The US is sending troops to Australia and right now it’s 2500
but that’s only the vanguard as more will arrive. They will be stationed in
Darwin. It looks as though the US plans on using Australia as a launch pad for
the invasion of Indonesia. They are beefing up troops and weapons with the Philippines. Hillary has been on the go for awhile down there in that part of the world weaving her dirty spells of black sorcery with the leaders of these nations, most notably Australia and the Philippines. If there is a clash of civilizations, then the Philippines will become embroiled due to its high number of Muslims.
Considering the shoring up and buddy buddying of America to
various South Pacific countries over the past few months, I have a feeling were
going to see another genocidal war against another Muslim country sometime in
the future. Look at a map and you will see Indonesia controls vital sea routes
which are important to China especially since most of her oil comes by sea. This
is purely conjecture on my part but we could see a false flag attack on
Australia which gets it to participate in the invasion of Indonesia or we could
see another orchestrated “revolution” which calls for a “humanitarian”
The much awaited clash of civilizations is now right before us; the perpetrators are none other than who had sponsored the book of this name.
Raja G Mujtaba
November 18, 2011
bashing has become part of a well organized movement in the West. This is nothing new; such acts are spread over the entire history
of Islam. The notorious crusades were initiated in by Pope Urban 2nd
in 1096 when the Church was losing its hold on Christians; this ploy was used by them to bring the
Christians back under the yoke of the Church.
a reaction to these invasions, a warrior in the person of Sultan Salahuddin
Ayubi, a Kurd emerged and fought out these crusades against Islam.

splinter effects have spread across not only the US but Western Europe as well.
Burning of Holy Quran by Pastor Terry Jones in Florida was the most glaring
act. Other than this, there have been numerous attacks on Mosques and Muslims
in the entire length and breadth of the US.
if this was not enough, caricatures of Holy Prophet Muhammad (S A W) were
perpetrated in Europe. Dutch MP, Geert Wilders launched a very aggressive
campaign against Islam when he addressed the British Parliament. First it was
absolutely wrong on the part of the British to allow such a speech and then it
was even worse when he was allowed to get away with it.
Desert Storm under General Colin Powel was the first stage of “War against
Islam.” It was orchestrated first by instigating
Saddam Hussain to invade Iran that was going through a process of revolution
and then Kuwait to create a fear and terror in the minds of the Gulf
Cooperation Council states on the Persian Gulf.
Iraq was fighting Iran, I was adviser to Kuwait Air Force & Air Defence for
its automation. I was observing that daily night flights were taking place to
provide arms and ammunition to Iraq.
it was not in my assignment to advise them on this but sensing what was to come
for Kuwait after Saddam failed to defeat Iran was not being accepted by the Kuwaiti authorities. They
thought that Iraq would be able to defeat Iran hence Kuwait would be on the
side of the victor and then it was the Arab nationalism that had been
inculcated by Col Lawrence that became a strong factor to support Iraq.
US and her allies played a smart move, through the Iran-Iraq war; the US was avenging her humiliation at the hands
of the Iranian students who had occupied the US Embassy and taken over four
hundred hostages in Tehran.
all this, the US had built huge bases in Saudi Arabia much beyond the Saudi
needs but at their expense. It was a great game of chess being played at the
expense of the Arab Kings and Sheikhs to extract their wealth and take control
of their oil and political body. Soon after the Iraqi invasion of Kuwait, the
UN Security Council was moved, media hype was created and the troops began to
arrive in Saudi Arabia and other Gulf States to ‘liberate’ Kuwait.
military might was destroyed, No-Fly Zones were established, and oil exports were taken over. Iraq was completely
cut off and no trade was taking place, hospitals ran out of medicines, stores had no stock
even of essentials, baby food was not to be seen; this was such a cruel act on the part of
the US and her allies that almost a million babies and people died for want of
food and medicines.
Madeline Albright was confronted with this astronomical figure of deaths, she
said that this was a price worth it.

of expression etc. are good but not at the cost of religious sentiments of
other communities. Such freedom only disrupts peace and harmony not only in the
country of occurrence but it runs polarization and deep wedge between such
communities around the world.
since 9/11, the world has been pushed deeper and deeper into a state of
war. Many Muslim countries have been attacked and numerous are being planned to
be attacked. Reasons to do are always engineered and the blame is fixed on the
target country. Since 9/11, Afghanistan, Iraq and Pakistan are under constant
state of destabilization.
was the last country to have been attacked. A country that was living in peace
and refusing to accept the American hegemony has been put to anarchy.
Yemen, Syria and Iran are under focus. Several attempts have been made on
Pakistan but without success.
there is a well coordinated move taking place in Africa where Nigeria, Sudan,
Somalia etc. are being threatened. It is not to be forgotten that Arab kingdoms
in the Arabian Peninsula are also under threat. The sword of destabilization
and anarchy is hanging on their necks also.
is a very crucial time in the history of Muslims, and there is no body or any
coordinated effort to face the threats and challenges. Organization of Islamic Cooperation (OIC) that was formed
a few decades back became a center of hope and inspiration for the Muslims but
soon it became apparent that it has been plagued by the termites planted by the
as Mahathir Muhammad said it’s not OIC but Oh IC.
can be well gauged from its impotence and lack of assertion on any issue
inflicting the Muslim world. It has not been able to resolve any conflicts
within the Muslim world. The expected diplomatic role of this body has been a
complete disappointment.
to check Islam bashing or spread of Islamophobia that’s being created by the
neo-cons and the Zionists is merely a lip service. The press release of the OIC
secretariat is placed below for the benefit of the readers to assess for them
how pathetic the state is.
sources at the General Secretariat of the Organization of Islamic Cooperation
(OIC) disclosed on Thursday, 17 November 2011 that a meeting of experts will be
held in Washington DC on 12 December 2011 and will last three days to discuss
ways and means to implement resolution 16/18 on “Combating intolerance,
negative stereotyping and stigmatization of, and discrimination, incitement to
violence, and violence against persons based on religion or belief” which was
issued by the United Nations Human Rights Council last March, and prepared by
the OIC in collaboration with the United States of America.
resolution, which received large support in the HRC, aims to combat religious
discrimination, all what may lead to hatred and violence, and combating the
phenomenon of Islamophobia spreading in the West. OIC member states and other
countries are expected to participate in the said meeting.
sources said that the Washington meeting, which will be held at the level of experts, will
endeavor to lay down legal mechanisms for the implementation of resolution
16/18 in order to pave the way for creating national legislations in the UN
Member States that can reduce religious discrimination and incitement to
religious hatred and violence.
sources also noted that the meeting will also attempt to overcome the obstacles
that prevent the implementation of the resolution, such as understanding the
principle of freedom of expression, which is considered sacred by Western
countries, while the OIC will endeavor to formulate frameworks for
implementation of the resolution that ensure non insulting or defamation of
religions or religious sanctities that lead to hostility and discrimination in many
Western countries.
the meantime, the UN Third Committee adopted by consensus resolution 16/18 last
Tuesday. The OIC sources considered such achievement an additional success for
the resolution. The sources added that countries such as Australia, Brazil and
Thailand have confirmed their absolute support for the resolution during the
meeting and have become additional co-sponsors for the resolution.
OIC Permanent Representative to the UN, Ambassador Ufuk Gokcen gave an
elaborate presentation on the resolution at an interfaith meeting held recently
in Marrakech, Morocco. The participating countries expressed their full support
for the resolution which was secured earlier during the meeting that was
co-chaired by the OIC Secretary General Professor Ekmeleddin Ihsanoglu and US
Secretary of State Hillary Clinton in Istanbul last July.”
killings have taken place under the garb of ‘War on Terror,’ the number runs into millions, this
is no coincidence but a well thought out agenda of the Zionists and the
Neo-Cons. This was executed by Bush-Blair and Company.
have committed crimes against humanity for which they need to be charged and tried in a
neutral court of justice. This court should have representations from the
Muslim world also. Without bringing these criminals to justice world would
never see peace.
not, then the way the Muslim countries are being victimized and attacked, a new Salahuddin Ayubi will arise and put
everything to rest.
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