Thierry Meyssan
November 21, 2011
Al-Jazeera ~ the Qatari news channel that in the space of 15 years established itself in the Arab world as an innovative news outlet ~ suddenly embarked in a vast intoxication campaign to overthrow the regimes of Libya and Syria through any means. As demonstrated by Thierry Meyssan, this was not a conjunctural shift but one that was planned long in advance by individuals who shrewdly concealed their personal interests to the public. Revelations follow …
The Qatari-based Al-Jazeera channel announced the resignation of
its director general, Wadah Khanfar, and his replacement by a member of the
royal family, Sheikh Hamad Ben Jassem Al-Thani on September 20, 2011.
Sheikh Hamad is a Qatargas executive, and spent a year at the
head office of Total in Paris. He is the former chairman of the Al-Jazeera Board
of Directors.
This development is portrayed by the Atlanticist media in three
different ways:
either as a forced resignation and a takeover of the channel by the State,as a revenge on the part of the Palestinian Authority following the release of the Palestinian Papers and, finally,as the result of the Wikileaks leak exposing some of the connections between Mr. Khanfar and the United States.
While each of these interpretations may contain some truth, they
nevertheless obscure the overriding factor: the role of Qatar in the war
against Libya. At this point, a flash backwards is called for.
Al-Jazeera was conceived by two French-Israeli personalities,
the David and Jean Frydman brothers, after the assassination of their friend
Yitzhak Rabin. According to David Frydman [1], the goal
was to create a medium where Israelis and Arabs could discuss freely, exchange
arguments and get to know each other, considering this was prevented by the war
situation thereby frustrating any peace prospect.
For the creation of the channel, the Frydman brothers benefited
from a combination of circumstances: the Orbit Saudi Company had reached an
agreement with the BBC to set up a
news broadcast in Arabic. But the political demands posed by the absolutist
Saudi monarchy quickly proved incompatible with the professional independence
of British journalists. The agreement was terminated and the majority of
Arabic BBC journalists found themselves
out on the street. They were then recruited to launch Al-Jazeera.
The Frydman brothers were eager to have their television
perceived as an Arabic channel. They managed to enlist the new emir of Qatar,
Hamid bin Khalifa al-Thani, who with the help of London and Washington had just
overthrown his father, accused of pro-Iranian sentiments.

The initial financing package included both a down payment from
the Frydman brothers and a loan from the Emir of $ 150 million over 5 years. A
boycott by the advertisers, organized by Saudi Arabia, and the ensuing
scantiness of advertising revenues finally led to the modification of the
initial plan. Ultimately, the Emir became the donor of the channel and hence
its sponsor.
For years, Al-Jazeera’s audience
was captivated by its internal pluralism. The channel took pride in giving free
rein to opposing viewpoints. The idea was not to tell the truth, but to have it
spring from the debate.

The heroic role of its reporters in Afghanistan and in the 2003
Gulf War, as well as their exemplary work in contrast to the propaganda of the
pro-US satellite channels, catapulted Al-Jazeera from
a controversial channel to an acclaimed media outlet. Its journalists paid a
high price for their courage: George W. Bush stopped short from bombing the
Doha studios, but had Tareq Ayyoub assassinated [2], arrested Tayseer Alouni [3], and imprisoned Sami al-Hajj
at Guantanamo Bay [4].
However, all good things come to an end. In 2004-05, after the
death of David Frydman, the Emir decided to overhaul Al-Jazeera completely
and create new channels, including Al-Jazeera English,
at a time when the global market was changing and all major States were
equipping themselves with news satellite channels.
The moment had come to leave the excitement and impudence of the early period behind in order to capitalize on an audience now reaching 50 million viewers, and to position itself as a player in the globalized world.
Sheikh Hamad bin-Khalifa called on an international firm that
had already provided him with personal training in communication skills. JTrack
had especially targeted Arab and Southeast Asian leaders to train them in the
language of Davos: how to project an image that the West wants to see.
From Morocco to Singapore, JTrack has trained most of the political leaders backed by the United States and Israel, often mere heredity puppets, turning them into respectable media personalities. The important thing is not whether they have something to say, but their aptness to impart the globalized rhetoric.
However, having been assigned to high government positions in
North Africa, the CEO of JTrack had to withdraw before completing the
transformation of the Al-Jazeera Group.
He handed over the rest of the operations to a former Voice
of America journalist who had been working for the Qatari
channel for several years and who belonged to the same Muslim congregation as
him: Wadah Khanfar.
Both professionally competent and politically safe, Mr. Khanfar
strove to give Al-Jazeera an ideological
tinge. While giving a voice to Mohamed Hassanein Heikal, Nasser’s former
spokesman, he appointed Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi ~ whom Nasser had stripped of
his Egyptian nationality ~ the channel’s “spiritual counselor”.
With the revolutions in North Africa and the Arabian Peninsula,
Wadah Khanfar dramatically changed Al-Jazeera’s
editorial policy.
The Group played a central role in lending credence to the “Arab
spring” myth, according to which the people ~ eager to live in a
Western-style society ~ had risen to overthrow their dictatorial regimes and
switch to parliamentary democracies.
No distinction was made between the events in Tunisia and Egypt, and those in Libya and Syria.As for the popular movements in Yemen and Bahrain, they did not draw enough viewers!
In reality, the Anglo-Saxons tried to take advantage of the
popular revolts to replay the same “Arab spring” scenario
that they had staged in the 1920s to take possession of the former Ottoman
provinces and install puppet parliamentary democracies under Western
Al-Jazeera’s coverage
of the Tunisian and Egyptian revolts was designed to dampen the flames of
revolution and to legitimize the governments aligned with the United States and
In Egypt the uprising was harnessed in the interest of a single element of the opposition: the Muslim Brotherhood, embodied by the channel’s star preacher ~ Sheikh Yusuf al-Qaradawi.
Outraged by the new editorial policy and the increasingly
frequent recourse to lies [5], a certain number of
journalists, including Ghassan Ben Jedo, walked out slamming the door behind
Nevertheless, it wasn’t until the Libyan episode that the masks
started to fall. In fact, the boss of JTrack and mentor of Wadah Kanfhar is
none other than Mahmoud Jibril (the “J” in “JTrack” stands for “Jibril”).

Under Saif el-Islam Gaddafi’s control, he was appointed both
Minister of Planning and Director of the Development Authority, thus
becoming de facto the number two man in the
government, having authority over other ministers. At breakneck speed, he
forged ahead with the deregulation of Libya’s socialist economy and the
privatization of its public enterprises.
Through his JTrack training activities, Mahmoud Jibril
established personal relationships with almost all the Arab and Southeast Asian
leaders. He had offices in Bahrain and Singapore. In addition, Mr. Jibril
created trading companies, including one dealing with Malaysian and Australian
timber in partnership with his French friend, Bernard-Henri Levy.
ED: In other words, by his association alone with Levy, this man
Jabril declared himself enemy of both Libya and the Qaddafis. That he is one of
the CIA-sponsored Muslim Brotherhood is a complete betrayal of the Libyan people.
Mahmoud Jibril started his university studies in Cairo, where he met and married the daughter of one of Nasser’s ministers. He later continued his studies in the United States, where he assimilated the libertarian views that he tried to inject into al-Gaddafi’s anarchist ideology. But, more importantly, in Libya Mr. Jibril joined the Muslim Brotherhood. It was in this capacity that he placed his coreligionists, Brothers Wadah Kanfhar and Yusuf al-Qaradawi, in Al-Jazeera .
During the first half of 2011, the Qatari channel became the
preferred instrument for pro-Western propaganda: it went to great lengths to
obscure the anti-imperialist and anti-Zionist aspect of the Arab revolutions
and, in each country, it picked the actors it intended to support and those it
decided to deprecate.
Not surprisingly, it supported the king of Bahrain, a student of Mahmoud Jibril, who had his people gunned down, while Al-Jazeera’s spiritual counselor, Sheikh al-Qaradawi, was calling for a Jihad over the air against al-Gaddafi and el-Assad, falsely accusing them of murdering their own people.

Need I mention the insults I received when I denounced this
manipulation in the columns of
Yet Al-Jazeera and Sky
News broadcasted these false images on the second day of the
Battle of Tripoli, sowing confusion among the Libyan people. It was actually
only three days later that the “rebels” ~ almost exclusively from Misrata ~
entered Tripoli, devastated by NATO’s bombs.
The same goes for the announcement by Al-Jazeera of
Saif el-Islam Gadhafi’s arrest and the confirmation of his capture by the
prosecutor of the International Criminal Court Luis Moreno-Ocampo. I was the
first, through Russia Today, to warn against the
manipulation. And again, I was ridiculed by some newspapers, until Saif
el-Islam turned up in person to wake up the journalists holed up at the Rixos
Hotel and led them to the real Bal el-Azizia square.
Questioned about such lies by channel France24 in
Arabic, the president of the National Transitional Council (CNT), Mustafa Abdul
Jalil, chalked it up to a war stratagem and said he was delighted to have thus
accelerated the fall of the Jamahiriya.
The conversion of Al-Jazeera into
a propaganda tool for the decolonization of Libya was not achieved without the
knowledge of the emir of Qatar, but indeed under his leadership.
The Gulf Cooperation Council was the first to call for an armed
intervention in Libya and Qatar was the first Arab country to join the Contact
Group. He funneled weapons to the Libyan “rebels” before sending in his own
ground troops, especially during the Battle of Tripoli. In exchange, he
obtained the privilege of controlling all the oil trade on behalf of the
National Transitional Council.
It is too early to say whether the resignation of Wadah Khanfar
marks the end of his mission in Qatar, or if it heralds the channel’s desire to
recover the credibility that took 15 years to build and only 6 months to lose.
[2] "The war on al-Jazeera", by Dima Tareq Tahboub, The Guardian, 4 October 2003.
[3] “The Arab press in the firing line”, Voltaire Network, 15 September 2003.
[4] See our dossier on Sami al-Hajj
[5] For example: "Al-Jazeera staged huge rally in Moscow against Bashar al-Assad”, Voltaire Network, 4 May 2011.
Sheikh Imran Hosein ~ Predictions ~ The Israeli & Al Jazeera Deception
Sheikh Hosein is very, very good.
ReplyDeleteAnd while all the deception is flying in the face of everyone, behind the scenes, the plotters are in overtime and have been for a long time.
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