July 9, 2009
By Henry Makow
‘Until now nations were killed by conquest, that is by invasion: But here an important question arises; can a nation not die on its own soil, without resettlement or invasion, by allowing the flies of decomposition to corrupt to the very core those original and constituent principles which make it what it is.' ~ Joseph, Comte de Maistre (1753-1821) who for fifteen years was a Freemason.
Georg Lukacs was a Hungarian aristocrat, son of a banker, who had become a Communist during World War I, a good Marxist theoretician who developed the idea of ‘Revolution and Eros’ ~ sexual instinct used as an instrument of destruction.
A few more words on the Frankfurt School. The School believed there were two types of revolution: (a) political and (b) cultural. Cultural revolution demolishes from within. ‘Modern forms of subjection are marked by mildness’. They saw it as a long-term project and kept their sights clearly focused on the family, education, media, sex and popular culture.
When Hitler came to power, the Institut was closed and its members, by various routes, fled to the United States and migrated to major US universities ~ Columbia, Princeton, Brandeis, and California at Berkeley. These are all powerful education centres and from these were disseminated the seeds to put their goals into action.
I was 14 when I burned my bra, metaphorically speaking.
A friend sent me this post today and I will get it posted early before dashing out the door to this silly class I am engaged in this week. That is why my posting is light for the next few days. Anyhow, it is a topic I feel very strongly about. Feminism as an adjunct to communism, one of the cornerstones. For a lot of information on this subject, Henry Makow's site, formerly known as "SAVE THE MALES" is an excellent eye opener.
For one thing it hits at the strongest most fundamental block of any culture, the family. This is a nation's weakest link because a strong family raises strong children who are family oriented which is exactly NOT what the Communist movement wants. They want the state to be everything. I saw a good example of this the other day on a YouTube on the Chinese earthquake a few years ago. The leader of China was comforting a crying child and saying to her, "It will be alright, Mother Homeland will take good care of you."
Feminism was dropped upon us at the same time as playboyism (as I call it) was dropped on males. The former was to turn the females away from domesticity and make her restless, discontented, the latter to let the males see what women were like and raise false Hefner type dreams of naked blondes eager and so perfectly always ready. It reduced women to urinal status and introduced the glory of "freedom". Strange Hef was there at just the right time, isn't it? Don't think too hard on that one.
Meanwhile you have card carrying communists Gloria Steinhem and Betty Friedan moving in to the feminine sphere and telling us to burn our bras. We were so naive back then, sort of the way too many still are today, and bought right into it. Suddenly men like our fathers who were good solid citizens and parents, became demonized and open sponges that we were, somehow this sank in.
The day I saw Steinhem dating the mutant creature Henry Kissinger was when I figured she had betrayed us all. Yes, she dated that thing and we know what he is and so I investigated her. That is what got me going on this topic.
If you have not seen this historic short interview with Aaron Russo (RIP)please take a few minutes to do so. In it he mentions, (around 7:30) among so many other secrets from Nick Rockefeller, the reasons why the elite brought feminism into the world. It was bankrolled by the Rockefellers and handled by the CIA.
Along came free love and drugs, and hedonism entered the scene. Feminism promised women we could have everything. And why? The job meant that two people per family would be paying taxes to the Rockefeller business, the Federal Reserved. It also meant the state could begin working on children younger. It also began the huge but necessary task of demeaning the value of the male in society. And we have seen the fruits of this over the past years.
Some aspects of feminism were good at the time. The chance to work was wonderful, but not the expectation that we could have it all! This meant women had to work at work, work with the family, and through it all smile, smile, smile, because she was living the dream. I could write on this for days, but suffice it to say, when I discovered the TRUTH about feminism, I felt so terribly betrayed, the anger was with me for weeks. Of course, that was many years ago and the emotion is cooled, but the sense of betrayal is as fresh now as it was then.
Programmes like Sex in the City look like fun comedies about silly women with shoes but in reality, they further the cause of feminism and the fact that men are but a side dish on the meal of life. There for sex, a laugh, and babies. No more no less. As a result, the current generation of mid twenties women are friends first, men second, and career. It is so inbuilt into our society no one even notices it. And with this disorientation of men, came the entrenchment of the gay issue but I have to get to class so I will hush up on that. So here is Henry Makow's article. If I have time I will add a few links.
"Rape is an expression of ... male supremacy ... the age-old economic, political and cultural exploitation of women by men."
Does this sound like a modern radical feminist? Guess again. It is from a American Communist Party pamphlet from 1948 entitled "Woman Against Myth"by Mary Inman.
In a 2002 book, Red Feminism: American Communism and the Making of Women's Liberation, feminist historian Kate Weigand states: "ideas, activists and traditions that emanated from the Communist movement of the forties and fifties continued to shape the direction of the new women's movement of the 1960s and later."(154)

Communists pioneered the political and cultural analysis of woman's oppression. They originated "women's studies," and advocated public daycare, birth control, abortion and even children's rights. They forged key feminist concepts such as "the personal is the political" and techniques such as "consciousness raising."
In the late 1940's, CPUSA leaders realized that the labor movement was becoming increasingly hostile to Communism. They began to focus on women and African Americans. They hoped "male supremacy" would "bring more women into the organization and into the fight against the domestic policies of the Cold War." (80)
Communist women who made up 40% of the party wanted more freedom to attend party meetings. After the publication of "Women Against Myth" in 1948, the CPUSA initiated a process of "re-educating" men that we recognize only too well today.
For example, in the party newspaper "The Daily Worker" a photo caption of a man with a young child read, "Families are stronger and happier if the father knows how to fix the cereal, tie the bibs and take care of the youngsters." (127)
The Party ordered men who didn't take the woman question seriously to complete "control tasks involving study on the woman question." In 1954 the Los Angeles branch disciplined men for "hogging discussion at club meetings, bypassing women comrades in leadership and making sex jokes degrading to women." (94)
A film Salt of the Earth, which critic Pauline Kael called "Communist propaganda", portrayed women taking a decisive role in their husbands' labor strike. "Against her husband's wishes, Esperanza became a leader in the strike and for the first time forged a role for herself outside of her household... [her] political successes persuaded Ramon to accept a new model of family life." (132) Portrayals of strong assertive successful women became as common in the Communist press and schools, as they are in the mass media today.
Communist women formalized a sophisticated Marxist analysis of the "woman question." The books In Women's Defense (1940) by Mary Inman, Century of Struggle (1954) by Eleanor Flexner and The Unfinished Revolution (1962) by Eve Merriam recorded women's oppression and decried sexism in mass culture and language. For example, Mary Inman argued that "manufactured femininity" and "overemphasis on beauty" keeps women in subjection (33).
The founder of modern feminism, Betty Frieden relied on these texts when she wrote The Feminine Mystique (1963). These women all hid the fact that they were long-time Communist activists. In the 1960, their daughters had everything they needed, including the example of subterfuge, to start the Women's Liberation Movement.
Feminism's roots in Marxist Communism explain a great deal about this curious but dangerous movement. It explains:
- Why the " woman's movement" hates femininity and imposes a political-economic concept like "equality" on a personal, biological and mystical relationship.
- Why the "women's movement" also embraces equality of race and class.
- Why they want revolution ("transformation") and have a messianic vision of a gender-less utopia.
- Why they believe human nature is infinitely malleable and can be shaped by indoctrination and coercion.
- Why they engage in endless, mind-numbing theorizing, doctrinal disputes and factionalism.
- Why truth for them is a "social construct" defined by whomever has power, and appearances are more important than reality.
- Why they reject God, nature and scientific evidence in favour of their political agenda.
- Why they refuse to debate, don't believe in free speech, and suppress dissenting views.
- Why they behave like a quasi-religious cult, or like the Red Guard.
It is hard to escape the conclusion that feminism is Communism by another name. Communism is designed to give power to the puppets of central bankers by fostering division and conflict. Divide and Conquer. Having failed to peddle class and race war, Communism promoted gender conflict instead. In each case they fostered a sense of grievance in the target group. Now the traditional feminine role "oppressed" women.
The "diversity" and "multicultural" movements represent Communism's attempt to empower and use other minorities, gays and "people of color," to further undermine the majority (European, Christian) culture. Thus, the original CPUSA trio of "race, gender and class" is very much intact but class conflict was never a big seller.

The term "politically correct" originated in the Russian Communist Party in the 1920's. Its usage in America today illustrates the extent society has been subverted. Feminist activists are mostly Communist dupes. The Communist goal is to destroy Western Civilization and establish a veiled dictatorship called "world government" run by the toadies of the central bankers.
We have seen this destruction in the dismantling of the liberal arts curriculum and tradition of free speech and inquiry at our universities. We have seen this virus spread to government, business, the media and the military. This could only happen because the financial elite in fact sponsors Communism.
In Communism, government is the ultimate monopoly. It controls everything, not just wealth but also power and thought. It is the instrument of monopoly capital (i.e. Rothschild, Rockefeller.) Everybody from the President on down works for them.
"Political correctness" has dulled and regimented our cultural life. In 2002, here in Winnipeg, Betty Granger, a conservative school trustee referred to house price increases in Vancouver caused by "the Asian invasion." Granger was pilloried mercilessly in the press. People sent hate letters and dumped garbage on her lawn.
At a meeting, the School Board Chairman acknowledged that Granger is not a racist. He acknowledged that Asians actually have married into her family. Nonetheless, Granger was censured because, and I quote, "appearances are more important than reality." This slippage from the mooring of objective truth is the hallmark of Communism.
The atmosphere at the meeting was charged. Mild mannered Canadians, all champions of "tolerance," behaved like wild dogs eager to rip apart a wounded rabbit. Betty Granger repented and voted in favor of her own censure.
These rituals of denunciation and contrition, typical of Stalinist Russia or Maoist China, are becoming more common in America. They are like show trials designed to frighten people into conforming. We have "diversity officers" and "human rights commissions" and "sensitivity training" to uphold feminist shibboleths. They talk about "discrimination" but they freely discriminate against Christians, white heterosexual men and traditional women. They use the spectre of "sexual harassment" to fetter male-female relations and purge their opponents.
In 1980, three women in Leningrad produced 10 typewritten copies of a feminist magazine called Almanac. The KGB shut down the magazine and deported the women to West Germany. In the USSR, feminism has largely been for export. According to Professor Weigand, her "book provides evidence to support the belief that at least some Communists regarded the subversion of the gender system [in America] as an integral part of the larger fight to overturn capitalism."(6)
In conclusion, the feminist pursuit of "equal rights" is a mask for an invidious Communist agenda.
Communism can take any form that empowers the puppets of the central bankers. The goal is the destruction of Western civilization and creation of a new world order run by monopoly capital. This has largely been accomplished.
Kate Weigand's Red Feminism demonstrates that the Communist agenda is alive and well and living under an assumed name.
Absolutely great and spot on, to the point, comments, Noor!
ReplyDeleteJazakAllahu khairan.
Are you trying to say that communism had as its goal the current capitalist institutions that govern spending - IMF etc? These may have occured, but I would say that it is an error to assume that a huge capitalist machine is the point of communism. Of course, we could reduce everything to those regimes that failed and became despotic...or we could think of ways to undo the capitalist logic and instigate a mode of thought/society that profers equality that is actually equal (and not, as you seem to be saying, the re-articulation of women's surpression but in newer, more subtle forms). You don't seem to be proposing any options.
I am writing from a blog that is trying to fuse theory and praxis, please feel free to comment...especially as we have begun discussing feminism in terms of creating a new anti-capitalist movement.
Rubbish. Our country was built upon a foundation entrenched in the enlightenment.... philosophical giants such as the author of The Subjection of Women....which is hardly a communist manifesto....
ReplyDeleteI'm sure you can likely link the eating of bean sprouts to communism if you try....
Freedom doesn't have a gender bias...grow up.
AnonyMOUSE, I am sorry I tend to have a lil problem with people who do not use their name to back up their words.
ReplyDeleteYou may believe as you wish. Yes I am sure I could link bean sprouts to communism. When I was studying medicine, one of the exams I had to write was based on "How to bring death about by stubbing one's toe." I aced it at 100%.
However, my friend, of course freedom has no gender bias. You are definitely misinterpreting what is written there and misinterpreting it badly.
Feminism had no effect on the opposite gender? It was a double edged sword just as playboyism was/is. Both were aimed at one gender guaranteed to create havoc and totally break down the delicate age old bond between male and female. This is indisputable so please do not try.
You may have read a few enlightened (by whose standards?) gentlemen, but you surely do not have the whole picture. I will state, irrevocably that I have studied this in great depth and lived this topic from its implementation. You, I dare say, have not.
I suggest you do a little research please. Watch the short film of Aaron Russo by Alex Jones as he speaks a few very short lines on feminism as introduced to America by the Rockefellers. Just that will perhaps pique your interest and nudge you to question more.