December 12,
When I consider circumcision, I cannot help but consider the long term psychological impact of this practice on a newborn baby. Sadly, the families who allow it & the doctors who perform it apparently do not question the ramifications of this wicked trauma done on a newborn. I think this is why so many males don’t question going off to war… they’ve already been prepped with violence.
How insane
do you have to be to bite off the foreskin off a baby's penis and call it a
holy ritual? And then, when confronted by complaints from doctors about how
unsanitary and disease producing this method is, to say that your religious
tradition is more important than the conclusions of modern medical science
clearly demonstrates what a danger you are to every human being on this planet,
including yourself.
Of course,
these are Jews we are talking about; yes, Jews, the people who would rather
destroy the whole world than live with the fact they can't own every piece of
property and control every single person in it.
Tools of the trade.
If there is
a single event that symbolizes both humanity's ancient cannibal past and the
depraved motivation that plagues the world today with constant deceptions and
endless wars, it would be the Jewish practice of circumcision and its
associated ritual known as metzitsah b'peh, in which a special rabbi
known as a mohel sucks the blood from a baby's penis after the child's
foreskin is mutilated with a special knife.
According to rabbis of the bizarre Jewish sect known as the Haredi, Jewish rabbinical tradition takes precedence over scientific knowledge, which is exactly what allows this barbaric practice of an old man sucking the blood from a newborn baby's penis to continue, despite the sorry history of infants who have died from herpes and other venereal diseases transmitted to them by infected rabbis.
In fact, a
Haredi rabbi recently made the news ~ and made a fool of himself ~ by insisting
"the traditional way" of circumcising Jewish babies was more
important to follow than the avalanche of medical evidence that condemns the
practice for obvious physical and psychological reasons. <>

ED Noor: An early 1900s "invitation to
circumcision" postcard with the image of a very unhappy crying infant.
That these perverted mohels often transmit venereal diseases such as herpes to their innocent victims has been well publicized by several recent high profile cases, which are really murder by mouth, courtesy of Jewish tradition. <>
That these perverted mohels often transmit venereal diseases such as herpes to their innocent victims has been well publicized by several recent high profile cases, which are really murder by mouth, courtesy of Jewish tradition. <>
attempt to criminalize this perverse practice has been met with similar cries
of anguish from the Jewish community, as rabbis defend the unhealthy practice
under the rubric of religious freedom <>.
However, in
Israel, the practice is widely accepted <>,
leading to the obvious speculation that Jewish men treated in this way are not
only predisposed to homosexuality ~ and especially with older men (which
reportedly is Barack Obama's preference) <>
~ but are also made both more susceptible to pain and less compassionate to
others because of this constant subconscious fear of the horrid memory of their
primal pain.
The history
of the Jewish people in general and the murderous policies of Israel in
particular provide relevant case histories of this insane behaviour.
there are two issues at work here: the unhealthy practice of circumcision itself
and the special contribution of the diseased rabbi during the macabre ritual of
metzitsah b'peh.
The data indicated that circumcision affected most intensely the portions of the victim's brain associated with reasoning, perception and emotions. Follow up tests on the infant one day, one week and one month after the surgery indicated that the child's brain never returned to its baseline configuration.
In other words,the evidence generated by this researchindicated that the brain of the circumcised infantwas permanently changed by the surgery.
circumcision of the sexual organ is really a permanent circumcision of the
And when you combine a senseless, barbaric ritual with the hellish face of an old man with a white beard sucking the blood out of your genitals as the holiest symbol of your religion, what kind of person are you?
And when you combine a senseless, barbaric ritual with the hellish face of an old man with a white beard sucking the blood out of your genitals as the holiest symbol of your religion, what kind of person are you?
What will
you become, and what kind of things will you do to the world?
Why the Jews
practice this deranged mutilation of babies is no mystery. The greatest Jewish
prophet, Maimonides himself, explained it clearly.
It was to reduce sexual pleasure for both men and women.
"chazal" is the metaphorical personification of collective Jewish
In the story of the rape of Dina, the daughter of Jacob (Genesis chapter 34), Chazal said that Dina, who had been taken by the uncircumcised Shechem, the son of Hamor, enjoyed having sexual relations with an uncircumcised man so much that her brothers Simeon and Levi had to take her away by force … Bereshit Rabbah (Vilna edition), parasha 80, note 11, "And they took Dina: Rabbu Udan said, 'they dragged her away.' .Rabbi Huna said, 'One who has had sexual relations with an uncircumcised man finds it difficult to stop'.".About this the greatest religious arbiter of all time, Maimonides, wrote in Moreh Nevuchim section three, chapter 49:
."And this commandment [circumcision] was not given to complete something lacking in Creation, only to complete something missing in human behaviour, and the physical damage to that organ is the aim … that desire beyond what is necessary should be removed, and since circumcision reduces the erectile ability of the organ and reduces the pleasure obtained from sexual relations, there is no doubt that when blood is spilled from that organ and its hood is removed will be weaker.
.Chazal clearly state that one who has sexual relations with an uncircumcised man finds it difficult to leave him; this seems to me to be the most compelling reason for circumcision."
.According to the greatest of religious arbiters, one of the reasons for circumcision is the desire to reduce sexual ability and enjoyment for Jewish men …
said circumcision was to reduce sexual pleasure. This is the No. 1 reason why
Jews should not be allowed to practice medicine, as they have been conditioned
to believe that sexual contentment is an obstacle to totalitarian control,
which it clearly is, by the way.
Maybe that's why Jews feel they need to kill so many people in the real world, because they cannot be sexually content because they have been circumcised.
Maybe that's why Jews feel they need to kill so many people in the real world, because they cannot be sexually content because they have been circumcised.
But it's not
just men who are permanently injured by circumcision.
~ Circumcision harms mothers
.~ Scientific studies have consistently shown that circumcision disrupts a child's behavioural development. Studies performed at the University of Colorado School of Medicine showed that circumcision is followed by prolonged, unrestful non-REM (rapid-eye-movement) sleep. In response to the lengthy bombardment of their neural pathways with unbearable pain, the circumcised babies withdrew into a kind of semicoma that lasted days or even weeks.
.ED Noor: It is a ridiculous medical claim that the babies do not feel the pain! The things said here make complete sense when viewed at through the lens of MK Ultra Trauma-based mind control. Under pain, these victims would create splinter personalities to avoid what they were enduring. Such pain to a newborn would be buried all the more deeply in the child’s psyche.
.Numerous other studies have proven that circumcision disrupts the mother-infant bond during the crucial period after birth. Research has also shown that circumcision disrupts feeding patterns. In a study at the Washington University School of Medicine, most babies would not nurse right after they were circumcised, and those who did would not look into their mothers' eyes.
denudes, desensitizes, disables and disfigures the penis. It disrupts blood
circulation, harms the developing brain, and perhaps most importantly, leaves
permanent psychological scars in the minds of its victims.
Advocates of
circumcision say it doesn't affect sexual function, but they haven't satisfied
their burden of proof, and common sense and multiple studies say otherwise.
Circumcision removes over a third of the erogenous tissue on the penile shaft,
including several kinds of specialized nerves. The adult foreskin, a
double-layer movable sleeve of about 12 square inches, enhances sexual pleasure
and facilitates intercourse.
One man compared having sex after an adult circumcision to "seeing in black and white instead of in color."
According to
some studies, circumcised men are more likely to have erectile dysfunction (4.5
times higher likelihood of using ED drugs), orgasm difficulties and premature
ejaculation, while their female partners have more problems with sexual
function, fulfillment, and painful intercourse. A survey of women with
comparative sexual experience showed they strongly prefer genitally intact men.
Noor: What a bundle the pharmaceutical conglomerates make on sexual dysfunction
remedies such as the much ballyhooed Viagra that was even used to bribe corrupt
warlords in foreign countries. The ED business is BOOMING everywhere
perpetuated by whom? Yes, Muslim males are circumcised but they do not enforce
the practice on others.
Psychological harms are reported by clinicians and circumcised men. They include anger toward parents and others, sexual anxieties, reduced emotional expression and empathy, low self-esteem and avoidance of intimacy. Other circumcised men may seem satisfied because they don't know what they're missing or are suppressing their feelings out of discomfort or fear of being dismissed.
Psychological harms are reported by clinicians and circumcised men. They include anger toward parents and others, sexual anxieties, reduced emotional expression and empathy, low self-esteem and avoidance of intimacy. Other circumcised men may seem satisfied because they don't know what they're missing or are suppressing their feelings out of discomfort or fear of being dismissed.
Circumcision is a physical assault on the most sensitive part of a male child’s body, which then makes it a violation of the psyche as well.
considered in combination with the existence of the chakras, this mutilation of
an organ in the root chakra has affects on emotions involving security
needs. Trauma at such a young age ~ would seem to have some sort of emotional
impact on the psyche of a newborn baby that is supposed to be experiencing
its first few hours bonding with its mother.
About the root chakra:“The root chakra is responsible for your sense of belonging, safety, and security in the world. It’s main concern is survival of the self. (JK: Emphasis mine)
.The health of our blood, immune system, bones, joints and spine is dependent on the emotions associated with this chakra. It envelops the body’s basic needs for safety, money, sexuality, groundedness and boundaries. People who have trouble with their first chakra may not have developed a strong identity and have not discovered their life purpose. If they are too yin they may be ungrounded. If they are too yang there might be too much attachment to material things, too much self-indulgence and a preoccupation with satisfaction of their own needs.”
So any
trauma in early infancy would naturally have effects on the root chakra,
causing security issues in the psyche, which then ripens them up to be good
little consumers, who are very needy.
would of course have the strongest impact of all the “routine” procedures done
to a newborn after birth. Have you ever seen a circumcision on a newborn baby?
The one I saw was awful, and proved to me that babies do feel pain,
regardless of what the doctor may tell you. The question is, what are the
long term effects of such a traumatic procedure on an infant’s psyche?
It is my
feeling that trauma in infancy and early childhood has a tendency to soften up
the mind and make people more easily controlled by the societal
conditioning, which is in turn, controlled by the so-called “hidden hand”
(corporate elites), through the use of education, religion, television, movies,
music, literature, and yes, even through the use of brain implants, on par
with the research of people like Dr. Jose Delgado and Dr. Ewen
Cameron. It sets in the newborn’s mind, a state of shock, coloring almost
everything that happens shortly after birth, including the bonding experience
with the parents.
Noor: Both of these men were heavily involved in mind control and trauma
experimentation for the US Government.
Psychology is therefore, the study of the psyche or spirit.
Trauma in childhood is recognized in the psychological community as having a
negative impact on behaviour, causing things like PTSD, Depression, Obsessive
Compulsive Disorder, Borderline Personality Disorder, Antisocial Personality
Disorder, Paranoid Personality Disorder, and Schizoid Personality Disorder, to
name a few.
I suspect
that the more trauma a person has in their life, whether in childhood or
adulthood, the more problems will manifest in their psyche (spirit).
Noor: This is, of course, a “no brainer” to anyone with an iota of spiritual wisdom and plain old fashioned compassionate understanding of human nature.
While I do
have some strong misgivings about the discipline of psychology
and their over-emphasis on drugs for behavioural disorders, when there are no
real objective tests for most of these disorders, this does not make psychology
an invalid science ~ just a flawed one, in need of more thorough oversight in
the community.
People with PTSD
have been found to have elevated stress hormones (cortisol) which can lead to
heart disease, and also to the shrinkage of the hippocampus (which affects
the transfer of facts from short-term to long-term memory).
After doing
some research on the subject of trauma and PTSD, I have noticed
that the most common groups studied in relation to this are veterans and
children. I find it interesting that no one seems to be studying the
effects of trauma in infancy. I realize that this may be more difficult to get
anecdotal information from infants; however, one could measure the amounts of
cortisol in the brain before and after a circumcision, for example.
I mention
circumcision because it is the mutilation of a male child’s penis, usually
done immediately after birth, unless the child is an orthodox Jew, who will get
this done at 13 years old, viewing it as a “rite of passage”. When I consider
circumcision, I cannot help but consider the long term psychological impact of
this practice on a newborn baby.
Sadly, the families who allow it and the doctors who perform it apparently do not question the ramifications of this wicked trauma done on a newborn. I think this is why so many males don’t question going off to war… they’ve already been prepped with violence.
Sadly, the families who allow it and the doctors who perform it apparently do not question the ramifications of this wicked trauma done on a newborn. I think this is why so many males don’t question going off to war… they’ve already been prepped with violence.
Noor: Circumcision did not become de rigeur in America until the Rockefeller-ization
of the medical system which involved the creation of the AMA and total control
over the training and education of doctors to meet “standards” such as they
were then and been since manipulated to the point we are at now.
"Routine circumcision of babies in the United States did not begin until the Cold War era. Circumcision is almost unheard of in Europe, Southern America, and non-Muslim Asia. In fact, only 10 to 15 percent of men throughout the world are circumcised."
Plus, as
with all issues involving Jews, there is a financial reason:
Parents should be wary of anyone who tries to retract their child's foreskin, and especially wary of anyone who wants to cut it off. Human foreskins are in great demand for any number of commercial enterprises, and the marketing of purloined baby foreskins is a multimillion-dollar-a-year industry.
Pharmaceutical and cosmetic companies use human foreskins as research material. Corporations such as Advanced Tissue Sciences, Organogenesis, and BioSurface Technology use human foreskins as the raw materials for a type of breathable bandage.
Noor: Then there is the cosmetics industry.....
ruination of sexual normalcy for purposes of social control results in horrific
consequences that are generally hidden from the public at large.
ramifications include:
and the
Satmar Hasidim fundamentalist branch of fundamentalist Jews, which has been thoroughly
injured and perverted by Jewish psychosexual religious practices. Fully half of
young males in Brooklyn's Hasidic community have been victims of sexual assault
by their elders. Jews who speak out are exiled from their own communities.
Noor: These crimes are also the result of the Talmudic blessing towards sexual
abuse of very young to minor males and females. Please see: PEDOPHILIA: THE TALMUD'S DIRTY SECRET. My
next posting will be the above mentioned article, The Child Rape Assembly Line.
It is compelling and important on its own.
The powerful
men ~ and it is worth noting that this community is regulated by men only ~ who
govern the world of ultra-Orthodox Judaism would rather their adherents be
blind in their faith, their eyes closed to the horrors Rabbi Rosenberg is
families are encouraged: every child born to a Hasid is seen as “a finger in
the eye of Hitler.” Ben also told me that the average family size among
Williamsburg Hasidim is nine, and that some families include more than 15
saddled with an increasing number of children soon enter into a cycle of
poverty. There is simultaneously an extreme separation of the sexes, which is
unprecedented in the history of the Hasidim. There is limited general
education, to the point that most men in the community are educated only to the
third grade, and receive absolutely no sexual education. No secular newspapers
are allowed, and internet access is forbidden.
“The men in the community are undereducated by design,” Ben said. “You have a community that has been infantilized. They have been trained not to think. It’s a sort of totalitarian control.”
that kind of attitude into the Jewish-dominated control of the American
population, in which homosexuality is promoted and family values, long
ridiculed by psychological "professionals" trained by adherents of
the Frankfurt School, are utterly denigrated, and you have perfect recipe for
the societal deterioration you see everywhere around you today.
The rabbis,
an ignorant and largely poverty-stricken flock,
the fate of every individual in the community.
Nothing is
done without the consent of the rabbinical establishment.
A man wants
to buy a new car ~ he goes to the rabbi for counsel.
A man wants
to marry ~ the rabbi tells him whether or not he should marry a particular
As for the
women, they don’t get to ask the rabbi anything.
Their place
is beneath contempt.

“It was hard for Satan alone to mislead the whole world, so he
appointed prominent rabbis in different localities.: ~ A Hasidic saying
attributed to Nahman of Bratzlav, early 19th century
“I have children come to me with their parents, and the blood is coming out of the anus,” Rabbi Rosenberg told me when we met. “These are zombies for life. What are we to do?”
Add in
Jewish dominance in pornography and white slavery industries, the hush-hush
practice of pederasty among the highest political level of American culture,
and the connection to the push by some psychologists to legalize pedophilia
turning the world into a culture of sex addicts who cannot really think and are
easily mobilized into endorsing unfair wars in order to continue practicing
their unhealthy addictions.
Noor: The mission statement of the Frankfurt School was to corrupt America via
the sexual instincts of the people. 'We
will make the West so corrupt that it stinks.'
a fuller comprehension of the sexual aims of the Frankfurt agenda please read THE FRANKFURT SCHOOL: CONSPIRACY TO CORRUPT an
article which I believe should be mandatory reading for all humans wrestling
with this sexual assault upon their cultures. The entire concept of
circumcision upon the psyche of children dovetails perfectly with the Bolshevik
Talmudic agenda of that institution.
People who
advocate the practice of circumcision (and this includes the vast majority of
doctors throughout the world) should be banned from practicing medicine, and
people who actually practice suctioning circumcision wounds with their mouths
should be permanently locked away in a ward for sexual psychopaths.
proscription should also be enforced on politicians who endorse these practices
and wind up declaring worldwide wars for reasons that are false. This train of
thought also sheds light on the seamy underbelly in all the capitals of the
world and their twisted politicians who work to conceal the widespread practice
of the sexual abuse and mutilations of stolen children that are kept secret by
officials and their prostituted media flunkies.
All of these
horrendous crimes against humanity are symbolized in the practice of fellated
Jewish circumcision, which guarantees an endless cycle of perversion and sex
crimes across the generations.
Twins! Double the mohel pleasure...
~ The penis develops naturally throughout childhood. Eventually, the child will, on his own, make the wondrous discovery that his foreskin will retract. There is no reason for parents, physicians, or other caregivers to manipulate a child's penis. The only person to retract a child's foreskin should be the child himself, when he has discovered that his foreskin is ready to retract.
.~ Parents should be wary of anyone who tries to retract their child's foreskin, and especially wary of anyone who wants to cut it off.
.~ Physicians have a duty to refuse to perform circumcision. They also must educate parents who, out of ignorance or misguidance, request this surgery for their sons. The healthcare professional's obligation is to protect the interests of the child. It is unethical in the extreme to force upon a child an amputation he almost certainly would never have chosen for himself.
Kaminski is a writer who lives on the Gulf Coast of Florida, constantly trying
to figure out why we are destroying ourselves, and pinpointing a corrupt belief
system as the engine of our demise. Solely dependent on contributions from
readers, please support his work by mail: 6871 Willow Creek Circle #103, North
Port FL 34287 USA.
Noor: Please see my previous work on the delicate deadly topic of male
A Jewish home decorated for a visit from the mohel to be followed by a big party to welcome the maimed infant into the tribe.
Some definitions:
A Jewish home decorated for a visit from the mohel to be followed by a big party to welcome the maimed infant into the tribe.
Some definitions:
Hebephile - sexual preference
for children, roughly 11 to 14 years of age, who are on the cusp of puperty.
Pedophile - sexual preference for children who are clearly pre-pubescent.
Ephebophile - sexual preference for youths who have reached puberty, mainly 15 to 16 years of age.
Teleiophile - sexual preference for youths 17 years of age or older.
Pedophile - sexual preference for children who are clearly pre-pubescent.
Ephebophile - sexual preference for youths who have reached puberty, mainly 15 to 16 years of age.
Teleiophile - sexual preference for youths 17 years of age or older.
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