Radical Press
December 7, 2013
The following report is extensive and, due to its
nature, ongoing. It’s that way because the topic being investigated is
extremely convoluted and contentious and, for the most part, clandestine when
it comes to seeking and receiving reliable, truthful answers to questions that
concerned individuals and groups have been asking politicians and governments
for close to two decades.
Amongst those who have been investigating the
controversial phenomenon now commonly known as “Chemtrails” is a lady named
Katja Oljuscha Grunther who lives in New Denver, British Columbia, located in
the southern Kootenay region of the province.
Although a relative newcomer in terms of her work
and efforts in trying to obtain reasonable answers to her questions regarding
the ongoing spraying of chemicals, her concerted efforts in this regard (on top
of challenging personal health issues) eventually bore fruit when she was able
to gain the ear of her federal Member of Parliament Mr. Alex Atamanenko, who,
upon studying the documentation that she provided to his office, consented to
bringing her concerns before the Canadian parliament in the fall of 2013.
By accident, during Katja Grunther’s researching,
she came across my website British Columbia
Chemtrail Alert and upon perusing it contacted me with an
invitation to participate in the process; an offer which I happily agreed to.
Katja Grunther, back in the fall of 2012, had taken
rainwater samples immediately after observing heavy spraying in her area. She
then sent these samples off to a laboratory in Courtney, B.C. (North Island Laboratories)
to have them tested. Not surprisingly (to me at least), the results showed high
levels of aluminum, cadmium, strontium, lead, and tin.

Concurrent with Katja’s valiant efforts was another
initiative set in motion by Brian Holmes from Ontario who has been running a
website called Holmsead.ca
since 1996. Brian had created what was called The Canadian Chemtrail
Petition for 2013 which, from the period of January 2013 until May 15,
2013, had collected close to 3,500 signatures from petitioners across Canada
who had signed hard copy petitions. MP Alex Atamanenko had indicated that he
would be willing to present the Petition to Parliament on behalf of his
constituents and, lo and behold, he did on October 21, 2013.
To read the Hansard record and view
the short (less than one minute) video of Mr. Atamanenko making the
presentation CLICK HERE.
In the interim time period from when MP Atamanenko
had sent Katja Grunther’s information package to Minister of Health Leona
Aglukkaq as well as Minister of Environment Peter Kent a cabinet shuffle had
occurred and now former Health minister Leona Aglukkaq was in the position of
Minister of Environment. It was from Aglukkaq that Katja eventually received a
formal reply to her many queries regarding this contentious issue.
What appears below is first Grunther’s initial
cover letter sent to her MP, Alex Atamanenko containing a plethora of details
regarding all of her research followed by the reply letter which she received
from Leona Aglukkaq, Minister of Environment dated November 14, 2013.
Following the minister’s reply is Katja Grunther’s
latest response of December 2, 2013 to the Environment Minister’s rather pithy
(and in my mind, all too stereotypical) response to the critical concerns of so
many Canadians. Due to the length of the post I have added hyperlinks to the
various added pdf files which Katja refences throughout her letters to
government officials.
It is hoped that readers will be inspired by the
efforts of Katja Grunther and moved to pass this article on to others in the
ongoing process of awakening more and more Canadians to the reality of what is
occurring in our skies on a daily basis.
As well it would be great if readers were stirred
enough by this report to write to the federal Minister of Environment, Leona
Aglukkaq and express their concerns.
Please consider sending Ms. Aglukkaq your views at
the following email addresses:
MP Alex Atamanenko
525 Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Fax: 1-613-943-0922
525 Confederation Building
House of Commons
Ottawa, Ontario K1A 0A6
Fax: 1-613-943-0922
July 12, 2013
Dear Mr. Atamanenko,
Thank you for looking into the issue of
Stratospheric Aerosol Geoengineering, more commonly known as chemtrails.
Three years ago I was diagnosed with Aggressive B
cell Type Lymphoma. Though in remission I’ve had ongoing health concerns
which has necessitated lots of bed rest, and so the quest for information
regarding this little known and even less understood phenomenon has been
instigated by need rather than curiosity.
While many experts in the field (including
physicians, climatologists, biologists and scientists) offer evidence that
chemtrails not only exist, but are affecting climate, human health, and the
environment, this subject continues to be ignored by most people, and so I wish
to bring your attention to some facts and information that I hope will come to
concern you as greatly as it does me.
I apologize in advance for the length of this
letter ~ it has taken me many months of internet research to be able to bring
together some of the most reliable information I could find. I have had
many bouts of exhaustion, muddy-headedness (chemo brain), and difficulty in
pulling this together (only made possible by the help of friends who proofread
and made many corrections), and so I hope you will be able to take some time to
read through it all at your earliest convenience. I would suggest
downloading all attached documents and printing them out. Later, if
you’re interested, you could go back to the email and follow up the links I’ve
included here.
Solar Engineer Dane Wigington from the Activist
Post defines geo-engineering as being
“a primary term for the ongoing global climate modification programs being conducted by major powers around the world.‘Aerosols’ is simply a term for microscopic particles suspended in the air.The major component of the geo-engineering programs is to saturate the atmosphere by spraying millions of tons of 10 nanometer (a nanometer is 1/1,000,000,000 of a meter) toxic metal particles (aerosols) from jet aircraft.”
This link offers a good overview of chemtrails and
offers a very good report titled ~
Since autumn of last year I have photographed and
recorded the jets I saw crossing the skies over New Denver, BC, where I live,
including the time and direction of the jet’s flight and the wind
direction. I photographed everything that flew, and then tried to analyze
what I was seeing. Please see the attached pdf
1. Contrail or CHEMTRAIL?
During Sept. and Oct. of 2012, I regularly
photographed between 40 and 60 jets in about a 4 to 6 hour period of
time. I was unable to keep watch all day long and so there must have been
many I missed. These records are available to anyone who would like to
see them (the photographs are in raw format, have not been altered except to
add contrast and balance color where needed, and state the time and date that
the picture was taken). Most of the jets recorded left long plumes in the
sky that did not evaporate as traditional contrails do. The plumes spread
and spread, and by the end of the day, invariably the sky was left thickly
hazed with vaguely criss-crossing lines (please see attached pdf 2. CHEMTRAILS: Hazy Skies the Norm?
as an example of what I have been seeing).
Ed Noor: Although the author lives in
interior BC and I am on the coast, our communities are under similar level
threats. Below is a locally made video showing just what I see from my windows
4/7 here where I live.
After a week of such activity, I collected the
first rainfall and had it tested for heavy metals at North Island Labs on
Vancouver Island (see attached pdf. 3. North Island Test Results 2012 for the
actual lab test). The results were fairly alarming. Among the
metals found were:
~ 3.88 mg/L of ALUMINUM ~ 39 times the AC (the Maximum Allowable Concentration for Drinking Water Guidelines). According to the Material Safety Data Sheet, Aluminum is implicated in numerous memory loss diseases such as Alzheimers, ADD & dementia, as well as weakness and muscle fatigue, and bone disease.The rate of autism among US children has tripled over the past decade, according to a report released by the U.S. Center for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC), jumping from about one in 150 children back in 2000 to a staggering 1 in every 50 American kids. These are epidemic numbers, and, despite the controversy, there are numerous studies citing the link between autism and aluminum.
ED Noor: Interestingly children’s
vaccines also contain a startling amount of aluminium which has been pointed
out as a source of autism increases over the decades.
~ .03 mg/L of CADMIUM ~ 6 times the MAC (according to the U.S. dept. of Labour, lung cancer and kidney damage are among the illnesses reported from chronic exposure to cadmium)~ .4 mg/L of LEAD ~ 36.4 times the MAC (According to the Mayo Clinic, lead poisoning symptoms range from high blood pressure to abdominal pain, to weakness & numbness and tingling of extremities, mood disorders and reduced sperm count) Please note that acute lead poisoning occurs at levels of only 5 ppm.~ STRONTIUM. This is the hardest to get a sense of ~ the MAC for strontium is 5 Bq/L. The Strontium in the rainwater sample was measured at .148 mg/L. If you know how to convert to Bqs, we could find out if this amount is over the MAC. My rainwater test results do not specify which type of strontium was found in my sample.
However, according to a 1997 U.S. NATIONAL PARK
SERVICE Report, many strontium compounds are hazardous to fish and
wildlife. Strontium chromate is carcinogenic and the isotope Sr 90 has
been implicated as a causative agent in leukemia.
~ 75 mg/L of SILICON. While soluble Silicon is harmless,
silicon dust is another matter. Inhalation of fine particles of silicon
compounds may cause tuberculosis, fungal infections, bronchitis, chronic
obstructive pulmonary disease, emphysema, scleroderma, rheumatoid arthritis,
systemic lupus, renal diseases and cancer.
Wind was documented to consistently be coming from
the North, North West in the weeks previous to my taking the rainwater sample
and up to the day of collection. Therefore I do not believe that the
contaminants were coming from the smelter in Trail. I have attached a PDF
document called 4. Days before Rainwater Collection Photographs if
you’re interested in seeing what I was experiencing at that time.
It could be argued that there’s no way of
correlating what’s in our rainwater with the jet plumes that are now being
seen, not just here, but all around the world. Therefore I would like to
suggest that the appropriate ministry, along with independent journalists,
undertake comprehensive in-air sample collections, taken from behind the
jetstreams of planes as they occur, not just here over my hometown, but across
B.C., and to have these samples tested by independent labs.
I have heard that award winning B.C. journalist
William Thomas has attempted to do this (Unfortunately the day Thomas had gone
to the expense of chartering a plane, few, if any chemtrails were in sight),
and so trust that it is indeed doable with the right gear and filters. If
the same stuff is found in both these air and further rainwater samples, we
would have an indisputable case.
Symptoms most commonly associated with chemtrails
include metallic taste, sinus problems, nosebleeds, hacking cough, asthma
symptoms, flu-like symptoms, headaches, dizziness, tiredness, memory problems,
difficulty thinking, depression, irritability, dry skin, rashes,
gastrointestinal stress, and diarrhoea.
For the record, I have suffered from 11 of these
symptoms, most of them quite regularly, and 5 of them have become chronic
problems that I live with daily.
The illnesses associated with heavy metal toxicity
are endless. The above is a much edited list (Please see the attached
document 5. Heavy Metals Symptoms for a more comprehensive account of
what symptoms are associated with the individual metals found in my and other
rainwater samples).
Nanoparticles are 80,000 times smaller than the
width of a human hair, or 1/1000 of a Micron. Reports are now coming in
that the aerosols being released in our atmosphere contain particles that are
thousands of times smaller than what is considered safe.
Why has this now been over-ruled? And what
are Canada’s restrictions on aerosols & airborne particles?
I have been unable to find anything that answers
this concern on the Environment Canada website where it describes the sizes of
PM (Particulate Matter), and the fact that the size of the PM is what
“determines the extent of environmental and health damage caused”, but nowhere
does it address the massive pollution being caused by increased jet traffic in
our skies and the resultant “haze” which eventually enters our breathing
space. Neither is this concern addressed in the Canada/U.S. Air
Quality Progress Report available on Environment Canada’s website.
According to scientists such as internationally known neuroscientist Russell Blalock, breathing in nano-size aerosolized metal particles is many times worse than ingesting these metals any other way. These nano-sized particles are now being found in air, rain and other test samples, and are so microscopic that they pass right into the brain, and through the lung lining into the bloodstream.There they can adhere to cell receptors like a plaque, slowly but surely shutting down bodily functions and the immune system. These metals are all but impossible to remove once they have become lodged in the body. Neither are they stopped by air purifiers as they pass right through the filters.In addition, virtually every bite we eat is now contaminated with these toxic nano particles as they are absorbed by animal and plant life.
~ For a good
overview of this and other aspects see:
~ On the
effect of Nano sized particles entering directly into the brain via inhalation:
It is clear that once these heavy metals and toxins
have entered our rivers, lakes, streams, soil, plants and animals, it is
According to PLOS Medicine, a leading
open-access medical journal,
“Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is a major and increasing global health epidemic that has received insufficient attention from the health-care profession, governments, and the pharmaceutical industry.Urgent action is now required to recognize the disease, predicted to soon become one of the major causes of death and disability.”
When did COPD become epidemic? Headlines such
the John Hopkins Medical Publication State, “Women and COPD: Suddenly Epidemic but Largely Underdiagnosed”.
And the claim that smoking is the cause of this sudden epidemic just doesn’t
fit. Statistics show that in 90 years there have been 1.1 billion smokers in
the world, among them 47% men and 12% women.
And now the sudden jump
of COPD in women is attributed to smoking?
I regularly see a haze in the sky limiting
vision. I hear and see many dozens of jets flying over New Denver, and
driving up or down the valley this heavy flight traffic continues. (So where
exactly are the traffic routes between Vancouver & Calgary?) I have
documented the emissions coming out of these jets and show in my photographs
how they spread into a haze that covers our skies, almost on a daily basis on
those days on which cloud cover isn’t already in evidence. Others around
the world have done the same in their neck of the woods.
Why isn’t this being considered in the search for
the cause of this suddenly “chronic” epidemic of COPD? Even nano-sized
particles must eventually fall to earth, and we are breathing it in.
Jet pollution needs to be looked at and included in any COPD studies in British
Columbia and Canada.
What has happened to the deep blue skies we took for granted when we were children?
Why did my elderly friend who never smoked a
cigarette in her life have terrible breathing difficulties during the weeks
late last summer when chemtrails were present on a daily basis, so much so that
even walking a block became impossible without literally gasping for air? In
the U.S., the American Lung Association states that COPD, also known as
emphysema and chronic bronchitis, is now the nation’s #3 killer in North
On the Alzheimer’s Association website it states
that Alzheimers “is the sixth-leading cause of death in the country and the
only cause of death among the top 10 in the United States that cannot be
prevented, cured or even slowed.” Figures released by the Alzheimer’s
Association show that death from the disease increased by 68% between 2000 and
2010. While it could be co-incidence, this timing coincides perfectly
with the time that chemtrails began to be widely observed.
My rainwater sample (as well as hundreds of
rainwater tests around North America) have shown levels of aluminum far in
excess of what is considered safe for drinking water guidelines. In the last
several years there was a test done on a snow sample from Mt. Shasta (long
considered one of the most pristine water sources in the US).
They found an unbelievable 60,000 times the Max
Allowable Concentration of aluminum in that sample.
We now know that aluminum is seriously implicated
in Alzheimers and dementia related diseases. And as discussed above, if
aluminum is being released as Nano sized particles, the ramifications are many
times worse. My rainwater test sample is only an indication of what is in
the air around New Denver, and what we may be breathing in. Studies must
be done to determine what is in B.C.’s air on a daily basis.
As additional proof that the aluminum, barium,
mercury, and other heavy metals that are showing up in our food and water chain
are causing illness, I direct you to http://www.byregion.net/articles-healers/HeavyMetal_Pets.html ~ an informative website that describes the
practices of veterinarian Gloria Dodd who ran hundreds of routine hair analyses
on every sick dog and cat that was presented to her along with lab diagnostic
blood tests.
Across the board, the sick animals showed high levels of Aluminum, Nickel, Copper, Iron, Cadmium, Arsenic, Mercury, Selenium and Lead.
While this vet resides in California, 3 of the
toxins in her lab tests also showed up in my rainwater sample and in other
samples in several regions across Canada. She went on to test various
nutritious pet foods and even health foods for humans and again found levels of
aluminum as high as 800 parts per million (ppm) and an astounding 1380 ppm in a
human Herbal Protein Powder. I would strongly urge the responsible
Ministries to conduct tests on some of our major food sources ~ beef, wheat,
dairy, vegetable crops, apples and other fruit, and to have those tests
witnessed by an impartial observer.
Documented lab tests from across Canada have shown,
at different times, unaccountably elevated levels of aluminum, barium and other
~ 1991 ~ According to award winning journalist William Thomas in an article for Consumer Health, the small town of Espanola in Ontario witnessed photo-identified U.S. Air Force tankers spraying lingering white plumes that made people sick over 50 square-miles in the spring and summer of 1991.After repeated flights overhead, rainwater test samples revealed levels of aluminum seven times higher than federal health safety limits allow (enough, according to Near North Labs to kill fish).Researcher Erminia Cassani saw a C-130 Turboprop plane spray that community at very low levels with a red powder. She collected the sample, and took it to the same government lab that had been doing sample tests for Thomas earlier in the year. They found a cocktail of pathogenic moulds and fungi.Further rainwater testing revealed carbon black (which Thomas states is being used by the U.S. Air Force for weather modification), and chaff. At a public meeting on chemtrails, the Ontario Minister of Environment refused to release air quality findings for Espanola.~ Nov. 8 – 12, 2002 ~ Snow samples collected by the city of Edmonton, Alberta showed unusually high levels of aluminum & barium (Norwest Labs lab report #336566, dated Nov. 14 2002)~ Nov. 19th 2012 ~ After a week to 10 days of heavy chemtrail activity over New Denver, BC (documented by me through photographs and written notes ~ see attached 3. Pics Days Before Rainwater Collection showing unusual chemtrail activity in the days previous to rainwater collection), I collected the first rain that fell in clean plastic buckets and had it tested at North Island Labs on Vancouver Island. The results came back showing highly elevated levels of aluminum, cadmium, lead, and strontium. See attached 2. North Island Test Results 2012.~ Aug. 3rd 2013 ~ After weeks of lightly hazy skies and only a day or two of observing typical chemtrails, but still seeing what looked like clearly manufactured “clouds”, and hearing low flying jets above these manufactured, I tested the first rainwater that had fallen in about a month with a test kit for heavy metals (manufactured by Osumex USA Inc.) The results clearly showed levels higher than 5ppm of Mercury with what looks like some amount of Lead and some Cadmium. See pictures in attached PDF 6. The DOTS don’t Connect.
The results are not accurate (they only show that
the levels are higher than 5ppm but do not specify the actual amount), still
they are a clear indication that there are indeed heavy metals still raining down,
and that more thorough testing is necessary to determine what exactly we are
breathing in (and how much) on a daily basis.
Unfortunately, this test
kit does not test for aluminum, barium, strontium, ethylene dibromide or any of
the other contaminants commonly found after chemtrails.
I suffer to some degree from at least 5 symptoms
common to mercury poisoning ~ muscle weakness, inability to concentrate,
insomnia, mood swings, chronic fatigue, and headaches. I also experienced
severe racing heart and palpitations several times a day for about a week in
the week previous to finding mercury in the rainwater I tested. I am having
medical tests done to determine the level of mercury, cadmium and lead in my
blood. Increased risk of heart attack is attributed to mercury poisoning.
British Columbia award winning investigative
reporter, William Thomas, has reported findings of over 300 types of virally
mutated fungi in chemtrail fall out. Thomas tells us that aluminum &
other sprayed compounds can serve as a matrix for fungal growth that may be
activated rather than attenuated by increased UV levels at spray
altitude. He goes on to say that,
“Based on extensive research ~ including input from experts on fungal symptoms and outbreaks ~ we are in the midst of a massive fungal invasion fuelled by warmer, wetter temperatures from a rapidly heating atmosphere.“
Thomas has come to equate fungal infections with
chemtrail fallout and the various illnesses that crop up after chemtrail
spraying. He cites numerous symptoms shared by both including: acute
asthma, joint pain, bloody noses, abdominal pain, gastritis, extreme fatigue,
severe headaches ~ as well as depression, anxiety, sudden mood swings, lack of
concentration, lethargy, insomnia, memory loss, and ‘spacey’ light headedness.
See http://rense.com/general2/scome.htm
for the full article.
Additionally, in a recent survey among 179 patients
reportedly suffering from chemtrail-related illness, naturopathic Dr. Joseph
Puleo found that fully 99% were found to have fungus in their blood.
And according to Geoengineering Watch,
“Recent studies state 70%+ of all current plant and animal extinction is now caused by fungal infection.”
Interesting to note that on Aug 1, 2013 the Vancouver
Sun ran the headline:
Contrail Science, its Impact on Climate and Weather
Manipulation Programs Conducted by the UNITED STATES and its ALLIES
This is a 336 page scientific report published in
2010 by a group of Aerospace Engineers for the Belfort (Watchdog) Group in
Holland. Not only does it describe the scientific difference between contrails
and chemtrails, it also offers conclusive evidence for covert Stratospheric
Aerosol Geo-engineering. The report was reviewed by aerospace engineer
Dr. Coen Vermeeren from the Delft University of Technology in the Netherlands,
and presented at a symposium on chemtrails in Brussels.
The report states, that what people call
“persistent contrails” (and what others term chemtrails) “have a devastating
impact on eco-systems on Earth” and that they “induce the dehydration of the
It goes on to say that “Patents, previously
classified documents, order forms for Barium and maps with daily spraying
schemes irrevocably denote the existence of a global military sponsored and
governmental approved project for alteration of the upper troposphere for
global control purposes.”
The full document is available online and a very
good video of Aerospace Engineer Dr. Coen Vermeeren’s presentation can be seen
Please see attached 7. Case Orange Executive
Summary & Recommendations for a synopsis of their findings.
Among the documents cited in Case Orange is the
U.S. Air Force research paper, Weather as a force multiplier: owning the
weather in 2025.
A research paper, presented by Col Tamzy J. House
and his team to the U.S. Air Force on June 17th 1996.
While it is claimed that this is merely a
“research” paper, the language in this document (according to Case Orange)
cites a “precise timeline” which includes, among other things:
Quoted from Weather as a Force Multiplier:~ Introduction of artificial ionospheric mirrors around the year 2000 with a very sharp upraise of such operations as from 2008. One can extrapolate that the HAARP system will be fully operational after 2015.~ Use of chemicals for atmospheric seeding as from the year 2000 in order to obtain Weather Force Support in 2015 and fully controllable virtual weather by 2025. The aerospace delivery vehicles’ graphic and the graph for the use of chemicals are identical, which indicates a huge increase of spraying actions. It is clear that the sum of all U.S. and NATO military assets are not sufficient to achieve the desired targets and civil aviation has to be included in order to achieve success.~ Introduction of smart clouds through nanotechnology around the year 2004 with an exponential increase of this application after 2010. The same applies to the use of ‘directed energy’ ~ a euphemism for ionospheric heating.~ A very curious application is the introduction of ‘Carbon Black Dust’ (CBD) as from the year 2005 ~ a technology that is being experimented with by the DoD.
“Current demographic, economic and environmental trends will create global stresses that provide the impetus necessary for many countries or groups to turn weather modification ability into capability. In the United States weather modification will likely become part of national security policy with both domestic and international applications. Our government will pursue such a policy, depending on its interests, at various levels.”
Senior Meteorologist Kevin Martin from The Weather
Space says,
get record breaking systems like Hurricane Sandy,
Tornado Outbreaks,
Nor’easters, Record Floods,
Heat, and Record Cold
bunched up within the last five years
questions have to be asked.
it weather modification?
answer is yes, it is …”
~ Public
law of the United States, Law 95-79, title VIII, Sec.808, July 30th 1977: “The
secretary of defense may conduct tests and experiments involving the use of
chemical and biological agents on civilian populations.”
~ Bill
H.R. 2977 http://thomas.loc.gov/cgi-bin/query/z?c107:H.R.2977.IH:
~ a bill introduced to Congress seeking to ban exotic weapons and that actually
identifies chemtrails by name in the definition of exotic weapons.
Needless to say, that bill never had a hope of passing.
~ Evergreen
Aviation one of the world’s largest private aviation companies admits to
weather modification services. On their site you will see a jet
leaving a massive plume of some kind of aerosol and their statement that they
offer, among other things, weather modification: http://www.evergreenaviation.com/supertanker/mkts.html
The Okanagon Chemtrails group believes that Evergreen is operating their super
tankers out of the Comox Valley Airport and is currently seeking evidence to
substantiate that belief. There are videos online saying that Evergreen
has a geo-engineering contract with the USAF.
~ This
website lists dozens upon dozens of lab tests from around the world documenting
high and unusual levels of toxic metals and chemicals in rain, snow, soil,
& blood samples within the last 12 years or so:
~ German
Meteorologist (Karsten Brandt ) Sues Military for using Chemtrails in Illegal
Weather Manipulation Experiments: http://need2know.whynotnews.eu/?p=452
Brandt claims that “The Federal Army is Manipulating the meteorogical maps.”
~ In
the U.S. Dept. of Defense Budget for DARPA (Defense Advanced Research Projects
Agency) for 2013, the description of “Accomplishments/Planned Programs” reads:
“Specific projects that fall under this heading are foundational studies on the initiation, propagation, and attachment of lightning, and their associated emissions; the critical factors affecting magnetospheric sub-storms; the generation and amplification of extremely low frequency (ELF)/ultra low frequency (ULF)/very low frequency (VLF) radiation in the ionosphere utilizing the High Frequency Active Aural Research Program (HAARP) transmitter; and understanding and quantifying the interaction of electromagnetic and acoustic waves with the plasma in flames.”
Please see attached doc. 8. DoD 2013 Budget
Estimates. (I would be curious to know what is meant by “foundational
studies”. I have become increasingly aware of unusually intense and
widespread lightning storms and I can’t help but wonder if the U.S. Dept. of
Defense is now effectively experimenting with this powerful elemental force…?)
~ “In March 2002, two Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory scientists at Wright Patterson Air Force Base told award-winning reporter Bob Fitrakis that they were involved in two aerial spray programs. One spreads aluminum oxide in the upper atmosphere to reflect incoming sunlight and slow global warming. The other lays down barium stearate aerosols for “over the horizon” military communications, 3-D mapping and radar… They also confirmed that HAARP transmissions from Alaska are being used to bend the jetstream.”
~ There
are hundreds of documented Geoengineering patents for weather manipulation
& geoengineering. The Case Orange Report describes some of these
and offers concrete evidence. Please see attached sheets 9. U.S. Patents
or go to:
~ In an
April 28th 1997 news briefing, Secretary of Defense William S. Cohen states:
“Others are engaging even in an eco- type of terrorism whereby they can alter the climate, set off earthquakes, volcanoes remotely through the use of electromagnetic waves.”
From the US dept. of Defense website:
~ This
Eastlund patent (#4,686,605 August 11, 1987) worries me more than perhaps any
other I’ve seen and is titled: Method and Apparatus for Altering a Region in
the Earth’s Atmosphere, Ionosphere, and/or Magnetosphere.
The Case Orange Report states that despite Military
denial that HAARP is a military system and that there is any link between HAARP
and patent 4,686,605, evidence shows that this patent is indeed connected to
the Military, and to HAARP. The Original Assignee of this patent was APTI
Inc (Advanced Power Technologies), an American Defense Contractor which was
acquired by BAE Systems Inc. in March 2003 and which was eventually bought by
Raytheon Corporation ~ one of the main suppliers and biggest contractors in the
U.S. Aerospace and defense industry. Stated in this patent:
“Weather modification is possible by, for example, altering upper atmosphere wind patterns or altering solar absorption patterns by constructing one or more plumes of atmospheric particles which will act as a lens or focusing device.”
And “A moving plume could also serve as a means for
supplying a space station or for focusing (a) vast amount of sunlight on
selected portions of the earth. Surveys of global scope could also be realized
because the earth’s natural magnetic Field could be significantly altered in a
controlled manner”. See the USPTO website:
~ In
2002 Dennis Kucinich (who introduced Bill H.R. 2977 to Congress) told the
Columbus Alive newspaper that despite official denials, as head of the Armed
Services oversight committee he is well acquainted with chemtrail
“The truth is there’s an entire program in the Dept. of Defense ~ ‘Vision for 2020’ ~ that’s developing these weapons.”
~ 50
years of covert testing of chemical and biological agents on large populations
in Canada, the U.S., and Britain has been revealed in recently declassified
information: See the 2002 Briefing on Cold War-era Chemical and
Biological Warfare Tests at the U.S. Dept. of Defense website:
http://www.defense.gov/Transcripts/Transcript.aspx?TranscriptID=3790 which states that, “This testing was part of a tripartite
agreement with Canada, the United States and Great Britain.”
I’m afraid that given the clandestine nature of
this program, we’re left to try to piece together the clues as best we can,
trying to draw from them an overview of this puzzle, the pieces of which are
many, but fragmented.
The aero-space engineer-compiled Case Orange report
“Since the (geoengineering) patents are owned by the main defense contractor for the U.S. armed forces (Raytheon) or the U.S. department of defense itself and given the history record it is obvious that current climate manipulation programs are organized and directed by the U.S. government.”
But we need to ask ourselves, if this is the case,
why the U.S. Military (or any other military) would concern itself with Global
Warming (which is what some people are now starting to say) to the extent of
expending millions or billions of dollars to ostensibly mitigate it, and after
decades of outright denial of there being any such thing as global warming.
The excellent film Why in the World are they
Spraying may give us some answers on what may be some possible agendas.
In a recent
letter sent in August of 2013 to dozens of
politicians across BC, former Premier Vander Zalm rightly states:
“Whenever man manipulates nature, be it for profit or politics, the cost and consequences are horrific. Events like the hurricanes in the east, the Tornadoes in the Mid-West, the flooding in Toronto, the unprecedented flooding in Calgary, the loss of millions of trees in B.C. due to a pine beetle epidemic, will all be attributed to ‘Mother Nature’ and Climate Change and not a mention of Geo-engineering.”
Environment Canada’s meteorologist David Jones
publicly responded to Vander Zalm’s concerns saying that,
“It’s just plain stupid to think that you could alter the climate…”
This is a grave insult to the intelligence of
concerned citizens, and indicates intent to keep people uninformed about this
very serious issue. I would direct Jones to http://laws-lois.justice.gc.ca/eng/acts/W-5/page-1.html#docCont
~ the govt. of Canada’s own Justice Laws website which details the Weather
Modification Information Act ~ R.S.C., 1985, c. W-5 and describes “weather
modification activity” as including “any action designed or intended to
produce, by physical or chemical means, changes in the composition or dynamics
of the atmosphere for the purpose of increasing, decreasing or redistributing
precipitation, decreasing or suppressing hail or lightning or dissipating fog
or cloud.”
Vander Zalm concludes:
“No such activity, as spraying the atmosphere with toxic chemicals could ever take place without government consent, Federally, State or Provincially and without a detailed agreement governing times, places, and materials used.”
I would very much appreciate it if this letter of
mine with accompanying attached documents and photographs could be sent to both
Vander Zalm, and meteorologist David Jones with Environment Canada.
Unfortunately Jones’ response leads one to conclude that Environment Canada
must already be aware of what is happening and is doing everything it can to
keep the public uninformed.
While it seems that the amount of visible
chemtrails has considerably lessened this summer as compared to last year when
I began documenting them, I am still seeing the same unnatural cloud patterns
develop as I saw after last year’s chemtrailing. There is evidence to
suggest that much of this activity is now being carried out at night and/or
under the cover of what seems to be, largely engineered clouds.
~ Via satellite as there are patents which describe the use of satellite to release what they call “artificial particles”. See Eastlund Patent # 4,686,605 as an example:~ US Patent # 5,984,239 describes the use of millions of satellites to “cool certain regions but at the same time heat up other regions.”~ HAARP, an ionospheric research program jointly funded by the US Air Force, the US Navy, and the Defence Advanced Research Projects Agency (DARPA). HAARP’s technology allows them to affect the Ionosphere and move jet streams about at will ~ determining drought or floods wherever desired in the world. ~ see http://www.geoengineeringwatch.org/category/haarp-2/ ~ for a list of weather manipulation occurrences apparently being caused by this supposed “research” facility.
Note that the use of Barium (one of the main
components found in rainwater tests around the world after chemtrailing) is
mentioned in Eastlund’s Patent #4,686,605, stating: “It has also been proposed
to release large clouds of barium in the magnetosphere” and “a means and method
is provided to cause interference with or even total disruption of
communications over a very large portion of the earth.” are several
points discussed in this patent.
Numerous direct links to military documents that
are linked to HAARP can be found here:
Another sign that chemicals are still somehow
likely being released even on days on which chemtrails are not apparent, is
that clouds and lightning storms are forming on very low humidity days.
Researcher Clifford Carnicom states that “At least six credible sources,
including NASA, confirm that natural cloud formation almost always occurs at
more than 70 percent humidity. Balloon radio observations indicate that
chemtrail effluent is forming man-made clouds even under conditions of
extremely low humidity.” Please see attached PDF
6. The DOTS don’t Connect which also has screenshots of the
Weather Networks stats for those days.
B.Verones of the EPA’s Neurotoxicology
Division states that “exposure to a class of airborne pollutants known as
Particulate Matter is an environmental health risk of global
Scientists and the EPA report that because Particulate Matter and sub-micron pollution particles bypass lung filters and enter the blood stream, they cause radical changes in the endocrine and nervous systems and can trigger high blood pressure and cause heart attack within hours of inhalation.
Given that:
~ Levels of Alzheimers and COPD are reaching epidemic levels ~ both very likely being caused by particulate matters,~ Rainwater, snow, soil and blood samples from around the world (as well as my own rainwater test) are showing unusually elevated levels of heavy metals and toxic substances,~ Once these heavy metals and toxins have entered our rivers, lakes, streams, soil, plants and animals, it is irreversible,
I urge you, my MP, along with the various news
agencies who receive this, to investigate fully the long suppressed and
misrepresented issue of chemtrails and their consequences on our health, and
the health of the environment upon which we rely for our well being.Because it
stands to reason that if unknown, often unscheduled and even scheduled flight
traffic continues to leave large plumes of some kind of particulate matter
(plumes that do not dissipate as vapor contrails do), and if these plumes
spread to a haze, it means that this stuff will eventually fall to earth, if
not in rain, then in snow, or in dust and wind, and we are breathing it in.
Thus I firmly believe concerned citizens have the
right to demand of whoever is in charge of British Columbia’s or Canada’s
~ WHO is behind these unscheduled flights?~ WHAT exactly is being released in those long plumes that don’t evaporate?~ WHY are these flights so numerous ~ what is their purpose?~ Thorough testing of rain, snow, soil and air needs to be done on a regular basis, including testing for Mercury (an element now commonly found in rainwater samples after chemtrails but which was not included in North Island Labs spectrum element testing of my rainwater sample), Aluminum, Barium, Arsenic, Lead, Strontium, and Ethylene Dibromide (ingesting just 4.5 ml of this substance is lethal) which also was not included on the lab test I had ordered at NI and which is commonly being found in lab tests around North America after chemtrails are witnessed.~ Testing for nano-sized particles of the above mentioned metals and toxins in blood samples, rainwater, air, soil and snow.~ Testing of our major food sources (dairy products, wheat products, corn, beef, and random vegetables and fruit) for the heavy metals commonly found in rain, snow, soil, and air tests after chemtrails have been witnessed ~ again, Aluminum, Barium, Mercury, Arsenic, Lead, Strontium, and Cadmium.
I would also suggest that, given what seems to be
some level of the Canadian Government’s complicity with the U.S. military in
past years, in the spraying of biological and chemical agents on various
uninformed populations of Canada (see pg. 10 of my letter under FACTS ~ 2002
Briefing on Cold War-era Chemical & Biological Warfare Tests) I
would strongly suggest that non-government labs be used in any testing, and
that an impartial observer be present to watch proceedings to avoid any
possibility of a misunderstanding.
I have done the best I can to substantiate the
facts, details and events cited in this letter, but I leave it to journalists,
investigative reporters and others to investigate the above claims, follow up
the links, research and find the actual documents etc., and if what they find
is as alarming as what the many biologists, chemists, doctors, climatologists
etc. believe (and from whose websites I got much of this information), will
tell this story to a largely sleeping populace.
Because as the scientifically researched Case
Orange Report states:
“Whatsoever American, Russian or European official sources state it is crystal clear that weather modification at the beginning of the 21st century is not a hoax nor a ‘conspiracy theory’ but an iron truth. It is undeniable that the United States is on top of research in this field and is deliberately withholding vital information on weather modification and possible infringement of international laws of sovereignty, not only to allied or neutral states but also towards their own citizens.”
Case Orange, in its RECOMMENDATIONS section urges,
“It is now the duty of a serious politician on any level to make enquiries to the government for public release of these spraying schemes through aviation. It is mandatory that such statement should include the reason why such operations are conducted. It is not an option to hide behind the motive of national security.”
(1)“through ‘Freedom of Information’, both Federal and Provincial, all information on file about ‘Climate Control Programs’ with the government or any one of its Ministries.(2)”that Municipal Councils, City Councils and Regional Boards pass a resolution to say that ‘no particulate matter for climate control be sprayed in the atmosphere above their jurisdiction, without informed consent’ and that the issue be presented to the annual meeting of the Union of Municipalities for debate and consideration this September.”
In view of the recommendation from the aero-space
engineers and scientists who compiled Case Orange, and former Premier
Vander Zalm’s requests, I ask you, as my representative, to seek the release of
any and all relevant information under the Freedom of Information Act and to make
this information available to myself, and other concerned citizens. I
join my voice with Vander Zalm’s in his further request that our Regional Board
pass a resolution that no particulate matter be sprayed in the atmosphere above
our jurisdiction.
I also request that the Ministers of Health and
Environment, the Canadian Food Inspection Agency, and The Canadian Human Rights
Commission be contacted with this information on my behalf.
I would very much appreciate hearing from you, as
well as from the above mentioned agencies regarding my concerns at your/their
earliest convenience.
Very sincerely,
Katja Juscha Grunther
Box 23
New Denver, BC
V0G 1S0
(250) 358 2345
(250) 358 2345
P.S. The list of attached documents is as follows:
1. Contrail
Hazy Skies the Norm?
3. North
Island Test Results 2012
4. Days
before Rainwater Collection Photographs
5. Heavy
Metals Symptoms
6. The
DOTS don’t Connect
7. Case
Orange Executive Summary & Recommendations
8. DoD
Budget Estimates 2014 pgs. 35-36
9. U.S.
10. Creditable
Resources ~ A list informational websites
11. AIR
Quality Test Method ~ easy, at home sample collection for testing of the air
quality of what we are breathing in on a daily basis.
12. Natural
or MAN MADE Clouds ~ (photographs) See if you can tell the difference.
NOV 14 2013
Ms. Katja Oljuscha Grunther
Dear Ms. Oljuscha Grunther:
Your Member of Parliament, Mr. Alex Atamanenko,
forwarded to me your correspondence of July 12, 2013, concerning contrails and
weather modification activities in Canada. I am also responding to your email
message of May 14 forwarded to my predecessor, the Honourable Peter Kent, on
this issue. I was saddened to learn of your illness, and I regret the delay in

The water vapour in the exhaust
freezes into ice crystals which form the clouds that are visible from the
surface. The relative humidity in the atmosphere in the vicinity of a contrail
is the primary variable that impacts how long a contrail lives. When the
relative humidity is fairly high (i.e. near saturation) the contrails can
provide sufficient moisture to initiate a long-lived cloud. Strong winds will
also affect the lifespan of a contrail by changing their appearance as they move.
In some cases, contrails have lasted more than 24 hours. When the relative
humidity is low and wind speed is high the contrail clouds of ice-crystals
quickly sublimate and disappear.
ED Noor: Can you believe she actually pushed the old "it's only contrails, you silly civillian" bit? Yeah, sadly, I suppose you can, all too easily.
Contrails frequently spread out. This happens when
the relative humidity of the atmosphere is fairly hight, so that the contrail
serves like a cloud initiation mechanism. The ice crystals grow by vapour
deposition (the process whereby water vapour molecules deposit onto the surface
of the ice crystals) and can also form new ice crystals from the nearby water
vapour. These new ice crystals, in turn, can grow and form more ice crystals
until the environment is no longer saturated.
There are no materials being dispersed within any
contrails other than water vapour and the regular by-products of jet fuel
combustion. The increase in air traffic over the last 20 years has inevitably
caused an increase int he number of visible contrails int he sky, especially in
the vicinity of major international airports. However, persistent line-shaped
contrails are estimated to cover, on average, about 0.1 percent of the Earth’s
surface. This is not expected to have a significant effect on weather.
Regarding weather modification, previous
experiments have concluded that there is no statistical or physical evidence
which establish the effectiveness of the methods proposed. The research
programs declined in the second half of the 1970s and ended in the early 1980s.
Currently, there is one hail suppression program
operating in Alberta. The activities are conducted by Weather Modification Inc.
It uses silver iodide as a seeding agent. Weather Modification Inc. has been
the only company undertaking weather modification activities in Canada during
the past 15 years. The emissions produced by silver iodide are considered to
have negligible environmental or health impacts. Material safety data sheets
for silver iodide are readily available online. Measurements of silver iodide
concentrations in regions where silver iodide-based weather modification activities
have occurred have not found concentrations that were above the natural
background concentrations. For long-term, larger scale weather modification
operations, Environment Canada endorses the position of the World
Meteorological Organization that the implications on ecosystems need to be
assessed. Should you require further information on weather modification
activities, I invite you to contact Environment Canada at enviroinfo@ec.gc.ca .
At ground level, aerial spraying is regulated in
Canada by several different federal and provincial authorities. In order to
operate aircraft for the purpose of aerial application in this country, an air
operator certificate permitting operations under the Canadian Aviation
Regulations, subpart 702.01, is required. The aircraft used for aerial
spraying are designed or modified for that purpose. The large transport
category jet aircraft that you are likely observing at high altitudes are not
used for this purpose.
The emissions produced from aircraft engines are a
function of the fuels used. The specification for jet fuels is very tightly
controlled. In Canada, the specification for jet fuel is controlled by the
Canadian General Standards Board committee that includes fuel suppliers, fuel
users and other stakeholders. The specification sets all fuel parameters and
prescribes test methods for ensuring consistent fuel quality. For further
information, please visit ncr.cgsb-ongc@tpsgc-pwgsc.gc.ca
or call toll-free 1-800-665-2472.
I trust that this information is helpful. Please
accept my best wishes.
The Honourable Leona Aglukkaq, P.C., M.P.
Minister of the Environment
Minister of the Environment
Leona Aglukkaq
c.c.: Mr. Alex Atamanenko, M.P.
December 2, 2013
Minister of Environment
Ottawa, ON
Ottawa, ON
Leona Aglukkaq
Dear Ms. Leona Aglukkaq,
I very much appreciate your taking time out of a
busy day to reply to the fairly lengthy letter/report that MP Alex Atamanenko
had forwarded to you on my behalf, regarding the Geoengineering/Chemtrail
It may be that you didn’t have time to read the
entire report, and so did not know that I am familiar with the conditions
required to create contrails. You say that, “The relative humidity in the
atmosphere in the vicinity of a contrail is the primary variable that impacts
how long a contrail lives.” And that, “When the relative humidity is
fairly high (i.e. near saturation) the contrails can provide sufficient
moisture to initiate a long-lived cloud.” I will allow that this may be
true (that actual clouds may form from contrails) but how does that explain the
heavy haze that was being created by the air traffic over New Denver, in the
hottest months of summer? For example on Aug. 16th of this year, the
temperature at 11,000 meters (typical commercial flight altitude) was recorded at
-53C and 42% humidity according the sounding data provided by the University of
Wyoming for students of climatology. But according to NASA and NOAA
documents, the fairly precise conditions needed for even a SHORT-lived contrail
to form, temperatures would need to be below -60C, and above 70%
humidity. Yet on that day I photographed two “contrails” that spread into
a very wide haze-like cloud cover (see section of my report titled 1. Contrail
or Chemtrail?
I would appreciate your explanation for this
phenomenon as I have repeatedly photographed “contrails” on days on which no
contrails (by NASA & NOAA definitions) should be forming.
I would very much also appreciate some answers to
other of my concerns which I wrote about in my report, and which your letter of
Nov. 14th 2013 does not address.
a) What type of aircraft am I seeing directly over New Denver, BC and what is their purpose? From what I can tell the flight paths between the major cities in Canada that come closest to New Denver are between Vancouver, Calgary, Kelowna, Regina, Toronto, Ottawa, and Montreal, yet none of these flights cross directly over New Denver. I have spent several days studying the flight paths on www.flightradar24.com, and the closest any of these flight paths come to New Denver are the Vancouver to Calgary, and the Kelowna to Toronto flights which pass approximately 10 km North and South of New Denver.While I can make some allowance that these flight paths likely vary to some degree depending on whether it is West Jet or Air Canada, weather conditions, etc., this cannot begin to account for the unbelievably heavy volume of flight traffic that I have recorded through photographs which flies directly over New Denver. There have been numerous days on which I recorded, on average, about 40 jets in a 4 hour time frame, 60 jets in a 6 hour time period.b) Which Ministry or Govt. Agency is responsible for monitoring Canada’s airspace?
2. You
state that, “There are no materials being dispersed within any contrails other
than water vapour and the regular by-products of jet fuel combustion.” Could
you please tell me what I can expect to find in the regular by-products of jet
fuel combustion?
3. I had
included several photographs in my report in which a “contrail” very suddenly
disappeared, only to abruptly resume a short distance away (see Aug 8th and Aug
16th, 2013 in 6. The DOTS don’t Connect). I would really
appreciate it if you would tell me how this is possible, especially given that
on Aug 16th, 2013, the atmospheric conditions according to the U. of Wyoming
read at 11,500 meters: -53 Celcius at 42% humidity.
4. I have
learned that EC does not have satellites of its own to gather weather
information. Where do the Weather Network and the Environment Canada
Forecasting system get its data to compile our weather forecasts?
5. On Aug.
27th, 2013 (Skies over New Denver, BC) I saw what has perhaps been the most
unusual cloud formation that I have ever seen. Strange striations in
perfect parallel in rainbow colors -see 6. The
DOTS don’t Connect ~ I would appreciate your explanation on what could
cause such clouds to form.
6. How often
does Environment Canada test air quality in British Columbia? What was
the last time air quality was tested here in the Kootenays?
a) Could you direct me to where I might find the records of air quality testing that EC has done over the years?b) What methods does Environment Canada use in its investigation and assessment of substances in air quality testing?c) What elements in the chemical and biological spectrum does EC test for in its investigations into air quality?
7. Under the
Canadian Environmental Protection Act (CEPA) a substance is considered Toxic
depending, among other things, on:
Whether there is “the potential of organisms in the
environment to be widely exposed to the substance”
Whether there is “the ability of the substance to
cause delayed or latent effects over the lifetime of an organism”
“Quantities, uses and disposal of the substance”
“The extent to which the substance can be dispersed
and will persist in the environment,”
Methods of controlling the presence
of the substance in the environment
Considering the considerable increase in aviation ~
enough in fact that contrails are now “estimated to cover… about 0.1 percent of
the Earth’s surface”, enough that aero-space engineers & scientists
conclude that “persistent contrails have a devastating impact on eco-systems on
Earth” and for NASA scientists to state that, “Even small changes in the
abundance or location of clouds could change the climate more than the
anticipated changes caused by greenhouse gases…” ~ and given these facts,
why is jet fuel pollution not included in the CEPA Act under the “Non-Domestic
Substances List”?
8. I am very
glad to hear that there are no weather modification activities taking place in
Canada outside of Alberta, that Weather Modification Inc. is the only party
currently working to change the weather, and that, “Regarding weather
modification, previous experiments have concluded that there is no statistical
or physical evidence which establish the effectiveness of the methods
proposed.” And that, “The research programs declined in the second half of
the1970s and ended in the early 1980s”. I would be curious to know in
that case:
Why John Holdren, chief science adviser to
President Obama, would publicly state that geoengineering could be the solution
to climate change?
How is it possible that on days with extremely low
humidity heavy clouds are forming over the village of New Denver (see report
section titled: 6. The DOTS don’t Connect), this despite the fact that
clouds only form at humidity levels higher than 70%? On Sept 15th 2013 I
witnessed and recorded the humidity level drop from 75% with a relatively blue
sky, to 23% by afternoon. And by afternoon, the sky had become heavily
clouded over.
If Weather Mod. Inc. is the only party actively
engaging in this type of activity, why was it necessary to pass R.S.C., 1985,
c. W-5, the Weather Modification Information Act which was “to provide
for the obtaining of information respecting weather modification activities”,
and which is apparently current to 2013 and was last amended on 2005-04-01?
Under the Freedom of Information Act, I
respectfully request the records from whichever ministry or agency is
responsible for storing the data obtained through the Weather Modification
Information Act.
9. And while
I appreciate your trying to reassure me that it is simply “an increase in air
traffic over the last 20 years” that “has inevitably caused an increase in the
number of visible contrails in the sky, especially in the vicinity of major
international airports”, and that “persistent line-shaped contrails are … not
expected to have a significant effect on weather” and that, “persistent
line-shaped contrails are estimated to cover, on average, about 0.1 percent of
the Earth’s surface”, I cannot help but be concerned as there are numerous
extremely creditable sources (including aero-space engineers, climatologists
and even NASA scientists) who state unequivocally that:
“Even small changes in the abundance or location of clouds could change the climate more than the anticipated changes caused by greenhouse gases…”
From a NASA document titled The Importance of Understanding Clouds.
Additionally, I have found evidence to support the
fact that the United States is currently engaging in Weather Modification
activities through their Department of Defense, the USAF, and through NASA and
NOAA, as well as other agencies.
It concerns me greatly that war making agencies are spearheading Weather Modification & Geoengineering research and activity, and that Canada may in some way be co-operating with these endeavours.
Meanwhile, I continue to observe extremely low flying jets (jets that I can
hear inside my house even with the windows and doors closed) that do not
register on www.flightradar24.com.
On some days I have witnessed jets flying within minutes of each other, one
after another. On Sept 13th, 2013 I recorded 14 jets over a 1 & ½
hour period (See section of my report titled 6. The Dots don’t Connect). On
October 14th, 2013 I recorded 22 low flying jets in 4 hours (See the section of
my report titled 1. Contrail or Chemtrail?).
I have checked over 70 such low flying jets on
Flight Radar. TO DATE, NOT ONE HAS REGISTERED on this excellent flight tracking
website. Please inform me as to what type of aircraft these are as they are
clearly not commercial flights, and which ministry is responsible for them.
The 336 pg. aero-space engineer & scientist
compiled CASE ORANGE report concludes that
“persistent contrails have a devastating impact on eco-systems on Earth” and that they “induce the dehydration of the stratosphere.”
And according to the Global Issues website:
“Scientists said that the impact of global dimming (caused by persistent line shaped “contrails which spread into a haze-like cloud cover”) might not be in the millions, but billions. The Asian monsoons bring rainfall to half the world’s population. If this air pollution and global dimming has a detrimental impact on the Asian monsoons some 3 billion people could be affected.”
And finally, MP Atamanenko had requested on my
behalf, that your response to my concerns include “thorough and on the ground
investigation into the levels of heavy metals that were recorded in water
samples (that I) had professionally tested in a laboratory”.
I would very much appreciate your looking into the
unusual rainwater test results that came back from North Island Labs in
November of 2012 and letting me know where these contaminants in the air were
coming from.
As you may remember from my report, the rainwater
was collected here in New Denver after a week to 10 days of heavy flight
traffic ~ as noted above, over 60 jets a day were recorded through photographs
and written notes ~ and day after day, these jets caused the sky to become
quite thickly hazed with some sort of particulate matter (see section of report
titled 4. Days Before Rainwater Collection). The wind was recorded
as consistently coming from the North, or North West in the week previous to
rainwater collection. Our local newspaper reported this as well as the
fact that MP Atamanenko would be sending you my report. The community, as
you may well imagine, is anxious to learn what was causing the alarmingly high
levels of aluminum, cadmium, lead, and strontium, as well as the unusual amount
of tin (See section of my report titled 3. North Island Test Results).
I would also appreciate an explanation as to how
over 5ppm of mercury showed up in a rainwater sample on Aug. 1st, of 2013.
I look forward to hearing more about your findings
when you have had a chance to conduct this facet of your investigation into
this serious matter. I would appreciate your letting me know when I might
expect Environment Canada to conduct its “on the ground” investigations, and
the methods you will be using.
I certainly would be very glad to alert your
Ministry when an abundance of white lines cross and haze the sky here so that
you can conduct your tests on the days which most concern me. I would
also be glad to collect rainwater or snow samples under your guidelines and
direction and to have these samples sent to a lab of your choice.
Very sincerely,
Katja Juscha Grunther
PS. Please do not send any further correspondence
to the oljuscha@gmail.com address. That address is no longer being used,
and it was only through chance that I saw your letter to me dated Nov. 14th
ED Noor: In a search for my own previous
posted work on weather manipulation I was amazed at how much material I have
gathered over the years. The result is the list below which is extensive,
comprehensive and covers almost all the issue thoroughly.
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