Ed Noor: Once
again, Jonathan Azaziah gifts us with a university level course on the Middle
East. The conclusions Jonathan draws will either shock you or confirm
suspicions you already harboured about the horrific bogeyman ISIS. The
connections drawn between the Babylonian Talmud and the origins of Wahhabi
doctrine are made clear ~ the term Takfiri Goy Golem is extremely apt.
By Jonathan Azaziah
Apart from
the nauseating, reprehensible and oft-repeated “‘Israel’ has a right to exist”
meme, it is indubitably certain that there is no propaganda buzz-phrase heard
quite as frequently from the duplicitous yaps of vile, yellowbelly liberals as
“blowback terrorism”. The “blowback terrorism” theory suggests that terrorists ~
in this particular instance, those of the Takfiri variety currently represented
by the demented likes of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, along with Al-Qaeda before
them ~ are birthed via the womb of asinine Western foreign policy. However, as Mouqawamah Music Managing Editor Assad
al-Liftawi so aptly noted (1),
the Takfiris aren’t mere “blowback” from Western ~ and “Israeli” ~ foreign policy, they *are* Western-“Israeli”-GCC-Turkish foreign policy.

Due to the
blatant nature of its illegal and malevolent meddling in the affairs of
resistant, sovereign nation-states in the Maghreb and Mashreq, the US-“Israeli”
Empire couldn’t keep the proverbial gloves on its dirty hands for long, and
even the Jewish-Zionist-dominated mainstream media picked up stories on the
true nature behind ISIS in particular and the roots of Takfiri terrorism more
broadly speaking, despite its obvious intentions to provide as much as spin and
false context as possible.
The Sulzberger-family-owned
New York Times admitted that the CIA is running guns to rebel forces from
Turkey (2), and more importantly, released a
mega-bombshell when it noted that there isn’t a secular fighting force in Syria
to speak of (3).
Also in the
pages of the NYT, US President Obama ~ referred to adoringly by the Zionist
Power Configuration’s Chicago division as America’s first Jewish president (4) ~ made it clear that arming “moderate” rebels was nothing but
a fantasy (5).
deputy, Joe “I Am A Zionist (6)” Biden, blew the whistle on the Empire’s staunch allies in Saudi Arabia, Turkey and the United Arab
Emirates for their pernicious roles in incubating and facilitating the spread
of Takfiri fanatics across Bilad al-Sham (7).
bombshell was dropped by neocon-mouthpiece The Washington Post, which revealed
in a devastating story that a gargantuan contingent of fighters operating under
the fictitious “Free ‘Syrian’ Army (FSA)” banner who were trained by
imperialist states went off and joined ISIS or Jabhat al-Nusra once their Western-sponsored training sessions were
completed (8).

And yet,
even the tip of the iceberg remains unscathed. The illegitimate, usurping
Zionist entity’s hands, which have been present from the very beginning of the
war on Syria in the shadows, going all the way back to 2004 when Mossad and the Zionist-run,
Zionist-founded National Endowment For Democracy (NED) began cultivating Syrian
opposition groups (12), have now become publically exposed as well, on more fronts than were
previously known. The “Israelis” have been intimately involved in training the rebels in Jordan (13).
Moreover, as
confirmed by former FSA “general” and Jewish “state” quisling Salim Idris, “many, many” Mossad agents
are “very active” in Syria (14),
accumulating all sorts of intelligence for their plots, including spreading fear
mongering amongst the Syrian Druze community in Sweida about the collapse of
the Damascus government, solely to generate their support for the potential partition of a southern chunk of Syria (15).
Likudnik and the usurping Jewish regime’s former ambassador to the US Michael
Oren openly declared last year that “Israel” prefers Al-Qaeda to be in power
over the Hizbullah-Iran-aligned Syria of Dr. Bashar al-Assad (16), a stance which “Israeli” Intelligence Minister Yuval Steinitz
reiterated this week in the NYT by declaring that the Islamic Republic of Iran is a greater
threat than ISIS (17).
The plot
thickens still. Veteran Syrian “dissident” ~ i.e. US-Zionist tool ~ and
founding member of the “Syrian” National Coalition/Council (SNC) Kamal
al-Labwani, in an act of treason which cannot be more depraved, offered to give
the illegally occupied Golan Heights to the Jewish
supremacist regime in exchange for its implementation of a no-fly zone over
Syria (18).
as-Safouri, the commander of the Free Syrian Army’s Al-Haramein Battalion, in a
Youtube video uploaded this past summer, revealed that he has met with Zionist entity’s intelligence services,
obtained weaponry from them and broke down the process of transferring wounded
terrorists to IOF field hospitals (19).
Indeed, even
the UN has noted that at the very least, dozens of Takfiri terrorists have been
treated in the hospitals of the Zionist occupation army (20), with the true numbers likely expected to be in the hundreds, as every
week “Israeli” news channels document operations conducted in coordination between “Syrian” oppositionists and IOF (21).

Beyond the
medical treatment, political support and intelligence though, “Israel” is providing arms to the Takfiri rebels in
Syria and on top of an undeclared truce that it has with Jabhat al-Nusra (24), its warplanes are serving as Jabhat al-Nusra’s air force in the face
of the Syrian Arab Army (25).
Amos Yadlin,
the former director of Aman and infamously shady intelligence operator who
gleefully admitted to the Zionist entity assassinating legendary Hizbullah
commander Hajj Imad Mughniyeh and benefitting from Rafik Hariri’s killing (26), brazenly declared in his typically arrogant tone that, “ISIS is
not a significant threat to ‘Israel’ in the near future, and in an odd sense,
it even provides some strategic
opportunities for ‘Israel (27).”
Hence why
the criminal Talmudic maniacs occupying Palestine are providing foodstuffs to the Iraqi division of ISIS
(28), as well as giving it advanced weapons (29), and their Shin Bet domestic intelligence agency is gladly allowing
Palestinians from the 1948 lands to join its ranks, as this not only allows
“Israel” to have a direct role in the recruitment process of ISIS, but it also
will prevent those who depart from returning to Palestine, a policy suggested by Jewish occupation
regime Tourism Minister Uzi Landau (30).
Thus, two
strategic goals of the Zionist dragon are fulfilled: its proxy, ISIS, is
routinely injected with new Palestinian recruits ~ which bestows upon the
Takfiri terrorist outfit an aura of credibility in the eyes of woefully
ignorant Muslims worldwide as it is comprised of persons from the oppressed
Palestinian people ~ and it removes more and more “demographic threats” from
the land it continues to colonize and decay with its satanic existence, from
the River to the Sea.
With that
said, it seriously could not be clearer that ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and other
Takfiri gangs, trained by NATO (31) and armed by the Jewish supremacist entity, are not the ragtag
“moujahideen” that they try to sell themselves as to the unsuspecting Muslim
youth across the globe; they are tools of Zio-Imperialism. And with at least five Britons a week leaving to join ISIS
(32) and a French family of eleven departing only two weeks ago to join the Takfiris in
Syria (33), it’s also clear that Western
regimes aren’t engaging in any efforts whatsoever to curtail pro-ISIS
adventurism, despite their boisterous claims to the contrary. Why? Because, to
end where we began, and as the facts show,
Takfiri terrorism isn’t “blowback” but the very instrument which “Israel”, the West and their marionettes in the region are using to impose their hegemony on states that refuse to bow to Zionist diktat.

P2OG, is, in a word, the grandsire of ISIS.
Founded in
2002 by the Defense Science Board, which was run out of the office of Donald
Rumsfeld ~ the shabbos goy front man for the Jewish neocon cabal that
controlled the Bush administration, as well as the Jewish-Zionist billionaires
Stephen Feinberg and Michael Steinhardt’s mega-corporation Cerberus Global Investments, which was
responsible for setting up military bases and camps across then-occupied Iraq
(34) ~ and Iraq War architect and “Full Spectrum
Dominance” designer Paul Wolfowitz, P2OG overtly advocated using
assassinations, sabotage and deception to stoke the Iraqi people into
full-blown civil war. The shadowy, murderous intelligence agency, which worked,
and continues to work side-by-side with the evil “Israeli” regime’s Mossad, was
the brainchild of Zionist and PNAC (Project For A New American Century) member William J. Schneider Jr., who launched
an all-out media blitz to justify the legitimacy and legality of P2OG (35), despite it being the very antithesis of both.
Simply put,
P2OG, which remains fully operational and active, was and is creating Takfiri
terrorism ~ and Takfiri terrorists ~ as a means of justifying increased
Western-“Israeli” military-intelligence activity in the region. Without P2OG,
the growth of Al-Qaeda in Iraq and like-similar groups would have been
mute. One of the most daring and murderous operations that emerged out of
the P2OG-Mossad nexus was the Sayedat al-Najat Cathedral massacre that left
almost 60 Iraqis murdered in the mixed Sunni-Shi’a-Christian Karada district of
Baghdad on October 31st, 2010.
While the mass media reported the atrocity as the handiwork of ISIS’s precursor, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), a deeper investigation revealed that at the time, ISI wasn’t even operationally functional let alone capable of a special-ops-style assault such as this, and, as confirmed by a US Brigadier General, its alleged leader, Omar al-Baghdadi, was nothing but an invention. What really happened was an intricate Mossad operation, carried out with all of the genocidal “Tel Aviv” regime’s favourite toys, from car bombs to fake passports. As Hezbollah pointed out in the aftermath of the horror, the attack perfectly fit the recurring pattern of Zionism’s regional quest for destabilization and balkanization as well as the age-old “Israeli” plot to foment division between Muslims and Christians (36).
While the mass media reported the atrocity as the handiwork of ISIS’s precursor, the Islamic State of Iraq (ISI), a deeper investigation revealed that at the time, ISI wasn’t even operationally functional let alone capable of a special-ops-style assault such as this, and, as confirmed by a US Brigadier General, its alleged leader, Omar al-Baghdadi, was nothing but an invention. What really happened was an intricate Mossad operation, carried out with all of the genocidal “Tel Aviv” regime’s favourite toys, from car bombs to fake passports. As Hezbollah pointed out in the aftermath of the horror, the attack perfectly fit the recurring pattern of Zionism’s regional quest for destabilization and balkanization as well as the age-old “Israeli” plot to foment division between Muslims and Christians (36).
Although no
analyst could have picked up on this at the time, four years later, it has also
become luminously elucidated that the Sayedat al-Najat Cathedral massacre was
designed to plant the ISI/ISIS seed of terror into the minds of the sheepish
global masses, to lay the groundwork for its emergence as the most fearsome,
most efficient Takfiri terrorist organization ever.
However, now, like then, the fate of ISIS is not merely a link to the Zionist entity’s intelligence apparatuses but a front for them.

If the SITE
connection wasn’t shocking enough, further credence is granted to the factually
sound theory of the ISIS beheading videos of James Foley and Steven Sotloff
being pretexts for Anglo-Zionist intervention in Iraq and Syria when it is
considered that the videos were quite possibly staged. British forensic experts
believe that the Foley video is a fraud, citing “camera trickery and slick
post-production techniques” as indications of this truth (38), and Al-Jazeera, the Zionist-founded Qatari media giant
that has churned out propagandistic report after propagandistic report against
Syria from jump street (39), also
published a story suggesting the Foley and Sotloff videos were fakes,
prior to taking the report down after the uproar it caused (40).
Sotloff’s case is the fishier of the two, one of the utmost bizarreness really,
as he wasn’t just American but also “Israeli”, which begs the question: what
exactly was he doing in Syria? Moreover, Sotloff’s description as a
“journalist” strongly appears to be a cover, as he earned his degree from the Mossad-linked Interdisciplinary Center
in Herzliya (41). Besides,
despite “Israeli” and Jewish community media outlets ascribing the efforts to
“friends and family”, who else but the Mossad could have carried out a 150-man
operation to scrub Sotloff’s Jewish roots and
“Israeli” connections from the web (42)? Due to all of the Zionist monsters’ noted connections to ISIS on the
intelligence, political, military and logistical levels, is it possible that
Sotloff’s beheading video was a high-level PSYOP that Sotloff himself was
engaged in, to further International Jewry’s hegemonic agenda? With so much at
stake in the region, the answer is a resounding “yes!”
While some
ISIS apologists and sympathizers attempt to whitewash the Takfiri terrorist
organization as being hostile to mainstream media, saying the group relies on
its own media advisers to deliver its
message to the world at large (43), the reality is the polar opposite, and the Takfiri gang’s connections
to SITE, the Intel Center, Mossad and P2OG, going back nearly a decade, confirm
this as an undeniable truism. Like a twisted, more parasitic version of
symbiosis, ISIS doesn’t exist without Zionist support. Indeed, the relationship
between “Israel” and ISIS is most comparable to the shark and the remora… the
latter latches on to the former for scraps, while the former relies on the
latter to do its dirty work and clean up its mess.
Seeing ISIS
and gaggles of other Takfiri groups rampage through Bilad al-Sham and Bilad
al-Rafidayn, one cannot help but feel like the Jewish supremacist regime’s plan
to break up the entire Arab-Islamic world into smaller, weaker, ethno-religious
statelets and then take control over the region’s oil, gas and most especially
water resources, written in 1982 by “Israeli” foreign policy advisor Oded Yinon
and entitled “A Strategy For ‘Israel’ In The
1980s” (44), is being executed in real time.
And that’s because it is. Unable to militarily impose its hegemony on the
Arab-Islamic world directly, the Zionist entity, which strives to rule over a
region which stretches from Egypt’s Nile to Iraq’s Euphrates in its very own
Jewish Imperium, sought a different route, this time via proxy.
As Hizbullah
Secretary General Sayyed Hassan Nasrallah eloquently pointed out in a July 2012
speech, since the Lebanese Islamic Resistance achieved victory over “Israel” in
the 2006 July War with Syrian weapons and logistics, the usurping Halakhic
regime has been working on a new military strategy to destroy the Syrian Arab Army (45), and by definition of their roles in the Resistance Axis, Hizbullah and
Iran. ISIS is that new strategy.
In the wake
of Al-Naksa, after “Israel” conquered the rest of Palestine, Egypt’s Sinai and
Syria’s Golan Heights (Al-Jaulan), Zionist entity General Aaron Yariv launched
a study into how to establish a zone of “hydraulic security” which would put
all of Lebanon and Syria’s water resources under the absolute control of “Tel
Aviv”. During the genocidal Jewish entity’s 1982 invasion of Lebanon, now deceased
war criminal Ariel Sharon launched an operation within an operation, called
“Oranim”, to bring this “hydraulic security” zone to fruition and destroy Syria
militarily in the process. “Oranim” was a failure however, as the
Syrian Arab Army resisted and derailed the scheme (46).
This failure
did not put an end to the Zionists’ dreams though. Quite to the contrary. The
Yinon Plan and Oranim remain very much at the forefront of the illegitimate Jewish
entity’s political and strategic planning; it plainly realized that the
implementation of each of these stratagems would be impossible without a shift
in battlefield tactics.
Reflecting this are the highly publicized ISIS takeovers and attacks on waterways and dams in both Iraq and Syria, which aren’t being carried out for the Takfiri terrorist group’s own benefit, but for their Judaic masters’ century-old objectives.
The Jewish
“state” is in desperate need of water as its filthy settlers are either consuming
and consuming until lands are bled dry, or polluting springs and wells to the
point of no return. There is another “Tel Aviv” plot, the Yeor Plan, concocted
in 1974 to see Nile water diverted from Egypt’s northern Sinai region through
tunnels underneath the Suez Canal and ultimately, through the illegally
besieged Gaza Strip into al-Naqab, referred to by occupying “Israeli” Jews as
the “Negev”. The mafia-esque Talmudic enclave has waged water wars against Egypt, Sudan
and Libya in the name of this plan (47), and now, using ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and their Takfiri brethren as
shock troops, Syria, Lebanon and Iraq can be added to the Yeor-Yinon-Oranim 2.0
file as well.
Takfiri Golem?
In Jewish folklore, the Golem is a creature made of clay and brought to life through Kabbalistic rituals and Hebrew incantations. The purpose of the creature is to take orders from its rabbinical creators, defend Jews and protect the interests of Jews.Can it be argued, really, that the Takfiris aren’t such creatures? They owe their very existence to the Jewish “state” and its dangerous, Gentile-hating, rabbinically-driven, supremacist intelligence services, and every action that they embroil themselves in, from one end of the region to the other, is for the benefit of “Israel”. And just like the Golem of Jewish folklore, if Zionism was to act as a rabbi ending his spell over his clay puppet and pull its support from the Takfiris, they would crumble and fade away into nothingness. ISIS should change its name to IGGSIS: “Israel’s” Goy Golem in Iraq and Syria.

The origins
of the hatred for Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) began with a man seemingly omnipresent in
Jewish affairs, haNesher haGadol, ‘the great eagle’ Maimonides, who
believed the Holy Prophet of Islam to be a “maniac” and penned contempt-filled laws against Muslims
which requires the Jew to diminish and destroy them (52).
inserting many escape clauses into his work and presenting a great deal of
decoy texts to convince the goyim that he solemnly respected Muslims,
the writings of Maimonides reserved only for “the chosen” were nothing short of
homicidal towards believers in Islam,
with the most poisonous tidbits reserved for Muhammad (S.A.W.W.) himself (53).
What is most
revealing of Maimonides’ feelings on Islam is that behind the hatred and
incitement is an abyssal fear of it, as he swore in his ‘Epistle to Yemen,’
chilling indeed, “Islam is the cruelest and most
implacable enemy that the Jewish people have faced in their entire history
Taking this
declaration and applying it to the current geopolitical state of affairs, with
Maimonides being a rabbinical figure held close to the hearts of all Jews in
general and Jewish extremists distinctively, the same Jewish extremists behind
the slaughterous PNAC-Zionist wars destroying the Islamic world domino by
domino, the convergence of political directives and spiritual motivations is
illuminated: Zionism must destroy Islam so the ‘divine’ rabbinate can continue
flourishing as global domineers.
And since
Islam cannot be destroyed physically, nor can its Book, the Holy Qur’an, be
assailed, as ALLAH (SWT) promised to preserve it in the 15th Surah’s 9th
Ayah, International Zionism must then tarnish Islam’s image with the
most dangerous weapon it has in its “chosenite” arsenal: the mass media, which,
since Mossad’s false flag masterpiece on 9/11, has been pumping out piece after
piece, via television, print and the internet, depicting Muslims as deranged,
barbaric, irrational extremists hellbent on destroying the Western world. It is
within this context that “Israeli” Prime Minister and butcher of Gaza Benjamin
Netanyahu told a presidential conference in the usurping entity in June 2012
that “militant Islam” wouldn’t be defeated
until the end of century (55).
The Jewish gangster regime occupying Palestine, and its like-minded coreligionists across the planet, cannot adhere to the warning of their “great sage” Maimonides and wage a 100-year war against Islam if the “enemy” being targeted remains the same. The hasbara will grow stagnant and the minds of the world’s population will become less easier to control.
And with the brand name of Al-Qaeda growing stale in the wake of many its operatives, i.e. Mossad-CIA-MI6 assets, being neutralized in Somalia, Yemen, Pakistan, occupied Afghanistan and elsewhere ~ most notably Osama Bin Laden, whose “death” was even more of a sham than the Foley and Sotloff beheading videos ~ it was time for the Zionists to revitalize their Global War On Terror (GWOT).
Enter the fanatics of ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, whom breathed new life into GWOT ~ which would die in an instant without an influx of “Muslims” behaving malevolently to spread propaganda about ~ and were basically Al-Qaeda on steroids; flashier, glossier, more violent and not hostile to the Jewish supremacist entity even in the slightest.
these new Takfiri players adhere to the disgustingly sectarian ideological
Salafi-Wahhabi tenet of “Fighting nearby apostates is more important than
fighting faraway infidels”, and even more despicable, “Shias are more dangerous than Jews (56).”
As nonsensical as it is, according to ISIS and Jabhat al-Nusra, the usurping Zionist disease isn’t responsible for the region’s decay, the Shi’a ~ and their allies ~ are, and this is why, in unblemished collusion with the Jewish occupation entity’s designs on the region, the Takfiris are in perpetual attack mode against Hizbullah, Iran, Syria, Iraq and now, with the Zionist-aligned House of Saud sanctioning suicide attacks against the Houthis (57), Yemen too.This hateful, Zionist-backed ideology spewed and belched by the Takfiris is not in the same universe as Islam however, and it is not just important but existentially critical to make the distinction between the two,for the very linkage of Islam with Wahhabi-Takfirism is a crime against the former and an insult to its inherent purity, truthfulness and righteousness.
What Wahhabi-Takfirism most closely resembles is in fact Judaism. Like Judaism, which rejects the humanity of all other persons as goyim, that is, cattle, while upholding the Jew as “God’s” gift to the universe and which strives to keep the Jew separate from the “inferior” goy, Wahhabi-Takfirism is intolerant to everyone and everything which doesn’t submit to its own perverted line of thinking, be they Sunnis, Shi’a, Sufis, Christians, Yazidis or anyone else. Also like the Jews, who, since the very first prophet they came into contact with, have undermined those prophets, slandered those prophets once they passed away and sinned against those prophets and ALLAH (SWT) by changing the holy revelations and scriptures to better suit their hedonistic, demonic ways,
In another
example of blatant opposition to Islam, its love for knowledge and the
civilizational advancements that it inspired, ISIS has banned philosophy and chemistry
in Raqqa (59).
Within the
first issue of “Dabiq”, ISIS’s English propaganda rag, in the section entitled
“From Hijrah to Khilafah”, the Takfiri psychopaths make it clear that their
strategy is one completely *devoid* of Divine guidance and totally immersed in
lawlessness. ISIS says its terrorist fighters tore apart Iraq by unleashing
“maximum chaos and targeting apostates of all different backgrounds”. This
sounds eerily familiar to the Jews’ toxic Talmud which provides a multitude of
justifications for murder, hatred and other debauched acts. In BT Kiddushin
66a, one will find this declaration that puts all of the genocidal Zionist wars
of aggression into one hell of a perspective, “The best of the gentiles: kill him
For world
Jewry to reach its rabbinically-ordained position as globe holders, hatred for
the enemy, the goyim, had to be religiously institutionalized to absolve
Jews from wrongdoing in any act of subterfuge that they potentially engage in.
This is confirmed by BT Pesahim 113b, “Hating your enemy {goyim} is
permitted, even commanded (61).”
All of the
Zionist rabbis within IOF draw their authoritative power from this verse,
sending their fanatical followers into the olive groves, gardens, valleys and
hills of holy Arab-Islamic-Christian land to murder innocents. According to BT
Baba Bathra 10b however, there are no Arab (or non-Jewish in general)
innocents, “The deeds of Israel are righteous, but the gentiles are capable
only of sinning.” No matter how many crimes are committed or malevolence is
engaged in by a rabbinic ‘sage’ or his followers, it is just dandy. BT Hagigah
27a confirms none of them will ever go to hell. And if Jewish-Zionist power is
resisted, and the goyim fight back, BT Sanhedrin 58b demands vengeance, “A gentile who strikes a Jew deserves
death. Striking a Jew is in God’s eyes an assault on the Divine Presence (62).”
Is it now grasped why World Zionism hates Hizbullah, Iran, Syria, Hamas, Islamic Jihad, the PFLP and others of the same resistant mentality so viscerally?
frightening similarities between Judaism-Zionism and Wahhabi-Takfirism aren’t
as bizarre or ironic as one may think. In fact, there is an uncomplicated,
albeit incredibly well-hidden explanation behind the likenesses. As revealed by
the Iraqi security services in a damning, earth-shattering intelligence report,
Muhammad Ibn Abdul-Wahhab, the founder of Wahhabi-Takfirism, and the House of Saud,
his financial benefactors and greatest allies, are all descendants of the
Dönmeh, a fanatical Jewish sect originally from Turkey which professed faith in
Islam in public while secretly practicing the more mystical, Kabbalistic
aspects of Judaism and which was founded by Jewish false messiah Shabbatai
Zevi. Abdul-Wahhab’s grandfather was Tjen Shulman, a member of Basra’s
Dönmeh-descended Jewish community.
The first Saudi monarch, Abdul Aziz ibn Saud, was a descendant of the Jewish merchant Mordechai bin Ibrahim bin Moishe, whose roots were also in Basra (63). Therefore, Wahhabi-Takfirism isn’t just *like* Judaism, it *is* Judaism, and it is disgracefully using Islam as its Mask of Zion.
By granting
its Takfiri offspring such an extravagant amount of geopolitical significance,
International Jewry has given those resisting its tyranny one more tentacle to
be preoccupied with. Unbeknownst to the Zionists however is that those defying
its suffocating hegemony over humanity have blown the lid off its little secret
and they’re working tirelessly to keep it that way.
Takfirism is Judaism-Zionism and vice versa, and no amount of hasbara in the world can reverse what has now been ripped out from under the rug, for the entire globe to see.
Through the
exposé of ISIS, Jabhat al-Nusra and company’s military-intelligence-political
connections to “Israel” and NATO, as well as the Takfiris’ historical and
ideological Jewish roots, a new era has begun in defense of Islam and in
rejection of the US-“Israeli” Empire.
With the truth as our weapon, the destruction of IGGSIS, “Israel’s” Goy Golem in Iraq and Syria, will not just deliver a blow to Operation Yeor-Yinon-Oranim 2.0, but it will also bring humans one step closer to coming to grips with the fact that there is no greater threat to the earth than Judeo-Zio-Imperialism, for if Wahhabi-Takfirism is just its spawn, what lies at its Judaic core must be, by virtue of its essence, infinitely more hideous and iniquitous.
Don’t get it
twisted though, something with such a nature, no matter how powerful it may
become ~ and Organized Jewry is undoubtedly the globe’s most influential
geopolitical force – has no other fate but collapse, as darkness must always
face the light. May the faithful, disciplined and courageous hasten the
(1) ISIS is
not ‘Blowback’ from Western Foreign Policy; They ARE Western Foreign Policy by
Assad al-Liftawi, Mouqawamah Music
(2) C.I.A.
Said to Aid in Steering Arms to Syrian Opposition by Eric Schmitt, The New York
(3) Islamist
Rebels Create Dilemma on Syria Policy by Ben Hubbard, The New York Times
(4) Obama
And The Jews by Pauline Dubkin Yearwood, The Chicago Jewish News
Obama On The World by Thomas L. Friedman, The New York Times
(6) Biden in
2007 interview: I am a Zionist by Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynet
(7) Biden:
Turks, Saudis, UAE funded and armed Al Nusra and Al Qaeda by Sharmine Narwani,
Mideast Shuffle
(8) The
Terrorists Fighting Us Now? We Just Finished Training Them by Souad Mekhennet,
The Washington Post
Washington Admits: FSA Equals Fictitious Syrian Army by Finian Cunningham,
Strategic Culture
(10) U.S.
Humanitarian Aid Going to ISIS by Jamie Dettmer, The Daily Beast
Australian Jihadist Who Tweeted Gruesome Photo Has Long History Of Mental
Illness by A. Odysseus Patrick, The Washington Post
(12) Kiss Of
‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria I by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask of Zion
(13) Report:
Syrian rebel forces trained by West are moving towards Damascus by The
Jerusalem Post
(14) Rebel
general claims Mossad operating in Syria by Ron Friedman, The Times of Israel
(15) Syria:
History repeats itself in Sweida by Firas Choufi, Al-Akhbar English
(16) In
public shift, Israel calls for Assad’s fall by Dan Williams, Reuters
(17) Don’t
Make A Bad Deal With Iran by Yuval Steinitz, The New York Times
(18) Syrian
dissident wants Israeli help, offers Golan in exchange by Elhanan Miller, The
Times of Israel
(19) Syrian
rebel commander says he collaborated with Israel by Elhanan Miller, The Times
of Israel
(20) UN
reveals close links between Israel and terrorist organizations in Syria by SANA
(21) Leader
of terrorist organization in Daraa admits to visiting occupied Palestine to
cooperate with Israeli authorities by SANA
Netanyahu visits IDF field hospital in Golan Heights by Ynet
(23) Syrian
patients in Israel call on Netanyahu to bomb Syria by Hassan Shaalan, Ynet
(24) Israel
Is Cautiously Arming Syria’s Rebels — And Has A Fragile Unspoken Truce With An
Al Qaeda Affiliate by Ehud Yaari, Business Insider
Concealed By U.S. Airstrikes Israel Opens Nusra Path To Lebanon by Moon of
(26) ‘Israel
benefitted Rafiq Hariri murder’ by Press TV
(27) ISIS is
no existential threat to Israel by Amos Yadlin, Ynet
(28) Kurdish
Authorities Find Israel-Packed Food in ISIL Hideouts by Fars News Agency
(29) Israeli
arms seized from militants: Iraqi Cmdr. By Press TV
(30) 1948
Palestinians joining ISIS: isolated cases or organized recruitment? by Jamal
Sweid, Al-Akhbar English
(31) Iraq
Crisis: ISIS Terrorists were Trained by US in 2012 for Syria Conflict by
Johnlee Varghese, International Business Times
(32) At
Least Five Britons Join ISIL Weekly by Al-Manar
(33) Eleven
family members believed to have left France for Syria jihad by Al-Akhbar
(34) Jewish
At The Root: Iraq’s Destruction, Hell Weapons, Hatred, Networking And The
Interconnectedness Of It All by Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
Israel’s Fission Field Warfare: Pakistan, Iraq and Egypt by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask of Zion
(36) The
Baghdad Cathedral Massacre: Zionist Fingerprints All Over by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask of Zion
(37) Who is
Behind the Islamic State (ISIL) Beheadings? Probing the SITE Intelligence Group
by Professor James F. Tracy, Global Research
(38) Foley
murder video ‘may have been staged’ by Bill Gardner, The Telegraph
(39) Kiss Of
‘Democratic’ Death: Israel’s Plot To Take Down Syria II by Jonathan Azaziah,
Mask of Zion
(40) Al
Jazeera Deletes Story Suggesting James Foley and Steven Sotloff Beheading
Videos Were Fake by Ewan Palmer, International Business Times
(41) Steven
Sotloff, killed by Islamic State, had deep roots in Israel by Debra Kamin, The
Times Of Israel
(42) The
operation to hide Steven Sotloff’s Jewish and Israeli background online by
Yitzhak Benhorin, Ynet
(43) The
Islamic State’s media warfare by Ali Hashem, Al-Monitor
“Greater Israel”: The Zionist Plan for the Middle East by Israel Shahak, Global
Nasrallah: US manipulated Syria grievances by Al-Akhbar English
(46) Why We
Must Change The Narrative On Syria by Soraya Sepahpour-Ulrich, Counter Currents
(47) The
Zionist Infestation Of Africa Revisited: The More Details, The More Devils by
Jonathan Azaziah, Mask of Zion
September 11, 2001: Zionist shock therapy and the birth of the lie by Empire
Strikes Black
(49) Jewish
History, Jewish Religion: The Weight Of Three Thousand Years; Chapter 5: The
Laws Against Non-Jews, Section – Attitudes To Christianity And Islam, Page 98
by Professor Israel Shahak, Pluto Press
(50) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter — Pulsa D’Nura, Section – Jesus In The
Kabbalah, Page 791 by Professor Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and
(51) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter — Non-Jews Are “Supernal Refuse,” Page 531 by
Professor Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(52) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter — Maimonides And Islam, Part II, Pages 491-492
by Professor Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(53) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter — The Legend Of Maimonides The Humanitarian,
As Told By The New York Times, Pages 501-502 by Professor Michael A. Hoffman
II, Independent History and Research
(54) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter — Maimonides And Islam, Page 484 by Professor
Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(55) PM:
Militant Islam will be defeated by end of century by Noam (Dabul) Dvir, Ynet
(56) Why
isn’t the Islamic State fighting Israel? by Radwan Mortada, Al-Akhbar English
(57) The
road between Tehran and Riyadh: ‘closed’ until further notice by Fouad
al-Ibrahim, Al-Akhbar English
(58) Daesh
(ISIS) Want To Rewrite The Quran by Al-Jadeed; reprinted by Pakistan Defence
(59) Isil
bans philosophy, chemistry in Syria schools by Gulf News
(60) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter – The Talmud And Women, Page 375 by Professor
Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(61) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter – Talmudic Interpretation Of Scripture, Page
355 by Professor Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(62) Judaism
Discovered: A Study Of The Anti-Biblical Religion Of Racism, Self-Worship,
Superstition And Deceit; Chapter – The Superiority Of The Jews, Page 357 by
Professor Michael A. Hoffman II, Independent History and Research
(63) The
Dönmeh: The Middle East’s Most Whispered Secret (Part II) by Wayne Madsen,
Strategic Culture