Israel mars Palestinian Christmas Eve
ED Noor: Many alternative cartoonists have illustrated the bittersweet humour of the scene described by the author below.
By Finian Cunningham
December 26, 2013
The annual Christmas celebrations around the world conjure up a kaleidoscope of emotions, ranging from the sombre to the joyful, from pity to awe.
One thing
often missing though from the celebrations is a connection between the original
historical event ~ some 2,000 years ago ~ and how this story relates to present
But a new
billboard campaign in the US is giving the Christmas story a refreshing, but
realistic, contemporary meaning.
public hoardings, currently on display in various cities across the US, show
Mary, pregnant with her soon-to-be-born baby son, Jesus, being led on a donkey
towards the ancient Palestinian town of Bethlehem by her husband Joseph.
this weary family is not the occupying forces of the Roman Empire, as in
ancient accounts of the nativity, but rather it is the occupying forces of the
Zionist Israeli regime.
billboards, organized by campaign group, show the
present-day reality of Bethlehem, the town where Jesus is reputed to have been
born nearly two millennia ago.
Gone are
sword-wielding Roman centurions, replaced by Uzi machinegun-toting Israeli
But the
essential story remains the same one of foreign military occupation and
oppression of innocent civilians. Indeed, given technological advances, it is
easily arguable that today’s occupation of Bethlehem and other Palestinian
communities is much more brutal and oppressive under the Israeli regime than it
was under Caesar.
At this time
of year, millions of Christians around the world, as well as Muslims and many
other faiths, celebrate the event of Jesus Christ’s birth as a sign of hope for
humanity. This hope stems from the fact that, amid physical conditions of
extreme privation and injustice, a baby was born into this grim world.
Yet, it is
peculiar that while this historic event is venerated across the world, often in
exalted cathedrals of opulence and splendour, the harsh reality of Jesus’ birth
and its significance is weirdly sanitized and reduced to a sentimentalized
Bethlehem, as for other parts of the Palestinian Occupied Territories,
continues to be under an illegal and brutal siege.
The town of some 22,000 inhabitants is cut off from the outside world by an eight-meter concrete wall built illegally by the Israeli regime.
The town of some 22,000 inhabitants is cut off from the outside world by an eight-meter concrete wall built illegally by the Israeli regime.
This regime,
based in Tel Aviv, has violated countless international laws since 1948 until
today, including the UN Charter and Geneva Conventions, to dispossess more than
95 per cent of historic Palestine and to turn that entire territory into an
apartheid police state, where Palestinian Christians and Muslims are killed,
kidnapped, imprisoned and thrown out of their homes with total impunity.
That duress includes Palestinian babies born literally on roadsides and in makeshift dwellings because of heinous, inhumane Israeli travel blocks.
That duress includes Palestinian babies born literally on roadsides and in makeshift dwellings because of heinous, inhumane Israeli travel blocks.

Hala was killed the day before by an Israeli air strike on the Gaza strip, allegedly in retaliation for the fatal shooting of an Israeli defence worker. It was the usual disproportionate criminal response from the barbaric occupying Zionist regime, which regularly and indiscriminately kills thirteen times more Palestinians for each Israeli fatality.
Bethlehem is
also surrounded by four large Israeli settlements ~ each the size of a city and
each of them built illegally in contravention of international law.
This Israeli construction has been at the expense of the farmers and shepherds of Bethlehem, whose land is confiscated and ring-fenced. Also confiscated is Palestinian water.
Israeli occupiers enjoy limitless supply of water for their villa swimming pools and gardens, while Palestinian farmers and families share dilapidated pipes that routinely run dry.
This Israeli construction has been at the expense of the farmers and shepherds of Bethlehem, whose land is confiscated and ring-fenced. Also confiscated is Palestinian water.
Israeli occupiers enjoy limitless supply of water for their villa swimming pools and gardens, while Palestinian farmers and families share dilapidated pipes that routinely run dry.
Palestinians who wish to visit Bethlehem from others parts of the West Bank or
Gaza and from other Arab countries are prevented from doing so by the Israeli
As Press TV’s correspondent Nel Burden reported this week, even in this special week of Christmas commemoration, the grounds given for denying entry to Bethlehem by the Israelis is a vague, callous one of “security”.
As Press TV’s correspondent Nel Burden reported this week, even in this special week of Christmas commemoration, the grounds given for denying entry to Bethlehem by the Israelis is a vague, callous one of “security”.
arbitrary prohibition on people celebrating their religion is a calculated
insult by the Israeli regime, and no doubt is part of its long-term campaign to
further depopulate Palestinian territories and “cleanse” the demographic facts
on the ground.
In short,
the Israeli military assault on Bethlehem and Christmas is but just one facet
of the wider genocide against Palestinians.
That genocide is allowed to happen largely because Western governments in Washington and Europe either support the Israeli regime with billions of dollars a year in military aid or, at best, refuse to hold Tel Aviv to account under international legal standards.
That genocide is allowed to happen largely because Western governments in Washington and Europe either support the Israeli regime with billions of dollars a year in military aid or, at best, refuse to hold Tel Aviv to account under international legal standards.
There are no
grey areas in this matter. Either we oppose the genocide or we support it
through varying degrees of complicity.
Ed Noor: Meanwhile in America the Jewish created Atheists ASSociation is promoting this attitude with gargantuan live billboards in Times Square. Is there a connection? Well, the same haters of Christ are behind both movements.....
Ed Noor: Meanwhile in America the Jewish created Atheists ASSociation is promoting this attitude with gargantuan live billboards in Times Square. Is there a connection? Well, the same haters of Christ are behind both movements.....
This is a matter that affects all human beings, whether Christian or Muslim, or any other. And the growing commercial and cultural boycott of Israel by citizens around the world is proof of a global awakening despite the moral torpor of their governments.
This is a matter that affects all human beings, whether Christian or Muslim, or any other. And the growing commercial and cultural boycott of Israel by citizens around the world is proof of a global awakening despite the moral torpor of their governments.
as Western political leaders send out their usual perfunctory Christmas
messages proclaiming goodwill, and while many of them attend church ceremonies
paying homage to the Christian nativity story, these same leaders are blind to
the ongoing real and urgent meaning of that beautiful story.
Believers hold
that Jesus came into this world as a sign of hope of human victory against
injustice and oppression, and as a promise of world peace.
Fulfilment of that promise depends on what other human beings do about it.
Fulfilment of that promise depends on what other human beings do about it.
In today’s
world, the Christmas story is as relevant and as powerful as ever. The same
location and circumstances of Bethlehem should make that shockingly obvious.
Finian Cunningham (born 1963) has written extensively on international affairs, with
articles published in several languages. He is a Master’s graduate in
Agricultural Chemistry and worked as a scientific editor for the Royal Society
of Chemistry, Cambridge, England, before pursuing a career in journalism. He is
also a musician and songwriter. For nearly 20 years, he worked as an editor and
writer in major news media organisations, including The Mirror, Irish
Times and Independent. Originally from Belfast, Ireland, he is now
located in East Africa as a freelance journalist, where he is writing a book on
Bahrain and the Arab Spring, based on eyewitness experience working in the
Persian Gulf as an editor of a business magazine and subsequently as a
freelance news correspondent. The author was deported from Bahrain in June 2011
because of his critical journalism in which he highlighted systematic human
rights violations by regime forces. He is now a columnist on international
politics for Press TV and the Strategic Culture Foundation. More articles by Finian Cunningham
World has to wake up to Israel crimes
World must move against Israel crimes
World has to wake up to Israel crimes
World must move against Israel crimes
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