Kawther Salam
January 26, 2011
The documents recently published by Al Jazeera which reveal the large volume of the concessions made by the Palestinian “negotiators” to the Israeli Zionist organization are not my inspiration to write this report.
The awful and miserable reality imposed by that Americanized Palestinian, Saeb Erekat, on my homeland Palestine, on the town of Hebron where I was born, can be described as the treason which inspired me to write this article.
After signing the miserable and traitorous “Oslo accords” and the “redeployment agreements” which inflict injustice, oppression, psychological and physical harm of all Palestinians in the West Bank and Gaza, and after I was forcibly expelled by the Zionist colonial occupation from living in peace in my homeland, I realized that all what Dr. Saeb Erekat, Ahmed Qurei, Dr. Mahmoud Abbass and the Palestinian “negotiator” team signed was drafted and decided a long time ago and was signed by these disgusting traitors in the context of a planned complete betrayal and liquidation of the Palestinian cause and our inalienable rights.

His relative Mohammad Erekat is a thief who embezzled and otherwise stole the budgets of several newspapers, Al-Fajr and Al-Usbou El-Jadid, as well as the budget of the Fatah in Jericho. I know this because I worked at both newspapers, and more than once my colleagues and I did not receive our salaries.
The majority of Palestinians are opposed to Saeb Erekat as chief of the Palestinian “negotiating” team for more than 20 years, but the US and Israel insist in keeping him in that position, although the Israeli delegation team has changed several times during these over 2 decades.
Erekat has no popularity and no support among Palestinians, a rejection and unpopularity which extends to all members of the “negotiation” team and the other fat cats in power at the PA. Apart from the fact that Erekat has demonstrated that he is a traitor and criminal during these 20 and more years, and legitimacy of these so-called “negotiations” is put in question because the Jewish mafia which extends from Boston and Washington all the way to the colonies of criminal degenerates in the West Bank put Erekat and his accomplices where they are ~ he is their employee, not a Palestinian choice for anything.
Ahmed Qurei, another thieving traitor, is nicknamed the “Cement Salesman” because he and his brother own a company which makes and sells cement. This company was embezzled by Qurei from resources which belonged to the resistance and were originally designed to make sure that Palestinians could stay in their homeland, and aiding the poor.
This company now supplies the squatters with cement to build their colonies like for example “Har Homa” east of Jerusalem on the top of the Abu Ghniem Mountain in the lands of Bethlehem.
Qurei is also known as a successful “negotiator” with his friend the disgusting Tzipi Livni (they deserve each other). His success shows in the fact that he obtained Israeli identity for his married daughter. He got what he wanted by blowing what is not his; he is not fit to be a negotiator on behalf of the Palestinians
Qurei and Erekat and all the other disgusting creeps in the PA are blood suckers, idiots and thieves wanted by none. These antisocials, these vampires live only for their unquenchable need of young women, dollars and whisky; they send their untalented offspring to US and European universities, while Palestinian families in the West bank and Gaza are reduced to complete misery.
US security coordinator General Keith Dayton (foreground) salutes as he visits the Palestinian security headquarters known as the 'Muqataa' in the West Bank town of Bethlehem, 17 December 2007. Pic. Credit: AFP / Musa Al- Shaer.
What Al-Jazeera exposed these past days was already pretty well known by the people. The stench of Erekat and his cronies could be smelled in Palestine for many years already. Still, the PA and the Fatah, flush with American and EU money, in a display of effrontery which they could only have learned from their Jewish masters, accused Al-Jazeera of launching a campaign to discredit the “Palestinian” Mahmoud Abbas and the Palestinian Authority.
The Fatah, which dominates the Palestinian Authority, fears a collapse in their popularity among the Palestinian public now that the whole extent of their treachery has been exposed and confirmed. On the level of daily politics, the PA and Fatah are losing popularity in a dire way before the Palestinian public, which hates to see their blood and their inalienable rights before the Israeli occupation sold out by traitors and thieves. After the revelation of the scandal that the PA apparently sold Jerusalem and our rights of return to Israel, these repulsive traitors and their families will hopefully be lost, and get lost.
With regret and bitterness I openly say that I, among several hundreds of thousands of Palestinians, preferred to live under Israeli occupation as political activists, in honest and peaceful resistance, or even as prisoners, for another century or several centuries, than to live even one day under the rule of this so-called “Palestinian National Authority” and its Zionist-American project of false “peace” based on waiving and renouncing all of our national and legitimate rights.
Unfortunately, I must admit, to live under the Israeli Zionist colonial occupation is more merciful than to live under this “Palestinian National Authority” and their camouflage, deceptions, endless orgies of lying, of wanton murders and other methods of dictatorship which continue to be used every day against the Palestinian people and in the interests of the Zionist organization and the USA as well as to serve many intelligence systems in other western countries.
The frustration among the Palestinian people parallels their situation of poverty, oppression, of deteriorated education, joblessness, high taxes and chaos which has reached the highest rates under the Palestinian Authority, which seems to only concern itself with the sources of money to fund its dictatorial regime, which is worse than the regime implemented by Nicolae Ceauşescu in Romania, or the dictatorship of Zine El Abidine Ben Ali in Tunisia.
Two days ago, three labor unions associations in Palestine: the union of public employees, the union of medical professionals and the health services union, urged the “Prime Minister” to take harsh measures if the Palestinian Authority continued to neglect the interests of their members, who are living below the poverty, while at the same time the representatives of the PA who are in power, and their relatives, are living in pure and unadulterated luxury.
At the same time, the percentage of Palestinians without jobs reaches 50% in various cities and towns in the West Bank, and far more than that in Gaza. Nobody cares about those jobless people, or pays for their social security and medical insurance. The PA has imposed conditions on the social security system which excludes the jobless youth and their families from its system. Under this unfair system, thousands of families suffer of hunger.
Despite this bleak scenario and the rising unemployment and poverty in Palestine, the PA is exhausting the Palestinians with vastly increased taxes and continues spying on them and preventing Palestinians from expressing their political views, as if the vast treachery and wholesale selling out of our national rights was not enough. Not to miss a beat, the PA now forbids Palestinians from criticizing its corrupt policies and the so-called “Palestinian President” Mahmoud Abbas and his miserable regime.
The image which lead to the arrest of Mamduh Hamamre.
Comment in Arabic “Similar in Everything”
Palestinian journalist Mamduh Hamamre was imprisoned, tortured and interrogated for 53 day after he received, from unknown persons, an image on his Facebook page, which depicts President Mahmoud Abbas standing next to an actor who plays the part of a villain in a famous TV series in Syria (“Bab El-Hara”). Journalist Hamamre was accused of offending “President” Abbas. Two days ago, Hamamre was called by the Palestinian “justice”, and now faces three years in jail because of an image which received, unsolicited, from an unknown person.
According to my sources, the Palestinian intelligence service was behind sending Hamamre the image of Abbas in order to find a reason to jail him and so hinder him in his journalistic mission, which does not correspond to the taste of Fatah. This is but one example of dictatorial behavior from many.
In conclusion, the documents published by Al-Jazeera are related to the year 2008 and before. The questions which arise are:
What horrors did they perpetrate in years after 2008?
What other horrors has the so called security coordination under the Keith Dayton brought the Palestinians since 2008?
What horrors are the future under the PA still hiding form us Palestinians?
What can we do to get ride of these criminals and get the liberation of Palestine on the right course?
According to my information, some months ago the PA allowed the Israeli intelligence to interrogate the political prisoners at the PA jails after the resistance killed some squatters near Hebron.
Civil disobedience is the only solution in the face of the abjectly criminal Palestinian National Authority, and the expulsion of all its representatives to wherever they came from ~ many of them are not even Palestinians, some of them were picked up from the Palestinian refugee camps of the region by intelligence services.
Time has come for a ONE STATE SOLUTION for two nations, without differences of rights in law or practice between them, like is the case in EU, USA and many western countries. This solution is the best compromise and better than what the likes of Saeb Erekat and Ahmed Qurei are doing while renouncing the rights of Palestinian, whose interests they are supposed to be representing.
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