge sums in advertising expenses to drive its “Climate Cops” campaign, in which children are encouraged to sign up as “climate cops” and keep “climate crime case files” on their families, friends and neighbors.
Of course, the fact that every wicked dictatorship in history has exploited the malleable minds of young children to use them as informants on their own parents and neighbors shouldn’t worry us at all. After all, it’s for the earth.
RELATED: State Brainwashing Children To “Re-Educate” Their Parents For Green Dictatorship
RELATED: As Orwell warned, children now spy on adults
lower than the Madoffs of this world
according to the secret police who nabbed him.
COUNCIL’S litter snoops were condemned yesterday after an autistic schoolboy was fined £50 for dropping a bag of chips when a seagull swooped in to attack him.
Kyle Russell, 12, had just bought his lunch and was standing at his school gates when the aggressive bird flew down to steal a chip. Kyle dropped the bag in fright, but was spotted by a plain-clothes litter enforcement officer who issued the £50 fine.
The Glasgow City Council official ignored the tearful schoolboy’s attempts to explain his actions.
Now the youngster, who recently received a good behaviour award from teachers, faces the possibility of being referred to the Children’s Panel after furious mum Michelle, 43, refused to pay up.
Mrs Russell, a catering manager at Knightswood Secondary, where her son is a first-year pupil, yesterday attacked the warden’s actions. She said:
“My son is not a rule breaker. He knows the importance of not dropping litter, but it was a split-second reaction.He immediately apologised to the council officer.”
Campaign group Big Brother Watch condemned the move and offered to take up the mother’s legal battle.
Alex Deane, its director, said: “This could only happen in a target-driven, bureaucratic culture of overpowered jobsworths like ours today.
“The council has acted with no common sense or human feeling and should be ashamed.
“It should drop the fine and apologise and the petty warden who issued the fixed penalty notice should be fired.”
Last year Big Brother Watch gave legal advice to Vanessa Kelly, 26, from Oldbury, West Midlands, who was fined £75 by a council worker for feeding ducks with her 17-month-old son Harry. She forced the council to back down after an outcry over the petty fine.
Glasgow City Council, which has increased plain-clothes patrols outside the school, began enforcing littering fixed penalty notices for under-16s in 2008 as part of a £5million initiative to clean up the city.
It has issued 244 fixed penalty notices to young people between the age of 12 and 16 since February 2008, when the scheme began.
Councils have the right to impose fixed penalty notices on anyone over eight years old, the age of criminal responsibility.
Anyone issued with the ticket can pay the fine or take part in a clean-up event. But if neither of these options are taken up the child may appear before a Children’s Panel.
To date, no youngsters under the age of 16 have been referred for littering. Last night a spokesman for Glasgow City Council said it had not received an appeal against the ticket.
But he added: “If a parent feels that their child has been incorrectly identified as having committed an offence, they have the opportunity to contact the campaign to discuss their concerns.
Busted please drop the chips and step away from the garbage can!