Sunday 16 January 2011


It is interesting  ~ and chilling ~ to note that physicians are now connecting this horror and the attendant use of corexit to Agenda 21. This is a human cull and damn the cost on both human and environmental scale. I have added a few videos, images and quotes in green to the original report. Yet when you watch the interview with Catfish down below you will also see what regional doctors are telling their patients. Acid reflux?

Many of the chemicals present in the oil and dispersants are known to cause the following health problems:

Headaches, nausea, vomiting, kidney damage, altered renal functions, irritation of the digestive tract, lung damage, burning pain in the nose and throat, coughing, pulmonary edema, cancer, lack of muscle coordination, dizziness, confusion, irritation of the skin, eyes, nose, and throat, difficulty breathing, delayed reaction time, memory difficulties, stomach discomfort, liver and kidney damage, unconsciousness, tiredness/lethargy, irritation of the upper respiratory tract, and hematological disorders.

“The intentional release of dispersants was done without adequate scientific knowledge of impacts to the deep sea, open ocean, and coastal environments ~ or to people living or recreating at the coast. Thus, the release was the largest chemical experiment in history on a civilian population without their knowledge or consent ~ and the government was complicit in this draconian experiment." ~ Dr. Riki Ott
By Dahr Jamail
NEW ORLEANS, Louisiana,
Jan 14, 2011

In an emotionally charged meeting this week sponsored by the National Commission on the BP Deepwater Horizon Oil Spill, fishermen, Gulf residents and community leaders vented their increasingly grave concerns about the widespread health issues brought on by the three-month-long disaster.

Nobody knows the full financial impact if tainted seafood makes it to market. Evidence is being found of dispersants and oil entering the food chain and lately it has been revealed that the FDA weren’t even testing seafood for toxic heavy metals known to be in crude oil, despite the catch coming from known oiled areas." ~ draketoulouse
"One main ingredient in Corexit ( and many non-health-food-store health care products ) is PROPYLENE GLYCOL This is anti-freeze."

"Corexit is also known as Cor(pus) Exit(us). It is a gas weapon developed out of a War. Corpus Exitus is latin and means, 'Body

"Today I'm talking to you about my life," Cherri Foytlin told the two commissioners present at the Jan. 12 meeting. "My ethylbenzene levels are 2.5 times the 95th percentile, and there's a very good chance now that I won't get to see my grandbabies…What I'm asking you to do now, if possible, is to amend [your report]. Because we have got to get some health care."

Ethylbenzene is a form of benzene present in the body when it begins to break down. It is also present in BP's crude oil.

"I have seen small children with lesions all over their bodies," Foytlin, co-founder of Gulf Change, a community organization based in Grand Isle, Louisiana, continued. 
"After 100 days of U.S. petrochemical-military Gulf of Mexico region attack causing napalm-like injury, death and destruction, millions of people have been poisoned, thousands of children and adults suffer due to burned skin, chemical pneumonia and coughing up blood from internal bleeding, while hundreds of thousands of fish washed ashore Louisiana's coast from a chemical weapon Satanically applied to the Agenda 21 killing field. Obama, his administration and even his wife, continue their public charade supported by mainstream press blatant lies and sin of omission, a Disinformation weapon used on Americans as the UN Agenda 21 unfolds." ~ examiner
"We are very, very ill. And dead is dead. So it really doesn't matter if the media comes back… or the president hears us, or… if the oil workers and the fishermen and the crabbers get to feed their babies and maybe have a good Christmas next year… Dead is dead…I know your job is probably already done, but I'd like to hire you if you don't mind. And God knows I can't pay you. But I need your heart. And I need your voice."

Commissioner Frances Beinecke, president of the National Resources Defence Council, vowed to convey her concerns to the White House. 


We are told these black shrimp are edible? 
Would Obama feed this to his children?

"We hear what you are saying," said Beinecke. "We will take these health issues and concerns back to the president."

The commission, appointed by President Barack Obama, released its final report this week after a six-month investigation into the nation's worst-ever oil disaster.

The report recommended a massive overhaul of the oil industry's failed safety practices in the Gulf, as well as the creation of a new independent agency to monitor offshore drilling activity. 

“The oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico poses direct threats to human health from inhalation or dermal contact with the oil and dispersant chemicals, and indirect threats to seafood safety and mental health. Physicians should be familiar with health effects from oil spills to appropriately advise, diagnose, and treat patients who live and work along the Gulf Coast or wherever a major oil spill occurs.”~ Dr. Gina Solomon, oil spill health expert 

However, most of the 250 people at the meeting here focused on the health crisis that has exploded in the wake of the April 2010 disaster, leaving former BP clean-up workers and Gulf residents alike suffering from ailments they attribute to chemicals in BP's oil and the toxic dispersants used to sink it.

Dr. Rodney Soto, a medical doctor in Santa Rosa Beach, Florida, has been testing and treating patients with high levels of oil-related chemicals in their bloodstream.

These are commonly referred to as volatile organic compounds (VOCs). Anthropogenic VOCs from BP's oil disaster are toxic and have negative chronic health effects.

Dr. Soto is finding disconcertingly consistent and high levels of toxic chemicals in every one of the patients he is testing.

"I'm regularly finding between five and seven VOCs in my patients," Dr. Soto told IPS. "These patients include people not directly involved in the oil clean-up, as well as residents that do not live right on the coast. These are clearly related to the oil disaster."

Nevertheless, U.S. government agencies like the Environmental Protection Agency, Food and Drug Administration, and the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration, along with President Obama himself, have declared the Gulf of Mexico, its waters, beaches, and seafood, safe and open to the public. 


Gulf residents at the meeting on Wednesday made sure the two commissioners were aware of the health crisis they are facing.

Tom Costanza of Catholic Charities in the New Orleans area stated that the region is in the middle of a social service crisis and faced a claims process he said is fraught with problems.

"People call me crying and dying," he said. "They need medical attention and support to get through this."

Ada McMahon works with Bridge the Gulf Project, a citizen journalism website that highlights stories from Gulf Coast communities about justice and sustainability. She told IPS that

"the unmet health issues are the biggest issue, along with residents turned advocates going to meetings of the commission or with [BP oil spill fund administrator Kenneth] Feinberg to tell people about their health problems." 

 No comment ~ disinfo at its finest.

The FDA is now claiming that seafood is perfectly safe to eat. If that’s true, then why is NOAA developing testing method to detect trace amounts of chemicals (mainly BP’s dispersant Corexit) in seafood from the Gulf? And why are people finding full sized crabs filled with a “black substance?”
"People who can afford the 300-dollar blood tests have found alarming rates of chemicals in their bodies, and these people are concerned and doing what they can to speak out," she said. "But they feel they can't wait for Congress or Obama to address this, because they need doctors and support now in the communities."

LaTosha Brown, director of the Gulf Coast Fund for Community Renewal and Ecological Health, which works with 250 community groups, agreed that "the key concern expressed by the community in response to the report is the overwhelming need for access to health care." 

 Florida Oil Spill Law ~ Dr. Soto says he’s seeing more patients who are testing positive for toxic agents associated with the oil spill in excess of the 95th percentile. If they’re spreading beyond the shoreline, could we all be at risk?  “We’re not talking about short term effects of irritation in the airways, headaches, or rashes people have been experiencing from symptoms that we get calls here in the office for. I’m more concerned about the long term health effects. Nobody talks about it, nobody’s even thinking of that 5,10,15, 20 years from now that we’re going to see ~ cancer”.
"Over and over, people exposed to crude and dispersants from the drilling disaster told stories of serious health issues ~ from high levels of ethylbenzyne in their blood, to respiratory ailments and internal bleeding ~ and expressed an urgent need for access to doctors who have experience treating chemical exposure," she said. 

An Interview with Catfish Miller

Stephen Bradberry, executive director of the Alliance Institute, a non-profit that provides community organizing support in the Gulf South, worries that the Gulf Coast Claims Facility is not accepting health claims, thus leaving sick residents unable to work and without any income to pay their medical bills.

"There is bruising and skin lesions, not just with clean-up workers, these are residents not involved in the clean-up," Bradberry told IPS. "Just yesterday I learned of five people on Grand Isle who passed away…people who did not have health problems prior to this. Nevertheless, there has not been any talk of monitoring of these communities."

Bradberry, who also attended the forum on Wednesday, also said, "We need a separate health task force that can focus solely on testing, monitoring, and studying the long-term health issues from exposure to crude and dispersants. And this needs to happen now."

"We have received reports from fishermen in Pass Christian of a large fish, ray, and seagull kill - accompanied by large amounts of oil pouring into a cove - east of the Pass Christian Harbor. To make things worse, it appears that VOO workers who came in today with oily boom were immediately laid off. It is suspected that this was done so that BP can spray even more dispersent without being seen." ~ reports from fishermen in Pass Christian of a large fish, ray, and seagull kill


Illness Plagues Gulf Residents in BP's Aftermath

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